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Spatial understanding of complex anatomical concepts is often a challenge for learners, as well as for educators. It is even more challenging for students with low mental spatial abilities. There are many options to teach spatial relationships, ranging from simple models to high-end three-dimensional (3D) virtual reality tools. Using a randomized controlled trial design, this study explored the use of a unique combination of deictic and iconic hand gestures to enhance spatial anatomical understanding, coining the term “Air Anatomy”. The control group (n = 45) was given a lecture on the anatomy of extraocular muscles, while the intervention group (n = 49) received the same lecture including “Air Anatomy” hand gestures. When compared to the control group, the post-test scores for the intervention group were significantly higher for basic recall (P < 0.001; Mann–Whitney U test) and for the application of knowledge (P = 0.015; Mann–Whitney U test). Students with low to moderate spatial ability (as assessed by a mental rotation test) were found to benefit most by this technique. Students in the intervention group also reported a lower extrinsic cognitive load and higher germane load, when compared to the control group. An instructional skills questionnaire survey indicated the effectiveness of this technique in improving overall classroom experience. Feedback of the students in the intervention group was also favorable for instruction using “Air Anatomy”. The study suggests that “Air Anatomy” is a useful, “no-cost”, accessible method that aids spatial understanding of anatomical concepts.  相似文献   

This study examines the anatomy of a teacher–student feedback encounter by qualitatively analysing live recordings of feedback between a teacher and her student in upper secondary school in Norway. By conducting a conversation analysis, this research identifies the overall organisation of the encounter. The results reveal that, first, the teacher used questions to establish a basis to promote her own agenda and worked to optimise students' contributions by providing positive feedback and minimising critiques and disagreement and second, the student approached the teacher's feedback with resistance. The study concludes with pedagogical implications for practice.  相似文献   

【要点精讲】一、a few和few用来修饰或代替可数名词。few作"少数的"讲,表示否定意义。a few意为"有一些",表示肯定意义。a little和little用来修饰或代替不可数名词。little意为"少量的",表示否定意  相似文献   

在中学英语课本中,有些英语词汇只有一"a"之差,却在用法和意义上有较大差别。为了便于同学们集中复习,掌握该类词的特点,现归纳并简析如下:1 sleep,asleep(睡)简析:两者均含有"睡"的意思。Sleep可用作名词和动词;asleep是形容词,通常用作表语,不能用作定语。例如:  相似文献   

This paper examines a Special Issue of Educational Studies in Mathematics comprising research reports centred on Peircian semiotics in mathematics education, written by some of the major authors in the area. The paper is targeted at inspecting how subjectivity is understood, or implied, in those reports. It seeks to delineate how the conceptions of subjectivity suggested are defined as a result of their being a function of the domain within which the authors reflexively situate themselves. The paper first considers how such understandings shape concepts of mathematics, students and teachers. It then explores how the research domain is understood by the authors as suggested through their implied positioning in relation to teachers, teacher educators, researchers and other potential readers.
Tony BrownEmail:

Museums are used in every discipline to collect, classify, and present information for scientific purposes. They also serve as an effective educational medium. Since the establishment of a boutique anatomy museum at Bahçeşehir University, lectures, conferences, and seminars have been organized there over the past four years on the history of human anatomy and the human body. In order to raise awareness about the need to make anatomy accessible to kindergarteners and school-aged children, rather than exclusively to undergraduate students, activities that are suited to a wide range of ages have been developed at the museum and at the anatomy laboratory. Four different sessions were conducted, including activities such as lectures using plastic models as props, shaping organs out of playdough, anatomy puzzles, watching cartoons, and examining specimens through a microscope. Healthy and pathologic anatomies were chosen to match daily themes. Among the kindergarteners and elementary school children, no grading was done, nor was any questionnaire administered; however, a survey was administered in the 10–12 age group (N = 64). According to the students' written feedback, 93.75% said they “are happy with microscope activities” while 84.37% said they “had so much fun” participating in the playdough activities. However, 18.75% criticized the activities, saying they “could have been longer.” In conclusion, it is believed that these “getting to know our bodies” activities that were hosted in the anatomy museum, including conferences, workshops, material preparation, and instructional movies, may play an important role in the development of a healthy society.  相似文献   

My name is Chen Jieyu. I am a girl. My mother and I went to the hairdresser‘s the day before yesterday. Now I have short hair.  相似文献   

