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培智学校的教育对象是一些智能不足的残障儿童,如自闭症、脑瘫、多重残疾、精神障碍等,这些学生在情绪行为、肢体、语言等方面都存在着严重的功能障碍,需要教师更多的照顾和训练。我作为培智学校的康复教师,面对的孩子更是弱势群体中的弱势群体。在这一岗位上,我将自己的康复专业与特殊教育有机结合,用自己所学的康复专业知识帮助残疾孩子克服肢体、语言的缺陷,有针对性地开展康复训练,最大限度地帮助他们改善功能。  相似文献   

2021年12月31日,国务院办公厅转发教育部等部门《“十四五”特殊教育发展提升行动计划》,这是在中国教育聚集高质量发展、阔步迈向现代化的大背景下,国家层面对“十四五”特殊教育事业发展作出的顶层设计和特殊安排,体现了新发展阶段党中央、国务院对特殊教育的高度重视和对视力、听力、智力、言语、肢体、精神、多重残疾以及其他有特殊需要的儿童青少年的亲切关怀,体现了国家办好特殊教育的坚强决心。《计划》确定了到2025年初步建立高质量特殊教育体系的目标,要求普及程度显著提高,教育质量全面提升,保障机制进一步完善。为了实现这一宏伟目标,《计划》按照拓展学段服务、推进融合教育、提升支撑能力三大基本思路,大力度完善了相应的政策措施。  相似文献   

我国教育法律界定的特殊教育,是指对视力残疾、听力语言残疾和智力残疾的特定适龄人群实施的专门教育。发展特殊教育,切实保障残疾人受教育权利,最大限度地补偿他们的身心缺陷,实现残疾人公共教育服务均等化,不仅是提高残疾人素质和实现教育公平的根本途径,也是衡量一个地区经济发展和社会和谐程度的重要指标。  相似文献   

随班就读学生是指在普通学校接受教育的、有“特殊教育需要”的学生,主要是轻度智力落后学生,他们在学业适应、社会适应等方面均存在明显问题,同时还伴有不同程度的情绪行为障碍、人际交往不良等缺陷。  相似文献   

李栋 《大连大学学报》2004,25(1):102-104
依据“提高左手基本技术运动性生理学原理”和“开发儿童运动和智力潜能实验研究”的数据 ,阐述了学校体育在素质教育中把培养儿童的创造思维放在首位 ,使学校体育在增强学生身体、身心健康的同时 ,发挥体育多功能性 ,开发儿童运动和智力潜能。改革目前学校教育只按左脑思维的特点传播知识和培养技能的方法。结合自己多年的实践经验对全面推行强化左侧、双侧肢体和全身均衡活动 ,培养全面发展的全脑型人。从学校体育教育思想、教学内容、教学方法等方面进行深入探讨。旨在加强培养儿童的全面发展 ,实现可持续发展的理论 ,“中小学教育要站在开发人力资源的最前沿” ,为实现教育社会价值服务。  相似文献   

基于国内外特殊教育的发展趋势及国内特殊教育教师教育技术能力的现状,以“身心发展,缺陷补偿”为指导,从课程设置理念的转变、课程内容的调整、课程实施的改善等方面提出建议,以期提高特殊教育专业师范生的现代教育技术能力,优化师资力量,并更好地满足特殊儿童的教育需求。  相似文献   

体育教师的肢体语言魅力是体育教师的身体姿势、思想品德以及文化修养等多个方面素质的综合展示。本文在分析了体育教师肢体语言魅力内涵的基础上,对体育教师的肢体语言魅力在体育课堂中的应用策略进行了探讨。旨在为提高体育教育过程中体育教师肢体语言的应用效果,促进学生的发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

最新修订的“智力障碍”定义系统,更加注重个人功能状态的改善,强调特殊教育就应该成为最有效的支持体系,帮助智力障碍儿童更好地适应社会生活。根据中度智力障碍儿童的身心发展水平,特殊教育启智学校的教育教学活动,要从实际生活经验出发,提高他们的社会化发展水平,以形成广泛的社会适应技能为主要目标,并在个人生活、家庭生活、学校生活和社区生活等方面构成一个完善的课程目标体系。  相似文献   

关爱教育是特殊教育发展的基础。世界上的每一个人都需要得到关爱。这是一种正常的表现。对于特殊学校的智力障碍的学生来讲,关爱是他们成长道路上最需要的,是他们的希望。智力障碍的儿童主要表现为智力方面和能力方面有一定的缺陷,因此智力障碍的学生在接受特殊学校教育的同时,关爱教育尤为重要。  相似文献   

这里所讲的特殊教育,包括盲童、耳聋儿童、智力落后和其他肢体伤残儿童的教育,它是一个出家整个教育体系中的—个组成部分。在我们社会主义国家里,把这些被称为“残废”的人,通过教育培养成为“残而不废”或“育残成才”,对建设社会主义物质文明和精神文明更有特殊的意义。近年来,随着经济、文化的发展,我国许多省,市的特殊教育都有较快的发展。我省的特殊教育,在整个安徽教育事业和全国特教事业中,都处于落后状态,与当前社会主义现代化建设很不适应.因此,积极发展安徽特殊教育事业是刻不容缓的。发展特殊教育事业的重要性和迫切性  相似文献   

An examination was made of the case records and special educational placement decisions for a sample of 40 children, all of whom had been tested and/or reviewed by school psychologists during the year preceding the study and classified within one of the traditional special educational categories: intellectually handicapped, mentally backward, physically handicapped, hearing handicapped, visually handicapped, and emotionally maladjusted. It was found that very few children receiving special education were being returned to regular classes, and that factors other than the child's ability and/or learning/behavioural characteristics were strongly implicated in special educational decisions for mentally backward (mildly retarded) children, but to a lesser extent in decisions reached for children in other special educational categories. The study highlighted a difficulty likely to arise in a wide range of situations involving parents and children, where research access to case information must be balanced against parents’ rights to privacy and confidentiality of information disclosed in casework. Implications for the present results are considered, together with the need for alternative research strategies in this and related areas of enquiry.  相似文献   

