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结合本校中医药特色及用户对图书馆使用习惯的改变,以泛在服务为基础开展中医药特色的新服务实践。从中医药学科特点、中医药古籍、中医药数据库等方面对馆藏资源进行优化,从中医药学科服务、中医药特色的泛在服务等角度对图书馆服务进行调整。这些实践推动了本校科研的发展,也促进了图书馆资源的使用和图书馆馆员科研的发展,对图书馆的进一步发展开拓了道路。  相似文献   

面向鄱阳湖生态经济区低碳陶瓷产业发展开展特色信息服务是江西省高校图书馆顺应鄱阳湖生态经济区发展策略的重要举措,对加快江西绿色崛起具有重大意义。充分利用本馆特色馆藏资源、科研团队、技术设备及现代网络平台等优势为企业提供特色信息服务是高校图书馆保持长远发展的加速器,对提升高校图书馆核心价值发挥着重要的作用。丰富特色馆藏、创新服务理念、优化服务手段、提高服务层次、搭建现代化信息服务平台、加强馆企合作与资源共建共享、将不断深化高校图书馆特色信息服务的内涵,提升特色信息服务水平和层次。  相似文献   

由中国图书馆学会、北京市图书馆学会联合主办 ,首都图书馆承办的全国图书馆特色服务与实践研讨会 ,定于 2 0 0 1年 10月在北京召开。届时 ,将邀请广大图书馆工作者共同探讨新世纪图书馆特色服务发展战略。研讨会特向全国图书馆工作者征文。1 征文主题总主题 :2 1世纪图书馆特色服务发展与研究。分主题 :①图书馆特色文献建设与发展 ;②图书馆特色数据库建设 ;③图书馆特色服务与管理。2 征文要求字数控制在 4 0 0 0字以内 ;观点和内容要有创新与深度 ;统一用A4纸打印 ,提供打印稿 2份 ;论文后请务必注明作者姓名、单位、通讯地址、邮政编…  相似文献   

如何发展和建设乡镇图书馆,以更好地为当地经济服务和农村文化建设服务,是当前亟待解决的问题。就特色藏书、特色功能、特色服务、特色活动四方面探讨自己对建设特色乡镇图书馆的思考。  相似文献   

“特色图书馆”建设是新时期公共图书馆深化服务、搞活服务的重要措施。东莞图书馆秉承细分读者、适应需求,因地制宜、各显特色,资源共享、统筹发展等原则,设立了漫画图书馆、自助图书馆、IT图书馆、粤剧图书馆等多个城市中心图书馆的“特色图书馆”,以及虎门“服装图书馆”、常平“地图图书馆”、厚街“家具图书馆”、大朗“毛纺织图书馆”、莞城“艺术和古籍图书馆”等多个东莞图书馆分馆的“特色图书馆”。其“以人为本”的特色服务及成效,为其它地区建设“特色图书馆”提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

高职院校图书馆电子阅览室的特色服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈颖 《图书馆学刊》2009,31(9):30-31
高职院校图书馆电子阅览室实现特色服务是新时期图书馆生存发展的需要,是改革图书馆服务工作的重要举措。通过分析电子阅览室的现状及存在的问题,提出了实行特色服务的具体措施和条件保障,认为高职院校图书馆电子阅览室只有实行特色服务才能更好地为教学科研服务。  相似文献   

彰显特色:图书馆服务创新的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析图书馆特色服务的内涵、必要性,认为特色服务是一种适应社会发展需求,以特色馆藏为服务内容,以主动、开放、系统为服务方式,以特定读者为服务对象的服务形式,是图书馆创新服务,提高服务质量,彰显自身价值,增强竞争力的路径抉择.文章介绍了广东金融学院图书馆创建"广州货币金融博物馆",利用特色馆藏开展特色服务的实践和经验.  相似文献   

刘洋 《兰台世界》2017,(14):63-66
以英国巴斯大学和华南农业大学两所学科特色类大学为例,从图书馆结构风格、基础服务及创新特色服务三个方面对中英学科特色大学图书馆进行比较分析,对比表明以华南农业大学为代表的中国农业类高校图书馆更加重视基建和基础服务带给读者的体验,而以巴斯大学为代表的现代英国大学图书馆则更偏重创新服务的发展,倡导学生自主学习。为此我国高校图书馆在发展硬件设施的同时,也应考虑开拓创新服务。  相似文献   

高校图书馆开展科普活动并以此引领高校地方服务向纵深发展,是一种困境与价值并存的图书馆地方服务方法。科普活动的开展促进了高校图书馆服务方式改革、学生创新能力培养、图书馆内涵及特色建设。高校图书馆在地方服务中需要找准定位、突出特色、强化作用,利用高校资源优势创新科普活动方法。  相似文献   

文章阐述了图书馆特色服务的名牌化与品牌化发展,并重点探讨了数字化时代图书馆特色服务的发展方向问题,旨在科学引导数字化图书馆的现代发展模式构建,突出数字化图书馆信息资源为用户带来的便利。  相似文献   

A library can represent the most valuable personal service which a medical society can offer to a physician; yet, libraries unfortunately are taking a lessening role in medical societies. Surveys show that medical society libraries have declined in number from seventy-one in 1942 to forty-eight at the present time. This paper offers a positive plan of action with the objective of enabling libraries to regain a position of eminence in medical societies. It is pointed out that there are four vital elements in stimulating the growth and development of a library. These are the constant enhancement of resources; the promotion of library services; the rendering of prompt, valuable services; and ultimately, the recognition of the library through gifts, endowments, and expressions of appreciation.  相似文献   

