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The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a study of publishing behaviour among a group of Arab scholars in social science and humanities disciplines. The paper also investigated the number of Arab scholars who are publishing in predatory journals and the reasons that drive them to select these journals to share their scholarly findings. The study adopted a mixed methods approach. Eighteen journals that were categorized as predatory journals were scanned to find the number of Arab scholars who published in them. Then, a questionnaire was sent to Egyptian and Saudi scholars as they were found to be the top Arab contributors in these journals. The questionnaire was followed by semi‐structured interviews to gain an in‐depth understanding of the publishing behaviour. The data showed that many Arab scholars prefer publishing in predatory journals as these journals are easier and faster. The results also indicate that there is a need to raise the awareness of the harm that predatory journals can cause to the scholars and how they can avoid these journals. This study was conducted with social science and humanities scholars in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The publishing behaviour may differ in other scholarly disciplines and other Arabic countries.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数字人文作为新兴的跨学科研究领域,受到许多学科的广泛关注。本文旨在探析数字人文在图情档学科中的知识扩散,供数字人文和图情档发展借鉴。[方法/过程]以Web of Science核心数据集为数据来源,通过对数字人文在图情档的目标文献以及目标文献的图情档施引文献两部分数据的期刊扩散性和主题扩散性两个维度进行分析。其中,期刊扩散性采用来自传播学的期刊双向传播理论以及改良的消除时间因素影响的期刊引证系数两个指标进行分析,主题扩散性采用基于关键词的词云图和基于关键词的聚类进行分析。[结果/结论]研究表明,期刊双向传播中扩散性大于1的期刊共有13个,JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS为双向扩散性能最好的期刊;数字人文在图情档学科所属学科期刊引证系数排名靠前的期刊有JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS、SCIENTOMETRICS、JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY等;期刊引证系数均呈现上下波动的现象,但是基本上top10的期刊在2006、2012、2016年出现了峰值,表明这些期刊在这些年份的影响力较大;数字人文研究现状、数字人文与图书馆融合、数字人文在教学中的应用、数字人文的激励措施在目标文献和施引文献的主题中均形成了规模,可以认为这四个方向的主题为数字人文在图情档的重点研究内容。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a study of scholarly communication behaviour among Arab scholars. The main objective of this study is to determine how Egyptian and Saudi Arabian social sciences and humanities scholars engage in scholarly communication practices. The study used a mixed‐methods approach. A questionnaire was answered by a sample of 104 participants, followed by interviews with 36 participants to gain insight into the scholarly communication behaviour of the Arab scholars. The analysis demonstrated that participants use different styles of scholarly communication approaches. Most of the participants do use informal (social media) channels to communicate their research findings (particularly ResearchGate and Facebook), although priority is given to formal over informal publication in peer reviewed journals. Responses showed that the promotional systems of both countries dictate publication choices of scholars, reducing the amount of collaboration by ranking co‐publications lower than sole publications and favouring printed journals over online‐only journals.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 从人文学者的角度出发,探讨人文学者如何看待数字人文,他们又如何被数字人文的浪潮所影响。通过对人文学者数字学术认知与数字学术需求的考察,为数字人文服务和系统设计奠定基础。[方法/过程] 采用质性研究方法,对文学、历史、哲学和艺术4个领域展开比较研究,并以访谈素材进行饱和度检验,构建起"认知-预判-担忧-需求与应对"的质性主线。[结果/结论] 研究发现,不同领域人文学者对数字学术的认知并不完全相同,但对其影响的预判也存在共性之处,他们普遍认同数字化对人文的研究素材、研究方法、知识传播和研究问题都会产生一定影响;面对数字化浪潮,人文学者的担忧主要包括对数字学术研究深度的担忧、对学科主体地位的担忧和对技术环境下学术伦理问题的担忧;最后,人文学者在自身能力提升、数据、技术、科研评价体系方面存在许多需求,其中对"基础设施"和"数字项目"的需求最为迫切。  相似文献   