本文对大陆和香港的弱智儿童语言教育目标、教育计划、教材、教育 手段、教育人员构成等直接影响弱智儿童语言教育的相关因素进行了初步的 比较。结果显示,两地在弱智儿童语言教育的大目标和主要教育内容、教育 手段等诸方面大致相同,但在某些具体项目,如语言教育理念、教材等方面有 所区别,各有所长。我们希望,通过此研究加强大陆与香港两地同行间的沟 通与互助,做到相互借鉴,以取他人之长补我辈之不足,最终达到共同进步。  相似文献   

In 1906, the Home of the Blind was established in Athens. This institution continues to offer its services but now under the title "Centre for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind." In 1923, The National Institution for the Protection of the Deaf was set up, and this, too, continues to serve the education of the deaf and partially deaf children of school age, with its five branches in Thessaloniki, Patras, Volos, Drama, and Chania-Crete. In 1937 was established the still existing Protypon Special School of Athens for educable mentally handicapped children. The Hellenic Association for Protection and Rehabilitation of Physically Handicapped Children was set up in Athens in 1945. In 1964 was created the Psychological Centre of Northern Greece, in Thessaloniki, which provides special education for mentally handicapped children. The Special Education Division of the Ministry of Education came into being in 1970, to become in 1976 a Directorate in the General Directorate of General Education. In 1972 was established a one-year special education course in the Maraslion Didaskalion of Primary Education. Since 1975 this course has become of two years' duration and prepares teachers for the special education sector. In order to be accepted for the course, applicants must have five years of teaching experience in public schools and pass severe examinations.  相似文献   

培智教育是我国特殊教育的重要组成部分。通过调查显示,目前我国培智教育学校办学形式多样但规模较小,招生出现多种类型残疾学生同在一所学校的情况。培智教育学校的办学困难既有办学条件方面的也有家庭经济状况的因素。发展培智学校教育有利于教育体制与体系的现代化,因此,应对培智教育学校性质进行界定,进一步完善我国的相关法规和政策;加强对培智教育学校的支持、管理与督导,提高培智教育的规模效益,提高教育管理者依法治教的意识及对培智教育的认识;重视对培智学校义务教育新课程的研究,加强对培智教育本质问题的探讨,以逐步构建培智教育的理论,推动我国特殊教育事业的发展。  相似文献   


Until April 1987 mentally handicapped children were legally excluded from education in Northern Ireland. Provision was made instead in special care schools administered by social services authorities. This contrasts with the position in the rest of the UK where all children have been educated in schools administered by education authorities since the early 1970s. A survey was conducted to investigate aspects of provision in special care schools. Comparative samples of special schools for children with mental handicap in England, and special schools for other categories of children with special needs in Northern Ireland were also surveyed.

Results show that the special care school pupils were disadvantaged often seriously, compared with the other samples. Staffing ratios were inferior in most respects of provision. Other resources were often criticized by head teachers as inadequate. The special care school transport system was also shown to be seriously deficient, causing the length of the school day to be reduced for a very large proportion of pupils. The inadequacies identified impinged particularly on severely and profoundly handicapped pupils, despite earlier Government arguments that the interests of this group could be damaged in a transfer to education.

Nearly one fifth of the special care school population were aged 19 and over, and nearly one third of the profoundly handicapped pupils were 19 or over. In many cases adults and children shared the same facilities.

These results are compared and contrasted with Government documents which claimed parity of provision in special care schools and special schools in England, and which adopted a stated policy of normalization in the development of services for the mentally handicapped.  相似文献   

Stanley Segal, principal of Ravenswood Village for the mentally handicapped, Crowthorne, Berkshire, was the foremost campaigner for an enquiry into special education, from the mid sixties onwards. He reviews events leading up to it  相似文献   

Further education helps young people to prepare for adult life and according to Newell (1982) local authorities have a 'clear and absolute duty' to provide full time education up to the age of 19 for all young people with special needs who want it. However, this study of further education provision in Wales carried out by Kim Bramley and Dr. John Harris, Department of Education, University College, Cardiff, found that not all further education colleges accept handicapped students. Among those that do there is considerable variation in the provision of special facilities and only six colleges run special courses for handicapped students.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代随着农村剩余劳动力的转移,农民工进城务工已成为一种社会普遍现象。近年来,农民工子弟的健康教育问题越来越受到社会的普遍关注。“北京地区流动人口子士专题健康教育”课题组,针对北京市农民工子弟学校健康教育问题进行了抽样问卷调查。在调查过程中,发现农民工子弟学校的健康教育存在着许多不足。农民工子弟的健康及健康教育问题,是关系到下一代身心健康成长的大问题,也是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分。因此,全社会应关心农民工子弟的健康及健康教育问题,使他们能在社会主义大家庭中得到健康幸福的成长。  相似文献   

本从教育的功能和目的、远程教育的特征及心理教育的价值三个方面分析了在远程教育中实施心理教育的必要性。远程教育心理网站的构建,实现了对远程学习的人关怀和情感交流,对学习的学习和身心发展起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

学前教育作为基础教育的重要组成部分,应该合理运用信息技术优化保教手段,改革保教模式,充分发挥动漫技术在学前教育中的作用,提高学前教育保教质量,进一步促进学龄前儿童身心健康、和谐发展。  相似文献   

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