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Children's ability to read and spell their own and classmates' personal names in and out of context in Hebrew was studied. Preliterate children aged 4 to 6 years (N = 60) showed high knowledge of their own names but varied greatly in knowledge of others' names and emergent literacy skills. Reading and spelling of names was primarily related to letter knowledge rather than to phonemic awareness. Superior performance with initial over medial/final letters occurred despite no capitalization in Hebrew names. Names of two letters were read better than longer names, which were read equally well, indicating use of partial cues. These results bear on Ehri's (2005) phase theory. We speculate that informal learning of names is founded on letter knowledge plus exposure to names and is fueled by children's interest in names.  相似文献   

所谓"五名教育",就是选择与荣辱观相关的"名人"、"名言"、"名事"、"名著"、"名胜"教育学生。"五名教育"是进行社会主义荣辱观教育的有效途径,可以从知、情、意、行四个环节来促进学生社会主义荣辱观的形成。"五名教育"的实施应与课堂教学、校园文化建设、社会实践结合起来。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国普通名牌专业师资队伍建设现状,剖析了存在的问题.按照建立一支"政治合格、业务精良、学历层次较高、年龄结构均衡、职称结构合理、关系和谐"的新型师资队伍要求,提出了名牌专业师资队伍建设的对策,以期形成广纳群贤、人才辈出、人尽其才、才尽其用的良好氛围,为高校名牌专业的全面发展提供人才保证.  相似文献   

教科书是向学生传播知识的重要工具之一,应该是传达最真实、最准确知识的载体,具有极强的经典性。目前,我国通用的中小学教材中还存在着许多错误,如人教版《语文》九年级上册就存在课文文字误引、地名注释不合于当代行政区划等问题。教材质量的高低,直接关系到教学质量的高低和人才培养的成败。因此,必须注重教材编写队伍的建设和教材编写的质量审定。  相似文献   

现有的行政诉讼法在有权提起诉讼的公民死亡、行政诉讼中原告死亡时将有权提起诉讼或有权决定是否参加诉讼的诉讼主体限为其近亲属,对与该公民有直接利害关系的法律主体的利 益缺乏应有的保护,因而有必要从法律上确立此类利害关系人的诉讼主体资格,从而实现弥补该项法律漏洞的目的。  相似文献   

对中国八大菜系菜点名称的命名方法进行研究,可以发掘其中的深厚文化内涵,并使菜点命名规范化,有利于树立优秀餐饮品牌,参与国际餐饮市场竞争。  相似文献   

广州新建住宅楼盘名称命名分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从语言和文化两个角度出发,对所搜集到的广州1439条住宅楼盘名称作了研究,重点研究不同字数的住宅楼盘名称的总体分布情况及其音节结构特点,通名发展的新趋势,双音节通名的音律搭配特点;专名的选词特点、语义特点和音律特点。在此基础上,本文对广州住宅楼盘命名中在通名和专名的选择使用方面存在的一些问题进行了分析和评论。  相似文献   

One purpose of this study was to determine whether cognitive structure, assessed by psychometric measures of concept interrelatedness, can be developed when the students initially do not know what concept relationships exist and what they mean. The second purpose was to apply those measures to a learning situation that has produced a nonspecific transfer effect, i.e., the facilitative effect of concrete examples on learning abstract passages, to attempt to explain this effect more completely. Five groups of 20 students each read two prose passages and took recall and structure assessment tests on the second passage. Results (1) indicated that the nonspecific facilitative transfer effect was replicated and (2) offered some support for the contention that the cognitive structure which proximity measures assess can be trained to correspond to content structure, but that related recall remains low. With resolution of some of the methodological issues surrounding these measures, however, clearer explanation of transfer effects and assessment of higher order learning may be facilitated.  相似文献   

新经济挑战与区域创新发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新经济是指在经济全球化的背景下,由一系列的技术革命尤其是信息技术(IT)革命所推动的经济,它是以知识经济为社会经济形态,以虚拟经济为经济活动模式,以网络经济为经济运行方式所构成的经济结构体系。挑战新经济,要处理好“公平”和“效率”的关系;努力培育发展区域经济;强化区域创新体系;大力发展教育事业,加强人力资源的开发与培训。最终实现区域经济跨越式发展的目标。  相似文献   

大连本地不断涌现出一些知名品牌,但总体数量少,影响力有限。从语言学角度出发,我们对所收集到的大连本地近300个产品的中英文品牌名称进行分析,发现其品牌名称遵循了汉英各自的语言特点,形成了自身的规律,但也存在一些问题如:字词生僻、品名异化现象较多、以熟悉度受限制的人名地名命名、大量拼音替代英文名称等,建议在今后的本地品牌命名中加以改进。  相似文献   

字号尤其是知名字号的无形价值日益受到人们的重视,也越来越多地成为受侵犯的对象,司法实践中,字号侵权渐成为侵权常态之一。字号作为一种无形财产权益由于其法益性质理应由反不正当竞争法调整,为平衡权利人和社会公众的利益,应区分普通字号和知名字号,对普通字号予以一般保护,对知名字号应采驰名商标的保护方式,在法律适用上宜采拟制和衡平的方式弥补现行立法之缺失。  相似文献   