Digital journals have been widely adopted by academic researchers and have nearly replaced printed journals in many contexts. The adoption of digital books is accelerating. The transition to digital information has changed information workflows of researchers by transforming the methods they use to find, store, retrieve, and use information from monographs, journals, and other sources. It has also changed the needs and expectations of scholars in relation to research information. To investigate these changes, 45 researchers in science, medicine, engineering, social sciences, and humanities at Stanford University were interviewed regarding information workflow and preferences. Results are compared with the findings of the e‐Journal User Study (eJUSt), completed in 2002.  相似文献   

研究者希望提高论著的网络可见性来提升其学术影响。图书馆从引文分析方法、自存档及开放存取期刊形式、出版者选择等方面,通过图书馆网站或面对面咨询的途径,为研究者提供可操作的实践指导。  相似文献   

Do the humanities and social sciences have the same publishing requirements as the sciences? What can be done to counter perceptions that acquisition funds have migrated away from publications in the fields of the humanities and social sciences to meet the escalating cost of electronic and print journals in the natural and applied sciences? With university presses, non-profit publishers, and the academy itself under strain, we examine the problems, discuss the continuing requirements of scholarship, the implications for funding strategies, and the role of technology, and give examples of new ventures that suggest possible solutions to the problems. We conclude that the primary values that scholars in the humanities and social sciences hold are not dramatically different from those of other academic disciplines and make recommendations for building a broader base of support for scholarship in these areas.  相似文献   

In this article, the author discusses the creation of an electronic index of scholarly Slavic periodicals in the humanities, which will launch in early 2012. The aim of this project is to create a standard electronic reference tool in the field of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Studies, which will help professors, students, and researchers. The index contains important scholarly journals from Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. Indexing begins with 1994 issues and is ongoing. In the future, significant retrospective journals will be indexed in order to improve the tool's research capabilities. The index contains not only articles, but also all book reviews and information on conferences, workshops, organizations, and foundations. The index currently contains citations of over 125,000 articles from more than 143 Slavic journals in the humanities. The use of the Library of Congress transliteration scheme and subject headings will assist users to perform effective searches.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以人文学者为研究对象,划分其数字能力域类别,构建人文学者用于学术研究的数字能力框架,用以探究当前我国人文学者的数字能力现状和存在问题。[方法/过程]按文史哲、语言、法律;艺术、音乐、传媒;图书馆学、档案学、博物馆学;人类学、政治学、社会学4大学科分类对国内203名相关人文学者开展问卷调查,并对问卷结果进行因子分析、T检验、单因素ANOVA分析。[结果/结论]为提高人文学者的数字能力,从人文学者开展学术研究的一般过程:前期基本信息能力、中期数字技术运用能力、末期交流共享能力三方面提出建议,为今后人文学者如何更好地开展学术活动、图书馆相应学科服务能力的升级、数字人文平台推动人文研究的发展等方面提供一定参考。  相似文献   

以对中国科学技术大学和中国科学院部分科研人员的访谈和问卷调查为基础,调查我国科研人员对自存储的态度及意愿,从自存储资源的学术质量、版权、政策或组织方面、技术方面出发分析影响科研人员参与自存储的因素,并建议政府、科研机构建立宣传与教育政策机制、管理政策机制、强制政策机制和技术政策机制,建立OA仓储,引导科研人员自存储。  相似文献   

