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The aim of this article is to advance a framework for understanding and teaching game design in higher education, in order to address complexities inherent in teaching game design courses. Everyday teaching and learning game design often deviate from the standard textbook model of game design. In reality everyday teaching and learning operate with handling game design curriculum, how to think games, and how to organise the development process. The presented framework merge curriculum, thinking, and process guided by the game design concept of juiciness. The framework will be presented by dismantling the standard textbook model of game design into three; game design (curriculum), game design thinking (thinking), and game development (organisation). In this perspective game design is concerned with game mechanics, game design thinking preoccupied with paper prototyping, metaphor, and framing, while game developments addresses player experience including play and game testing. This article will coin vertical design as juiciness as opposed to horizontal design understood as expanding system layout. Juiciness will be placed as a guiding principle in the relationship between designers and designed content as an aspect of designer intentions and motivations. Lastly, the content centric framework will be presented by merging game design, game design thinking, game development, vertical design with selected aspects of accepted software development strategies as an approach to teaching and learning game design in higher education.  相似文献   

师范大专学前教育专业学生的游戏教学实践能力包括活动选材、计划编写、游戏准备、游戏组织、游戏效果评价的能力,从实习教学环节可以看出他们游戏活动选材"不好玩"偏多,游戏活动设计难以针对幼儿特点,游戏活动准备工作达不到要求,游戏组织不够精细,导致游戏实践活动效果欠佳。要提升学前大专生游戏教学实践能力,相关院校需要创设游戏课程实践性教学环境与条件,做好游戏实习与实践指导工作,通过园、校合作建设好实习基地,建设好"双师教学团队"。  相似文献   

随着游戏教育在高校的不断扩大,培养出能更好地适应游戏行业发展的人才显得尤为迫切。应用型本科高校游戏教育是培养游戏策划、游戏美工等方面的应用型创新人才;在游戏课程中采取项目化实践教学方式,锻炼学生的游戏设计能力,是游戏专业教育的发展方向。在游戏教育中,注重对项目内容的选择,全面把控教学过程,巧妙地带动教学主体,科学地评价教学效果,是项目化实践教学在游戏专业课程中应用时需要考虑的重点。  相似文献   

面向实用的电子教育游戏界定及特征研究   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
本文在对已有电子教育游戏相关概念梳理的基础上,提出电子教育游戏从本质上讲是由游戏设计和制作人员创作、承载着具体教育和娱乐目的的计算机软件。并从游戏者角度作出进一步阐释,指出游戏者的游戏活动是游戏者在游戏环境中,依据游戏规则、使用游戏策略、为最终达成游戏目标而进行的一系列活动。在此过程中游戏者既可获得与日常生活不同的紧张、喜悦等感情,又可完善或者提高自身性能的某些方面。在对电子教育游戏概念研究的基础上,进一步提出了电子教育游戏的五个主要属性:目标性、规则性、策略性、自由性和娱教性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to explore if and how players of digital games think about knowledge and knowing in the context of playing a game. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to examine whether players of an educational simulation game engage with epistemic aims, epistemic ideals, and reliable processes in the context of the game and to describe the nature of these aims, ideals, and processes. An exploratory, multiple-case qualitative study design was employed. Adolescent gamers were asked to think aloud while playing a sustainable development simulation game and were subsequently interviewed about the game. The results revealed that players adopted specific epistemic aims, epistemic ideals, and reliable processes in the context of the game. These were related to three layers of knowing: knowing in the game, knowing about playing the game, and knowing about the game as a representational artifact. Although players were adept in achieving epistemic aims related to knowing in the game and knowing about playing the game, they did not spontaneously engage in critical examination of the game as a representation. The study sheds light on challenges of epistemic thinking in digital games and on some of the ways in which game design can support epistemic thinking.  相似文献   

游戏在全世界范围内越来越流行,很多专家学者提出把游戏和教育相结合,来设计教育游戏。本文从教育游戏的角度出发,对教育游戏的设计进行了理论的探讨。经过大量的研究分析后,提出了游戏和教育融合的观点,以及设计教育游戏的五项构思,希望可以对教育游戏的开发起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

游戏与教育如何融合一直是教育游戏研究的重要命题。教育游戏研究不仅应该根据教育理论,而且需要参考游戏理论。传统游戏理论过于强调游戏者的主体性,具有哲学上的主客二分的问题。而伽达默尔游戏理论突破了近代认识论模式的束缚,侧重于游戏与游戏者的统一,对教育游戏研究具有重要启示。根据伽达默尔的游戏理论,教育游戏的真实主体是游戏自身,存在方式为自我表现,意义产生需要观者在场参与。因此,教育游戏应该将娱乐性与严肃性紧密结合,引导学习者融入游戏;使游戏规则与自由保持张力,优化学习者的游戏过程;注重观看与参与相互渗透,促使学习者获得意义。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了教育游戏中游戏任务设计的原则,即根据教学目标的类型层次、不同领域的课程知识、游戏者的认知水平以及游戏任务本身的结构四方面进行游戏任务设计,并说明了游戏任务实现的方法,以获得游戏教育性与游戏性的平衡统一。  相似文献   

