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在班主任与家长的现实交往中,双方往往会产生各种分歧,诸如对教育价值观的不同认识,对教育评价体系的不同看法,在教育出发点及教育方法等等方面的分歧.这些分歧的存在,直接影响着班主任与家长合作关系的形成和发展.如何减少和消除分歧,实现双方的真诚合作呢?  相似文献   

小学数学教学中,儿童口算能力的培养已为多数同志所重视,但在计算速度等问题上仍存在着一定的分歧,分歧产生的根源在于环境和条件与儿童口算训练的关系。  相似文献   

基于奇点理论中光滑映射芽的左右等价关系,讨论分歧参数带有对称性的等变分歧问题在左右等价群的一个子群作用下开折的无穷小稳定性,指出了这类分歧问题的通用开折必为无穷小稳定开折.  相似文献   

在语法分析中,尤其是在汉语语法分析中,一直存在着严重的分歧,形成了各种不同的语法体系。分歧的原因虽然是多方面的,但最根本的还是语法学者们所遵循的方法论和所采用的特殊方法不同。如果能够有一个比较统一的语法学的方法论原则和一整套具体的分析方法,语法分析中的分歧就会大大减少。本文即试图针对这个问题提出一点不成熟的意见,就教于各位专家学者。  相似文献   

人际交往是人类生活的基本样态,人际交往的和谐是人类孜孜以求的理想愿景。考察人际交往的价值图景演绎,从价值分歧到价值共识是人际交往走向和谐的内在韵律。在分歧到共识的演绎中,价值分歧为价值共识的达成提供了可能与挑战,“同意预设”下的价值整合则是分歧走向共识的必要通途。  相似文献   

近年来,在有关第二国际与伯恩施坦主义的研究中,有这样一种看法:第二国际内部革命派与改良派之间的分歧是实现社会主义的方法、手段的策略分歧,二者都没有离开马克思主义和社会主义原则,因而不是根本原则分歧,更不是马克思主义与修正主义之争。这种看法值得商榷。笔者以为,第二国际内部革命派与改良派之间的分歧,不是非原则性策略之争,而是根本原则性的争论,也就是说,不是如何坚持马克思主义、如何实现社会主义,而是要不要坚持马克思主义和社会主义道路。这  相似文献   

研究了一类半线性反应扩散模型在齐次Nevmann边界条件下正平衡解的分歧与稳定。利用特征值分歧理论和谱分析的方法,以a为分歧参数研究了当p=1时系统在常数平衡解(0,qb)附近出现分歧现象,进而得到了该模型正平衡解存在的充分条件;同时运用线性特征值的扰动定理和分歧解的稳定性理论给出了该分歧解的稳定性。  相似文献   

本文利用线性全连续场谱理论,中心流形约化与非线性耗散系统吸引子分歧与跃迁理论研究了一类带有扩散项的病毒模型的动态分歧,该模型的分歧与区域Ω的选取有关,当∫_Ωψ_13dx≠0时,控制参数λ大于临界点时,方程从平衡态处发生分歧,原有的平衡态失稳,分歧出一个稳定的奇点吸引子,在λ小于临界点一侧分歧出唯一的鞍点;当∫_Ωψ_13dx≠0时,控制参数λ大于临界点时,方程从平衡态处发生分歧,原有的平衡态失稳,分歧出一个稳定的奇点吸引子,在λ小于临界点一侧分歧出唯一的鞍点;当∫_Ωψ_13dx=0时,本文给出了上述模型发生分歧的条件及临界点,当λ大于临界点,原有平衡态失稳,方程从平衡态处发生分歧,分歧出两个稳定奇点,当λ小于临界点时,方程从平衡态处分歧出两个鞍点.本文给出了在Dirichlet边界条件下,方程分歧出的稳定奇点吸引子和两个鞍点的表达式.  相似文献   