Anatomy is a core course in undergraduate nursing curriculum. In today’s nursing profession, the integration of biosciences and humanities is increasingly emphasized. Anatomy is considered one of the most essential bioscience subjects for nursing practice. Thus, integrating a silent mentor program into the anatomy course can enrich the knowledge of undergraduate nursing students regarding biosciences and humanities and enhance their future patient-centered care competencies. This article aimed to understand the students’ perceptions of integrating a silent mentor program into the anatomy course. Qualitative approach included four focus group interviews. Themes were developed using the analytic induction technique. Twenty-five second-year undergraduate nursing students from a university were recruited. Semi-structured interviews were used to guide four focus group interviews. Focus group interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. According to the preliminary findings, nursing students regarded silent mentors not only as teaching tools but also as tools to learn more than anatomy. Students greatly respected the silent mentors and were highly engaged in the anatomy course. They expected to become better students or future nurses. Four themes were identified from the interviews: emotional transformation, caring spirit, course engagement, and self-expectation. The findings suggest that the silent mentor program offered students a beneficial learning experience and stimulated their developing competency in nursing humanities. How the silent mentor program can help students achieve optimum academic performance and how their positive experience of the program and humanistic spirit translates into clinical practice in future should be studied further.  相似文献   

Blancke  Stefaan  Boudry  Maarten 《Science & Education》2022,31(5):1141-1154
Science & Education - Modern democratic societies tend to appeal to the authority of science when dealing with important challenges and solving their problems. Nevertheless, distrust in science...  相似文献   

This paper examines the teaching practices of one American Indian teacher in a high school literature class. It explores the teacher's use of narrative as an instructional strategy designed to convey abstract concepts through concrete experience. The narratives engage students in critical thinking and personal reflection, and provide them with the opportunity to make connections between social and historical contexts. In addition, the teacher uses stories to contrast multiple contexts with personal experiences, which reflects teaching strategies previously identified as those used by effective teachers. There is evidence that sharing ideas and concepts through story is an important way of encouraging social relations and helping students make connections between what they are learning in school and what they know of the world. Based on data analysis, this study presents a model of the teacher's use of narrative as a strategy to pose critical questions, frame a context for discussion, encourage students to reflect on personal perspectives, and introduce ideas and concepts. The model provides a visual representation of the teacher's use of narrative as a way of clarifying course content, contextualizing meaning, and reinforcing understanding.  相似文献   

“abit”与“alittle”用法之异同李燕霞这两个词组从意义上讲都有“一点儿”的意思;从词性上讲little是形容词,bit是名词;用法上,两者有时是同义词可以互换,有时却是反义词,意思正好相反。现将它们的用法归纳如下:1)两者都有名词的功能.在...  相似文献   

The potential of the Internet for Education has been enthusiastically reported by many. It is clear, though, that science educators need to be prepared and supported in order to adopt it, as is the case with any innovation. But first they should be motivated; and one way to do this is by letting them experience the benefits of the innovation in their own learning. By showing them appropriate uses, no matter how modest, in teacher preparation courses, we can motivate and influence future science teachers; they, like any teachers, tend to model what is taught by example. This paper describes one use of the Web in support of learning in a course in Chemistry Methods for pre-service teachers at Université de Montréal. Designed as a weekly, it is a site meant to be an integral, if not central, part of the course. In addition to permanent access to links and course outline, course notes and information relevant to each class were posted every week. An assignment involving a treasure hunt on the Web is also described.  相似文献   

在浩瀚的词海中 ,我小得可怜 ,几乎没有人看得起我 ,更不把我这小不点放在眼里 ,人们仅仅把我当成一个字母 ;其实 ,我叫不定代词 ,与数词one同源 ,相当于汉语的“一” ,但不强调数目概念 ,用在单数可数名字前 ,泛指某一人或物中的任何一个 ,我 (a)用于以辅音读音开头的词前 ,我还有一个同胞姐妹an是用在以元音读音开头的词前。如 :achairahouse ,  anhour,anapple 一、类别用法1、用在可数的单数名词前 ,表示一类人或事物中的任何一个。Achildneedslove 孩子都需要爱。Ahorseisausefulanimal 马是有用的动物。2、用在不可数名词前 ,具体…  相似文献   

This essay examines the language of shame and honor in the jeremiads of Barack Obama and the anti-Obama right. The jeremiad imagines America at a crossroads between the path of shame—where we become “a story and a by-word through the world”—and the path of honor. A brief history of the American jeremiad shows that the anti-slavery jeremiad transformed its dynamic of shame from an instrument of socialization into an indictment of hypocrisy against the defenders of slavery. Paradoxically, in the Age of Obama it is the anti-Obama right that has appropriated this rhetorical innovation of the anti-slavery jeremiad.  相似文献   

