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目的:对自闭症儿童四种基本情绪(开心、难过、生气、害怕)的识别能力进行干预,探究干预是否有效。方法:采用随机对照组实验设计,以情绪的视频、音频、动态图片为干预材料,结合回合式教学法,对ASD儿童干预组(n=11)四种基本情绪的命名、匹配进行8周的干预。结果:干预8周后,ASD儿童干预组情绪视频和音频的命名、匹配、总分的前后测成绩增量显著高于ASD儿童对照组。干预结束后6周,ASD儿童干预组情绪视频和音频的命名、匹配、总分的追踪测成绩与其后测成绩差异不显著。结论:ASD儿童情绪识别能力的干预取得良好的即时效果和维持效果,显著提高其情绪识别能力。  相似文献   

研究个体沙盘游戏对学前儿童行为问题的干预效果。采用混合实验设计,使用Rutter儿童行为量表教师版对35名学前儿童进行前测,然后将其分成实验组与控制组,对实验组进行为期八周的沙盘游戏干预,分别在干预四周(短程)、八周(长程)后对所有被试者进行后测,以检测沙盘游戏对学前儿童行为问题的干预效果。测试结果表明,短程沙盘游戏干预措施不足以显著改善学前儿童的行为问题,而经过长程干预之后,实验组学前儿童的问题行为得到显著改善。儿童类型的主效应不再显著,问题儿童测试总分与正常儿童测试总分无差异,F(1,31)=2.278,p>0.05。但实验组别的主效应显著,实验组总分显著低于控制组,F(1,31)=5.816,p<0.05。因此可以得出结论,长程沙盘游戏干预措施对学前儿童行为问题有显著改善。  相似文献   

面部表情识别是情绪理解的重要方面,是儿童个体发展和社会化的基础.本研究采用面部表情图片识别方法测试了3~5岁儿童对高兴、伤心、生气、害怕四种基本表情的命名能力.研究结果表明,3~5岁儿童的面部表情命名能力随着年龄的增长不断提高,他们对积极表情的命名能力显著优于对消极表情的命名能力,对害怕表情的识别在3~5岁这个年龄段中没有得到明显的发展.因此,对3~5岁儿童进行必要的情绪理解教育将有助于其个体情绪理解和社会适应能力的发展.  相似文献   

探讨中度智力落后儿童在情绪识别、情绪观点采择和移情上的年龄和性别差异,了解智力落后儿童情绪理解能力发展情况。通过一对一实验测试的方法对80名智力落后儿童进行情绪理解任务的测验。研究发现,中度智力落后儿童高兴识别的正确率最高;在基本情绪识别上,情境观点采择和移情正确率的顺序是一致的。中度智力落后儿童在四种基本表情命名和三种不同的情绪理解任务上存在显著的年龄差异。  相似文献   

目的:用箱庭疗法对智障儿童进行干预的效果研究.方法:问卷法、实验法.结果:经过箱庭疗法的干预,智障儿童在自我概念(t=-3.35,p=0.044<0.05)、认知(t=-9.78,p=0.002<0.05)、语言(t=-5.36,p=0.013<0.05)上有一定的改善;实验对照组在实验前后的问卷测试中只有总分(t=-5.86,p=0.028<0.05)有显著性差异;箱庭组的量表得分增量高于对照组的量表得分增量,但组间差异并不显著;箱庭组和对照组实验前测、追踪测试差值在总分和语言、生活事件上存在显著性差异;经过箱庭疗法的干预,智障儿童的自我自愈能力有所提高,但在情绪和自我控制能力无显著性差异.结论:箱庭疗法对改善智障儿童的自我概念、认知、语言方面效果显著,在社会性、运动、生活事件方面效果不显著.  相似文献   

探究认知行为团体辅导对大学生情绪管理能力的影响.选取大学生22人为实验组,以认知行为为框架的团体辅导进行干预,选取同质大学生22人为对照组,在此期间不接受任何干预措施.两组在干预前后均进行情绪管理能力量表的施测.结果:(1)对照组与实验组前测,在量表得分上无统计学差异(p0.05);(2)实验组干预后,情绪管理能力总分(t=-13.8,P0.01)、情绪评价的能力(t=-5.4,P0.01)、情绪感知的能力(t=-7.3,P0.01)、情绪表达的能力(t=-5.5,P0.01)、情绪调控的能力(t=-3.5,P0.01)较前测存在显著差异;(3)干预后,实验组和对照组情绪管理能力总分(t=9.9,P0.01)、情绪评价的能力(t=-6.2,P0.01)、情绪感知的能力(t=-11.3,P0.01)、情绪表达的能力(t=-6.3,P0.01)、情绪调控的能力(t=-4.6,P0.01)存在显著差异;(4)追踪测量的结果:在情绪管理能力总分、情绪评价的能力、情绪感知的能力、情绪表达的能力、情绪调控的能力,实验组显著高于对照组(P0.01).结论:认知行为团体辅导是提高大学生情绪管理能力的一种途径.  相似文献   