性状义分歧词是动、形分歧中常见的意义类型,通过大规模语料库语料考察、数据统计,掌握这类分歧词的句法功能分布情况和语义对应关系,最终确定分歧词的词性。以客观的、符合事实的处理方法代替见仁见智的主观感觉确定词性,解决动词、形容词分歧。根据以上原则,"衰弱"是形容词单类;"衰微"是形容词倾向兼动词类;"忙"是动、形兼类。  相似文献   

农村中小学布局调整在整体推进过程中并非一帆风顺,村民与政府的政策分歧和矛盾总是伴随其中,有时矛盾还会激化形成社会冲突.利益差异、行政方式不当、观念分歧和民主机制欠缺是引发布局调整冲突的主要原因.  相似文献   

比较了贵州产绿臭蛙(Odorrana margartae),云南臭蛙(O.andersonii),花臭蛙(O.schmackeri)三种臭蛙的核型,C-带,银带,讨论了三种臭蛙的核型,C-带,银带的异同与形态差异的关系.在核型特征和C-带带型特征上,绿臭蛙与花臭蛙之间的差异最大,绿臭蛙与云南臭蛙的差异次之,云南臭蛙与花臭蛙之间的差异较小;在银带带型特征上,绿臭蛙的标准Ag-NORs位于第9号染色体长臂;云南臭蛙与花臭蛙的标准Ag-NORs位于第10号染色体长臂.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Catherine Twomey Fosnot (ed), Constructivism: Theory, Perspectives and Practice.
Basil Bernstein, Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity: Theory, Research, Critique
Robert Jackson, Religious Education, an Interpretive Approach.
Ben Cosin and Margaret Hales (eds), Families, Education and Social Difference.
Gareth Elwyn Jones, The Education of a Nation.
Kamala Nehaul, The Schooling of Children of Caribbean Heritage.
Ann Hodgson and Ken Spours (eds), Dearing and Beyond: 14–19 Qualification, Frameworks and Systems.
Brian Wilcox and John Gray, Inspecting Schools: Holding Schools to Account and Helping Schools to Improve.
Patricia F. Murphy and Caroline V. Gipps (eds), Equity in the Classroom: Towards Effective Pedagogy for Girls and Boys.
Thomas P. Rohlen and Gerald K. LeTendre (eds), Teaching and Learning in Japan.
Alan Ryan, John Dewey and the High Tide of American Liberalism.
Ron Glatter, Philip A. Woods and Carl Bagley (eds), Choice and Diversity to Schooling: Perspectives and Prospects.
Ved Varma (ed), Managing Children with Problems.
Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison, A Guide to Teaching Practice.
Andy Hargreaves, Lorna Earl and Jim Ryan, Schooling for Change: Reinventing Education for Early Adolescents
Michael Peters and James Marshall, Individualism and Community: Education and Social Policy in the Postmodern Condition  相似文献   

分析了籼型小粒稻各次枝梗及其颖花分化发育和退化的遗传相关和通径关系,发现一次枝梗及其颖花与二次枝梗及其颖花之间,在分化和退化过程中有较大的竞争性;增加有效二次枝梗及其颖花数,比增加有效一次枝梗得其颖花数,对增加总有效颖花数作用更大。  相似文献   

Mental health difficulties affect 1 in 10 children and adolescents, and up to half of adult cases begin during the school years. The individual and societal impacts of such difficulties are huge, and include poorer quality of life, lost economic productivity, destabilisation of communities, and high rates of health, education and social care service utilisation. Using early intervention and prevention in schools as a central component of a co-ordinated response to this emergent public health crisis makes good sense. Schools play a central role in the lives of children and their families, and their reach is unparalleled. It has been argued that truly comprehensive and effective mental health promotion in schools requires a universal screening component, but this is a controversial proposition. In this article we explore some of the opportunities and challenges posed by such a system. In doing so, we critically assess international literature on social validity (e.g. acceptability, feasibility and utility), definition and conceptualisation (e.g. what do we mean by ‘mental health’ and related terms?), design and implementation (e.g. planning, tool selection, linking to referral and intervention systems), psychometric considerations (e.g. are available instruments reliable and valid?), diversity (e.g. taking into account cultural variation) and costs and benefits (e.g. are the human, financial and material costs of universal screening justified by the improvements in provision and outcomes they bring?). We conclude by presenting a vision for a school-based system that takes into account these important factors.  相似文献   

