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The purpose of this study is to develop a stakeholder map to describe the most important stakeholders and the process of stakeholder relationships in higher education. According to the perspective of the balanced scorecard, the classification of stakeholders integrates stakeholders into strategic management. Stakeholder maps are essential in quality assurance, because higher education institutions must identify the most important stakeholders to collect feedback from the stakeholder relationships and improve their processes. This study describes stakeholder collaboration using the process flow of stakeholder relationships. The results of the study can be used in quality audits to describe how stakeholders are involved in a meaningful manner in the development of activities.  相似文献   

英国高等教育质量保障体系以内部质量保障为主体,外部质量保障为主导,前者主要是高校的自律机制和自适机制,后者主要以高等教育质量保障署的"学术规范体系"为主线,从而形成了其独立自主、以制度促规范、互动而平衡的鲜明特征。给我国的启示有:建立起法制化、制度化运作的高等教育质量保障体系和专业化的高等教育质量评估体系;完善以"内部"为主体、"外部"为主导的体系构成;加强内外有效沟通和协调发展的运行体系。  相似文献   

Higher education plays an important role in the social, economic and political development of any given nation. In the Namibian context, quality assurance systems have been put in place at both national and institutional levels through the establishment of national quality assurance agencies and units responsible for quality in institutions. A critical literature analysis of quality assurance systems in higher education shows that although they claim to strike a balance between improvement and accountability, external quality assurance mechanisms tend to have an accountability and compliance focus and to promote managerialisation and bureaucratisation of academia. This article argues that internal quality assurance systems, built on a strong quality culture, tend to be more effective in enhancing the quality of student learning experience and academic success than externally driven quality assurance. Thus, to promote genuine quality, more energy must be invested in external quality assurance capacitating and strengthening internal quality assurance systems.  相似文献   

This study is based on a pragmatist analysis of selected international accounts on quality assurance in higher education. A pragmatist perspective was used to conceptualise a logical internal quality assurance model to embed and support the alignment of graduate competencies in curriculum and assessment of Ghanaian polytechnics. Through focus group and in-depth interviews, the framework was evaluated by internal stakeholders including lecturers, students and administrators of the polytechnics. It was found that from a pragmatist perspective, quality assurance concepts and practices in higher education reported in the international literature could be used to design a context-specific quality assurance framework for higher education systems in Africa but there will be challenges with implementation of such a framework. The challenges found include quality culture and financial resources. Nonetheless, it was noted that effective planning and stakeholder commitment can surmount the challenges to ensure effective implementation of the framework to enhance quality.  相似文献   

This article investigates the issue of the governance of higher education institutions and argues that governance by Senates is more appropriate than governance by stakeholders for such institutions. It discusses the ambiguous democratic credentials of stakeholder politics and argues against this mode of politics in the governance of higher education institutions, especially in respect to their ‘transformation’. In terms of distinctions between convergent and shared interests, service and constitutive institutions and the essential lack of transparency of academic practices, it argues that higher education institutions should be governed by the body of accomplished academics. The conclusion is not that Senates cannot be corrupt, but that to substitute governance by stakeholders for governance by Senates cannot solve that problem.  相似文献   

In 2012, Taiwan implemented a dual-track quality assurance system comprising accreditation and self-accreditation in higher education institutions. Self-accrediting institutions can accredit their programs without requiring approval from external quality assurance agencies. In contrast to other countries, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan authorized self-accrediting institutions to develop their own evaluation standards. This study investigated the institution-based accreditation standards and their implications on institutional internal quality assurance. Content analysis revealed that 37 % of the indicators of self-accreditation were new and not used as review indicators in the original accreditation track. Two frequently added indicators were featured indicators and levels of internationalization. The results also indicated that institutions tend to structure their internal quality assurance systems uniquely. Three types of approaches for developing institution-based standards were identified: bottom-up, hybrid, and innovative approaches. Self-accreditation has benefited institutions committed to educational quality and pursuing excellence by enabling them to employ a fitness-for-purpose approach. The diversity of higher education and educational policy changes constitute new challenges to higher education. Balancing between accountability and autonomy is critical for all stakeholders of higher education.  相似文献   