<正>目的:探讨8周正念训练在高职院校教师职业压力及负性情绪调节中的应用效果。方法:公开招募的74名高职院校教师被随机分配至正念练习组(n=37)和等待对照组(n=37)。正念练习组参与8周正念练习,等待对照组不予干预。在基线及8周正念练习后施测大学教师工作压力量表、正性负性情绪量表-负性分量表、中文修订版教学正念量表。结果:干预前两组被试在工作压力量表、负性情绪量表和教学正念量表上的得分不存在显著差异;干预后正念练习组在教学正念量表上的得分显著高于等待对照组(p<0.01),在工作压力量表和负性情绪量表上的得分显著低于等待对照组(p<0.01)。结论:  相似文献   

为了探讨活动性游戏对脑瘫儿童粗大动作发展的干预效果,文章采用单组前测后测实验设计,对两个个案进行16次的活动性游戏干预训练,通过对粗大动作个别教育计划中的项目以及粗大动作发展能力进行评估以了解干预效果。研究发现,两个个案粗大动作相关项目及发展能力的前测和后测成绩存在显著差异(p<0.05);三因素方差分析表明测试顺序主效应显著(p<0.001)。因此活动性游戏对脑瘫儿童粗大动作发展的干预训练有效果。  相似文献   

为探讨心理韧性团体辅导对于流动儿童的心理韧性水平的改善以及对心理适应的提高作用,以北京市东城区某打工子弟学校两个平行的四年级班级为研究对象,采用2*2混合设计,对实验组班级的流动儿童实施七次心理韧性团体干预活动,对照组班级不做任何干预.结果发现:(1)心理韧性干预活动对于心理韧性总分和情绪控制维度的干预效果显著;(2)心理韧性干预活动对低分组的流动儿童的心理韧性总分、积极认知、目标专注、情绪控制、人际协助干预效果显著;仅对高分组与中间组的心理韧性总分干预效果显著;(3)实验组心理韧性的变化状况可以预测心理适应的变化.结论:心理韧性团体干预有利于提升流动儿童的心理韧性水平,有助于提高流动儿童的心理适应.建议从学校、家庭、社会等多途径联合开展流动儿童的心理韧性干预项目.  相似文献   

本文选取某小学四年级两个班作为实验班(46人)和对照班(42人),对实验班进行为期1年半的课堂民主化建设,选用威廉斯创造性倾向量表为测验工具,比较组间和组内的测验成绩,探讨课堂民主化对小学生创造人格的影响。结果显示:(1)干预前,两组在创造性倾向的四个构成因子及总分上无显著性的差异;(2)1年半干预后实验班的后测成绩比前测成绩明显提高,且在0.05水平上存在显著性差异,导致显著差异的主要因子均是想象力和挑战性。由此可见,课堂民主化对小学生创造性人格的发展具有一定的积极影响。  相似文献   

In typical development, emergent literacy skills predict successful reading abilities. Code‐related literacy skills may include letter knowledge, print concepts, early writing and early phonological awareness. Meaning‐related literacy skills may include lexical and grammatical ability, story retelling and comprehension. Children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) show, on the most part, poor reading comprehension abilities, yet up to date, research regarding emergent literacy skills in ASD is limited. We conducted a study to investigate a naturalistic, standards‐based national literacy programme, for five kindergartners with ASD, of age 5‐8 years in their kindergarten setting. We implemented an ASD‐adapted intervention as an intensive group treatment over 6 weeks, with a pretest–posttest design to examine emergent literacy gains. The children with ASD demonstrated gains in both code‐related and meaning‐related skills following intervention. The clinical and theoretical implications are discussed regarding the importance of an intensive structured literacy intervention for children with ASD before entering school.  相似文献   

