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The dominant understanding of Internet censorship posits that blocking access to foreign-based websites creates isolated communities of Internet users. We question this discourse for its assumption that if given access people would use all websites. We develop a conceptual framework that integrates access blockage with social structures to explain Web users’ choices, and argue that users visit websites they find culturally proximate and that access blockage matters only when such sites are blocked. We examine the case of China, where online blockage is notoriously comprehensive, and compare Chinese Web usage patterns with those elsewhere. Analyzing audience traffic among the 1000 most visited websites, we find that websites cluster according to language and geography. Chinese websites constitute one cluster, which resembles other such geolinguistic clusters in terms of both its composition and its degree of isolation. Our sociological investigation reveals a greater role of cultural proximity than access blockage in explaining online behaviors.  相似文献   

Measuring visitor statistics is a core activity for any website provider. However, the analytical methods have so far been quite limited, difficult, expensive, or cumbersome. Google Analytics (GA) offers a free tool for measuring and analysing visitor statistics. GA was tested on three food composition websites (Denmark, Finland, and Switzerland). All the websites had a considerable number of visitors, which seemed to increase with the maturity of the website. The results also suggested that there were a considerable number of potential unreached users in Denmark and particularly in Switzerland, thus suggesting that promotion be increased and search engines be taken into account more during website design. About 15–20% of users visited the website more than nine times and about 20% spent there more than 10 min on the site. Following traffic from referring websites showed that most of the visitors could not be categorised as food or nutrition professionals. Our experience showed that GA was quite easy to use and gave useful and versatile information that can be used to compare different websites and improve the website design. Finally, we would like to encourage other food composition website providers to utilise either GA or another of the similar tools available.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical comparative analysis of mobile versus personal computer (PC)-based forms of Internet access. Drawing from an interdisciplinary body of literature, it illustrates a wide range of ways in which mobile Internet access offers lower levels of functionality and content availability; operates on less open and flexible platforms; and contributes to diminished levels of user engagement, content creation, and information seeking. At a time when a growing proportion of the online population is “mobile only,” these disparities have created what is termed here a mobile Internet underclass. The implications of this argument for digital divide policymaking and, more broadly, for the evolutionary trajectory of the Internet and the dynamics of Internet usage are discussed.  相似文献   

Online social networking has received increasing attention as a new phenomenon among online users. As Internet users utilize online social networking websites as a useful communication tool to maintain their social networks, this study explorers online social networking websites users’ knowledge sharing in particular. This study investigated the factors which influence knowledge contribution behaviors of social networking website users by sharing through user created contents with one another. By employing a socio-technical approach, this study discussed the roles of social system factors such as ethical culture, social tie, and a sense of belonging in online social network. Additionally, this study examined technical systems factors such as structural assurance of service providers and structural assurance of the Internet. The survey method was utilized in order to empirically test the research model. The research findings and contributions are discussed as well.  相似文献   

对政府网站设计工作的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1999 is the year the Chinese government establishes its website on Internet.All government organizations are preparing for their own websites. However,have a look at the websites already established by some government organizations,there are some problems in design.In this article,the author makes some suggestions about information contents,HTML documents,etc.  相似文献   

Government website evaluations do not always reflect the websites’ aims. Often, only aspects such as content and quality are considered, whereas the primary goal of these websites is to deliver public value. In this paper we introduce the public value perspective for website evaluation. A meta-analysis of website evaluation literature is presented, the findings being that there is no uniform or comprehensive set of website evaluation metrics and that the public value perspective is largely neglected in the website evaluation literature. Next, we describe how we integrated web evaluation and public value literature in order to develop a set of criteria used for evaluating the websites of sixteen Turkish local governments. The websites performed relatively well on traditional indicators, but less well on public values measures. In particular, we found that the websites are good at supporting requests, categorization and usability, but not satisfactory at providing platforms for citizen engagement, responsiveness and dialog. Finally, we argue that the public value perspective should be incorporated in the evaluations of websites and other public efforts.  相似文献   

陈铭  李晨  庄洪盾 《现代情报》2014,34(12):159-167
在社会化网络环境不断深化的背景下,网站用户逐渐开始利用微博、微信、来往等社会化网络工具获取网站信息;社会化网络环境下的用户体验成为影响网站成功的重要因素之一。本文在文献分析和深度访谈的基础上,以生活网站用户为研究对象,将其体验过程分为用户吸引、用户参与、用户分享三个阶段,提取生活网站用户体验影响因子以及构建生活网站用户体验的测评模型。运用专家访谈与问卷调查对测评指标进行分析,构建相关结构方程。使用SPSS19.0对数据样本进行预处理,利用AMOS7.0统计分析软件工具对相关因子进行检验及模型修正,为生活网站品牌深入用户内心,提升网站自身价值提供理论依据与指导。  相似文献   

