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The field of science and technology studies provides three landmarks useful for orienting the loose constellation of intellectual projects pursued under the rubric of Internet research. Interdisciplinarity, networks, and politics offer a foundation from which social change and progress can be assessed. These landmarks can help to examine the rapid change, the micro and macro connections, the constraints and possibilities for self-organization that stand to reconfigure the substance of power, class, and culture associated with the adoption of new communication technologies.  相似文献   


Recent research in information systems (IS) has focused on the application of social theory in general and Anthony Gidden's structuration theory in particular to help reveal how technical systems can support or hinder human interaction in societal, organizational, and personal contexts. This article examines the potential of structuration theory to facilitate an understanding of social and organizational issues that surround collaboration using new technologies.  相似文献   

目的】研究了清末民初(1897-1915)的农学报刊,探求了农学报刊与中国现代农业发展的关系。【方法】采用文献调研和对比分析等方法研究了农学报刊在中国创办、发展、传播的基本状况及其历史作用。【结果】农学报刊引入了现代西方农业理念,推动了中国现代农业发展,促进了社会进步。【结论】清末民初的农学报刊促进了现代传播业的发展,同时也深刻地影响了我国的农业现代化进程。  相似文献   

科学和技术政策研究是一个学科交叉领域,其目的是探讨政府支持科学和技术发展以及利用科学和技术为社会经济发展服务的理论依据、工具、方法和效果。本文简要介绍了科学和技术政策研究的目的、意义和特点,评述了国际上科学和技术政策研究的理论与方法进展、研究前沿和热点问题。  相似文献   


Progress towards realizing the full potential of ‘e‐government’—using digital technologies to improve public services and government–citizen engagements—has been slower and less effective than the technologies’ take‐up in spheres such as e‐commerce. Evidence from across Europe reported here, including an online survey and case studies, indicates a significant reason has been an overly narrow focus on substituting electronic for traditional services. Theoretical and empirical perspectives on barriers to e‐government identified (e.g. poor coordination; workplace and organizational inflexibility) suggest greater attention should be given to supporting organization innovations to achieve maximum benefits from networking in the public sector.  相似文献   


This study summarizes prior reviews of new media and Internet research, and the growth of the term Internet in academic publications and online newsgroups. It then uses semantic network analysis to summarize the interests and concepts of an interdisciplinary group of Internet researchers, as represented by session titles and paper titles and abstracts from the 2003 and 2004 Association of Internet Researchers conferences. In both years, the most frequent words appearing in the paper abstracts included Internet, online, community, social, technology, and research. The 2003 papers emphasized topics such as the social analysis/research of online/Internet communication, community, and information, with particular coverage of access, individuals, groups, digital media, culture; role and process in e-organizations; and world development. The 2004 papers emphasized topics such as access; news and social issues; the role of individuals in communities; user-based studies; usage data; and blogs, women, and search policy, among others.  相似文献   

周辉 《科教文汇》2012,(18):72-72,102
焊接工艺是一种先进的制造技术,现已发展成为现代科技多学科互相交融的新学科,成为一种综合的工程技术。焊接技术已广泛地应用于工业生产的各个部门,在推动工业的发展和产品的技术进步以及促进国民经济的发展都发挥着重要作用。培养适应社会需要的高技能焊接专业人才是我们职业教育的一个重要任务。本文浅谈教学中应从对专业课进行兴趣教学,利用多媒体课件教学,理论知识与实践相结合教学等方面入手,使学生对老师讲的专业知识感兴趣,形成"我要学习"的良好教学和学习效果。  相似文献   


This article contributes to the emerging theory of industry belief systems and the social construction of innovation by examining how industry actors conceptualise and negotiate industry transformation through the development and diffusion of new technologies. In a qualitative study of innovation in the Australian wool industry, we found that the social construction of industry belief systems and new technologies was an evolutionary process of social sensemaking in which there was reciprocity between individual and collective meaning‐making that reflected conflict, consensus and compliance between industry actors about new technologies and industry beliefs.  相似文献   


In this article, I argue that a key problem for understanding the social ramifications of software is an implicit separation of software programs into two separate elements: expressive aspects, which are seen as socially driven and affectual, and functional aspects, understood as scientific and rational. In order to overcome this binary, I develop an alternative framework that examines the ways software expresses best practices, correct behaviors, and social organization. A key element of this framework is an understanding of software programs as simultaneously rhetorical and tangible objects. Given that Western society is dependent on sociotechnical systems in which software plays a crucial role, understanding the complex ways software expresses normative tasks, practices, and social orders is increasingly important.  相似文献   


The design and use of information technologies are not as easily separated as they may seem. Designers have much at stake in the use of their software, while users are greatly influenced by the design of the software that they use. In this article, I explore the complex relationships built up between the designers and users of human anatomy simulations, including processes of cooperation and conflict. I develop and apply a three-step process for studying the design and use of a software product in its social context. First, it is important to focus on the social worlds of designers and users that influence the development of the technology. Next, the emphasis shifts to the technology itself, which can be viewed as a boundary object emerging from the intersection of the contributing social worlds. Finally, the technology exhibits agency by reshaping the relationships and interactions among the contributing social worlds.  相似文献   


Since access to knowledge is a critical source of political and economic power, the new telecommunications technologies pose a challenge to business, government, and the academic community as well as private persons. The individual and social uses of the most recent technological applications in this field are explored in this paper; problems related to the harnessing of these advances to individual information needs and some of the policy issues generated by the new technologies are also discussed.  相似文献   


