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技术创新发展阶段对技术发展战略选择的约束   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文针对目前理论界存在的关于科技发展道路选择中存在的争论,从技术创新发展阶段、R&D经费结构、比较优势、竞争优势等方面,分析了在科技发展战略选择中面临的约束条件,提出了现阶段引进创新对中国整体技术提升的重要作用,并进一步指出在技术发展道路中,竞争要素与高级要素的有效结合和转换应作为政策关注的焦点。  相似文献   

区域科技浅论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
长期以来,国家科技发展偏重于领域科技,而相对忽视区域科技。为此,文章首先对区域科技的内涵进行了界定,并分析了区域科技发展的主要特点;接着分析了发展区域科技的必要性以及典型的发展模式;最后,指出了发展区域科技的现实意义。  相似文献   

Science and technology (S&T) systems are interconnected with economic systems. After China began to make its economic system more market‐oriented in 1979, reforms to its S&T system became urgent. China’s major breakthrough in reforming its S&T system occurred in 1985. This paper provides data on China’s changing S&T sector, outlines the processes of its reform and China’s changing sources of funding for R&D. China’s evolving technology market is given particular attention and some of its pitfalls are discussed.  相似文献   

文章从科技宏观治理、攻关应急体制机制、科研人员全职业生涯、科研活动全链条、企业全生命周期、创新主体、区域创新和科技创新全生态等方面,系统回顾了党的十八大以来我国科技改革近10年实践探索与效果;分析了主要创新型国家在科技改革中呈现出的战略统筹加强、政府干预增强、重视颠覆性创新和未来技术、加大人才培养引进力度、注重开放科学与科技安全平衡等新动向。在此基础上,探讨了面向未来的科技改革走向,提出了支撑世界科技强国建设和实现科技自立自强的改革思路与展望。  相似文献   

近20年来世界科技呈现出加速发展态势。随着新一轮科技变革和产业革命不断蓄势,世界已经进入以创新为主题、以创新为主导的新时代,全球科技领域的、国家间的科技创新格局加速调整和重构,而国际经济社会发展大趋势对科技创新格局调整和重塑起到重要驱动作用。在归纳国际经济社会发展大趋势的基础上,基于中国经济由高速增长转向科技引领和创新驱动的高质量发展新阶段的现实,分析讨论了经济社会发展趋势对科技创新发展的关键需求,提出了建设适应经济社会发展大趋势、支撑我国科技强国建设的主要科技创新体系,包括基础科学研究、关键核心技术、"数字中国"与智慧社会先进信息网络、清洁可再生先进能源、绿色智能制造、现代绿色生态可持续高效农业、"健康中国"医疗卫生保障、"美丽中国"人地和谐共生生态环境、深空与深海探测等主要科技创新体系。  相似文献   

县(市)科技的发展是“科教兴市(县)”战略的实施基础,地于推动区域经济发展具有重大意义,本分析了制定县(市)科技发展战略的原则,程序与内容,并指出要创造有利于县(市)科技发展的环境,实施县(市)科技发展的战略的体系建设。  相似文献   

科技前瞻是科技发展战略研究的一种重要形式,是科技智库发挥决策服务支撑作用的重要体现。科技前瞻作为智库大规模研究问题,在研究过程中面临学科交叉性挑战、相互关联性挑战、政策实用性挑战、社会影响性挑战、创新性挑战、不确定性挑战等“六大挑战”,具有高度复杂性,亟待形成科学化、标准化研究范式,以保障高质量科技前瞻成效。文章在探讨科技前瞻国内外研究进展的基础上,提出智库双螺旋法对科技前瞻的思维指导、过程指导、操作指导,形成了规范化、体系化的科技前瞻研究思路和方法,以期为科技发展战略研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Strategic planning for national and CAS mid- and long-term S&T development should avoid giving equal attention to every aspect of an issue, which can only lead to incremental progress. Instead, importance should be attached to priorities that will result in scientific, technical and engineering breakthroughs, said CAS President Lu Yongxiang, who is also vice-chairman of the national legislature, NPC. Lu told a senior forum on CAS  相似文献   

