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后期维特根斯坦哲学借助于语言游戏这一概念,为语言言说活动寻找到在社会活动大背景下展开的规则。语言活动的规则让语言在使用中显露出其自身的意义,用语言来研究语言,最后形成的只能是语言游戏;语言游戏为语言活动可能犯的错误做了一次全面的尝试,这种尝试是成功的,它改变了社会思考的方向,而这就是后期维特根斯坦哲学的社会学意义。语言游戏为社会创建提供语言的内容和原则更新的动力,提供开口讲话这一动作持续进行下去的动力,提供开口讲话的原初动力.这三种动力是社会在创建中每时每刻都需要的。后期维特根斯坦哲学的语言游戏说的作用,在于治理语言堤坝中的蚁穴,他是加固语言堤坝的人,以免语言这一长堤形成“千里之堤,溃于蚁穴”的结局。  相似文献   

语言变体是运用社会语言学分析和研究社会语言现象时所采用的基本单位,每一种语言变体一般具有相同的社会分布和同类特征的言语模式.网络语言是一种语言变体,是随着网络交际的飞速发展而产生的全新语言表达方式,以社会方言的形式出现.世界各国的网络语言是在网络这一特定语境下产生的语言变体,体现出网络语言在社会语言学视野中最根本的社会方言性质.  相似文献   

The current study examined the social and language development of 345 Spanish-speaking pre-kindergartners who attended pre-kindergarten programs that varied widely in how much Spanish was spoken in the classroom by the teacher. Previous studies on English language learners have focused on how the language of instruction impacts children's language proficiency, ignoring the context in which children are learning. The current study found better social skills and closer teacher—child relationships in classrooms where teachers spoke some Spanish. Teacher ratings of children's peer social skills and assertiveness were positively associated with increased amounts of Spanish being spoken. More Spanish language use in the classroom was also related to a decrease in children's likelihood of being victims of aggression as rated by independent observers. The findings have implications for better understanding how policy decisions regarding language of instruction impact children in the social domain. As early education programs are faced with the challenging task of developing best practices for English language learners, it is essential that programs are attentive to the social implications of language.  相似文献   

文化和语言是密不可分的,语言是一种社会文化现象,是社会文化发展的产物。任何语言的生存和发展都离不开赖以生存的社会文化环境,社会文化又在一定程度上制约着语言使用者的思维和表达能力。对中英两种语言文化科学的分析对比,特别是词义、语篇、语用、价值观诸因素的对比分析无疑有利于语言学习者更好地学习和运用目的语。  相似文献   

在改革开放的今天,跨文化社交活动日益频繁,遵循尊重文明的多样性原则,熟练掌握英语委婉语这种独特的语言表达方式是和谐外交促进交流的着力点。委婉语是人们使用语言过程中的一种普遍性的文化现象,它折射出不同国家的自然环境和社会环境、生活方式及文化沉淀的差异,并蕴藏着其特有的思维方式和对人生的看法。不同文化背景的社会具有不同的忌讳,我们应从某些生活习惯或习俗出发,在跨文化社交活动中努力运用好委婉语来提升交际的质量,以达到文明礼貌的语言交流。  相似文献   

The current study examined the social and language development of 345 Spanish-speaking pre-kindergartners who attended pre-kindergarten programs that varied widely in how much Spanish was spoken in the classroom by the teacher. Previous studies on English language learners have focused on how the language of instruction impacts children's language proficiency, ignoring the context in which children are learning. The current study found better social skills and closer teacher—child relationships in classrooms where teachers spoke some Spanish. Teacher ratings of children's peer social skills and assertiveness were positively associated with increased amounts of Spanish being spoken. More Spanish language use in the classroom was also related to a decrease in children's likelihood of being victims of aggression as rated by independent observers. The findings have implications for better understanding how policy decisions regarding language of instruction impact children in the social domain. As early education programs are faced with the challenging task of developing best practices for English language learners, it is essential that programs are attentive to the social implications of language.  相似文献   

