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教学服务质量是学校所提供的教学服务满足大学生现实或潜在学习需求的特征总和。根据作用方式的不同,可将其分为教师教学质量和教辅支持质量。文章通过对1474名在杭普通高校在读大学生的问卷调查,运用回归分析、结构方程建模探讨了教学服务质量对大学生学习行为的影响状况。结果显示,教师教学质量一方面直接影响学生的学习绩效,另一方面通过影响学习投入间接影响其学习绩效;教辅支持质量并不直接影响学习绩效,而是通过影响学习投入间接影响其学习绩效;教辅支持质量对学习投入的正向影响高于教师教学质量。基于以上结论,本文提出高校要掌握学生对教学服务的真实感知,完善教学支持系统,提倡"以学定教"的评价理念,关注学生投入状态,动态调整教学和管理过程。  相似文献   

随着海峡两岸交往的日益频繁,连接两岸的旅游业将日益蓬勃发展;为了满足海峡两岸旅游业界对人才的需求和对高素质旅游人才的渴望,提升两岸旅游业界的服务质量和人员素质,海峡两岸的高等旅游职业教育的互动与发展势在必行。在互动与交流中,两岸的旅游教育将在办学理念、教学模式、课程建设、师资队伍建设、教学与科研等诸多方面有一个新的飞跃。  相似文献   

教学督导的目的是促进教师教学水平的提高,改进、完善学校教学管理和教学服务质量,促进、提高学生的自主学习能力。本文从开展多维教学督导运行模式的实践中,探索高校多维教学督导模式的可行性。  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的发展,在线教育已成为当今世界重要的教育方式之一。本研究以陕西省5539名本科生为调查对象,探讨在线教育服务质量、学习投入及学习满意度之间的关系。结果表明:(1)学生对在线教学服务质量和学习投入水平感到满意;(2)年级及学科类别影响大学生在线学习投入和学习满意度;(3)在线教学服务质量正向预测大学生学习满意度,学习投入在在线教学服务质量和学习满意度间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

本文着重从海峡两岸的农业、工业和服务业现状出发 ,对两岸产业发展进行横向对比研究 ,既肯定两岸在各产业中的成就 ,两岸各产业发展的特征 ,又正视两岸各产业发展中存在的矛盾 ,以便在两岸产业发展的全方位、大视野中进一步认识两岸产业合作的客观基础  相似文献   

孙宇  候音 《继续教育研究》2014,(12):118-119
随着智能手机和手机操作系统的普及与日渐成熟,3G通信服务业务的推出和广泛使用,移动学习,这种教学活动不受时间、空间和地域的限制,在方便性以及服务质量上都发生空前变化。文章介绍移动教学的概念及主要模式,构建教学应用体系,使学生能自主创建学习环境,同时推动教师专业化发展。  相似文献   

2014年11月17-18日,两岸四地大学教学文化与教师发展学术研讨会在厦门大学隆重召开。本次会议由厦门大学高等教育发展研究中心、厦门大学教师发展中心、高等教育质量建设协同创新中心、福建省高校教师发展中心联盟共同举办。来自两岸四地的200多位学者出席了本次会议,收到论文90余篇。  相似文献   

赵熙 《上海教育》2012,(28):50-51
随着远程教育的发展,越来越多的研究开始从学习者角度来关注远程学习服务。服务质量是指服务或服务业满足规定或潜在要求的特征和特性的总和。远程教育从本质上说是一种服务,在教育实践中,由于远程教育形式的特殊性,远程教育更需要体现服务的意识。随着远程教育的发展,越来越多的研究开始从学习者角度来关注远程学习服务,目前相关研究成果主要集中在远程学习服务质量测量维度和远程学习满意感的研究上。  相似文献   