The design and development of the OCTANET system for networking among medical libraries in the midcontinental region is described. This system's features and configuration may be attributed, at least in part, to normal evolution of technology in library networking, remote access to computers, and development of machine-readable data bases. Current functions and services of the system are outlined and implications for future developments in computer-based networking are discussed.  相似文献   

基于 SoLoMo 的医学院校图书馆移动服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了国内医学院校图书馆的移动服务现状,介绍了医学院校专业设置的特殊性、医学学科的专业性、医学图书馆用户群的独特性,分析医学图书馆移动服务未能如期开展的原因,得出移动服务模式仅局限于 SMS、WAP、APP 服务等基础层面,深层次服务内容和模式还有待拓展,因此基于 SoLoMo 理念,从社交化、本地化、移动化三方面对移动图书馆的服务拓展提出建议和对策。  相似文献   

泛在图书馆是指无所不在的图书馆,是未来图书馆存在的十分重要的服务形态和发展模式。以人为本,高智能化,无所不在是泛在图书馆重要特征。文章着重论述泛在图书馆与公共文化服务载体建设,重点论述公共文化服务载体所承载的发展定位、标准规范、技术应用、发展体制与体制环境等关乎泛在图书馆发展的前瞻性问题。  相似文献   

欧美医学图书馆资源建设的发展及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过追踪研究欧洲及美国大学医学图书馆科技文献的资源建设10年来的发展,以资对我国医学图书馆的建设有所借鉴,并结合我国大学医学图书馆的建设发展和应用实际,提出和探讨了对我国医学图书馆资源建设和发展的参考性建议。  相似文献   

The imbalance between medical library resources and information needs of the health professional led to a reexamination of the mandate for the National Library of Medicine. Legislation known as the Medical Library Assistance Act (MLAA) was passed in 1965 which enabled the NLM to (1) initiate programs to assist the nation's medical libraries and (2) develop a medical library network with the establishment of regional medical libraries to link the NLM with local institutions.The National Library of Medicine, through the MLAA, has made available $40.8 million to the medical library community under a competitive grant and contract mechanism for the period July 1965-June 1970. A total of 604 projects has been executed in resources, research and development, training, construction, regional medical libraries, publications, and special scientific projects. An assessment is given of each of these programs and their impact on both the National Library of Medicine and individual medical libraries. In the aggregate, these programs have significantly improved library and information services to the professional health user. The principal limitation has been inadequate funding to accomplish the level of originally stated objectives.  相似文献   

网络环境下军校图书馆信息服务与信息资源建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邹文 《图书馆论坛》2001,21(3):75-76,83
以网络环境下军校图书馆信息服务与信息资源建设为出发点,通过与传统图书馆工作的比较分析,探讨了网络环境下军校图书馆信息服务的特征,并从优化馆藏结构、加快馆藏数字化建设和建立一支高素质的图书馆人员队伍等方面对网络环境下军校图书馆信息资源建设提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the National Health Service in England, including its history, its present structure, and factors that make it different from the U.S. health care system. The NHS libraries and librarians are discussed. The NHS is divided into fourteen regions in England. Three specific NHS libraries in the Wessex region are described--a hospital library, an administrative library, and a patient education library. The problems and accomplishments of NHS librarians are discussed, as well as some similarities between NHS libraries and U.S. medical libraries. Medical librarians are urged to try to understand the medical library scene in England, so that they can Learn from the unique strengths of their counterparts there.  相似文献   

THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF EDUCATION FOR MEDICAL LIBRARY PRACTICE IN THE UNITED STATES CONSISTS OF FOUR MAJOR COMPONENTS: graduate degree programs in library science with specialization in medical librarianship; graduate degree programs in library science with no such specialization; postgraduate internships in medical libraries; continuing education programs. Data are presented illustrating the flow of graduates along these several educational pathways into medical library practice.The relevance of these educational components to the current medical library work force is discussed with reference to manpower data compiled for Ohio. The total number of medical library personnel in Ohio in 1968 is 316. Of this total, only forty-two (approximately 14 percent) have received any formal library training. Seventy persons have only a high school education. From these figures, it is concluded that there is no standard or essential qualification which is universally accepted as educational preparation for work in medical libraries; that the comparative sophistication of the educational programs in medical librarianship has yet to be reflected widely in general medical library practice; that an increasingly large number of non-professional or ancillary personnel are being, and will continue to be, utilized in medical libraries; that large numbers of untrained persons have sole responsibility for medical libraries; and that appropriate educational programs will have to be designed specifically for this type of personnel.  相似文献   

The National Library of Medicine Extramural Program in administering the Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965 has developed the following specific program objectives: provide financial assistance for improving biomedical libraries; encourage and assist the establishment and functioning of a responsive national biomedical information network by strengthening present biomedical libraries and their interlibrary relationships; and assure that the biomedical library network is linked to related science information systems. The ultimate goal is to develop the role of the library as a full learning resource center for education, research, and service. The regional library program aims to augment present capability of existing medical libraries so that information can be made available more extensively and more rapidly. Comprehensive and thorough advanced planning is a basic element in the development of regional medical libraries.  相似文献   

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