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论文从图书馆员专业伦理守则内涵、意义及内容三方面对国内外重点文献进行归纳,获悉目前各国及地区的图书馆员专业伦理守则可初步总结如下:各国及地区制定的时间差距较大;图书馆员专业伦理守则的内容受经济和文化背景的影响;图书馆员专业伦理守则的性质应是一种指导原则;新世纪新技术对图书馆员专业伦理守则的修订是一种挑战;图书馆员专业伦理守则内容的权利与义务不平衡。  相似文献   


Experienced medical librarians have been recruited by Mayo Clinic to provide contingency staffing. Functioning as just-in-time librarians, a nontraditional staffing plan was introduced in 2016 to affordably lessen stressors caused by fluctuating demands for library services such as literature searching. Contingent medical librarians were also needed to provide staffing coverage during the absences of existing full-time librarians, particularly Mayo’s librarians employed as solo librarians working in hospital and smaller academic libraries. A four-year, nontraditional staffing plan which incorporates contingent medical librarians has proved to be a helpful, affordable, and sustainable staffing alternative for the libraries at Mayo Clinic.  相似文献   

未来10年高校图书馆员发展趋势探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
未来10年,高校图书馆在不断吸收新技术、新思想的同时必然会呈现出崭新的面貌,图书馆员的角色也将随之发生深层次的转变,体现在馆员人数骤减、综合素质提升、工作职能扩大、工作场所突破时空限制和职业形象改善5个方面。高校图书馆员必须具备高度的责任感和敬业精神,强化服务意识,与时俱进,自我完善,才能适应未来社会和图书馆发展的需求。  相似文献   

建立高校图书馆立体交流体系的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石丽明 《当代图书馆》2010,(2):22-23,15
为提高高校图书馆馆员服务意识,提升图书馆的服务水平,文章提出在图书馆馆员与读者、馆员与馆员以及图书馆与读者群体之间建立一个全方位的立体交流体系,并以此作为支撑,充分发挥高校图书馆教学和科研的辅助作用,进一步提高读者的满意度。  相似文献   

从读者与馆员,服务与被服务的角度阐述两者的角色定位与义务及相互之间的关系,两者之间既相互制约,又相辅相成,构成一个统一体。图书馆员与读者相互依托,才能支撑起一个和谐的图书馆,馆员对读者及图书馆领导对馆员需倾注丰富的情感管理及良好的情绪互动才能使图书馆工作有声有色、顺利开展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]分析高校图书馆学科馆员参与学科资源建设的现状与需要解决的问题,构建良好的学科资源布局。[方法/过程]通过问卷调查和案例分析,阐述学科馆员参与学科资源建设的必要性与可行性,总结北京建筑大学图书馆学科馆员参与学科资源建设的实践过程、经验和问题。[结果/结论]学科馆员在学科资源建设中发挥着不可替代的作用,在数字时代,学科馆员的角色已发生变化,学科馆员在学科资源建设中多方面发挥更加重要的作用。  相似文献   

目前,高校图书馆的人才危机是一个比较棘手的问题,具体表现为:高素质年轻馆员的去职业化,直接影响到高校图书馆工作梯队的年龄结构;专业化馆员的大量流失,严重影响了高校图书馆的核心竞争力;馆领导分工不合理,任人唯亲,导致多数有志馆员消极工作;高校拨给图书馆的科研经费不多,促使大部分馆员产生职业倦怠心理。人才危机管理策略为:调整人事聘任标准,制定核心人才继任制度;提高图书馆员工作待遇,适当增加其科研经费;营造馆员实现自我价值的环境,尽量挽留专业人才;建立图书馆职业资格认证制度,推进其职业化进程。  相似文献   

主体间性馆读关系是一种共生性、平等的交互性的新型馆读关系,它是现代馆读关系的价值取向,理解和反思、对话和沟通是构建主体间性馆读关系的方法论基础和实践过程,通过倡导在理解、反思、对话、沟通交往的视界融合中,由传统的主客体二元对立的馆读关系模式转向主体间性的主体实践模式,真正建构现代主体间性馆读关系。  相似文献   


Librarians gather data on multiple aspects of their work. Much of the data collection revolves around the library’s resources, but what may be passed over during this data collection is information on how librarians are expending their time and effort. A group of librarians from a community hospital system designed a Microsoft Access database to collect such data and has been recording librarians’ efforts for more than three years. The librarians use the data in annual reports and can track trends to evaluate service priorities and maximize effective use of the librarians’ time.  相似文献   

What does it mean to be a professional, and do librarians meet the academic definition of a professional? Professions are strongly related to identity, and stereotypes associated with the culture of a profession are going to have some effect on the public’s perceptions of that profession. The stereotype of the vaguely purposed but somehow controlling older person (who “shushes” patrons to maintain silence) does not contribute positively to the professional image of a librarian. Library users do not even superficially understand what librarians do, and this leads to an undervaluing of the impact and importance of librarians. In the modern environment of budget challenges, it is important to be able to articulate the value of both libraries and particularly librarians. This article explores the sociological academic literature on professions to determine if librarianship meets the requirements to be a profession, if library literature supports librarianship as a profession, and why it matters for librarians to be seen as professionals.  相似文献   