赵熙 《上海教育》2012,(19):50-51
随着远程教育的发展,越来越多的研究开始从学习者角度来关注远程学习服务。服务质量是指服务或服务业满足规定或潜在要求的特征和特性的总和。远程教育从本质上说是一种服务,在教育实践中,由于远程教育形式的特殊性,远程教育更需要体现服务的意识。随着远程教育的发展,越来越多的研究开始从学习者角度来关注远程学习服务,目前相关研究成果主要集中在远程学习服务质量测量维度和远程学习满意感的研究上。  相似文献   

今年4月.来自两岸四地及新加坡的教授、校长、教师,总共670多人(两天)齐聚台湾台中教育大学,拉开期待已久的两岸四地暨新加坡语文创意教学交流活动帷幕,为两岸教育交流立下里程碑。  相似文献   

Despite a growing number of studies on the effectiveness of teaching and quality in higher education, reports indicate that more work is needed regarding meeting expectations in teaching quality, in particular, in investigating lecturers’ application of pedagogical knowledge when transferring discipline-specific knowledge. This study aimed to investigate the perceptions of both students and lecturers on teaching in higher education in two countries. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative data in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of the research problems and to obtain sufficiently detailed data. The results indicated a difference between students’ and lecturers’ perceptions regardless of country, highlighting a discrepancy over views on the pedagogical competence of lecturers. Although this was a small-scale study in two countries, the results pointed to the failure of university lecturers to meet students’ expectations in terms of teaching quality. The study suggested that, regardless of subject area, it would be beneficial to emphasize self-reflection, awareness, improvement of teaching skills, and consequent changes in students learning. University administrations should also have realistic expectations of lecturers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the proposition that the quality of university teaching in the research-intensive university is affected by various compliance demands on academic work that are meant to either enhance or be complementary to teaching. These include holding academics to account for the quality of both research and teaching. Our research aims to contribute to evolving theories about the research-teaching nexus and the relationship between compliance and teaching quality. Twenty five in-depth interviews were undertaken with lecturers at a research-intensive university. It was found that research was valued more than teaching, and teaching quality only needed to be good enough to achieve career goals. Once a certain compliance level had been reached in teaching, lecturers could justify apportioning more time for research. We have described teaching in this context as ‘vanilla’ and argue that vanilla teaching is a rationale choice for university academics.  相似文献   

Pragmatic social constructivist teaching methods require students to construct knowledge by engaging collaboratively with realistic problems, cases or projects. It is hypothesised that they are more effective than traditional didactic teaching methods in developing undergraduate students’: (1) theoretical knowledge; (2) profession‐specific skills; and (3) knowledge creation capacity. Results of a survey show the second and third learning effects to be salient among Australian university lecturers, but not the first. Lecturers report that these teaching methods have been adopted more widely in human service‐related faculties and design‐related faculties than in business‐related faculties, possibly owing to the lesser emphasis placed by business lecturers on developing students’ profession‐specific skills and knowledge creation capacity. A corresponding survey of business practitioners revealed a surprising gap between the value that business practitioners place on new graduates’ knowledge creation capacity and the rather limited emphasis that business lecturers place upon developing that capacity in their undergraduate students.  相似文献   


Demand for English-taught courses (ETCs) is growing exponentially in non-English speaking universities. These courses require new teaching competences of lecturers, most obviously English language proficiency and intercultural skills. Given the high workloads academics are currently burdened with, it can be expected that this form of teaching is presenting them with a considerable challenge. Despite this, little is known about their ETC teaching experiences. This study addressed this issue by examining and comparing beginning and experienced ETC lecturers’ perspectives on their practices. The study was conducted at a university in Taiwan. Ten academics were interviewed in-depth, some two to three times over a two-year period. The study found the two groups’ experiences were polar opposites. This paper argues an awareness of English as a lingua franca accompanied by student-centered teacher concerns led to the senior cohort’s positive ETC teaching experiences, while a lack thereof gave rise to the beginning lecturers’ unfavorable experiences.  相似文献   