Starting from the main objective of external quality assurance (EQA) procedures to assure and improve the quality of higher education institutions and its provisions, the paper examines expected impacts of EQA procedures on institutions from the perspectives of three European quality assurance agencies. First, the paper examines the expected impacts of different standard parts of a typical peer review procedure on higher education institutions and assesses when a procedure is most likely to have an effect on the institution. The second part presents the current practices of the three EQA agencies, AQU Catalunya (Spain), Evaluationsagentur Baden-Württemberg (evalag) (Germany) and the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (Finland) on assessing the impact of their EQA procedures.  相似文献   

英国高等教育质量保障体系由内部质量保障体系和外部质量保障体系构成。该体系具有法制化、多元化、融合性、平衡性等特点。我国在构建具有中国特色的高等教育质量保障体系过程中,应借鉴英国高等教育质量保障体系的积极因素,完善法律与政策环境,建立社会问责制度;建立灵活的评估指标体系,吸纳社会公众积极参与评价;引入独立的中介评估机构,建立内部质量监控机制。  相似文献   

The present affiliation policy regime of Ghana’s higher education system has existed for more than two decades. However, empirical studies to examine the policy rhetoric and reality with regard to building quality assurance capacity in mentored institutions appear non-existent. This paper is based on an illustrative qualitative case study undertaken to examine the achievements and challenges of implementing the policy to build internal quality assurance capacities in mentored institutions. The study was guided by Institutional Theory using 12 key informant in-depth interviews and document reviews as data collection sources. The findings indicate a minimal achievement of the policy intent on internal quality assurance capacity building due to key implementation challenges such as a tripartite relationship structure; increasing cost on mentored institutions and increasing workload on mentor institutions. The study concludes that the gap between the policy rhetoric and reality in the studied mentored institutions appears undesirable and requires stakeholders’ attention.  相似文献   

在利益相关者治理理论、"多元价值"教育评价思想以及博洛尼亚进程的影响下,英、法、德、意等欧洲国家纷纷出台了有关学生参与高等教育质量保障的政策。通过对学生参与质量保障的权利给予立法保障,吸纳学生参与高等教育管理机构和各级质量保障机构,以及充分发挥学生组织的作用等政策措施,欧洲国家在质量保障中实现学生的全面、充分参与。  相似文献   

This paper analyses teaching and non-teaching staff perceptions on the implementation of internal quality assurance (QA) practices at their higher education institutions. The aim is to understand how far different perspectives on quality – as culture, as compliance or as consistency – are reflected in the views of these two groups on such practices. Data from a survey sent to all Portuguese institutions show that, to some extent, the perspectives of quality as culture and quality as compliance seem to permeate both groups’ views. This is evident in regard to the factors identified as supporting the development of internal QA, the main features underlying the implementation of such practices and their main effects. As the study allows for a better understanding on how these practices are perceived by teaching and non-teaching staff, it can contribute to promoting the critical reflection of institutions about QA and the way it can be both more effective and aligned with academia’s needs and expectations, contributing to influencing institutional practices.  相似文献   

高效、专业的组织机构是远程高等教育质量保证活动的执行主体。美英等国在其高等教育质量保证制度下,建立完善的内外部质量保证机构和专业人员队伍,成为保证本国远程高等教育质量的重要因素。我国当前宏观质量保证政策体系和组织机构框架已经形成,但是院校内部的质量保证活动分割到管理职能部门中,专门化的质量保证机构缺失。对比国内外机构建设情况,我国远程高等教育质量保证活动应当纳入多元利益主体,围绕核心质量因素设置内外质量保证机构,明确其职责和工作规范,加大质量保证所需的人员队伍建设,以提升我国远程高等教育质量保证工作执行的绩效。  相似文献   

学位点质量保障手段总是服务于特定的目的或功效。在质量保障体系中,建立相对完备的一套学位(学术)规范体系是质量保障体系发挥作用的前提和基础。我国在学位点建设与改革进程中,应尽早制定和完善学术规范体系并积极引导和鼓励院校深入推进内部学位点质量保障体系建设。  相似文献   

