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介绍了英国高校为防范学生抄袭剽窃论文而采取的措施,包括通过明确告知学生学校关于抄袭剽窃的有关规则、教授学生正确的学术规范,使学生不致因不了解学术规范而犯规;通过教师严格把关、使用学术不端检测系统、严惩抄袭剽窃者所产生的威慑作用来防范学生抄袭剽窃论文;不将发表论文作为获得学位的必要条件,使学生不至于为获得学位而抄袭剽窃文章发表.认为我国高校应借鉴英国高校的这些经验,特别是其多种方式的学术规范训练,以防范学生抄袭剽窃行为的发生.  相似文献   

结合本学院近几年为提高毕业论文质量采取的措施,从毕业论文选题和内容方面,分析了中药学专业毕业论文的现状,指出实验研究型论文质量较高,非实验研究型论文及综述性论文存在的主要问题是选题不当、开题报告内容笼统、论文内容抄袭、剽窃现象严重、文本不规范和答辩时间匆促,提出了改革的设想。  相似文献   

当前,我国部分大学生的学术诚信意识比较淡薄,具体表现为考试作弊、捏造、学术不诚信的行为和剽窃;作业、论文抄袭现象严重,实验数据随意作假等。这些现象的出现,不仅败坏了学风和校风,而且不利于创新型人才的培养。这篇论文的目的旨在剖析引发学生学术不诚信的根源,试图提出一些有效地提高学生学术诚信的方式以及预防或制止大学生学术失信的对策,这需要学生、教师、学校管理者和社会等多方面的共同努力。  相似文献   

为了提高学报对学术不端行为的辨别和处理能力,进一步提高学报的办刊质量,本刊已从2009年12月起,启用中国知网"学术不端文献检测系统(SMLC)"对来稿和待发稿进行检测。学术不端行为是指在学术研究过程中出现的违背科学共同体行为规范、弄虚作假、抄袭剽窃或其他违背公共行为准则的行为。教育部《关于严肃处理高等学校学术不端行为的通知》强调:"高等学校对下列学术不端行为,必须进行严肃处理:(一)抄袭、剽窃、侵吞  相似文献   

针对当前高校本科学士学位论文写作中普遍存在的拼凑、剽窃、抄袭等学术失范问题,基于对学士学位论文的作用和意义、学术规范的内涵及其与学术论文的关系等问题的深入探讨,建构科学系统的学术规范教育制度和论文管理制度是切实提高大学生学士学位论文写作水平的可行陛选择,这也为各级各类高校中文学科的写作课程教学体系的建构提供了新的思路,从而能够推动良好学术风气的培育和高等教育水平的提升。  相似文献   

新形势下的不良学术道德行为的主要表现有:利用收录到知网中的论文有一定的滞后性,抄袭并剽窃他人的最新学术成果;利用初审过关后审查的疏忽,在返修稿中抄袭并剽窃他人的文字;利用检测系统所认定的检测不端行为的方法,使抄袭剽窃不露痕迹;利用检测系统数据库收入的范围,顺利地通过检测系统的检测。文中提出了制止不良学术道德的有效措施:稿件发表前对稿件进行全程检测;以检测系统为辅,以人为主进行把关;加强事后惩罚;让反面典型发挥作用。  相似文献   

通过对中国与英国高校反剽窃的比较,分析了我国高校在学术规范的明确性、帮助学生了解学术规范和培养学生良好的学术研究习惯方面存在一定的缺陷。而英国高校首先会出台非常细致易懂的学术规范,同时非常注重采取多种手段确保学生了解学术规范,也注意从平时作业开始,建立体系规范学生学术研究行为,从而防止学生在学位论文中出现剽窃情形。我国可借鉴英国高校的做法,建立学生学位论文剽窃预防体系。  相似文献   

