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运用文献资料法、专家咨询法、对比法、观察法和数理统计法对刘翔运动生涯末期相关比赛进行了研究,旨在为跨栏或相关项目运动员的参赛提供参考.结果表明:刘翔运动生涯末期赛程安排相对合理,参赛计划性强,参赛频度不具国际优势,强化赛练融合;赛季训练中强化与细化小周期;比赛成功率、运动成绩继续保持世界顶尖水平,同时存在伤病隐患;刘翔运动生涯末期比赛成功率与2004年同期相比表现为下降;使用国际田联世界排名更能反映刘翔的竞争实力;竞技状态相对稳定.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、专家访谈,针对刘翔受伤及术后复出进行训练学分析。110 m栏项目技术特点和频繁的带伤参赛以及缺乏主动的恢复与调整是刘翔受伤的主要因素。跟腱伤术后积极主动恢复调整与科学训练让刘翔再次回到比赛跑道,并以"七步上栏"技术跑出12.87 s的2012年迄今世界最好成绩。从运动训练学视角对刘翔受伤、术后主动恢复调整与革命性的技术改进进行训练学分析,以期为我国这一运动项目更科学的训练提供参考。  相似文献   

通过运用信息分析法、数理统计法,查阅有关刘翔训练与比赛的数据资料,联系训练与比赛的实际,收集刘翔的个性心理行为和激烈竞争中心理状态变化的信息资料,求证刘翔对不同的赛事和不同对手的心理活动规律.可以肯定:刘翔110m栏的成绩无论在理论上,还是现实中一定会再次打破世界纪录.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和数理统计法,对刘翔七次重大比赛的分段速度与全程成绩进行分析,分别建立了刘翔的专项成绩和分段成绩的预测模型。结果显示,其全程成绩与冲刺段、第6、4栏的分段速度关系最为密切;GM(1,1)模型对刘翔预测成绩为12.86 s。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法、综合分析法,对刘翔从2004年进入世界级水平到2006年多哈亚运会期间的国际大型赛事成绩进行分析研究,结果显示:刘翔在亚洲比赛平均成绩是13秒14,在欧、美比赛平均成绩是13秒0325;刘翔110m栏好成绩大部分是在欧洲高水平赛事上获得的。刘翔保持提高110m栏成绩的方法是继续参加欧洲高水平赛事,以此保持良好的竞赛水平。  相似文献   

运用数据建模、最优组合预测等方法,探讨刘翔伤愈复出后的竞技状态、成绩动态变化趋势及存在的问题.从而得出结论:(1)经过整合优化分析,2010年亚运会110m栏第一名成绩为13.06 s,而刘翔2010年亚运会110m栏成绩时间将为13.08 s,刘翔只要在备战中进一步恢复竞技状态、防止伤病复发、逐步提高成绩的稳定性,刘翔很可能卫冕2010年亚运会110m栏项目的冠军.(2)要充分、合理地利用东道主优势,这对刘翔在2010年亚运会的高水平发挥具有重要意义.  相似文献   

刘翔110 m栏第五栏中腾空过栏技术的运动学分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对我国优秀男子110m栏运动员刘翔等人第五栏腾空过栏的技术动作分三次进行定点、定焦距、高速拍摄,采用影片数字化、数据平滑处理和运动生物力学计算机辅助解析和辅助教学系统软件解析以及体育统计等方法,通过分析刘翔等人第五栏腾空过栏技术的两维图像,运用生物力学理论将解析出的刘翔两次比赛的阶段性参数相比较,并与三次拍摄的其他可解析运动员的技术参数对比。解析结果表明:(1)刘翔两次比赛第五栏中腾空过栏时的躯干前倾性大,两腿最大夹角大,腾空时间短,腾空过栏的速度快。(2)刘翔两次比赛第五栏的跨栏步步长小,起跨攻栏距离与下栏着地距离之比非常接近理论上的最理想比例。  相似文献   

刘子强 《精武》2012,(9):35-37
本文通过录像分析法、数量统计等方法对2012年2月刘翔参加世界田联英国伯明翰室内田径分站赛的比赛全程技术与自己在2007年在卡危斯鲁跑室内60米栏比赛录像进行解析,对比分析内容包括:全程速度、起跑反应、起跑至第一栏、全程过栏、栏间节奏、下第五栏至终点等技术环节时间参数,来分析刘翔打破亚洲室内60米栏记录的真正原因,并为刘翔即将开妯的室外赛突破进行预测,借此对我国许多跨栏运动员起到借鉴和参考作用。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和数理统计法,对刘翔七次重大比赛的分段速度与全程成绩进行分析,找出了影响专项成绩的主要因素,分别建立了刘翔的专项成绩和分段成绩的预测模型。结果显示,其全程成绩与冲刺段、第6、4栏的分段速度关系最为密切;GM(1,1)模型对刘翔预测成绩为12.86 s。  相似文献   