关于我院科技评价工作的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文从评价对象、内容和方法三维视角,分析归纳了国际科技评价的特点与趋势及世界知名科研团体各具特色的科技评价。回顾总结了中国科学院科技评价的实践经验,分析了存在的问题。提出了科技评价的美国模式和欧洲大陆模式,提出要探索适合中国科学院特点的科技评估模式,制定评价管理规范,重点开展支撑战略管理的科技评价、促进研究所竞争发展的科技评价和体现政策导向的专项科技评价等政策建议。  相似文献   

In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was among the foremost leaders of world science, thanks in large part to its heavy involvement in military programmes. The USSR developed a large research infrastructure but it lacked effective mechanisms for the commercialization of research results. The main aim of the transformation of R&D systems in the post-Soviet states in the 1990s and early 2000s was the re-orientation of scientific activities away from military and towards civilian goals. Analysis of statistical data at the macro-level suggests that this attempt was not particularly successful. Indeed, most newly independent states could not even preserve a ‘critical mass’ of scientific activities in order to remain among the list of significant producers of research results. In the post-Soviet countries (and in this paper we focus on Russia and Ukraine as the largest states of the region), inputs from the R&D system have failed to generate wealth-creating outputs because of a systemic inability to use the resources for generating commercially viable results effectively. All post-Soviet countries, including Russia and Ukraine, urgently need not only a major transformation within the R&D system, but also important changes in the wider ‘environment’. It is important to stress that, in recent years, changes in R&D have been determined not only by the general economic situation itself but also by the general policy of the post-Soviet states. While Russia has expressed ambitions to regain its former influence as a great power and to use S&T to achieve this goal, Ukraine has no clearly determined objectives for the development of its national science system. However, both countries face certain common problems. The development of relevant institutes and the stimulation of demand for R&D results from the side of industry, broader involvement in the international division of scientific work, and the introduction of adequate legal protection for intellectual property rights are all of critical importance for S&T institutes and other research organizations in Russia and Ukraine. This paper shows that the reforms in the R&D sector have been relatively modest and rather unsystematic over the last one and a half decades. The key challenges, which relate to the inertia and the negative aspects of the previous period (for example, a extremely low level of replacement of aging manpower, largely outdated scientific equipment in research laboratories, and institutional mechanisms that are not relevant to the market economy), pose serious problems for the transformation of the R&D systems in both countries, despite new possibilities and a willingness to increase financial support for R&D.  相似文献   

China's innovation system reform and growing industry and science linkages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, linkages of S&T activities between industry and science are statistically investigated, based on a firm level dataset from an S&T survey by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of the PRC of about 22,000 manufacturing firms. During the transition period of China's innovation system from 1996 to 2002, firms’ S&T outsourcing activities increased significantly. Econometrics analysis reveals that (1) “absorptive capacity” for S&T outsourcing becomes important over time, (2) innovation system reforms for more market-based competition work for better incentive scheme for innovation though S&T linkage activities and (3) government funding of S&T induces more S&T linkages.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the role of S&T policy in the adjustment and restructuring of Russian S&T system in the post-Soviet period. The principal argument is that the adjustment of S&T system in Russia has been evolving between ‘preservation of S&T potential’, its restructuring, and survival strategies developed by researchers and R&D organisations. Interaction of these factors explains much of the pace and patterns of restructuring of Russian S&T system observed in the post-Soviet period. The model that emerged is the post-Soviet R&D model, which is relevant for Russia and also for other CIS. The paper analyses strategic options available to Russian policy makers.  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,我国科技人才政策不断优化,已形成多层纵横联动的政策体系。科技人才教育与培养政策不断完备,使用与发展政策逐步改善,评价与激励政策更加丰富,有效保障了我国科技人才高质量发展。不过,现有科技人才政策体系仍存在系统性不足、精准性不高、联动性不强,以及对青年科技人才和基础研究人才(以下简称“青基人才”)支持不够等问题,无法充分满足新时期高水平科技自立自强下对高水平科技人才队伍的迫切需求。在新形势下,要夯实科技人才建设在国家创新体系建设中的核心地位和引领作用,面向高水平科技自立自强,未来的科技人才政策需强化自主培养、服务国家战略与聚焦产业需求,推进教育链、人才链、创新链、产业链深度融合,推动青年科技人才政策、基础研究人才政策、战略科学家和卓越工程师发展政策落地;深化科教融合,推进面向科技发展需求的科技人才教育、培养和发展的政策体系建设,建立遵循科研活动规律的研究生教育制度;系统思考优化科技人才评价与激励政策体系,推进科技人才生活保障政策的有效实施;多部门协同推进建立与国际接轨的科技人才机制,加快建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地。  相似文献   