<正>为了提高学报对学术不端行为的辨别和处理能力,进一步提高学报的办刊质量,本刊已从2009年12月起,启用中国知网"学术不端文献检测系统(SMLC)"对来稿和待发稿进行检测。学术不端行为是指在学术研究过程中出现的违背科学共同体行为规范、弄虚作假、抄袭剽窃或其他违背公共行为准则的行为。教育部《关于严肃处理高等学校学术不端行为的通知》强调:"高等学校对下列学术不端行为,必须进行严肃处理:(一)抄袭、剽窃、侵吞  相似文献   

近年来,研究生中的学术道德失范现象越来严重,如果不对研究生中的学术腐败行为进行有效的整治,必定会影响我国科学技术的健康发展。本文旨在对研究生中的学术腐败现象进行分析,以探讨规范研究生学术道德的措施。1.抄袭、剽窃他人的研究成果。未经著作人允许擅自抄袭他人研究成果而以自己的名义予以发表,即构成抄袭或剽窃。如华东理工大学某博士生的博士论文因存在严重的抄袭、剽窃,被撤销博士学位,导师也受到处分;中国人民大学某博士因博士论文有26%的抄袭而被学校撤销博士学位;复旦大学也曾对某博士生因其毕业论文存在严重的抄袭问题而给予…  相似文献   

研究生作为我国学术共同体的后继力量,肩负着繁荣我国学术,促进我国科技发展的历史使命。然而近几年来,随着高校研究生数量的迅速递增,研究生群体中有关粗制滥造论文、抄袭剽窃他人成果、伪造篡改实验数据等问题十分严重。导致研究生以上行为的原因很复杂,  相似文献   

This study examined how community college students (n = 650) vary by generation and other characteristics in their evaluation of academic activities as cheating. A Likert-type instrument was developed based on the literature, pilot tested, and subjected to factor analysis. Results of MANOVA found no difference by generation in the evaluation of cheating related to exams/papers. However, significant differences did exist among generations in the evaluation of activities of fabrication, taking shortcuts, and making excuses, with Millennials rating activities less strongly as cheating than others. Perceptions of cheating did not vary as a function of other student characteristics. Implications for practice include the provision of clear definitions of allowed and disallowed activities in each course and the stimulation of interdisciplinary dialogue regarding the enhancement of academic integrity.  相似文献   

Academic dishonesty is recognised as a serious problem in Australia, and educators have been searching for ways to prevent its escalation. It is important to understand what factors influence cheating. This study used a sample of 446 grade 7 to 9 students, 160 from Macao and 286 from Zhuhai in China, to examine the personal and contextual aspects of academic dishonesty. The findings suggest that involvement and task orientation in the classroom environment (contextual aspects) and intrinsic value and utility value (personal aspects) are associated with students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and cheating behaviour in mathematics. Some suggestions for reducing academic dishonesty are included in the paper.  相似文献   

研究生是科技工作者的主要新生力量,科研论文的发表不仅对其未来的学术生涯至关重要,还决定其研究是否能在国内外学术领域得到交流和认可。因此,提高研究生科技论文论文写作能力具有十分重要意义。本文以食品科学与工程专业研究生为例,阐述了目前其科技论文写作存在的问题,并对其科技论文撰写的课程设计进行了探讨,从研究生意识培养、授课体系及考核方式等三方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

Academic cheating is a worldwide problem, which is exacerbated by perceived peer cheating. The present review of the literature quantitatively examined this perceived peer cheating effect. This meta-analysis included studies reporting correlations between students' own cheating and their perception of cheating in peers. The sample consisted of 43 effect sizes (38 studies) based on a total sample size of 24,181 demographically diverse participants from multiple countries (65% female) from papers published from 1941 to 2021. Results showed a perceived peer cheating effect of intermediate effect size (r = 0.37, 95% CI = 0.35 to 0.39), and that perceived peer cheating is among one of the strongest factors known to be associated with students' academic cheating. Moderator analyses using country level measures revealed this effect to be stronger in cultures that are high in power distance, collectivism, long-term orientation, restraint, and low in uncertainty avoidance and religiosity. The present findings indicate that the behavior of peers plays an important role in students’ academic cheating, suggesting that effective strategies to promote academic integrity will need to consider peer influences as well as the culture in which students are socialized.  相似文献   