This study reports how internationalization of academic knowledge is reflected in the language choice of Korean academic journals across disciplines and examines perceptions and practices of eighty two faculty from various disciplines at three Korean universities concerning publishing in English journals. The results indicate that natural science has the highest percentage of English-medium journals whereas those in humanities and social science predominantly use Korean as a medium of publication. Similar disciplinary patterns are observed in the responses to survey questions about frequency of publication as well as desire and preference for publishing papers in English. The biggest motivation for Korean scholars to publish in English was the desire to reach global scholarly communities. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A persona represents a group of target users that share common behavioural characteristics. The personas method, an approach to systems design, has been receiving significant attention from practitioners. However, only anecdotal evidence currently exists for the effectiveness of personas and there have been criticisms about its validity as a scientific approach to research. This paper attempts to demonstrate how incorporating personas may lead to better understand the information needs of humanities scholars. Humanities scholars in an advanced ICT environment in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan are sampled as a case. Previous studies show that the humanities scholars have a significant negative relation with ICT use; they are using it less than scientists and social scientists, and they demonstrate a significantly higher use of library facilities than other academics. There is also a lack of up-to-date international research on the humanities scholars' information needs that takes into account recent rapid increases in the availability of ICT infrastructure, especially the Internet. As such, the objective of this study is to understand the information needs of humanities scholars and the effect of the electronic environment on their information seeking behaviour using personas. This study is conducted within a conceptual framework based on an integration of existing models of information-seeking behaviour, along with additional new elements representing the information context environment, such as languages, decision to seek and format of information resources. The four personas that were uncovered in this study may be able to effectively communicate the actual information needs of the humanities scholars through the personal narrative, name, and face, which continuously will remind the academic library of what their users really want and need from their services. This study also lays the foundation for future research by identifying variables of interest, and building construct validity through the themes of information needs that emerged.  相似文献   

机构知识库收录期刊论文涉及著作权问题的解决途径探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
期刊论文是机构知识库收录学术成果的重要组成部分,开放获取运动为解决机构知识库收录期刊论文的著作权问题提供了非常有利的条件。该文在对国外学术期刊的开放获取、自存档以及免费阅读等版权政策进行调研的基础上,结合中国农业大学知识库建设与服务实践探索,提出了机构知识库构建与服务中对期刊论文著作权问题处理的基本原则、版权明示方法,以及针对常见自存档附加限制条件的应对措施。  相似文献   

Use of online databases by humanities scholars searching as end users was monitored in a 2-year project conducted by the Getty Art History Information Program. Visiting Scholars at the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities in Santa Monica, California, were offered the opportunity to do unlimited subsidized searching of DIALOG® databases. This third report from the project presents results of interviews conducted with the scholars regarding their experiences with searching, the role the searching took in their broader research activities, and their attitudes about the future of online searching in the humanities. Scholars found the experience stimulating and novel, with comments ranging from its “addictive” properties to a “Sorcerer's Apprentice” quality to complaints about the “industrialization of scholarship.” Generally, the scholars saw DIALOG searching as supplementing their usual research methods, and not changing them in a fundamental way. Online searching was seen as particularly useful for interdisciplinary research, and as possibly setting a new standard for the extent of literature that should be reviewed. Identified problems were about equally divided between difficulties with the search interface and lack of desired types of resources. All foresaw online searching being used in the future by arts and humanities scholars.  相似文献   

准确地研究和测度科学知识之间的逻辑关系和结构体系,是进行科学政策研究和科研项目资助布局等科研管理活动的重要基础。学术期刊作为科学知识传播和交流的重要平台,是探测科学知识结构的一种有效载体,但是不同的学术期刊分类体系对科学知识结构的测度结构会产生直接而广泛的影响。文章从学术期刊分群的角度出发,考虑期刊在共被引过程中的距离因素,通过采用深度学习算法,来进行期刊的相似度计算与分群问题研究,在此基础上进行科学知识结构测度方法研究,并以中国人文社会科学期刊引文数据库为实验对象进行了实证研究。从实证结果来看,我国人文社会科学学科知识结构存在较为明显的结构划分,不同学科类别或不同研究领域的期刊都被分到了相应的群组,表明从期刊使用的角度来看,我国人文社会科学知识结构边界是相对较为清晰的。在此基础上重点对法学期刊的两个群组的科学研究主题进行了挖掘,从关键词的共现网络中可以明显看出,两个期刊群体内的研究主题虽有一定的交叉,但是两者在具体研究内容上也存在着显著区别。  相似文献   