Many students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) demonstrate comprehension difficulties. In the present study, 12 high‐functioning Swedish students with ASD (aged 10–15 years) took part in a naturalistic classroom‐based intervention to support comprehension of connected narrative discourse. An effective approach for supporting discourse comprehension in children with ASD was assumed to include: (i) providing teachers and students with a shared and explicit set of concepts for talking and thinking about the activity of comprehension, that (ii) can structure the child's discourse comprehension under scaffolding and modelling from the teacher. In the pre‐testing session, the students with ASD presented with poor discourse comprehension but receptive vocabulary and reading decoding skills close to normative performance. Post‐intervention test results, following 4 weeks of training, indicated specific and significant improvements in discourse comprehension. Support for the potential of this type of teaching was also obtained from teachers and students. The teachers reported that they would continue to use the same or similar comprehension instruction for 11 out of 12 students, and for multiple reasons, and students were also mostly positive to the training. Implications for practice and further research are discussed, as are limitations of the study.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to investigate the correlates of hyperlexia in Brazilian Portuguese-speaking children with the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Study 1 involved 3 groups of school age children individually matched for word reading ability: 6 ASD hyperlexic children, 6 ASD non-hyperlexic children, and 6 typically developing children. Study 2 involved 2 ASD preschool hyperlexic boys, and a group of 21 typical children of similar word reading ability. In both studies, participants were administered several reading measures as well as measures of cognitive and linguistic abilities that have been associated with variations in typical and dyslexic reading, namely, vocabulary, phonological processes, and rapid naming. Results suggest that ASD hyperlexic reading differs from both typical and ASD non-hyperlexic reading. In particular, they suggest that hyperlexics learn to compute letter-sound relations implicitly, on the basis of statistical learning. Although the hyperlexic children could read nonwords as well as the typical and the ASD non-hyperlexic children, they performed significantly worse than these groups of children on a letter-sound knowledge task. They also performed relatively poorly on a phonological awareness task. It is suggested that hyperlexics’ indifference to language as a meaningful, communicative device may be the key to their exceptionally good and precocious development of word reading ability.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Within the flourishing area of research demonstrating the efficacy of emotion-based interventions carried out by trained teachers in educational contexts in increasing children’s emotional skills, this study makes an original contribution to the existing literature by focusing on the effects of this kind of intervention on toddlers’ prosocial and aggressive behavior. Ninety-five 26- to 36-month-olds participated in a 2-month intervention in which trained teachers read emotion-based stories to small groups of children and then either involved them in conversations about emotions (experimental condition) or did not (control condition). Even after we controlled for age and general language ability, the children in the experimental condition were found to outperform the control group on measures of emotion knowledge and emotional-state talk. Furthermore, the intervention fostered gains in prosocial behavior, whereas it did not have a significant effect on the frequency of aggressive actions, which was lower at posttest in both groups. The positive effect of the training program on participants’ prosocial behavior was no longer significant when we controlled for gains in emotion knowledge and emotional-state talk. Practice or Policy: The results encourage the implementation of early educational programs focused on emotion knowledge in order to foster children’s prosocial behavior toward peers.  相似文献   

The role of spelling recognition was examined in word reading skills and reading comprehension for dyslexic and nondyslexic children. Dyslexic and nondyslexic children were matched on their raw word reading proficiency. Relationships between spelling recognition and the following were examined for both groups of children: verbal ability, working memory, phonological measures, rapid naming, word reading, and reading comprehension. Children’s performance in spelling recognition was significantly associated with their skills in word reading and reading comprehension regardless of their reading disability status. Furthermore, spelling recognition contributed significant variance to reading comprehension for both dyslexic and nondyslexic children after the effects of phonological awareness, rapid naming, and word reading proficiency had been accounted for. The results support the role of spelling recognition in reading development for both groups of children and they are discussed using a componential reading fluency framework.  相似文献   

The main goal of this research was to assess whether it is possible to help children develop their general understanding of emotions. Thirty-six nine-year-old children divided in two groups were examined using a pre-test/train/post-test design. The emotion understanding of the two groups was measured in the pre- and post-test phases using the Test of Emotion Comprehension (TEC). The experimental group received a teaching program about emotions during the training phase: School Matters In Lifeskills Education (SMILE). The control group received no special teaching about emotion during this phase. Results showed that the level of emotion understanding in the experimental group improved significantly between the pre- and post-test whereas no such change occurred in the control group. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The simple view of reading (SVR) proposes that reading comprehension is the product of two constructs, namely decoding and linguistic comprehension. The present study examined the adequacy of an extended SVR in Chinese. Participants were 190 pairs of Chinese twin children of Grades 1–3 recruited in Hong Kong. The children were given Chinese measures of decoding (character reading, word reading, and 1-min word reading), linguistic comprehension (morphological awareness, vocabulary, morphosyntactic skills, and discourse skills), rapid naming (Chinese digits, English digits, and English letters), and passage reading comprehension (with multiple-choice and open-ended questions). Results of structural equation modeling showed that the direct paths from decoding and linguistic comprehension to reading comprehension were significant, but that from rapid naming was not. For the role of rapid naming in reading comprehension, the best fitting model showed that the contribution of rapid naming to reading comprehension was fully mediated by decoding. The model explained a total of 83% of the variance in reading comprehension. Therefore, the present findings support the SVR in a Chinese writing system; rapid naming may reflect some basic visual-verbal learning ability which is important for acquiring word recognition skills.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The primary goal of this pilot study was to examine emotion management skills (i.e., emotional understanding, emotion regulation) in children who had experienced neglect and a control group to determine the ways that neglect may interfere with children's emotional development. METHOD: Participants included children 6--12 years of age and their mothers (neglect group, N=24; control, N=24). Participants completed questionnaires and an interview that assessed children's emotional understanding and emotion regulation. RESULTS: Findings indicated that neglected children, compared to their non-maltreated peers, demonstrated lower understanding of negative emotions (i.e., anger, sadness) and fewer adaptive emotion regulation skills. Further, neglected children expected less support and more conflict from mothers in response to displays of negative emotion and reported that they were more likely to attempt to inhibit the expression of negative emotion. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that neglect may interfere with the normal acquisition of emotional understanding and emotion regulation skills, highlighting the importance of addressing these skills in the context of clinical intervention with neglected children.  相似文献   

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