<正>二次函数是初中数学代数部分的重要内容,它既是贯穿中学数学的主脉,又是继续学习和深造必须掌握的基础知识,其中对"a"的范围判断是各地中考数学考查的热点题型.这类试题集代数知识、数形结合、分类讨论等于一体,综合性、灵活性强.如何在有限时间内寻找突破口,笔者精选几例中考题加以归类,分析图形结构,挖掘内涵、外延,破解二次函数中有关"a"的范围的问题,不当之处,敬请指正.策略一寻找信息源,利用抛物线与y轴交点判  相似文献   

Biography: Hernán Cortés, Conqueror Of Mexico by Salvador de Madariaga. The Macmillan Company. 542 pp. $4.00.

Jefferson by Saul K. Padover. Illustrated. Harcourt, Brace and Co. 459 pp. $4.00.

Education: An Introduction to Education by Velorus Martz and Henry Lester Smith. Charles Scribner's Sons. 485 pp. $2.00.

Children in a World of Conflict by Roy F. Street. The Christopher Publishing House. 302 pp. $2.50.

Handbook of Educational Psychology and Measurement by M. J. Nelson. The Dryden Press. 174 pp. $1.25.

Education in the United States by Edgar W. Knight. Second revised edition. Ginn and Company. 669 pp. $3.40.

Introduction to American Public Education by Chris A. DeYoung. 704 pp. $2.75.

Theories of Secondary Education in the United States by Joseph Justman. Contributions to Education, No. 814. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University. Pp. viii plus 481. $3.00.

The Subject Fields in General Education. A Report of the National Commission on Cooperative Curriculum Planning. John J. DeBour, Editor. D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc. 239 pp. $1.50.

Fiction: Sugar in the Gourd by Evelyn Hanna. E. P. Dutton and Company. 313 pp. $2.50.

General Literature: Heirs to your Money and how to Protect Them by Nathaniel Fishman. Liveright Publishing Corporation. 133 pp. $1.50.

The Actor's Art And Job by Harry Irvine. E. P. Dutton and Co. 251 pp. $2.50.

Shall not Perish from the Earth by Ralph B. Perry. New York: The Vanguard Press, 1940. 159 pp. $1.50.

The Alert by Wilfrid Gibson. The Oxford University Press. (Imported from England, 1941.) 41 pp. $1.00.

Religion: Religious Crossroads by Radoslav A. Tsanoff. E. P. Dutton and Co. 384 pp. $3.75.

Social Studies: The Axis Grand Strategy. Blue Prints for the Total War. From original material prepared by Staff Officers of the German Army, Navy, and Air Force. Compiled and edited by Ladislas Farago, Editor of German Psychological Warfare. Farrar and Rinehart. 614 pp. $3.75.

The Roots of National Socialism by Rohan D'O. Butler. E. P. Button and Co. 304 pp. $3.00.  相似文献   

Hi,everyone!今天我给大家介绍两个朋友,他们是a和an。同学们对a和an一定不会陌生,单数可数名词前总少不了他们俩的身影。你们在学习他们的过程中是不是  相似文献   

Anatomical sciences are foundational to the health professions, yet little is known about the qualifications of anatomy educators at the graduate and professional level in the United States. Moreover, there is concern that the number of qualified anatomy educators being trained may be insufficient to meet the growing demand posed by new and expanded programs in medicine and allied health specialties. The authors surveyed anatomists from across the country to (i) characterize the educational credentials of current anatomy educators and (ii) assess the perceived need for education-focused postdoctoral positions or formal mentorships to prepare anatomists for teaching-intensive faculty positions. To probe the survey responses more deeply, one-on-one interviews were conducted with eight individuals selected to represent a diverse sample of respondents in terms of institution, gender, and academic rank. Results indicate that 30–40% of educators at the graduate level and approximately 60% of those at the undergraduate level lack graduate coursework in histology, embryology, and neuroanatomy. Forty-five percent of respondents had completed a postdoctoral fellowship. Eighty-six percent replied “yes/maybe” to the question of whether an anatomy education postdoctoral fellowship would benefit doctoral graduates. The top 3 reasons for this recommendation were to (i) establish independent educational research, (ii) improve a publication record, and (iii) gain additional teaching experience. Notable weaknesses of education-focused postdoctoral training were related to finances, fear of exploitation, and undervaluing of teaching. Moving forward, postdoctoral fellowships and other forms of postgraduate training may represent a key strategy for training anatomists in the current educational climate. Anat Sci Educ 00: 000–000. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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