在中国,图书馆员没有职业化,何来"去职业化"及研究?中国图书馆还没有进入"职业化"——法律的界定,"图书馆员去职业化"及研究是"非理性"的。然而,中国图书馆和图书馆员事实上的职业化是存在的,图书馆员职业是图书馆员赖以生存的物质来源、是图书馆员善心悦目的精神基石、是图书馆员朝夕相伴的职业港湾。业务外包是图书馆员去职业化的风险投资与不当支出,图书馆员"职业边缘化"及研究具有客观性,"图书馆员去职业化"及研究却是虚妄的。面对着中国图书馆职业"边缘化"的趋势和风险,应该推进图书馆员职业化,而图书馆员"去职业化"研究应该滞后。  相似文献   

Objectives:Within many institutions, there are debates over whether medical librarians should be classified as faculty or professional staff, a distinction that may have considerable effect on the perception of librarians within their local institutions. This study is a pilot exploration of how faculty status may affect the professional experiences of academic medical librarians within their local institutions.Methods:Surveys were sent to 209 medical librarians listed as having some instructional function at Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accredited medical institutions in the United States. Survey responses were captured using Qualtrics survey tool and analyzed for frequencies and associations using SPSS version 27.Results:Sixty-four medical librarians at academic medical institutions completed the survey developed for this study. Of the respondents, 60.9% indicated that librarians at their institution have faculty status, while 71.9% believe that librarians at their institution should have faculty status. Ninety percent of librarians with faculty status reported that they are expected to generate scholarly materials, compared to 28% of those without faculty status.Conclusions:Many medical libraries offer faculty status to librarians. While many medical librarians are active in instruction, research, and other activities normally associated with faculty status, it is not clear if faculty status impacts how librarians are perceived by other health care workers within their institutions.  相似文献   

女性馆员特点及素质培养   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对女性馆员在图书馆员工中所占比例高的状况,通过对女性馆员特点的分析,指出女性馆员走自立自强自我发展之路及开展针对性培养的具体措施。  相似文献   

Librarians often act as default copyright experts at their institutions and thus must have an awareness of copyright law and practices. Nevertheless, there is little in the scholarly literature about how well informed librarians are about copyright law. Through a national survey of professional librarians, this study illustrates librarians’ self-perceived familiarity with copyright concepts, interests in training, and sources of support for copyright questions. The results will be of interest to library directors and library and information science (LIS) faculty and could inform curricular decisions in LIS schools and may also be applied to local professional development initiatives for librarians.  相似文献   

"参考馆员"、"学科馆员"与"核心馆员"刍议   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
文章对参考馆员、学科馆员与核心馆员的概念进行了辨析,进而论述了三者的关系及其对图书馆工作的作用.  相似文献   

心理资本是员工所拥有的一系列符合积极组织行为学标准的积极心理能力的集合,能够给员工的工作绩效带来积极影响。本文通过探索性因素分析发现,高校图书馆员心理资本包括自信、希望、乐观、韧性、尊敬、进取、谦虚和奉献八个维度,并通过验证性因素分析证实了高校图书馆员心理资本八因素模型的合理性。相关分析表明,高校图书馆员心理资本的八个维度与馆员的工作满意度、情感承诺、工作投入和职业生涯满意度有显著的正相关关系,表明高校图书馆员心理资本具有良好的效标效度。综合实证结果表明,本研究开发的高校图书馆员心理资本问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可以应用于今后高校图书馆员心理资本的实证研究。图3。表8。参考文献24。  相似文献   

While academic librarians are dedicated to continuing education in the form of information consumption, they rarely view writing for publication as a way to improve job performance. This article introduces the basic tenets of the Writing to Learn movement and applies them to librarians' writing for publication to provide an argument as to why more librarians should contribute to the scholarly literature. If the primary benefit of publication becomes what librarians and their institutions gain through the writing process, more librarians and their supervisors should be able to justify the time and effort spent on writing.  相似文献   

ACRL recommends that librarians with faculty status have the same privileges and responsibilities as other faculty on campus. A recent study revealed librarians feel that being on an equal footing with other faculty improves the relationship. It is not clear whether disciplinary faculty feel the same way. This paper presents a study investigating faculty perceptions of librarians in two types of institutions: those granting and not granting librarians faculty status. The study found no noticeable differences in perceptions of librarians and library services. However, the authors identified variables other than librarian-faculty-status as important in affecting the relationship between librarians and teaching faculty. These factors can help better understand faculty needs. Effective strategies can be established to meet those needs.  相似文献   

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aims of the study were to examine whether and how librarians with a generalist background can transfer to roles demanding more expert knowledge in the health sector. The objectives were (i) to compare the education and training needs of health librarians with science degrees with the education and training needs of health librarians with arts and humanities degrees; (ii) to compare the education and training needs of librarians working in the National Health Service (NHS) sector with the education and training needs of librarians working for the health sector but within higher education. METHODS: Face-to-face interviews with 16 librarians, a convenience sample of librarians working in the Thames Valley NHS region. RESULTS: The main findings confirmed that structured continuing professional development (CPD) is required to meet the rapidly changing needs in the health sector. The emphasis ought to be on teaching skills, outreach work, marketing and promotion, research skills and methods, subject knowledge and terminology, and management skills. Library school curricula do not appear to meet the demands of medical library posts. A first degree in scientific subjects is advantageous in the early stages of a career but diminishes with continuing training and experience. There is no evidence of a significant difference in training needs and provision between the librarians in NHS posts as opposed to those in higher education (HE) posts. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions suggest that library schools need to update their programmes to include teaching skills, advanced search skills, project management skills, research methods, with more practical exercises. Particular attention should be given to librarians with a first degree in non-scientific subjects in terms of time allocated for CPD, quality of training and access to reliable mentorship.  相似文献   

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