高职教育"管办评分离"质量保障体系是政府、学校和社会评价组织为增强利益相关者的质量信任,以先进理论为指导,围绕人才培养和科技研究工作等建立的结构化、系统化制度体系。当前高职教育"管办评分离"质量保障体系建设,存在着法律法规规章保障不力、学校现代治理能力不强、第三方评估机构发展不足等突出问题,亟待通过完善国家制度政策、建构学校内部保障体系、发展独立专业评估机构、实施专项督导等予以解决。  相似文献   

我国专业学位研究生教育质量保障体系的反思与创新   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
由于发展时间较短,目前我国的专业学位研究生教育质量保障机制还很不完善,存在着外部保障机制不全、内部保障作用不强和内外沟通互动不够等问题。美国专业学位研究生教育质量保障的经验是:各高校发挥核心作用,同时有效发挥学术共同体、市场和政府力量的调节作用。我国应建立以高校为本的专业学位研究生教育质量保障体系,并辅之以政府和社会监控机制,同时完善相关政策,准确定位专业学位,实现学位与学历一体化,推进专业学位研究生教育与职业资格认证制度相互衔接。  相似文献   

In Portugal, the agency for assessment and accreditation of higher education has recently included in its remit, beyond programme accreditation, the certification of internal quality assurance systems. This implies lighter touch accreditation and aims to direct institutions towards improvement, in addition to accountability. Twelve institutions have already undertaken the certification, and both self-assessment and external assessment reports are available. Based on the qualitative analysis of the nature of institutional strengths and weaknesses highlighted in these evaluation reports, the paper aims to understand whether the identified strengths and weaknesses are related to procedural and organisational matters or to cultural change (values and beliefs), in turn offering an insight into the quality culture(s) which characterise higher education institutions in Portugal. Findings suggest that the quality culture of the analysed institutions is somewhere between responsive and reactive. Overall, all reports dwell more on the prioritisation of formal and structural procedures, both regarding strengths and weaknesses. External reports point towards more weaknesses related to stakeholders’ participation. Both aspects are more frequent in polytechnics than in universities. These findings suggest that polytechnics are more reactive, whereas universities are more responsive. Therefore, accountability apparently continues to be, for the time being, a more pressing concern than improvement.  相似文献   

泰国高等教育的质量保障体系由外部质量保障和内部质量保障两大体系组成。在外部,国家教育标准与质量评估办公室这一公益性组织负责对全国所有高等教育机构实施每五年一次的外部质量监控。在内部,各高等教育机构非常重视内部质量保障体系的建设,设立有校级、学院级、中心级等不同层次的教学质量保障委员会,负责对学校的教学、科研和学生服务等方面进行全程监控,以确保提供的教育产品和输出的质量达到国家和国际标准。这一做法对我国高等教育系统的质量保障体系建设具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

英国高校"质量文化"及内部质量保障体系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高等教育质量保障是院校的职责。通过对英国高校“质量文化”的理念、内部质量保障的机构、关注焦点、方法过程及保障目的等方面的分析研究,并就完善我国高校内部质量保障体系提出建议。  相似文献   

芬兰的教育成就与其完善的质量评估保障体系密切相关。芬兰高等教育评估起步虽晚 但发展速度和成绩惊人。因此本文希望通过对芬兰高等教育外部评估现状、机构评估任务与特点的 阐述,探寻芬兰教育成功背后的经验,为构建我国高等教育外部评估机构提供宝贵的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Because there is close cooperation on quality assurance in the Scandinavian countries, one would expect there to be convergence of quality assurance policies and practices in Scandinavian higher education. Few studies have analysed these quality assurance policies and practices from a comparative viewpoint. Based on empirical evidence produced in connection with studies of recent quality reforms in Scandinavia and an approach based on linking diffusion and translation theories with institutionalist perspectives focusing on path dependency, the paper contributes to the current debate on Scandinavian quality assurance. The debate is compelling with regard to the Swedish case in particular, with its ‘one size fits all’ approach and exclusive focus on outcomes which has been heavily criticised by the higher education institutions and has turned out to be controversial from the European viewpoint.  相似文献   

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