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The headline plays an important role in news report, which is a guide for readers to have a quick understanding the in?formation of news. The headline is the“eye”of the news and it often has a lot of m...  相似文献   

邱菊 《海外英语》2015,(6):227-228
The headline plays an important role in news report, which is a guide for readers to have a quick understanding the information of news. The headline is the"eye"of the news and it often has a lot of metaphors. The traditional theory of metaphor holds that as a rhetorical means, metaphor is mainly employed in literary works, while the theory of cognitive metaphor holds that metaphor is pervasive in our thought, action and language. The paper will discuss and analyze the characteristics of metaphors in headlines by analyzing a large number of English news examples. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, this paper attempts to help readers to better understand the use of metaphors in headlines.  相似文献   

LI Pei 《海外英语》2013,(21):301-304
This study examines stylistic features of the news story comments from major online news outlets and their possible ef fects on the evolution of the English language.With a corpus composed of 34 examples drawn from renowned news sites such as The Washington Post,The Economist,Wall Street Journal,CNN and NBC,a detailed analysis on the stylistic features and effects of the news story comments has been conducted for the purpose of discovering possible links between a poster’s linguistic behav ior and his thought process.The result shows that interrogative,noun phrase and verb phrase are commonly used in news story comments by virtue of their slightly ostentatious nature.Rhetorical devices such as metaphor,simile and parataxis are frequently employed among comments.And the relationship between a poster’s educational background and his postings is also touched up on at the end of this study.  相似文献   

学生:The good news is that my math teacher said that I was hard working.这句话中news是复 数形式,为什么be动词要用is? E老师:这个问题的关键是news这个词是以s结尾的名词,意义上是一个不可数名词。所以 不能有a news,two news的说法,正确的表达方式是a piece of news,two pieces of news。本句的主语是the good news,由于中心词news不可数,所以谓语动词要用is。 学生:Tom borrowed my book and did not return it back.这句话的错误出在什么地方?  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1.A politician should be a(仆人)of the people.2.The workers came into(冲突)with the manager last night.3.Life(在船上)a submarine depends on the life support system.4.There was a(可怕的)accident h  相似文献   

Transitivity system is the core part of systemic-functional grammar,which aims to expose the relationship between language and ideology.This thesis uses comparative methods to analyze the news discourses of the Copenhagen Conference.The study notices that the coverage of news discourses in The New York Times is not as neutral as that in China Daily.Based on the theory of transitivity,on the one hand,it proves the applicability of transitivity to news discourse analysis.On the other hand,the present study tries to provide readers with a different perspective of understanding language and a critical reading method,which helps to raise readers’ awareness of ideology.  相似文献   

一、单词拼写根据句意和首写字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1.I easily s him in the crowd becausehe was very tall.2.I don’t think I have the c to tell himthe bad news.3.If you want to catch that train,we’d betterset off for the station i.4.Open  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和汉语注释,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1.All of a sudden,he opened the window totake a deep(呼吸).2.Egypt is an(古老的)country witha long history.3.She found an old(照片)of herself,which was taken when she was a little girlat school.4.A  相似文献   

吴玉玲 《海外英语》2013,(21):46-47
As a special type of writing,news report has attracted more and more attention in different countries.Many people have developed an interest in reading English news,which provides them with timely information about important happenings around the world.Under the frame work of Systemic-Functional Grammar,based on English news headlines,the theme-rheme structure of English headlines is systemically analyzed in this thesis.Some detailed researches are made to investigate the influence of the Theme-rheme Structure in English news headlines.Then the news headline as well as its contents could be understood and enjoyed while reading newspaper.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1.His speech was in Japanese,but I managed to(理解)the main ideas.2.The weather is(理想的)for a garden party.3.Scientists have made a major(突破)in their treatment of the disease.4.The president  相似文献   

To find out different discourse features of these two different news reports and different ideologies reflected in the these two news reporting,Fairclough’s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis is adopted as the basic theoretical framework.And a contrastive analysis of news reports concerned with Huang Yan Island dispute from Reuters and Xinhua is carried out.The data of this article is collected from the official website of Reuters and Xinhua respectively,including one news report on Huang Yan island dispute from Reuters and two news reports from Xinhua.By comparing and analyzing the news resources reporting mode,the hidden political,historical and cultural ideologies behind the news discourse can be exposed.And Fairclough’s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis is an useful tool for interpreting the news reports to explore the hidden ideology.  相似文献   

张耀健 《海外英语》2012,(5):270-271
Critical Discourse Analysis has increasingly drawn the attention of scholars as a new perspective of discourse analysis.By studying the linguistic features and structures,it can analyze the relation between discourse,power and ideology.In this paper we analyze news re ports of foreign affairs,which draw little attention in previous studies.We make a critical analysis of the 10 news reports on the 3rd US-China strategic and Economic Dialogue in American and in Chinese news media.The analysis will be conducted from 2 categories:modal auxiliary and lexical repetition.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 单词拼写。 根据首字母和句意或所给的汉语提示, 写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。 1. It’s not (可靠的)to judge a man only by his looks. 2. Do you have any (困难)with EnglishR 3. The government is made up of men and women e by the people of the country. 4. Th  相似文献   

A discourse is the combination of various sentences.These sentences are supposed to be not only cohesive in construction,but coherent in semantics.With the theory of cohesion this paper analyzes how they are applied in a news discourse in order to help readers and learners gain deeper understanding of a news discourse.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和汉语注释或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1.Hundreds of people died in the_(冲突).2.Kwanzaa is a 7-day festival c_ theculture and history of African Americans.3.The students had an_(争论)with theirteachers about their unif  相似文献   

赵蕾 《海外英语》2011,(14):271-272
This paper makes a study on the significance of theme and its application in discourse analysis.Through the analysis of a news report from The New York Times,the author deeply discusses the importance of theme in the process of discourse analysis.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.H e won a gold(奖章)at theOlym pic Gam es.2.I have(系)a label on theparcel.3.Z is the(最后的)letter in thealphabet.4.H e always uses a lot of(手势)when he is telling a joke.5.The(名称)of the painting isA W inter Evening.6.Look,that horse is(竞争)against m any fine horses for first prize.7.They tell the tim e by the(位置)of the sun.8.Signing the agreem ent was one thingPputting it into(效力,生效)was another.9.W e have to wa…  相似文献   

1.单词拼写根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1 .The first EnglishP_for a tyPe盯iter was issued in 1714. 2 .He took a Pieture of me with the Pavilion in theb 3 .Take your umbrella beeause there’sa P_that it will rain. 4.1’m not fee  相似文献   

1.单词拼写 根据句意和汉语注释,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1._(文学)15 a mirror of its time.2 .1 suggest that he Put an advertisement in the_(当地的)paper.3.There will be an_(展览)of the development of automobile indust叮in our eount砂next week.4.The Child  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意、汉语或首字母的提示,写出所缺单词的完全形式。1.She dropped a(块)of sugar into hertea and stirred(搅拌)it with a spoon.2.People in the small island didn‘t use  相似文献   

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