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高中化学核心素养包括"宏观辨识与微观探析"、"变化观念与平衡思想"、"证据推理与模型认知"、"科学探究与创新意识"、"科学精神与社会责任"五个方面.本文从化学学科观念、学科思维、学科实践和学科价值等方面分析了高中化学核心素养各维度的内涵,探讨了高中化学核心素养的结构和各维度的相互关系.  相似文献   

落实新课程,开展研究性学习,目的是为了适应新的课程改革,教师要把观念从化学教学转变为化学教育.课程改革要求教学方式不断更新,科学手段不断完善,拓宽教学思路,发挥化学学科优势.高中化学新课程则是要帮助学生来主动构建自身在化学中所需要的基本知识和技能,同时还要进一步对化学学科的特点进行了解,并加深对物质世界的认识;这样有利于学生探究科学和体验科学,加深学习科学的基本方法,对科学本质上的认识,增强自身创新精神和实践的能力;有利于学生形成科学的自然观和严谨求实的科学态度,那么,对于新课程的思想、理念与实施,我们如何反思长期以来惯用的化学教学模式,如何构建适合新课程标准要求的化学模式.下面我们谈谈在高中化学教学模式创新中具体实施的一些做法.  相似文献   

新课程改革背景下,高中化学教学要求有了较大的改变,高中化学教学更为注重对学生思维能力,学生探究性精神以及化学学科观念的培养与建设.新课程背景下,高中化学课该怎么上,该采取何种教学模式进行高中化学课堂教学,成为每一位化学教师想要弄清的问题.笔者认为在新课程背景下,在高中化学教学过程中实施"问题驱动"教学模式不仅能够有效地调动学生的思维,还能够培养学生的探究性精神,帮助学生建立化学学科观念,不失为一种十分有效的教学模式.本文就如何在高中化学教学中构建问题驱动教学模式进行实践与探索.一、结合生活实际构建化学问题情境  相似文献   

高中化学科学方法教育内容体系的构建及实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高中化学科学方法教育内容体系是以自然科学方法教育内容为主、兼顾化学的特殊方法和哲学方法构建的,针对新课程高中化学科学方法教育的现状与问题,基于高中化学科学方法教育内容体系的构建,当前实施化学科学方法教育应从四方面着手:完善高中化学课程标准内容,加大高师生职前化学科学方法的培训,增加化学教师职后科学方法内容的培训,增强化学实验仪器的配置。  相似文献   

在新课改的背景下,高中化学学科更加注重对核心素养五个维度的深层次解读过程。宏观辨识与微观辨析、变化观念与平衡思想、证据推理与模型认知、科学探究与创新意识、科学精神与社会责任五个主要维度共同组成了高中化学学科的核心素养体系。实验教学是高中化学学科中必不可少的教学内容。本文主要分析和探讨核心素养下的高中化学实验创新教学路径。  相似文献   

一、研究背景1.化学活动课的意义高中化学是一门理论性和实践性都很强的学科。新课程改革要求高中化学要培养学生的科学探究能力,能够采取措施促使学生主动、积极地参与到化学教学活动中。自主合作教学活动的开展,能够促使高中化学教学更好地适应新课程改革的要求。  相似文献   

如何在课堂教学中培养学生的学科观念,提高学生对学科的理解,帮助学生形成一套系统的科学的学习体系一直是化学教育研究的热点问题.尤其是在新课程标准中将培养学生形成有关化学科学的基本观念列为中学化学课程目标后,这就要求高中化学教师在进行高中化学课堂教学过程中要加强对学生学科观念的培养,加强对学生化学思维方法的指导,加强对学生认识化学问题理解能力的培养.本文就如何在高中化学课堂教学过程中培养学生学科观念进行简要的探讨与分析.  相似文献   