In 1985 the Department of Household Sciences conducted research on Dutch households that use information technologies for domestic purposes. This research was part of a six‐nation research programme and was supported by the FAST‐II research activities of the EEC, and the Agricultural University of Wageningen. The use of three types of information technology was surveyed: home computer, Videotext, and Teletext. Analysis of the finding indicates the types of households likely to benefit from information technology in the future and groups households into three classes according to their attitudes to information technology—productivistic, hobbyist, and socially committed.  相似文献   

针对以农业生产为主体的农户,基于整合型科技接受理论模型实证分析其采纳农业新技术的影响因素.结果 显示:绩效期望、努力期望、社会影响等均会影响农户对农业新技术的采纳意愿,且通过采纳意愿中介效应影响农户的采纳行为,而良好的便利条件、强烈的采纳意愿会促进农户的采纳行为.最后,从农户个人、乡镇村等各级组织、合作社以及政府等方面提出促进社会影响的正向作用、注重经济收益兼顾环境效益、增强农业新技术的易用性、优化获取农业新技术的便利条件等对策建议,以有效提升农户采纳农业新技术的积极性,提高农户经济收益.  相似文献   

新兴技术商业化潜力的涵义及评价方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着科技的发展,新兴技术层出不穷,从中选择具有重大商业化潜力的新兴技术进行重点发展和政策扶持,将能产生巨大的商业利润和社会效益.详细辨析了新兴技术商业化潜力的内涵和特征,并针对其潜力构成的评价方法进行了探讨,旨在抛砖引玉,为后继研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

新兴技术产业化对推动社会经济发展具有重要作用,本文在两个维度上将新兴技术产业分为四类,并在系统的视角下对以混合动力汽车为代表的第IV类新兴技术产业化进行了研究。通过建立和分析混合动力汽车产业化的系统动力学模型,提出了中国混合动力汽车产业化发展的策略体系。本文的研究表明,通过系统建模对新兴技术产业化进行研究,是进行该领域研究的一种可行思路和方式。  相似文献   


Are advances in ICTs enabling positive transformations in academic research practices? This paper explores key themes emerging from a 2008 survey of researchers aimed at identifying use and non‐use of advanced ICTs for research. Deterministic perspectives on e‐Research suggest that new e‐infrastructures will reshape research in predictable ways, such as by fostering more collaboration. In contrast, social shaping perspectives lead to the expectation that existing practices and institutions will shape the ways in which e‐Research is employed. This exploratory study found that individual variations across researchers cluster into identifiable groupings of research practices, which help to illuminate involvement in e‐Research, and differences in methods and research software used across the disciplines. In line with a social shaping perspective, the findings suggest that, in the social sciences, top‐down visions of e‐infrastructure development need to be tied to the realities of bottom‐up patterns of innovation in approaches to e‐Research.  相似文献   

当前面向老龄社会的新兴技术预测相关研究十分匮乏,且存在分析节点聚焦于新兴技术已知的事后分析,分析对象局限于单一技术领域的局限性,导致新兴技术预测结果即时性、可靠性不高。鉴于此,本文基于2019美国发布的《Emerging Technologies to Support an Aging Population》报告,对面向老龄社会的新兴技术领域进行全局的系统梳理与归纳,利用语义挖掘和空间向量模型深入探析专利主题与技术内涵,引入数据降维方法与可视化分析识别技术空位,并嵌入更具前瞻性的实时专家网络评论文本进行社会感知分析,有效识别并评估了养老科技潜在新兴技术。研究结果表明:通过技术空位与社会感知双重验证,有效降低了新兴技术预测结果的风险性。面向老龄社会的新兴技术趋势为:老年大数据与信息采集与处理技术、老年人出行辅助与防护技术、老年人医疗保健技术、老年智能家居技术、老年远程护理辅助系统与技术、老年人认知管理技术。  相似文献   

Given the dynamic nature of digital technologies, understanding why users intend to continue to use them or not is important for practitioners and academics alike. This paper presents an up-to-date Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of Continuance Intention (CI) for online technologies. The SLR classifies and analyses 147 relevant articles on CI in the field of online technology. It analyses papers according to the type of online technology as well as four groups of antecedents (psychological, technological, social, and behavioral) of CI and reviews the consequences of CI. Based on the SLR, the paper outlines two broad directions for future research relating to a conceptual framework and research design, highlighting promising research areas linked to the new features of emerging technologies, such as hyper-connectivity, and intention-behavior gaps.  相似文献   

引入分层化"社会技术"思想,从社会技术与物理技术共演化视角研究市场主导、社团推动、政府发动三类典型科技园区由"追赶"向"引领"、由"外部驱动"向"内部驱动"、由"外引主导"向"自主创新"转型升级的动力、机制与过程,并对转型发展中的经验与模式、共性与差异等进行总结,期望对我国科技园区转型发展形成实践借鉴与理论启示意义。  相似文献   

      科技安全是新时代科技工作的重大任务之一。现有研究数量较少,又缺乏国外经验借鉴,使得维护国家科技安全成为一个“无人区”,跨过“无人区”需要方向指引。本文研读了与科技安全相关的所有文献,分析了研究的总体情况,归纳整理了研究的具体成果,结合其他信息,对研究及实践的现状及存在的问题进行了总结,展望了中国科技安全研究及实践需解决的关键问题。本研究呈现的中国科技安全研究及实践图景,可为认识中国科技安全研究的历史、研究及实践的现状和未来方向设置提供参考。  相似文献   

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