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地理课程标准要求我们着眼于学生创新意识和实践能力的培养,充分重视校内外课程资源的开发和利用,着力拓宽学习空间,倡导多样的地理学习方式,鼓励学生自主学习、合作交流、积极探究.研究性学习是以学生为主采用研究性学习方式开展教学的基本教学形式,是让学生主动地探索、发现和体验.  相似文献   

丁川 《成才之路》2009,(23):14-15
“体验式”英语教学方式为合作教学的开展提供了最佳的教学平台和教学途径,使人人参与课堂教学。体验教学中的主体角色的感受,让每个学生在英语学习中都有成功感。“体验式”教学方式为开发与培养学生的创造力提供了充分的条件,也为全面实施“合作教学模式”创造了一个崭新而广阔的空间。  相似文献   

高中英语课程教学标准倡导运用好任务型教学模式,鼓励学生尝试和探索运用小组合作探究等形式来参与课程教学,以此来提高学生的综合语言运用能力。合作探究教学模式的运用,能够在为学生营造轻松、自由、和谐的教学环境氛围中,帮助学生增强学习体验,培养学生正确的英语学习思维和语言感知能力,以此来优化课程教学的过程和方法。合作探究能够将学生学习的主观能动性和积极性予以充分激发,鼓励学生在任务探究式教学思维引导下主动参与课程教学,以此来丰富学生的语言文化知识。这样的教学模式更能够培养学生的发现问题、探究问题和解决问题的能力,帮助他们养成团队学习的良好习惯,促进他们知识和技能的有效内化生成。  相似文献   

王锐 《新疆教育》2012,(18):232-232
合作学习充分开发和利用了教学中的人力资源,为现代教学系统注入了新的活力,对培养学生的交流与合作能力发挥着积极作用。在美术课堂引入合作学习法,能让学生在生生交往、师生交往、课堂互动、资源共享、分工协作的课堂氛围中,体验学习的成功。  相似文献   

在小学课程素质教学的全面推进下,运用多元化的课程教育模式进行课程教育模式的提升,是目前小学素质教育改革的重要体现。数学课程采用合作学习法能够从综合方面提升学生的学习能力,培养学生合作学习的协作意识,是一种个人品质与学习风格的素质培养模式。在小学数学课程教学之中采用合作学习法,有利于学生与教师、学生与学生之间的交流,从而做到"以人为本"的教学目标,使学生在课程学习中,从自身来体验学习的乐趣,充分挖掘学生的多方面潜能,有效推动素质教育在小学教学过程中的融合。  相似文献   

当前,对小学语文综合性学习研究和实践,广大语文教师普遍关注综合性学习课程资源的开发,充分凸现综合性学习“综合性、实践性、开放性”的特点,调动学生学习的主动性,培养了学生人际交往能力、合作精神和协作能力。  相似文献   

动画联合创作课程是动画专业培养学生协作与创作能力的核心课程,团队创作可以突破学生自我独立学习的壁垒,在全流程体验中互通有无,实现学习内容的认知迁移.在动画联合创作课程实施中,开展合作模式、组织讨论、内容创作、课程评价等教学活动,充分提升学生提出问题、解决问题、创新与协作发展等综合能力,有助于及时对课程教学进行正向反馈和动态优化.  相似文献   

程序设计类平台课的教学重点是培养学生程序设计的基础开发能力,为后续学习其他开发类课程打好基础。程序设计类平台课建设主要探索一种适合程序设计类课程的平台课建设模式。平台课建设的目标是培养学生解决实际问题的能力和能进行创新性学习、研究性学习的能力。  相似文献   

正课程基地是以建设学科内容的物质呈现平台为基础,以学科课程为核心,通过师生做中学、学中做,巩固、演示、验证、探究和拓展教学内容,充分挖掘学生天赋潜能,努力培养学生学习能力、实践能力、创新能力为目的,对现有课堂的延伸、升华和互补,是集学科课程建设、学科梯队建设、课程设施建设和课程质量建设于一体的综合性基地。课程基地的一个非常重要的任务就是通过开发一系列特色校本课程,为不同潜质、不同水平学生的个性化发展提供多层次的选择和帮助,促进学生全面而有个性的发展。通过课程资源开发,满足师生个性化学习需求,培养学生自主学习、探索学习的优良品质。为进一步推动基础教育改革,一些省市教育主  相似文献   

21世纪是信息时代、网络时代,针对信息时代知识结构的特点,我们提出充分开发与利用网络课程、提高小学语文自主学习能力的教学主张,以网络课程为平台和手段,转变"教师本位"为学生主体地位的教学模式,激发学生学习的兴趣,促进学生主动学习,培养学生的自主学习能力,从而形成探究性自主学习方式,以便有效地推进学校网络课程与语文自主学习的整合,最终达到培养适应现代人才需求条件的新犁人才.  相似文献   

基于合作性学习模式的大学文科数学教学改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学文科数学是培养文科学生数学素质和能力的一门重要基础课。开展合作学习模式有助于大学文科数学教学目标的达成。在大学文科数学教学实践中,应加强教师与学生对开展文科数学合作性学习的必要性、合理性的认识,精心选取教学内容,改革评价方式,以提高文科学生数学学习的积极性及其数学知识和能力水平。  相似文献   