The Internet is a massive expanding body of information, which is likely to play a significant role for clinical Biochemists and researchers in patient health care across the world. This expansion has been matched by an increase in the number of individuals using the Internet. Since its inception in December 1969 the Internet has grown rapidly and is anticipated to expand 100% in the coming next few years. This review illustrates to the Biochemists many uses of the Internet and hopefully provides a useful resource for professional and personal use. To explain the origin, functions, use and impact of the Internet and to provide a list of important website addresses related to Biochemistry. We undertook a detail scan of the Internet and identified a large number of websites pertaining to Biochemistry. The sites were then thoroughly searched to evaluate their potential usefulness to Biochemists, clinicians and researchers. This overview of the Internet and a compilation of important web-site addresses are expected to stimulate and inculcate Biochemists in the use of the web in teaching, training and research.  相似文献   

说起ARP病毒,大家一定不陌生,但是最近它又有新的举动,那就是结合网页木马,不仅会导致网络访问中断,而且还会让更多的客户机只要访问了指定的页面就会自动下载木马进行安装。这种危害尤其表现在提供了IIS服务的局域网中,例如在局域网中某台服务器安装了IIS服务,提供WWW访问,那么该病毒就可能会攻击该台服务器,只要用户访问了该台服务器上安装的网站,就会自动在网页中加上一段代码,从而实现自动网页挂马,而直接在网站源文件中查却很难找出蛛丝马迹。现我校也开始发现某些宿舍楼校园网用户出现掉线的故障,经调查发现,该故障应该是ARP病毒所致。今天我们就和大家一起来解决这个问题。  相似文献   

[目的]社会化媒体与社交网络的迅猛发展,驱动银行开始在其网站中嵌入各种社会化工具,为用户提供社会化服务。在这种环境下,影响用户使用网上银行的因素较传统互联网环境相比可能会发生变化。因此本研究聚焦于社会化媒体环境,探究该环境下影响用户使用网上银行意愿的影响因素。[方法]通过情景式问卷收集用户数据,采用相关性分析、多元回归分析、方差分析等方法进行数据分析。[结果/结论]在社会化媒体环境下,信息支持不仅可以直接正向影响用户对网上银行的使用意愿,还可以通过网站设计对用户使用意愿产生间接影响;情感支持可以通过正向影响网站设计而对用户使用网上银行的意愿产生间接影响;感知有用性、感知易用性、网站设计均可以直接正向影响用户的使用意愿,而感知风险则对用户的使用意愿具有直接的负向影响。此外,主观规范虽不能直接影响用户使用网上银行的意愿,但可以通过感知有用性对其产生间接地影响。  相似文献   

赵俊来 《情报探索》2014,(12):33-36
针对互联网数据中心(IDC)业务发展现状,梳理IDC业务涉及的主要法律关系,分析IDC业务经营存在或可能存在的主要法律风险,包括:行业监管政策的法律风险、网络安全管理的法律风险、IDC用户网站侵权的法律风险、与IDC用户业务合作的法律风险。最后,提出风险防范的法律意见或建议。  相似文献   

张明昊  杨怀 《情报科学》2000,18(4):368-370
本文提出了一种在WindowsNT平台上,基于MSProxy代理服务器的多台计算机同时访问Internet,客互站点访问控制以及根据需要按流量计费的解决方案,并说明了具体实施过程和据此开发的计费系统在图书馆多功能电子阅览室这一典型多机上网环境下的具体应用。  相似文献   

孙静  赵恒永 《中国科技信息》2007,(11):138-139,141
文章介绍了搜索引擎网页快照系统的实现以及在安全性能方面的研究。当前的多数搜索引擎网站提供的网页快照,能够使用户更加快速和方便地访问较早时期的网页,但它们并没有对其中的网页安全进行判断。文章中的网页快照系统在实现网页快照的同时,通过建立网页脚本语言学习解释器,运用机器学习技术、词法分析技术等对网页上可能存在的不安全代码进行判断和去除,从而保证提供给用户的是尽量安全的网页快照。  相似文献   

因特网上高校院系Web站点的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The World Wide Web,with the increase of tens of thousands of new websites everyday,is undoubtedly the most popular and rapidly developing part of Internet.Information can be obtained through browsing on homepages.Therefore,the quality of homepages is of particular significance. This article, combining with the establishment of the Information Management Department Websites as well as the practical homepage-making experience,provides some common skills and techniques.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate how customers experiencing different kinds of resistance to Internet banking perceive the information and guidance offered by the service provider. A postal survey was conducted and 251 effective responses from Internet banking non-users were received. Based on the earlier literature a typology of consumer resistance to innovations is proposed and four resistance segments, namely Non-Resistors, Functional Resistors, Psychological Resistors and Dual Resistors are identified. The results show that those customers reporting both functional and psychological resistance to Internet banking are more dissatisfied with the information and guidance offered by the service provider compared to those with only psychological resistance or no resistance to the innovation. Communication strategies to reduce and overcome different kinds of resistance to Internet banking are proposed.  相似文献   

