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随着新课标、新教材的使用和普及,中考试题对探究性试题的考查力度逐渐加大,新的题型层出不穷,在(1)提出问题,(2)猜想与假设,(3)制定计划与设计实验,(4)进行实验与收集证据,(5)分析与论证,(6)评估,(7)交流与合作等环节中,有的考查某几个环节,有的考查研究问题的基本方法……笔者认为,2005年黄冈市考试卷中第17题是难得的探究性试题,原题目如下:17、物体在流体(液体与气体)中运动时,受到的阻碍物体运动的力,叫流体阻力。这种阻力的大小与哪些因素有关呢?(1)仔细观察如图所示的应用实例,对影响流体阻力的因素提出一种猜想:(题(3)中猜想除外)(…  相似文献   

王淦生 《河北教育》2009,(10):33-33
靠什么去证明一所高中(这里主要指的是重点高中.普通中学自然不会鸡进鹤群来凑这份热闹)的办学实力?按传统观念可能会去比大楼.按现代理念应当去拼名师.但时下的重点高中的实力比拼.是容不得这般“风物长宜放眼量”的.甚至像升学率、本科率这类数据已经没有多少人正眼瞧它(在这高校集体扩招的年代.这已不再具有太大的吸引力),人们比的是升名牌大学的升学率.甚至只是升清华、北大的升学率!  相似文献   

本论文首先概述了关于大学入学的个体选择的概率模型,并基于这一模型,根据收入阶层其实效成本的不同,对教育机会均等的概念重新定义。通过这一模型进行的运算表明,当整体升学率上升到一定水准时,阶层间的升学率差异将扩大,而非缩小。因此“大众化”的高等教育未必意味着更大的均等。就教育机会均等问题而言,从学生生活调查这一标准数据源中得出的学生分布的假设的信赖性亦存有疑问。  相似文献   

根据国家《片面追求升学率原因、后果、对策》课题组的要求,在原有七县调查基础上,(参见《教育探索》1988年第6期《县镇教育调查的启示》)我们又对黑龙江省经济发展水平不同的讷河、富裕、泰来三县的乡镇,就"学生升学和厌学的反差"、"片追在当前形势下的新变化"等情况做了进一步的调查研究.一1、在升学目标下的两极分化多年来,作为教育序列中的重要一环,  相似文献   

加强中学生的思想政治工作,在新的形势下尤为重要。党和国家领导人多次在讲话中提出要加强学生的思想政治工作,上海市也专门召开会议进行了研究。而作为承担着该项工作的中学如何具体贯彻落实,并取得应有的效果呢?这是摆在我们广大中学教师面前的重要课题。从目前中学的实际情况来看,影响中学生思想政治工作的最大因素是什么?据笔者观察和了解,是片面追求升学率。尽管我们一再反对片面追求升学率,但事实上,升学率的问题往往是社会衡量一所学校优劣的标志。只看升学率而忽视其他工作,又直接影响了学校的校长。校长们为升学率而苦恼,为升学率所左右,自觉或不自觉地把升学率放在首  相似文献   

二、组合部分1.在一次国际会议上 ,有四种官方语言 .任意两名会议代表可以用这四种语言之一进行讨论 .证明 :至少有 6 0 %的会议代表能讲同一种语言 .(2 0 0 2 ,罗马尼亚为IMO和巴尔干地区数学奥林匹克选拔考试供题 (第二轮 ) )证明 :假设这四种语言分别为 1,2 ,3,4 .(1)若存在一名会议代表只会一种语言 ,则显然其他代表均会这种语言 .(2 )每名会议代表至少会两种语言 ,且只讲两种语言的代表中没有公共语言 .因此 ,对称地将会议代表分成如下的 8类 :(1,2 ) ,(1,3) ,(2 ,3) ,(1,2 ,3) ,(1,2 ,4 ) ,(1,3,4 ) ,(2 ,3,4 ) ,(1,2 ,3,4 ) .如果…  相似文献   

7O年代末我国开始进行“计算机在会计中的应用”的试点工作;90年代后,会计电算化工作发展迅速,会计软件市场不断完善和扩大,与比相应,各种大专以上层次的财会专业教学计划中一般都增设了会计电算化课程;职高财会专业开设该课程,编写有关教材业已成为当务之急。在教材编写中应注意;(1)大纲与现有教学计划和有关规定的衔接,(2)突出职高特点,(3)选择好软件,(4)设计好上机实习环节。  相似文献   