幼儿自发开展的、以游戏本身为目的、无游戏之外的目的的游戏,称之为本体性游戏;由教师组织的教学游戏,其活动的本体是教育活动,称之为手段性游戏。语言、社会、科学、艺术等领域的教育可以采用手段性游戏的方式。健康领域的教育尽可能地采用本体性游戏。  相似文献   

组织内外不同群体需求的不一致性、优质资源的稀缺性、组织内部的相互依存性,以及矛盾运动的永恒性,致使高校教师评价中不可避免地存在组织冲突。在化解矛盾的过程中,会产生种种博弈行为和博弈心理。常见的博弈模型有以下几种:"拒绝游戏"的博弈,对等个体之间的"困境"博弈,非对等个体之间的道德博弈。分析这些博弈行为有利于改进高校教师的评价制度。  相似文献   

本文介绍了博弈的形式描述系统,混合博弈实质上是基于纯博弈系统框架下在策略集上引入概率分布。局中人之间的不合作性表现分布之间的独立性。给出了囚犯二难概型博弈系统与其纯博弈系统纳什平衡之间的联系,并对概率纳什平衡的计算进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目前学前儿童玩电子游戏逐渐趋于普遍化,学前儿童玩电子游戏的大部分原因是为了娱乐放松,玩时很少有家长陪同。针对上述情形,电子游戏设计者应依据儿童的身心特点和年龄特征设计电子游戏,家长应尽量参与儿童玩电子游戏过程以帮助儿童选择游戏类型、控制游戏时间并享受亲子过程。  相似文献   

Gamification is the use of game mechanics to drive game-like engagements and actions. It applies game mechanics, dynamics and frameworks to promote desired learning behaviours. Positive and effective gamification could enhance learning and engage learners in more social and context-rich decision-making for problem-solving in learning tasks. Effective gamification design should understand the game personalities of learners, social engagement styles, and intrinsic- and extrinsic-motivated user styles initially and evaluate and select appropriate game mechanics, game dynamics, to create ideal gamification instructions. The research question this study investigated is: How will four types of gaming personalities (i.e. Explorer, Socialiser, Killer and Achiever) predict the level of game dynamics in online discussion environments? This study concluded that examining how gaming personalities relate to game dynamics in a gamified online discussion instruction is not sufficient to design effective gamification. It suggests future studies in game instructions should focus on the relationships between game dynamics, gamification contexts, gaming personalities or preferences, dynamic gaming engagement styles, etc.  相似文献   

二人静态博弈是博弈论中最基本的分支和核心思想之一,是整个博弈论的基础,也是博弈逻辑的思想基础。针对二人静态博弈的基本结构,通过一般性的分析,给出了81种均衡实现的一般条件以及4种囚徒困境产生的基本条件,为实现博弈模型的计算机化处理提供了思想技术基础。  相似文献   

博弈论又称对策论。随着时代的发展,博弈论理论已经对经济学产生重大的影响。按照博弈的决策和信息综合起来进行划分的,几种常见的博弈均衡理论都具有自身独特的应用空间。博弈论在未来的发展中,不仅将更加注重理论和实际的融合,而且合作博弈和非合作博弈的研究可能会带来博弈理论以及经济学理论的重大革命。  相似文献   

非合作博弈理论能够很好解决处于竞争关系参与人之间合作与冲突,但在处理严格纳什均衡之间的选择时,碰到难以逾越的鸿沟。于是,均衡选择问题变成了博弈论理论家们研究的热点,协调博弈成为继囚徒困境博弈又一被广泛研究的博弈类型。已有的均衡研究法没有把系统达到均衡的过程引入到模型当中,无法考虑参与人关于博弈历史而形成有关对手未来行动的信念对均衡选择的影响,难以现实地考察均衡演化。本文基于协调博弈动态过程研究的基础上,通过引入历史、现状及相对偏好参数来探讨协调博弈的均衡选择问题,为理论研究提供一种新思路。  相似文献   

以经济学理论当中的博弈论为基础,提出了政府与媒体的两种博弈类型:合作博弈与非合作博弈。认为合作博弈作为政府与媒体关系的常态,在博弈过程中占据主要地位。为公共利益而博弈,最大限度地增加公共利益总量成为处理政府与媒体关系的主要指导理论,实现政府与媒体之间利益的纳什均衡是处理两者关系的最终目标。  相似文献   

Games may be useful tools for learning and communicating about sexual and reproductive health. This article discusses the collaborative design and subsequent evaluation of a narrative-based card game. This game was created in a workshop based on positive youth development, which allowed youth to be involved as game designers and game players. Human-centered design informed the workshop and gave the youth opportunities to have meaningful roles, learn skills, and focus on an issue that affects their peers. The intervention was constructed to teach about sexual and reproductive health and also to provide skills to address the medical, social, and emotional aspects of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). During the evaluation of the resultant game, student players were critical of the game but admitted to learning essential facts about STIs. This study demonstrates the feasibility of collaboratively designing a game with youth for youth resulting in a playable and educational tool.  相似文献   

当代艺术的游戏化倾向越来越明显。但游戏不是儿戏,其实它是对大众文化影响下人们娱乐式生活方式的再现和摹仿,是置身其中的艺术对这种生活现实的反观。因而艺术家们以游戏性的视觉语言,揭示当代社会的游戏性特征,以游戏的仿真性揶揄生活的虚假性。艺术的本质精神是自由的,因而艺术可以是严肃的,也可以是游戏的。  相似文献   

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