我国男子跨栏运动员刘翔110 m跨栏跑技术分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过有关比赛资料的对比分析 ,对我国男子跨栏运动员刘翔 110m跨栏跑过栏与栏间跑的技术特征进行研究。结果显示 :减小起跨后蹬角 ,控制过栏腾起角、躯干角 ;高摆、屈膝攻栏 ,减少起跨时人体重心振幅 ;远起跨、近下栏 ,改进下栏后的步长比例 ,提高“跑栏”技术效果等应是刘翔今后技术训练的重点  相似文献   

通过运用上海游泳水槽独有的“三线运动分析系统”对石峰术后的游泳技术进行精细化分析与诊断,采用ISOMED2000等速肌力测试仪评价膝关节周围肌肉力量和功能的恢复,同时对其在术后的专项训练方法进行研究,为运动员在以后的伤后训练中提供有效的建议和帮助.  相似文献   

康复性体能训练是体能训练领域较新的研究和实践方向,同时发展也较为迅速,它为运动员的损伤预防和伤病恢复提供了很好的解决方向和方法。程**,中国柔道队队员,2012年10月,腰部出现不适,大强度训练后出现疼痛,后经诊断为腰肌劳损。基于此,研究运用等速肌力测试、体成份测试和功能检查等方法对程**的身体功能情况进行系统的阶段性的评估,并根据腰部损伤情况制定针对性的康复体能训练计划。经过3个阶段25周的康复性体能训练后,程**腰肌劳损的伤病得到了很好的恢复,并且体能水平得到了较大程度的提高,这为其在12届全国运动会上取得冠军的比赛成绩打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

对国家帆船队男子激光级两名重点运动员的研究发现,施某主要存在核心力量及高强度运动下腿部肌肉耐力不足,而乔某主要是由于腰肌劳损导致在进行高强度运动时出现腰部酸痛、僵硬、腰椎活动度减弱等问题。根据两者的不同状况,针对性的制定各自的训练方案,通过3~4周的训练后,运动员的运动能力及损伤恢复情况均有所改善。通过高水平运动员体能训练计划制定、实施,改善运动员的运动能力,完善有效提高帆船运动员专项体能训练的手段与方法。同时,通过对重点运动员损伤后的康复训练,汲取康复体能训练有效手段,探索运动损伤机制并在训练中积极预防损伤。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in the metabolic state of quadriceps femoris muscles using transverse relaxation time (T2), measured by muscle functional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, after inactive or active recovery exercises with different intensities following high-intensity knee-extension exercise. Eight healthy men performed recovery sessions with four different conditions for 20 min after high-intensity knee-extension exercise on separate days. During the recovery session, the participants conducted a light cycle exercise for 20 min using a cycle (50%, 70% and 100% of the lactate threshold (LT), respectively: active recovery), and inactive recovery. The MR images of quadriceps femoris muscles were taken before the trial and after the recovery session every 30 min for 120 min. The percentage changes in T2 for the rectus femoris and vastus medialis muscles after the recovery session in 50%LT and 70%LT were significantly lower than those in either inactive recovery or 100%LT. There were no significant differences in those for vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius muscles among the four trials. The percentage changes in T2 of rectus femoris and vastus medialis muscles after the recovery session in 50%LT and 70%LT decreased to the values before the trial faster than those in either inactive recovery or 100%LT. Those of vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius muscles after the recovery session in 50%LT and 70%LT decreased to the values before the trial faster than those in 100%LT. Although the changes in T2 after active recovery exercises were not uniform in exercised muscles, the results of this study suggest that active recovery exercise with the intensities below LT are more effective to recover the metabolic state of quadriceps femoris muscles after intense exercise than with either intensity at LT or inactive recovery.  相似文献   

一次急性运动后正常膳食小鼠糖原恢复规律的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林敬松 《体育科技》2000,(4):47-49,62
以小白鼠为实验对象 ,观察一次急性运动后正常膳食条件下小鼠肌糖原与肝糖原的恢复规律。实验结果显示 :在糖原的恢复过程中 ,血糖的浓度基本保持不变 ,肌糖原先恢复 ,肝糖原后恢复 ,肌糖原在 2 4h出现超量恢复 ,肝糖原在 36h出现超量恢复  相似文献   