HPS教育以丰富学生科学认知,提高学生科学素养为目标,与我国高中化学新课程标准的要求高度契合。从HPS教育理念的三个维度对比分析新人教版和新苏教版高中化学教材必修第一册的“物质结构元素周期律”中HPS教育内容的数量、构成及呈现方式,客观反映两版教材中融入HPS教育的现状和特点,并为教材内容编写及一线化学教师有效开展HPS教育教学提供参考。  相似文献   

"环境保护"内容是高中化学新课程《化学与生活》中的重要组成部分。高中化学新课程开设的《化学与生活》选修模块中的"环境保护"专题,在引导学生认识化学和环境保护密切关系的同时,使他们增强环境保护意识,树立人与环境应该和谐相处、可持续发展的观念,提高科学素养。本文对"环境保护"专题的学习内容、学习过程的特点进行分析,并对其教学策略作初步探讨。  相似文献   

高中化学核心素养,是学生学习化学课程中要具备的关键能力和品格,包括宏观辨识与微观探析,变化观念和平衡思想,证据推理和模型认知,科学探究和创新意识,科学精神与社会责任五个维度。而问题情境教学,主要是通过设计现实问题创设真实的问题情境引导学生探索问题,培养学生的核心素养。  相似文献   

Scientific writing is related to the practice of communicating scientific knowledge. This study treats scientific writing as a social practice, taking as its premise the notion that participating in related activities such as reading, peer evaluation, and discussion would positively affect the competence of students’ scientific writing, by developing their epistemic cognition regarding scientific knowledge communication and legitimation. An empirical study was conducted with twenty-two Chinese undergraduate students to test this premise. These students were majoring in chemistry and undertook a researcher-designed intervention course (Advanced Organic Chemistry Experiment), which embodied the integrated strategy of reading, peer evaluation, and discussion on scientific writing. Based on data pertaining to those students’ performance in terms of the normativity, objectivity, and logicality of scientific writing drawn from a previous study by the current author (Deng, Kelly, & Xiao, 2019. The development of Chinese undergraduate students’ competence of scientific writing in the context of advanced organic chemistry experiment course. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 20, 270–287), alongside data drawn from students’ written texts in reading reflections and on-line discourse related to peer evaluation and discussion, this study claimed that the tasks of reading, peer evaluation, and discussion were seen gradually to lead to the development of Chinese undergraduate students’ greater competence in scientific writing regarding the synthetic experiments of organic chemistry.  相似文献   

论数学心理观的历史性和必然性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者通过对心理活动的数的性质进行回顾和概括,提出数学心理观作为心理的认识观之一是心理科学发展的历史的必然,并从数学心理观的侧面说明理论心理学在反对科学主义和实证主义、提倡人文科学精神的同时,也重视倡导科学的实验方法。  相似文献   

国内外科学教育界普遍认为科学实践与科学认识的协同发展是培养学生科学素养的重要途径。本文以化学学科为例,对科学实践与科学认识的内涵进行了解构,认为科学实践由“一般科学实践”“学科实验活动”“学科能力活动”组成,科学认识由“学科核心知识”“学科认识方式”组成。在阐述科学实践与科学认识协同发展必要性的基础上,提出了促进科学实践与科学认识协同发展的四维模型,对促进二者协同发展的教学设计提供了建议。  相似文献   

We contend that Chemical education proposals for changing the conception of chemistry literacy should include making explicit the relationship between chemistry as science and chemistry as technology. The potential for increasing students' confusion about what these interconnected activities involve is significant. In this paper we illustrate the importance of distinguishing between scientific and technological activities by explaining the events and processes that are occurring, firstly between material objects (instruments, machines) and practical activities and ideas; and secondly between ideas (theory) which may be called explanations and those that we call knowhow. We illustrate this by exploring the controversy in the development of chemical theory in history - the supposed isomerism of ethane. The additional purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of the history of chemistry in the education of chemists.  相似文献   

该文通过分析应用化学专业学生在校创新实践活动的现状,提出了大学生创新能力培养的措施,指出大学生应积极参加科技活动,在活动中培养创新思维,提高创新能力,掌握科学研究方法,提升科研潜力,为成为创新型人才打下良好基础。  相似文献   