科研人员是自存储发展过程中的主体力量与关键因素,科研人员是否愿意持续将研究成果提交给自存储平台从根本上影响自存储资源建设成效。文章以期望确认模型为代表的信息技术/系统用户持续使用理论为基础,结合自存储特点,构建科研人员持续自存储行为的理论模型,据此开展调查分析。结果表明,满意度、期望确认程度、自存储理念、自存储绩效、平台质量、促成因素以及感知风险等对科研人员的持续自存储行为产生显著影响。文章提出构建多元化协同发展机制、加强自存储资源质量控制、建立政策保障机制与版权管理机制等发展策略。  相似文献   

人文社会科学期刊评价指标体系研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
苏新宁 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(6):59-65,182
探讨我国目前期刊评价研究的状况,阐述期刊评价中运用的一些指标,分析过去期刊评价指标对现今人文社会科学期刊评价的不适应性,并根据引文索引的特征,提出一些期刊评价指标的修正策略,最后给出我国人文社会科学期刊的评价指标体系。  相似文献   

数字人文近年来受到人文学科和图书情报与档案管理学科的广泛关注,其中在历史学领域的实践项目尤为突出,因而以历史学者为中心考察其对数字人文的认识和接受情况,探究人文学者接受数字人文的影响因素,可促进数字人文更好地与人文学科融合发展。文章采用面对面访谈、电话访谈和微信语音的方式对22名历史学者进行采访,得到近6万字的访谈记录。运用扎根理论方法探索人文学者对数字人文接受意愿的影响因素,得到51项范畴和18项主范畴,在此基础上逐步归纳提炼出人文学者对数字人文接受意愿的5个维度:个人因素、参与方式、技术制度因素、环境因素和数字人文学科属性,根据维度之间的相关关系建立人文学者对数字人文的接受意愿PPTEC模型框架。结果表明,个人因素和环境因素会直接影响接受意愿,参与方式、制度技术因素、数字人文属性会受其他因素的调节后影响接受意愿。  相似文献   

日本的图书馆史研究在概念辨析、研究方法、研究视野方面颇具特色。本文通过对庆应大学所藏图书馆史文献进行系统梳理,总结日本图书馆史研究的特点。在理论方面,注重方法论的探讨与研究领域的划分,如关于图书馆史、图书馆学史和图书馆思想史的认识,以及对日本图书馆史研究分野的概括等;在内容方面,由图书馆史研究分化为图书馆学史研究、图书馆思想史研究,后来细化为运动史、服务史、藏书史、人物传记等各个主题;在研究基础方面,日本图书馆史有教材、史料和工具书;在组织方面,1982年成立专门研究图书馆史的组织图书馆史研究会,1995年后改名为日本图书馆文化史研究会,通过召开专门会议与发行刊物进行研究交流,开展学术批评;在研究视野上,秉承了日本受容文化的特色,研究视野宽广,并不限于日本,对世界图书馆史,以及中美德英俄等各主要国家的图书馆史都有较为深入的研究,形成了翻译著作多、国际研究著作多的特点。日本图书馆史研究的这些成果和特点可为我国同类研究提供借鉴。参考文献23。  相似文献   

认为高校科研教学活动中用户对于机构知识库自存储的需求真实存在,但对机构知识库不了解、不理解,导致了自存储积极性不高。探讨通过建立以用户需求为导向的机构知识库自存储服务机制,如采取提供一站式数字信息共享空间,建立基于IR的个人科研绩效管理体系,制定富有弹性的自存储政策等措施,来解除科研人员的后顾之忧,提高其自存储积极性,从根本上改变机构知识库资源存储不足的现状,促进我国高校机构知识库的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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