电路原理是电气与电子工程专业的一门必修专业基础核心课程。这门课程具有知识体系庞杂、学习内容抽象的特点。教师可在教学中引入合作学习的理念,加快课堂知识的内化,重构深度学习体验。实践表明,合作学习能提升学生的学习热情,减轻学生的课业负担。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of cooperative learning on students' achievement in an Educational Technology course in an Initial Teacher Training Program. A cooperative learning strategy was compared with the traditional whole class direct instruction approach. Ninety-five first year full-time students at a College of Education constituted the sample. The students' achievement included: academic achievement in the course, quantity measurement in the use of instructional media, and quality rating of utilization of instructional media during their teaching practice. Their attitude change was also assessed by an Attitude Inventory. The results indicated that cooperative learning strategy had a positive effect on academic achievement and quantity measurement in the use of instructional media (F(l,91) = 7.06, p < 0.01; F(l,91) = 4.59, p < 0.05). Cooperative learning strategy also had a positive influence on students' attitudes towards instructional media and their learning condition (F(l,93) = 5.07, p < 0.05; F(l,93) = 6.20, p < 0.05).  相似文献   

体验是人的智慧和品格发展的一种重要的方式,它使知识的学习不再限于认知、理性范畴,而扩展到情感、生理和人格等领域;使学习过程不仅是知识增长的过程,也是身心与人格健全与发展的过程。体验性学习直接指向个性的和谐发展。语文课程要全面提高学生的语文素养,体验性学习是必不可少的。  相似文献   

张晶薇  张莹 《海外英语》2014,(20):298-300
With the development of economic globalization,international communication and integration,English for Specific Purpose turned up and has enjoyed much popularity since recent years. In the contemporary society,ESP teaching becomes an increasing prominent teaching course. This paper will focus on the ESP teaching and learning,especially the students’ expectation of ESP course. At first,it will introduce the great importance and background of ESP teaching. Then,it will review the definition,categories and traits of ESP. In the end,it will mainly concern about students’ expectation and perception of ESP course.The main purpose of this paper is to bring up some constructive suggestions for ESP teaching and learning. It suggests that to achieve the goal of facilitating ESP teaching and learning effectively can be realized by understanding the characteristics of ESP teaching and learners’ learning style,choosing the suitable teaching materials,creating some specific fields of this study which is relevant practically,mapping out appropriate evaluation. As for students,they should set up clear goals for ESP learning,adopt such appropriate learning method as the self-construction way,and try the cooperative learning pattern. Besides,ESP teachers also play an important role in this process. They can achieve the success of ESP teaching through planning course design at advance including considering and understanding students’ expectation of ESP course,their characteristics,learning goals and appropriate teaching materials,which all contribute to positive ESP learning experience.  相似文献   

本文以合作学习理论和自主学习论为依据,运用实证研究的方法,探讨了小组合作学习对提高高职院校学生英语学习效果的作用。通过对某高校高职专业2008级学生小组合作学习实例分析后认为,小组合作学习是提高高职院校学生英语水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

“合作学习”在英语教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英语学科是义务教育阶段的必修课,也是新时代公民基本素质教育的重要组成部分。在教学中,教师要转变观念,通过合作学习等多种形式的课堂活动,充分体现学生的潜能和主体地位,培养学生的团队意识、合作精神与探索精神,改善英语课堂气氛,促进学生形成良好的非认知品质,大面积提高学生语言学习和实际应用语言的能力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The assessment of learning gains of students in science and other disciplines is becoming a reality following the gradual shift from the traditional style of teaching to a curriculum-based assessment of learning outcomes. The degree to which students perceive to have obtained the outcomes of a course can be measured through an assessment of students' learning gains. This study evaluated the perceived learning gains of freshmen students in an introductory class FSC 110-Introduction to Human Nutrition and Food Science (FSC 110)-over a 4-semester period. Students used the Assessment of Learning Gains Survey Instrument, developed by the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, to assess the level of their perceived learning gains. The data collected indicated that, overall, students favorably perceived their learning gains in the course. Through the instrument, students identified areas of the course that they perceived to have contributed positively to their learning experiences and those they perceived to have not contributed in any meaningful way to their learning experiences. The students' perception of their learning gains could be useful to the instructor because it offers opportunities to revise the course with respect to delivery method, assessment methods and tools, and course resources, and to improve individual support given to students to enhance their learning experience. Such alterations in pedagogy could lead to significant improvements in course quality, which could be archived and transferred to subsequent classes.  相似文献   

The group cooperative learning is a studentcentered learning activities.In the practice of the English teaching reform,cooperative learning is beneficial to reflect the students' main body status,to provide students more chance to exercise,promoting the all-round development of students,and is conducive to the harmonious relationship between teachers and students; at the same time,cooperative learning also has some disadvantages,such as hard to control the student,good students become the authority of the group activities,cooperation too often that ignored the students' independent thinking,etc.  相似文献   

本文依据现代课程理论和教育心理学理论,结合物理课程改革背景、基本理念就学生学习方式的转变对教师提出的挑战作了由指导学生开展研究性学习、创设丰富的教学情境、注意学生的亲身体验、引导学生将知识转化为能力等四个方面的分析。  相似文献   

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