在有机化学教学中加强学生能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
及时转变教育观念,在有机化学教学中从注重传授知识转向注重能力培养,改革教学方法和教学内容,发挥学生在教与学中的主体作用,提高学生的综合素质,培养创新型人才.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effects of inquiry-based laboratory activities on high school students’ understanding of electrochemistry and attitudes towards chemistry and laboratory work. The participants were 62 high school students (average age 17 years) in an urban public high school in Turkey. Students were assigned to experimental (N?=?30) and control groups (N?=?32). The experimental group was taught using inquiry-based laboratory activities developed by the researchers and the control group was instructed using traditional laboratory activities. The results of the study indicated that instruction based on inquiry-based laboratory activities caused a significantly better acquisition of scientific concepts related to electrochemistry, and produced significantly higher positive attitudes towards chemistry and laboratory. In the light of the findings, it is suggested that inquiry-based laboratory activities should be developed and applied to promote students’ understanding in chemistry subjects and to improve their positive attitudes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to facilitate progressive transitions in chemistry teachers understanding of nature of science in the context of historical controversies. Selected controversies referred to episodes that form part of the chemistry curriculum both at secondary and university freshman level. The study is based on 17 in-service teachers who had registered for an 11-week course on ‘Investigation in the teaching of chemistry’ as part of their Master’s degree program. The course is based on 17 readings drawing on a history and philosophy of science perspective with special reference to controversial episodes in the chemistry curriculum. Course activities included written reports, class room discussions based on participants’ presentations, and written exams. Based on the results obtained it is suggested that this study facilitated the following progressive transitions in teachers’ understanding of nature of science: (a) Problematic nature of the scientific method, objectivity and the empirical basis of science; (b) Myths associated with respect to the nature of science and teaching chemistry; (c) Science does not develop by appealing to objectivity in an absolute sense, as creativity and presuppositions also play a crucial role; (d) The role of speculation and controversy in the construction of knowledge based on episodes from the chemistry curriculum; (e) How did Bohr confirm his postulates? This goes beyond the treatment in most textbooks; (f) Differentiation between the idealized scientific law and the observations. It is concluded that given the opportunity to reflect, discuss and participate in a series of course activities based on various controversial episodes, teachers’ understanding of nature of science can be enhanced.  相似文献   


Many studies have used the potential of computer games to promote students’ attitudes toward learning and increase their learning performance. A few studies have transformed scientific content into computer games or developed games with scientific content. In this paper, we employed students’ common misconceptions of chemistry regarding the properties of liquid to develop a computer game. Daily life situations and everyday phenomena related to the chemical understanding of the properties of liquid were also taken into account. Afterward, we applied a process-oriented, inquiry-based active learning approach to implement the game in a Thai high school chemistry course. We studied the implementation of a game-transformed inquiry-based learning class by comparing it to a conventional inquiry-based learning class. The results of this study include aspects of students’ conceptual understanding of chemistry and their motivation to learn chemistry. We found that students in both the game-transformed inquiry-based learning class and conventional inquiry-based learning class had a significantly increased conceptual understanding of chemistry. There was also a significant difference between the gains of both classes between the pre- and post-conceptual understanding scores. Moreover, the post-conceptual understanding scores of students in the two classes were significantly different. These findings support the notion that students can better comprehend chemistry concepts through a computer game, especially when integrated with the process-oriented, inquiry-based learning approach. The findings of this study also highlight the game-transformed inquiry-based learning approach’s support of students’ motivation to learn chemistry.


吴晓霞 《成才之路》2021,(11):90-91
化学实验是进行科学探究的重要方式。学生具备基本的化学实验技能是学习化学和进行探究活动的基础与保障。因此,在化学教学中,教师可发挥演示实验这一辅助教学手段的特殊作用,将抽象的化学知识变得具体化,引发学生的感性认知,让学生更好地理解与掌握化学理论知识。文章探究提高初中化学演示实验有效性的途径。  相似文献   

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