The design of a quality website, as part of e-business strategy, has become a key element for success in the online market. This article analyzes the main factors that must be taken into account when designing a commercial website, concentrating on the Aceros de Hispania company and its business model. We have studied the features which determine website quality: accessibility, speed, navigability, content, and we have calculated the Web Assessment Index (WAI) proposed by Miranda and Bañegil [Miranda, F. J., & Bañegil, T. M. (2004). Quantitative evaluation of commercial websites: An empirical study of Spanish firms. International Journal of Information Management, 24(4), 313–328]. The results obtained provide several lessons which should be borne in mind when designing a commercial e-strategy. Firstly, it can be observed that Internet popularity and search engine positioning facilitate entry to practically inaccessible markets. Secondly, the navigability makes users feel comfortable and secure when browsing it, which increases the probability of a transaction being completed. Finally, the information provided on the website must be accurate, informative, updated and relevant to customers’ requirements. Like Aceros de Hispania, any company, thanks to the Internet, will be able to overcome the barriers which would impede its successful worldwide development in the offline market.  相似文献   

程慧平  彭琦 《现代情报》2018,38(8):90-94
[目的/意义]个人云存储网站影响力的有效评价对用户选择云存储服务有着重要的参考作用,为个人云存储服务提供商改善网站设计质量提供方向。[方法/过程]通过整合WebQual 4.0模型和中国顾客满意度测评指标体系,并结合个人云存储功能特征,构建了个人云存储网站影响力评价指标体系,运用层次分析法计算各层级指标权重。选取典型个人云存储网站(百度网盘、腾讯微云、天翼网盘、115网盘)进行实证分析。[结果/结论]研究结果显示,对个人云存储网站影响力作用较大的指标主要包括:存储容量、有用性、高效分享、用户规模。百度网盘网站影响力最大,115网盘网站最小。未来个人云存储网站服务提供商应更加关注网站存储容量、有用性、高效分享及用户规模方面的提升。  相似文献   

Question answering websites are becoming an ever more popular knowledge sharing platform. On such websites, people may ask any type of question and then wait for someone else to answer the question. However, in this manner, askers may not obtain correct answers from appropriate experts. Recently, various approaches have been proposed to automatically find experts in question answering websites. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid approach to effectively find experts for the category of the target question in question answering websites. Our approach considers user subject relevance, user reputation and authority of a category in finding experts. A user’s subject relevance denotes the relevance of a user’s domain knowledge to the target question. A user’s reputation is derived from the user’s historical question-answering records, while user authority is derived from link analysis. Moreover, our proposed approach has been extended to develop a question dependent approach that considers the relevance of historical questions to the target question in deriving user domain knowledge, reputation and authority. We used a dataset obtained from Yahoo! Answer Taiwan to evaluate our approach. Our experiment results show that our proposed methods outperform other conventional methods.  相似文献   

李祖培 《大众科技》2012,(8):44-47,10
文章分析广西农业信息网信息发布概况,以中文互联网数据统计分析第三方服务提供商CNZZ开发的数据采集统计平台为依托,随机选择了2012年5月广西农业信息网的用户访问搜索的关键字、应用的搜索工具、使用的访问终端、网络服务接入商、访问来源、访问深度、访问时段、访问来路等九个统计指标进行调查,分析了广西农业信息网用户访问行为的特征,得出以下几个结论:一是广西农业信息网用户以百度、搜狗、谷歌、腾讯为等主渠道进行信息的定位搜索;二是广西农业信息网终端用户手机用户约占1.95%,电脑用户占98%以上,农村地区移动互联网应用处于起步阶段;三是用户通过电信、电信通、网通、移动等运营商提供网络通讯服务的用户累计占到98%以上;四是广西本地网民是关注广西农业信息网的主体,占到接近60%;六是网民对于广西农业信息网的关注多为简单获取信息进行浅层访问;七是网站日流量呈现出明显的工作日流量大节假日流量小的趋势,访问以工作时间为主.提出了优化政府信息网站的7个方面的建议.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of different product presentation strategies (i.e., alternative- vs. attribute-based) on consumer responses to diagnostic and serendipitous website experiences. Drawing on the accessibility-diagnosticity framework, we propose that different types of information presentation strategies lead consumers to differently evaluate a website as being diagnostic and serendipitous. The findings from three studies suggest that attribute-based presentations effectively increase consumer perceptions of website diagnosticity and serendipity compared with an alternative-based format. Both perceived diagnosticity and serendipity significantly contribute to consumers’ overall satisfaction with a website. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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