一、追求升学率教育思想的表现和危害对追求升学率的教育思想,现在在概念上以及概念所反映的内容上有一种模糊的观念,其一表现为有人认为“片面追求升学率”是错误的,“追求升学率”则是应当肯定的,甚至认为现在应当解决的是如何追求升学率的问题。我认为“片面追求升学率”和“追求升学率”本质上是一样的,都是把“追求升学率”作为教育的目的。反映在教学实践中,都是只向学生灌输升学考试必修课程知识,忽视非升学考试必修课程知识的学习。放松甚至放弃对学生的思想品德教育  相似文献   

追求升学率的问题是当今世界各国教育界均面临的不可回避的问题。它经常地困挠着教育行政部门、教育工作者;它牵动着整个社会的神经,为千家万户所关注。因此,我们有必要对升学率的问题进行一番符合历史的、现实的、力求正确的思索,并从思索中找出有关问题的答案,使我们在这个问题上理智地走出误区,沿着健康的有益于人类进步的大道前进。 升学率的问题,早已随着人类不同方式的办学(私学、公学)而悄悄地出现。在中国至迟出现于春秋  相似文献   

我们是在办学校,还是在办补习班?我们是在培养学生,还是在培养考生?我们要办热校,还是要办名校?这一连串的问题,引起了我们对办学理念、办学方向、办学追求的思考。作为一所名校,在办学方向上,要超越升学率,遵循三人宗旨。超越升学率,不是说不要升学率,而是说升学率只  相似文献   

In carefully examining the thesis of a paper by Anderson, Nelson, and Edgington (1984) concerning the socalled Fool’s Type IIa error, one realizes that certain fundamental statistical tenets have been overlooked or ignored. The purpose of the present paper is to discount the notion of a Fool’s Type IIa error under the Neyman-Pearson philosophy of testing statistical hypotheses and to highlight the need for improved statistical education related to hypothesis testing. If the importance of Type I and Type II errors cannot be quantified, then the Neyman-Pearson approach to hypothesis testing is of no value, and hence a Fool’s Type IIa error is irrelevant. If statistical testing errors are important and can be quantified, then adjustment for the Fool’s Type IIa error region is equivalent to increasing the probability of making a Type I error.  相似文献   

In this paper the focus is placed on cross‐level relationships within effective schools in secondary education in the Netherlands. Three hypotheses have been formulated. The outcomes related to the contingency hypothesis make clear that the managerial capacities of schools in secondary education are of great importance with respect to the effectiveness of schools, especially when a school's position gets under pressure at the local (student) market.

Results show the affirmation of a congruency hypothesis with respect to the extent of production orientation of management and teaching staff, and the overall congruence of school and classroom policy. Results of contextual hypothesis suggest that the average intelligence of the school population exerts no effect on school careers in general or on careers of low/high intelligent pupils in particular. However, a school environment with a relatively low average socio‐economic status is positively associated with the school careers of pupils from families with low socio‐economic status. No positive effects are found regarding school careers in general, or ethnic minority careers in particular, when the number of ethnic minority pupils was increasing.  相似文献   

Since our first studies of information and communications technology (ICT) skills and ICT use at universities in 2004, ICT and its use by students has changed greatly. In order to obtain a more detailed picture of ICT skills, we first construct a new instrument to measure the self-perception of ICT skills (49 items) and of ICT use (53 items) by students. This allows us to find some patterns for ICT skills and ICT use. In order to explain these patterns, two basic hypotheses are formulated. The first suggests that positive ICT learning experiences at home, in school, and with peers could contribute to mastering a higher level of ICT skills and more frequent use of ICT among bachelor’s students, a hypothesis that aligns with Dewey’s learning theory. The second hypothesis suggests that there is a similarity between the characteristics of information systems and scientific research, and that students who identify more with scientific research would be more likely to have greater ICT skills and a higher frequency of ICT use. Both hypotheses are tested among bachelor’s students, using some important contextual variables (gender, domain of study, ICT course in secondary school or at university, and education level of parents). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between the ICT learning experience and the research-oriented identity commitment of bachelor’s students on the one hand, and their command of ICT skills and the frequency of use of computers, ICT instruments, and ICT programs on the other.  相似文献   