摘要:研究表明:两岸高中化学教材存在诸多不同;用简便的列表方法,不难对两岸高中化学教材进行面上比较;紧密结合两岸的教学实际,合理解释、正确理解比较的结果,可以使台湾教材的某些好的理念、内容和方法应用到大陆的教学过程,着实提高教学质量。  相似文献   

台湾农产品进入大陆市场只能是权宜之计。从长计议,两岸农业合作的根本途径是将具有显著比较优势差异的资源要素进行整合,以提高配置效率,取得双赢的效果。改革开放以来,闽台农业合作的实践表明:资源要素直接流动与整合是两岸农业合作的理性选择与有效模式;政府的政策与服务创新,是促进两岸农业进一步合作,创新区域农业竞争力的关键。  相似文献   

This study investigates the viewpoints of higher education managers, staff, lecturers and students on the impacts of accreditation in institutional quality management. These views are explored via a case study approach involving semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders at a leading university in Vietnam. The study’s results suggest that accreditation influences most of the university’s management activities, including programmes, teaching activities, lecturers, supporting staff, learners and facilities. We argue the influence of accreditation contributes significantly to enhancing the university’s quality of teaching, learning, research and management. Recommendations for improvement in the use of accreditation results are proposed.  相似文献   

During educational change, managers can contribute positively to the professional’s sense of coping ability. The question remains as to whether the managers of lecturers can also influence the perception of lecturers on newly formulated organizational aims. Recently, the changes in many European institutes of higher professional education (HPE) have been considerable. The innovationsathand include the Dutch HPE institutes changing from teaching-only institutes toward hybrid organizations for teaching and research. The role of lecturers is central in implementing research into HPE, especially into the educational programmes. Hence, lecturers’ view on the new organizational aims are crucial. Based on a quantitative design, lecturers’ perceptions on the new organizational aims are measured. As part of a structural equation model, these perceptions are related to how lecturers perceive their direct executives’ leadership style, directly as well as mediated by executive-imputed organizational structures as collaboration systems and decision-making processes. The results show that the direct influence of executives based on their leadership style is limited, while initiating lecturers’ participation in decision-making processes is an important influence on lecturers’ perceptions on new organizational aims. More empirical insight into leadership factors and organizational structures can enlarge the improvement of goal achievement during organizational change.  相似文献   

Teaching practitioners in all education sectors commonly face expectations to engage in ‘learner-focused’ teaching, although the term is defined and interpreted in a myriad of ways. In higher education, some studies have examined links between learner-focused teaching and academic disciplines. This article reports on a study which investigates the ways in which practitioners in different discipline areas conceive of, and report, different approaches to teaching. For 344 lecturers in a polytechnic in Singapore, data from the Approaches to Teaching Inventory indicated that these lecturers, as a group, reported paying more attention to teacher-focused approaches to teaching. Further, lecturers teaching a subject in a ‘hard’ discipline were more likely to report a teacher-focused approach to teaching for that subject. Conversely, those lecturers teaching a subject in a ‘soft’ discipline were more likely to report a learner-focused approach. The implications of this for staff development will be discussed.  相似文献   

While there are many studies exploring the phenomenon of lecturers’ use of learning technology within teaching practices in western higher education contexts, currently we know little about this phenomenon within less developed countries. In the paper, we discuss the findings from a phenomenographic study of lecturers’ conceptions of using learning technology in a Pakistani university context. We describe how lecturers’ use of learning technology is underpinned by their pedagogical understanding. Furthermore, we show that prevailing contextual socio-economic and technological limitations affect lecturers’ daily pedagogical practices and use of learning technology. The results of the study demonstrate the importance and influence of lecturers’ pedagogical understandings and of contextual limitations within daily teaching practices on their experiences of using learning technology. The findings have wider implications for our understanding of the variation in ways learning technology is understood and used within pedagogical practice in other developing and more developed contexts.  相似文献   

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