社会语言学中的语言变体问题,首先应考察语言和社会的关系,其中包括语言和社会的依存关系、语言的变异性和区分语言社会变体的标准及其分类。语言的社会变体包括地域变体和社会方言变体。社会方言变体主要有阶层变体、领域语言变体和语言的性别变体,其中性别变体表现在用语上的差别、性别差异中的歧视和女性语体诸方面。语言的社会变体还有口语与书面语、语体、文体等语言功能变体。  相似文献   

我国义务教育外语课程目标质疑与重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外语是我国义务教育阶段的主要基础课程之一,是全体未来国民都必须学习的课程。外语的课程标准清楚地规定了义务教育外语课程的教育教学目标,然而由于我国至今没有开展系统的外语教育规划,当前外语课程的目标不是在外语规划基础上制定的,而是基于外语语言学科的内在机制规定的。分析我国社会经济发展对未来国民外语能力需求,可以发现,当前义务教育阶段外语课程的"综合语言运用能力"为主体的目标与社会发展对全体国民的外语能力需求有很大的差异。为此,应该基于我国社会发展需要,重构我国义务教育阶段外语课程目标,以此保证我国义务教育外语教育的基本效率。  相似文献   

禁忌语是一种社会现象。就像语言的其他组成部分一样,禁忌语可以折射出特定文化社会理念与价值观;同时,在很大程度上又受这些文化理念与社会准则的限制。本文主要从英语禁忌语的普遍性和习用性、禁忌语的语用修辞策略以及会话准则与社会准则的双重约束几个方面,重点论述禁忌语的语用修辞特点及文化规约本质。  相似文献   

Language issues and social inclusion consistently remain two major concerns for member countries of the European Union (EU). Despite an increasing awareness of the importance of language learning in migrants’ social inclusion, and the promotion of language policies at European and national levels, there is still a lack of common actions at the European level. Challenged by questions as to whether language learning should be prioritised as a human right or as human capital building, how host/mainstream language learning can be reinforced while respecting language diversity, and other problems, member countries still need to find solutions. Confronting these dilemmas, this study analyses the relationship and interactions between language learning and immigrants’ social inclusion in different contexts. It explores the potential of enhancing the effectiveness of language policies via a dialogue between policies and practices in different national contexts and research studies in the field of language and social inclusion. The research data are derived from two databases created by a European policy for active social inclusion project called INCLUDE. This project ran from 2013 to 2016 under the EU’s lifelong learning programme, with funding support from the European Commission. Through an analysis of these two project databases, the paper reviews recent national language policies and their effect on the social inclusion of migrants. In the second part of her article, the author interprets the process of language learning and social inclusion using poststructuralist theories of language and identity.  相似文献   

Research Findings: In this study we analyze how parent and teacher ratings of young Latino children’s social competencies in rural California are associated with children’s oral language development. We find (a) that there is considerable incongruence between parent and teacher ratings of child social competence, (b) that both parent and teacher ratings account for meaningful variation in children’s oral language development, and (c) that incongruence between parent and teacher ratings is associated with oral language above and beyond the effects of parent and teacher ratings alone. Practice or Policy: Young Latino children’s social competencies contribute to their oral language development. These competencies represent an important, though to date underutilized, asset for building stronger academic/language functioning. Part of the paradoxical development of Latino children (i.e., strong social though weak academic/language competence) could be attributable to cultural differences that underlie teacher and parent perceptions of social competence. Teachers of young Latino children should (a) be aware of the cultural nature of social competence and (b) explore culturally responsive ways of interacting in classrooms to build stronger oral language functioning.  相似文献   

在传统英语教学课堂,由教师控制的句型操练教学及语言表层、句法结构教学,被视为唯一的教学目的。除此之外,言语所含的文化特色经常被忽略,来自不同文化背景的学者遇到操英语的本族人并进行乏流时,常常会因缺乏共同的社会经历及知识遇到尴尬不语的局面。事实上,语言的句法结构及语言的交际模式中都蕴含着层层的文化特色。  相似文献   