Athletes often use contrast-water therapy as a recovery modality to reduce training fatigue. However, there is debate regarding the effectiveness of this practice, particularly when active and passive recovery regimens are more readily accessible. Fourteen male state-level hockey players participated in three experimental sessions involving two 30-s maximal-intensity Wingate ergometer tests interspersed by a 12-min recovery period. Three different recovery protocols were assessed. Passive recovery involved sitting while active recovery comprised low-intensity cycling. Contrast-water therapy recovery involved three cycles of alternate immersion in heated (38°C) and cool (15°C) water for 3.5 min and 30 s respectively. Heart rate, blood lactate concentration, and ratings of fatigue were assessed immediately before (baseline) and after the first Wingate test, 3 min and 7 min into and at the end of the recovery period, and immediately after the second Wingate test. Blood pressure was assessed at baseline, immediately before recovery, and immediately after recovery. Heart rate remained elevated 3 min and 7 min into as well as after active recovery compared with both contrast-water therapy (P<0.001) and passive recovery (P<0.001), and was elevated 3 min into and after contrast-water therapy recovery compared with passive recovery (P<0.001). Blood lactate concentration was significantly lowered 7 min into and after active recovery (P<0.001) and contrast-water therapy (P<0.001) compared with passive recovery, but no significant difference was observed between active recovery and contrast-water therapy. Rating of fatigue was significantly lower for contrast-water therapy (P<0.001) compared with passive recovery and active recovery, the latter two being similar. However, no significant differences were found between the recovery modalities for any of the test or retest Wingate performance indices. Although contrast-water therapy offered similar benefits to well-established active recovery protocols, it also resulted in reduced ratings of fatigue and a faster return to baseline for some variables. Although restricted to a limited time frame, these findings reflect that the subtle effects from contrast-water therapy may translate to important practical differences that can influence the recovery choices of athletes, particularly when engaged in intense events/training where the recovery period is limited.  相似文献   

本文旨在为摸索髌骨骨折保守治疗的康复训练提供思维方法和实践体会。郑裕蒿在髌骨骨折后,通过10周的康复训练,恢复后1个月获得全国第十届运动会武术男子散打77.5kg级别的决赛权并在随后的决赛中荣获冠军。10周康复训练中主要采用肌力练习、关节活动度练习、耐力训练、神经肌肉本体感觉训练等一系列运动疗法,阶段性进行运动功能评定,制定一系列康复训练阶段性目标及预案。结果认为,骨折的康复训练计划以医学检查(临床表现、影像学诊断)、物理及传统治疗方法为前提,依据运动专项特点,制定阶段性个体化运动处方,会有效缩短伤病恢复时间。  相似文献   

体育的生物学本源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从人类学的角度探究近代体育在工业社会诞生的生物学本源。人类在进化为直立行走后,所发生的人体形态结构的变化,为体育性质的身体活动奠定了生物学的基础。人类在全面发展的过程中为弥补自己的生物性缺陷,萌生了对体育活动的主观需求。在工业经济过细的社会分工严重损害人类身心健康的特定条件下,近代体育得以诞生。  相似文献   


Six female collegiate swimmers were used to evaluate the hypothesis that the recovery procedure after exercise will not only affect subsequent performance, but will also affect the recovery process after the subsequent performance. Each swimmer exercised for two minutes at 90% [Vdot]O2 max on a swimming ergometer, recovered for 15 minutes by walking on land or swimming, then swam 200 yds. for time. Oxygen uptake was measured for 15 minutes after the 200 yd. swim. Venous blood, obtained after the ergometry swim, and before and after the 200 yd. swim, was analyzed for lactate. Two hundred yard swim times were not significantly affected by either the walking or swimming recovery procedures. Blood lactate after the ergometry swim averaged 96.7 ± 18 mg/100 ml. The swimming recovery reduced the lactate levels by 53.3% compared to a 38.5% reduction during the walking recovery. Significant differences in blood lactate were also noted after the 200 yd. swim, with the trials in which swimming recovery protocol was used yielding less than the trials involving the walking recovery (99 ± 8 mg/100 ml compared to 113 ± 8 mg/100 ml, respectively). The post 200 yd. swim oxygen uptakes averaged 7.74 ± 1.51 liters and were not affected by protocol. It was concluded that a 15 minute recovery period may be sufficient for repeated bouts of high intensity work lasting less than three minutes. It was also concluded that self-selection of the mode of recovery is not always the most effective for removal of blood lactate.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(1):54-64
Malcohn Tozer was appointed the founding headmaster of Northamptonshire Grammar School in 1989 after a 23 year career at Uppingham School. There his one claim to cricketing fame was to run tlie rival sport of atliletics, thus provoking his house regularly to win cricket competitions and to produce the school's two most recent Test players. One of his recreations is research in the overlapping histories of education, sport and imperialism for the Victonan and Edwardian eras, and he has published his findings in a series of papers and essays.  相似文献   

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