China has transformed itself from a planning to a market-oriented economy over the past three decades and has sustained a fairly long period of rapid economic growth, to which the contributions from innovation in science and technology (S&T) have become increasingly important. Then, how have China's innovation policies evolved to reflect the changing and supposedly better understanding of innovation by China's policy makers? The paper tries to answer this question through a quantitative analysis of 287 policies issued by China's central government agencies between 1980 and 2005 and of 79 policies introduced between 2006 and 2008 to implement the Medium- and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology (2006-2020). China has shifted its S&T and industrial policy-centered innovation strategy and has pursued a series of better coordinated, innovation-oriented economic and technology initiatives that give greater attention to a portfolio of policies that include critical financial, tax, and fiscal measures. There has been a gradual departure from the pattern in which innovation policies are formulated by one single government agency, therefore steering China to a different and probably more promising innovation trajectory.  相似文献   

当前科技政策学尚未形成广为认可的理论体系和研究框架。通过梳理既往国内外科技政策研究与政策实践的主体内容,总结分析科技政策相关概念与内涵的演变,从科学学、创新经济学和公共政策学3个学科视角对科技政策学的主体理论进行分类梳理,在我国科技治理体系与治理能力现代化的总体需求与框架下探索提出科技政策研究的三层级框架,包括宏观层的科技战略研究、中观层的创新系统和政策工具研究以及微观层的政策过程研究,以期为科技政策研究的学科化发展提供支撑。  相似文献   

科技系统门户网站的指标体系主要是评价地方科技信息化水平在全国和国际上所处位置的一项标准。其目的是研究、评价各地区信息发展水平。寻找存在的问题,提出相应的对策,并以此制定其发展战略。  相似文献   

科技创新:现代文化产业翱翔之翼   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
科技与文化的交融在日益加深,两者相互促进,正支撑和引领文化产业发生着一场前所未有的变革。以科技为手段,传统文化产业脱胎换骨,焕发出新的生机和活力;基于高新技术特别是信息技术的现代文化产业,如雨后春笋,蓬勃兴起,成为文化产业中最具活力的部分。本文分析了当今世界现代文化产业发展的几个重要趋势以及我国现代文化产业发展的机遇和挑战,提出依靠科技创新支撑和引领我国现代文化产业蓬勃发展的若干建议。  相似文献   

强化国家战略科技力量是实现科技自立自强、加快建设科技强国的关键路径。从全球百年科技史来看,伴随着世界科学中心的转移,主要发达国家在不同发展阶段,均从国家战略高度认识和强化其战略科技力量。文章在深刻认识强化国家战略科技力量体系化布局的重大意义基础上,分别从聚焦国家需求"基本面"、围绕前沿探索"无人区"、面向产业经济"主战场"3个方面论述了关于国家战略科技力量在国家科技创新体系中布局的思考,并提出相关建议,以期为强化国家战略科技力量提供参考。  相似文献   

总体国家安全观是一个开放的战略思想体系,随着国家安全实践而不断发展。科技安全和经济安全是国家安全体系中重要的领域安全,共同作为国家安全的重要组成部分支撑保障总体国家安全。文章分析了科技安全与经济安全的互动关系,针对实现高质量发展过程中保障科技安全面临的风险挑战,提出了加快推进科技安全监测预警体系的相关建议。  相似文献   

魏江  郑斌 《科研管理》1996,17(2):28-34
本文从研究企业科技发展战略的影响因素入手,提出了企业科技发展战略的选择,必须以对外部科技环境和企业技术能力的分析作为基础,外部科技环境是外因,企业技术能力是根本,企业技术能力是企业科技发展战略选择的决定性因素.通过分析论证了企业科技发展战略的选择必须与外部科技环境和企业技术能力相匹配.还提出了与外部科技环境和企业技术能力相协调的企业科技发展战略选择的模式.并以杭州某行业骨干企业为案例对该模式作了实证研究.  相似文献   

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