由于社会经济的快速发展,社会对高职应用型人才的要求也越来越高,尤其是对英语语言应用能力。但是,从我国高职院校英语整体学习情况来看,高职生的英语水平堪忧。鉴于此,文章将对我国高职院校的英语语言应用能力现状进行阐述,并对影响高职学生英语语言应用能力提升的因素进行分析,然后指出有效措施,以便提升高职学生的英语语言应用能力。  相似文献   

语言迁移是语言研究者探讨母语对二语习得影响的研究;社会框架是产生于社会文化的内容,一个框架在与另一个框架交际过程中,会表现出社会文化差异。将王绍斌,李玮的语用迁移实证研究收集到的数据结果作为样本,从拒绝言语行为入手探讨语言迁移折射的中西方文化框架差异及其成因,获取对二语习得的启示。  相似文献   

语言起源问题是语言学研究的重要课题之一,由于受到课题难度、科学发展水平等因素的限制,语言起源问题曾一度被视为学术研究的禁区.受体验哲学的影响,语言学界在语言起源问题的研究方面又有了新的思路,解开语言模糊性之谜也成为可能.根据体验哲学的观点,语言起源和语言的模糊性是同时发生的,二者都是人类实践活动的结果,语言的模糊性根源于人类语言对实践活动反映的片面性、不完备性,同时还受活动主体、认识客体、认识主体的情感因素等方面原因的影响.  相似文献   

委婉语是人类社会发展过程中语言使用的一个普遍现象,它存在于各个社会,既是一种语言现象也是一种社会心理现象,同时由于语言根植于文化,通过委婉语的运用,我们可以洞察不同社会的文化差异,委婉语历史悠久,英语euphemism(委婉语)一词最早来自于希腊,由两部分组成,前缀eu指good,后缀phemism指speech(语言),结合在一起就是指好的言语。它是指在言语使用过程中,人们在谈论尴尬或者不好的事务时,尽量避免用粗鲁的或直接的语言,换之用温和的表达方式,委婉语作为一种修辞格,在言语交际中起着重要作用,委婉语根植于社会生活的方方面面,并随着社会发展其功能和范围在不断扩展,因此,了解委婉语有利于我们进行跨文化交际。  相似文献   

杨玉琢 《时代教育》2007,(6Z):153-153
As an integrate part of language, style exists where language exists, Language in business communication also shows certain styhstic features. These features on one hand can serve for the social role of business communication and on the other hand are also decided by the social role of business communication. Therefore styhstic features of language in business communication are consistent with the social role of it.  相似文献   

外语学习在语言环境、语言输入、情感因素、母语知识的影响等方面同第二语言习得存在重要区别,从而导致外语学习者所掌握的语言熟练程度远远不如第二语言习得者。尽管监控模式、语言知识模式、语言处理模式、社会模式是针对第二语言习得提出的主要理论模式,但是每一种模式都对外语学习起着独特的作用。  相似文献   

This quantitative content analysis examines the way social presence was created through original posts and comments in a Facebook group for an undergraduate writing course. The author adapted a well-known coding template and examined how course members—one instructor, two undergraduate teaching assistants and twenty-two students--used language and image to generate social presence. Language is categorized by purpose, and each category is a social presence indicator. The results show which social presence indicators are used more frequently by course members and that social presence is higher when certain social presence indicators are utilized. Since existing research indicates that social presence is associated with increased course satisfaction and learning, these findings provide practical knowledge for faculty seeking to increase social presence in their classes. This is a case study with a small population, but these results indicate the need for additional research to further explore how language and image are used to generate social presence in Facebook.  相似文献   

文章运用社会语言学、文化人类学的调查方法对博州地区的语言使用情况进行了问卷调查、实地观察。在多学科理论的基础上,总结归纳出博州地区语言使用的七大特点,并分析了博州地区语言使用的成因。  相似文献   

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