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正当今,教育国际化早已成为许多国家教育发展的重要战略和普遍共识,而在教育国际化进程中,国际教育和国际学生流动是重要组成部分和衡量标准。自20世纪下半叶以来,随着全球化的演进和扩张,越来越多的学生远赴国外寻求优质高等教育机会,而且流动的程度、频度和广度正呈现加速上升趋势。国际学生流动格局的变化,受到多种因素的影响,如人口情况、经济增长或衰退、高等教育质量、移民政策和留学目的国法制环境、奖学金项目等。除此之外,教育经济  相似文献   

STEM人才正在成为影响国家发展和科技创新的关键因素。美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰在国际高等教育市场中占据优势地位,五国在STEM国际教育政策与实践方面呈现出一些共同的特点:高度重视STEM教育和国际人才竞争,从国家战略层面制定STEM国际教育政策和措施;政校企合力构建STEM人才培养支持体系;普通教育与职业教育并重的STEM人才培养路径;针对生源国实施差异化的STEM国际学生流动政策。在全球人才竞争的背景下,五国的做法可为我国STEM人才培养与引进提供参考。  相似文献   

培养具备国际竞争力的精英   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
进入新世纪,经济全球化、知识经济和信息技术革命的浪潮呈现强劲势头。面对挑战,研究全球化的影响,探索国际化人才培养新路,已经成为高等教育改革和发展的重大课题。20世纪后期以来,商品、服务和投资的全球市场逐步形成。从全球贸易的趋势和构成来看,经济的全球化有两个明显的特点:全球贸易和投资稳定增长,资本全球化流动和配置趋势超过贸易的增长。资本流动是生产要素流动的一项标志,在资本的背后,是人才、技术等其它生产要素的全球化配置。生产要素的全球配置,以及随之而来的教育、卫生、居住的国际化趋势,使人才国际化成为…  相似文献   

在全球化时代,高等院校学生的全球流动给国际学生输入国的政治、经济以及高等教育带来了重要影响。英国作为国际学生的主要接收国之一,其优质的高等教育吸引着来自世界各地的学生。在新自由主义意识形态、国际教育服务贸易理念与高等教育财政拨款投入制度的影响下,英国逐步向国际学生收取高额学费。英国高校国际学生学费的变化呈现出新的特点,影响着国际学生的来源结构、生源数量与质量,可能导致高校课程调整与师资流失。国际学生学费的变化引发了英国社会对高等教育市场化取向与国际学生公平教育权益的讨论,并实施了将国际学生学费与院校国际教育质量挂钩、以奖助学金形式平衡国际学生学费压力等具体改革举措。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化和社会的发展的不断加深,学生跨境学习流动日益频繁,国内高等教育服务的市场竞争呈现国际化趋势。在这一背景下,分析高等教育服务出口贸易的现状,研究高等教育服务贸易的规律以及影响国际学生的市场流动特点和流动因素,能准确把握高等教育服务出口贸易的未来发展方向,并有助于采取有效的针对性策略,促进中国高等教育服务的出口贸易可持续发展。  相似文献   

本土国际化:国外院校培养国际化人才的新理念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济社会全球化趋势的日益明朗,培养理解多元文化、具有国际视野的人才遂成为许多国家教育改革的重点之一。过去,人们认为促进学生的跨国流动是国际化人才培养的最佳途径,甚至是唯一途径;如今,“本土国际化”受到越来越多的关注,它着眼于课程改革和课外活动开发,并通过网络等信息技术手段,力图使所有学生(而不仅仅是一小部分出过国的学生)都具备国际经验。  相似文献   

新冠疫情的全球蔓延给国际学生流动带来了巨大的不确定性,这一不确定性是多方面的.本研究运用风险社会理论分析疫情对国际学生流动的影响.研究发现,鉴于全球社会疫情风险的复杂性,疫情对国际学生流动市场产生了较大影响:流动规模将进入下行阶段;以贸易为导向的西方高校将面临严重的财政危机;流动市场将由卖方市场转向买方市场;在地国际化与在线国际化将加速发展;国际学生流动格局变化将进一步加剧.后疫情时代,我国应认清国际学生流动的发展趋势,把握好风险蕴含的格局变动契机,从危机管理转向战略制定,积极引导出国留学目的国与留学方式多样化转变,优化来华留学统筹工作,加快跨境教育布局,进而在未来国际学生流动竞争中占据有利地位.  相似文献   

全球化进入深刻影响社会经济、政治与文化的新发展时期,学生全球流动网络的国家格局正经历重要变化。伴随新兴经济体与发展中国家的崛起,学生全球流动的"中心—半边缘—边缘"国家结构明显,中心与多极并存的全球学生流动网络国家新格局渐趋形成。作为世界最大的国际学生生源与新兴流动目标国,中国正成为全球学生流动网络中心的重要一极。在"一带一路"倡议与人类命运共同体新型国际关系的引领下,中国未来需要将"一带一路"沿线国家与地区学生流动作为国际教育优先战略,努力成为建设全球学生流动新秩序的典范。  相似文献   

随着全球社会发展与国际教育相互关系变得广泛与深刻,国家已成为参与国际高等教育竞争有影响力的行动者.作为国际教育竞争的基石与国家经济竞争力领域的关键结构,学生国际流动被视为促进国家公共外交与培养全球竞争力人才的重要政策工具.全球范围促进学生国际流动的国家政策呈现既复杂又不平衡的特点.以国际教育战略与项目计划为发展先导、参...  相似文献   