Researchers have found a strong relationship between improvements in quality and satisfaction, revenue, and cost. However, no study to date investigates the same for higher education. This study investigates whether institutions of higher education have implemented quality improvement programs, and if so, if the results are similar to what has been observed with firms in the private sector. The study proposes and tests five hypotheses, and findings support four of the five hypotheses, with partial support for the fifth hypothesis. The study finds that implementing quality programs leads to an increase in satisfaction among constituent groups, increase in revenue, and a reduction in costs. The findings also show that increased satisfaction (due to improved quality) also leads to increase in revenue and reduction in costs.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that student’s abductive reasoning skills play an important role in the generation of hypotheses on pendulum motion tasks. To test the hypothesis, a hypothesis-generating test on pendulum motion, and a prior-belief test about pendulum motion were developed and administered to a sample of 5th grade children. A significant number of subjects who have prior belief about the length to alter pendulum motion failed to apply their prior belief to generate a hypothesis on a swing task. These results suggest that students’ failure in hypothesis generation was related to abductive reasoning ability, rather than simple lack of prior belief. This study, then, supports the notion that abductive reasoning ability beyond prior belief plays an important role in the process of hypothesis generation. This study suggests that science education should provide teaching about abductive reasoning as well as scientific declarative knowledge for developing children’s hypothesis-generation skills.  相似文献   

In the context of the emphasis on inquiry teaching in science education, this study looks into how pre-service elementary teachers understand and practise science inquiry teaching during field experience. By examining inquiry lesson preparation, practice, and reflections of pre-service elementary teachers, we attempt to understand the difficulties they encounter and what could result from those difficulties in their practice. A total of 16 seniors (fourth-year students) in an elementary teacher education program participated in this study. In our findings, we highlight three difficulties ‘on the lesson’ that are related to teaching practices that were missing in the classrooms: (1) developing children’s own ideas and curiosity, (2) guiding children in designing valid experiments for their hypotheses, (3) scaffolding children’s data interpretation and discussion and another three difficulties ‘under the lesson’ that are related to problems with the pre-service teachers’ conceptualization of the task: (4) tension between guided and open inquiry, (5) incomplete understanding of hypothesis, and (6) lack of confidence in science content knowledge. Based on these findings, we discuss how these difficulties are complexly related in the pre-service teachers’ understandings and action. Several suggestions for science teacher education for inquiry teaching, especially hypothesis-based inquiry teaching, are then explored.  相似文献   

何俊芳 《海外英语》2011,(11):39+51
The Acquisition-learning hypothesis and the Input hypothesis are two of the five basic hypotheses in the Monitor model,first described by Krashion in the 1970s.The writer put forward her own assesmemt of the two hypothesises,which is of significance for SLA.  相似文献   

古今中外的教育理论和教育实践都明言或隐含着某种对人的假设,从而构成了从“内发”到“外铄”两个极端间的教育理论与实践的序列。新课程改革理论和实践的背后同样也隐含对人的假设:人的本性是向善的,人是具有学习心向的,人是自我发展、自我实现的。这种假设对我国基础教育的影响有积极的一面,同时也存在着一定的局限性。  相似文献   

Giuditta Fontana 《Compare》2016,46(5):811-831
This article considers initiatives to reform religious education after violent identity-based conflicts in Lebanon, Northern Ireland and Macedonia. The Taif Agreement, the Belfast Agreement and the Ohrid Agreement mapped extensive education reforms and established consociational power-sharing in the three jurisdictions, altering state identity and inter-communal hierarchies. The existing literature generates two hypotheses on the political function of religious education after violent conflicts: (1) religious education tends to entrench existing ethnic, national and political cleavages or (2) religious education helps further mutual knowledge, integration and social cohesion after violent conflicts. This comparative research employs original interviews and documents to evaluate initiatives to reform religious education (as a curricular subject) in post-conflict Lebanon, Northern Ireland and Macedonia. It suggests that the first hypothesis reflects more accurately the political function of education: religious education helps entrench existing cleavages in these deeply divided societies, but this does not necessarily hamper short-term peace and political stability.  相似文献   

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