Using a factorial survey administered to college students at two Universities, this study examines students’ tendencies to engage in academic misconduct. The relation of strain, self-control, and deterrence theories to likelihood of cheating are further explored. The results suggest that increasing the severity of the punishment for cheating does not deter academic misconduct; however, several variables indicating an increased certainty of being caught did decrease the likelihood of cheating behaviors. Only the strain variables that indicated a student had an ill family member or that the student found the course difficult significantly increased academic misconduct. Although self-control did not have a direct effect on cheating it indirectly affected cheating behaviors through students’ perceptions of getting caught and their perception of wrongfulness of the cheating behavior. Policy and future research implications of the findings are further discussed.  相似文献   

基于哈尔滨工业大学两年制硕士研究生培养模式,对海洋科学专业硕士研究生必修课程“学术写作与规范”进行重新建设,以“项目牵引+成果展示”为主轴,引入科教融合和政教融合理念,优化教学内容,改革教学模式,创新考核方式。将教师的科研项目和对应发表的高水平学术论文作为讲授案例,部分授课地点从教室换成教师实验室,通过网络线上线下答疑解惑,并采用多元化、过程式考核模式。上述举措实现了科研赋能教学、科研与教学相长的目的,大大缩减了研究生从课堂到实验室的时间成本,进一步激发了学生的学习主观能动性,保证了教学质量与效果。  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of academic dishonesty and the students who engage in it is necessary to develop appropriate policies and educational interventions to discourage such actions. The present study examines the frequency of academic dishonesty and the characteristics (i.e. gender, course enrollment, and grades) of students who engage in distinct forms of the behavior by surveying undergraduates at a large public university in the USA. Of 292 students, 57.19% reported some form of academic dishonesty in the previous six months, with cheating on a test being the most frequent form (51.71%). Men and students in a study strategies course had a significantly higher report rate for both plagiarism and making false excuses in comparison to women and students in a science course, respectively. Low grades corresponded with high rates of academic dishonesty, specifically in terms of having provided false excuses. Implications for college teaching settings are discussed.  相似文献   


This article reports on one aspect of a nationally funded research project on contract cheating in Australian higher education. The project explored students' and educators’ experiences of contract cheating, and the contextual factors that may influence it. This article reports the key findings from non-university higher education providers (NUHEPs). It compares survey responses from 961 students and 91 educators at four NUHEPs with previously reported findings from eight universities (14,086 students and 1,147 staff). NUHEP and university students report engaging in contract cheating in similar ways. However, while NUHEP educators spend more time teaching academic literacies and discussing contract cheating, NUHEP students are 12 times more likely than university students to report use of a professional academic writing service. Both NUHEP and university educators require systematic professional development regarding the relationship between the teaching and learning environment and students’ contract cheating behaviour. NUHEPs need to be cognisant of students’ vulnerability to commercial contract cheating services, and ensure they have access to timely academic and social support.  相似文献   

国际间学术和技术交流的日益频繁以及信息的全球化使得中国科技工作者用英文撰写学术论文成为必要。本文分析了中国科技工作者英文学术论文中的中介语现象,并探讨了其对专业英语教学的启示,以期提高中国科技工作者用英文撰写学术论文的能力以及专业英语教学效果。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊问题日益凸显。运用质性研究方法探析个案大学本科生考试作弊根源,发现教师监考不严,考试内容偏重记忆性知识,学生学习投入不足是大学生考试作弊的直接原因。而学生的学业准备度低,自我管理能力不足,无法适应大学的学习要求是诱发大学生考试作弊的深刻原因。由此,该个案大学应通过加强教师应对学术诚信问题的培训,改革考试方式,为学生提供学业帮助和支持,完善学术诚信政策等一系列相应举措来消除学生考试作弊的根源,从根本上促进大学生的学习和发展。  相似文献   

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