案例教学:谋求教学理论与教学实践协同提升   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传统的教师教育面临着无法切实沟通和有效整合教学理论与教学实践的困境,而案例教学则让人们看到走出这一困境的希望。由于运用于教师教育的案例教学是以讨论对话、集体合作、批判反思、理论实践协同提升、教师和学员共同发展为基本取向,因此,为切实沟通和有效地整合教学理论与教学实践,案例教学必须发挥以下基本功能:激活与展现教学实践智慧、解构与重构课堂教学实践、显化与提炼教学理论知识、直面与聚焦课程教学改革。  相似文献   

启功与东坡在很多方面具有相似性。他们都是诗人,诗作特立独行、幽默诙谐,都是各自时代背景里的诗词改革家;他们都是大学者,精通相关学科的学问,将杂家之学推向极致;他们都是大书画家,在书画造诣上都雄踞不同历史阶段的顶峰,都是书法史上里程碑式的代表人物,是集写家与理论家于一身的全才;他们都是教育家,教育理念、态度和方法有孔子之遗风;他们都具有高尚的品格,仁者爱人、热爱生活。他们是悠久的文化传统中的星座,我们在仰视他们的时候感到的是格外的明亮和永恒。  相似文献   

Anatomical fixation and conservation are required to prevent specimens from undergoing autolysis and decomposition. While fixation is the primary arrest of the structures responsible for autolysis and decomposition, conservation preserves the state of fixation. Although commonly used, formaldehyde has been classified as carcinogenic to humans. For this reason, an adequate substitute was developed. Ethanol-glycerin fixation and thymol conservation are described and compared with formaldehyde and phenol in this technical report. The setup, tissue qualities, financial aspects, and health concerns of this method are discussed. Ethanol-glycerin fixation and thymol conservation provide outstanding haptic and optic tissue qualities. Typical formaldehyde and phenol effects, such as skin, airway, and eye irritation, as well as carcinogenic effects, can be circumvented by using ethanol-glycerin and thymol instead. Ethanol-glycerin fixation is more expensive than formaldehyde and requires an explosion-proof facility. However, the absence of health effects and its convincing tissue qualities balance these higher costs. Therefore, ethanol-glycerin fixation and thymol conservation provide a potential alternative and complement established fixation techniques. The use of carcinogenic formaldehyde and toxic phenol can be effectively restricted through the use of the described method.  相似文献   

We analyse two narratives of teacher‐facilitator teams producing elementary science curricula and disseminating them to their peers. We draw on these stories to interpret how teacher‐facilitators position themselves with respect to other educators (e.g. peer teachers and development‐team members), to real and imagined students and parents, to knowing and learning science, and to pedagogical practices and texts. We read these acts of positioning relationally and responsively. Teacher‐facilitators position themselves and their work in highly complex ways to multiple political and social others. These multiple positions raise a range of anxieties and questions for the teacher‐facilitators and shape their curricular and leadership roles. Our purpose is, first, to tease out these complexities of positioning and subjectivity, and second, to consider how teachers construct their roles as pedagogical and curricular leaders among their peers. This analysis illuminates thinking about how reform is enacted in schools and how leadership roles are constructed.  相似文献   

昭通作家群正逐步走向成熟,形成了某些较为鲜明的共同的风格特征,可概括为朴拙与灵秀.其中又可分为两派:其一为朴拙中透着灵秀,在真实地描写和再现现实生活中透露出作家观察生活的机敏与睿智;另一派为灵秀中孕含朴拙,在表现生活、表现理想和表现自己的审美追求的过程中孕含着由现实生活所激发的真挚而浓烈的情感.  相似文献   

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