社会流动与教育选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会流动和教育选择有着密切的双向互动关系。一方面,社会流动的性质、方向、速率、水平方式和趋势影响着教育选择的宗旨、目标、功能、范围、策略、内容和方法;另一方面,教育选择的目标、依据与方式等促进着社会代际流动、竞争流动与结构优化。近年来,我国社会流动与教育选择的互动增强,但仍然存在着诸多相互制约因素。为了促进二者的协调运行和良性互动,社会方面应努力营造民主稳定的政治环境、持续平衡的经济增长、开放有序的择业制度;教育方面则应开放教育系统、均衡资源配置,强化选择功能,发挥价值导向作用。  相似文献   

In a globalising world, international mobility in higher education is an important phenomenon for students and higher education institutions. It is therefore essential to understand the factors that determine international students' satisfaction with higher education institutions that serve as hosts. Through research of an exploratory, quantitative nature, this study presents results from a survey among 289 incoming international students in two universities in Germany and Portugal. Our findings show that the factor we define as educational experience was an important determinant of student satisfaction. Furthermore, the appraisal of academic reputation is dependent on the university. We conclude that satisfaction with academic factors is more important for international students than satisfaction with non-academic aspects.  相似文献   

This paper unpacks the meanings and implications of the mobility of international students in vocational education – an under-researched group in the field of international education. This four-year study found that transnational mobility is regarded as a resourceful vehicle to help international students ‘become’ the kind of person they want to be. The paper justifies the value of re-conceptualising student mobility as a process of ‘becoming’. Mobility as ‘becoming’ encompasses students’ aspirations for educational, social, personal and professional development. Theorising mobility as ‘becoming’ captures international students’ lived realities and has the potential to facilitate the re-imagining of international student mobility with new outlooks. By theorising mobility as ‘becoming’, this research suggests the importance of drawing on the integrated and transformative nature of Bourdieu’s forms of capital in understanding the logics and practice of the social field – international student mobility.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on student learning pathways – with particular reference to the factors motivating coursework master's students to seek entry to a doctoral programme – along with the implications for higher education policy and practice. It is argued nationally and internationally that although a number of challenges continue to confront those with responsibility for teaching and supervising coursework master's students, there are opportunities for renewal especially in terms of the provision of enhanced student support. Located within an international context of postgraduate education, a case study from Australia is provided to highlight the need for more flexible doctoral pathways at a time when calls for revitalised and expanded research workforces are intensifying.  相似文献   

高等教育的国际化发展使中国人才流失的问题日益凸显。通过对来华留学政府奖学金生的学习经验感知进行探究发现,中国文化与汉语是吸引其前来的重要动力;尽管在学段和专业方面存在差异,但来华留学政府奖学金生学习过程的整体满意度较高,收获了预期的内容;毕业后的回流意向明确。从人才流动的视角反思来华留学政府奖学金政策得出,一方面,中国政府为世界人才的培育贡献了巨大力量,有力推动了世界人才环流。但同时此种借助资本换取人才的策略所产生的社会综合效益较低,政治和文化的外交意义仍是发展来华留学教育的轴心。因此提升来华留学教育质量及完善相关政策是吸引人才的重要途径。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a conceptual model of education for global citizenship by drawing on the literature on international student mobility for higher education. This model outlines the kinds of competencies and forms of consciousness that education for citizenship should focus upon so as to address the economic and moral dilemmas of living in a globalising world. In an integrative review process, this paper identifies the challenges and opportunities that globalised mobility brings to the lives of young people, the mobilities that higher educational institutions are embracing, the mobility motivations of young students in higher education, and the consequences of this globalised mobility for their present and future life.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two important concepts—internationalization and the international marketing of higher education—and how they influence international students' choice of Canadian universities. The paper is based on two studies: one on 140 East Asian international graduate students who enrolled at two large Ontario universities in the academic year 2003–2004, and the other on 95 international undergraduate students who enrolled at an Ontario university in academic year 2005–2006. The research findings show that market segmentation determines the applicability of internationalization and/or marketing of higher education. Activities related to the internationalization of education play a critical role in influencing the research-oriented students' choice of a Canadian graduate school. Marketing activities have a direct impact on graduate students' choice in professional programs. “Twinning” or “incountry” programs—a blend of internationalization and international marketing approach—have a strong influence on undergraduate students' choice to come to Canada.  相似文献   

Understanding factors influencing international students' decision to engage in international education is essential for education providers to better cater for students' educational expectations and enhance their attractiveness to international students. Whilst there has been extensive research on the reasons why international students undertake cross-border higher education, international students' motivations for enrolling in vocational education and associate degree programmes are still under-researched. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with 30 international students from China, this research found that pathway to higher education appears to be the most important factor motivating international students to undertake vocational education and associate degree programmes. In addition, prospect of immigration, English language proficiency, previous academic performance, agent's recommendations and relatives' and friends' advice are amongst the important factors that students take into account in their decision to choose vocational education and associate degree programmes. This research also examines why Chinese international students have chosen vocational education programmes in a dual-sector university over vocational education colleges. It found that the flexibility to articulate to higher education, international reputation of the programme, practical training and favourable location are key issues that these students draw on when making their decision to study in a dual-sector university.  相似文献   

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