当前名师工作室发展中的突出问题是其理论水平的缺乏,学科教学论教师进入名师工作室将利用自身的理论优势促进名师工作室的发展。另一方面,学科教学论教师进人名师工作室也有助于高师院校自身的发展。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,虚拟资本在经济中的地位与作用越来越重要,虚拟资本有两种主要形态,即以商业票据等存在实物对应的虚拟资本和与实际资本相距较远的投机性强的虚拟资本,虚拟资本的基本特性表现为投机性,虚拟资本运动具有独立性并从两个方面影响实际资本运动,从发展的角度讲,虚拟资本与社会总资本的关系更加密切。  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty college students read three fictitious biographical passages according to either imagery-mnemonic or no-strategy control instructions. In one mnemonic condition, subjects formed separate images involving each biographical name and its associated facts: in another mnemonic condition, the biographical name and its associated facts were integrated within a single composite image. Relative to an interference-control condition, integrated mnemonic subjects recalled more factual information, whereas separate mnemonic subjects did not. In addition, the recall of integrated mnemonic subjects was statistically no different from that of a noninterference control condition, whereas the recall of separate mnemonic subjects was lower. Both theoretical and educational implications of the results are discussed. The first author’s contribution to this work was supported by an Organized Research Grant from the Graduate School of Illinois State University. The second author’s contribution was supported by the National Institute of Education under Grant No. NIE-G-81-0009 to the Wisconsin Center for Education Research and was facilitated by a Romnes Faculty Fellowship from the Graduate School of the University of Wisconsin, Madison.  相似文献   

论知识在教材中的存在方式   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
知识在教材中以何种方式存在,如何去面对学习者,这是教材设计的根本问题。它既决定教材编制的理念和具体思路,又直接影响着知识与学习者关系的性质。知识在教材中应以“生命化”的方式存在,为此,教材的功能应由“控制者”走向“对话者”,教材设计应遵循生态式设计理念。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that children need exposure to alphabetic tuition before they can develop phonological awareness, especially phonemic awareness. This paper re-examines an existing data set to see whether two groups of pre-school, pre-literate children who differ in their knowledge of letter names (used here as a measure of alphabetic tuition) will also differ in their levels of phonological awareness. Their later performance on measures of school age reading and spelling attainment is also compared. The results show that the two groups of children did not differ significantly in either their phonological awareness or their literacy attainment.  相似文献   

贺婷婷 《海外英语》2012,(16):140-141,158
The translation of road names from Chinese into English applies no specific standards up to date. Whether the roads should be re ferred in accordance with the nearby position or some symbolic buildings or simply be represented by a phonetic pronunciation which has no specific meaning in English has provoked some heated discussion. In this paper I employ the skopos theory and other relevant theories to put forward a new perspective of translating road and street names, with same emphasis on that of generic name and on specific name. Some illustrations will be made on the defects of the writing standard set by relevant Chinese laws and regulations as well as resolutions of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, i.e. the adoption of a Single Romanization System, and Lu to be the generic name in China’s case. Also, I will further probe the existing translations of road and street names in major Chinese cities, most of which to be Road, either go against relevant laws or fail to inform foreign visitors. Finally, I will come up with the suggestion of ap plication of a combination of Lu and Road in translation of road and street names in accordance with functional approaches.  相似文献   

In this study, 114 preschoolers (M age = 53 months) completed a battery of literacy assessments to explore the interplay between name writing and letter knowledge in early literacy learners. Name writing was significantly related to children's letter knowledge, and the relationships were moderate to high. However, many children exhibited an incongruity in name writing and name-specific letter-recognition skills (i.e., they could write their names but not recognize the letters in their names, or recognize the letters in their names but not write them). When these two groups were contrasted statistically, the children with superior name-specific letter recognition (but poorer name writing scores) had significantly higher letter knowledge scores than the children with superior name writing scores (but poor name-specific letter-recognition scores). Writing one's name, in itself, did not appear to correspond to a literacy advantage. Thus, with regard to the recommendation that name writing be used as a literacy assessment tool in preschool, the results from this study suggest that name writing should be used as a measure of mechanical skill only and should not be used as a means to assess children's conceptual knowledge (of letter names, letter sounds, or the alphabetic principle).  相似文献   

在中学语文教学中,让学生掌握字、词、句,篇、章、段等有关基础知识的同时,还要针对中学生正处于世界观形成的初期阶段,加强对学生思想道德素质的培养。  相似文献   

Research was conducted at Purdue University with the primary goal to compare a newly developed self-instructional CAI/multimedia computer program with traditional instructional methods for use by youth enrolled in a farm tractor and machinery safety program. Seventy-two subjects selected from three 8th and 9th grade agricultural education classes and one group of middle school-aged youth (grades 6–19) involved in a 4-H tractor and machinery-related program were randomly divided, with half of each group receiving traditional instructor-based training using printed materials, videos, and demonstrations, and the other half receiving self-instruction with a computer program. A pretest and post test evaluation revealed that there was not a statistical difference in knowledge gained between the two instructional strategies. However, an analysis of low, middle and high achievement youth, based on knowledge gain, did reveal significant difference between the two instructional strategies. Subjects from the computer-based instructional method dominated both high and low achievement groups, while the traditional instructional method subjects tended to fall into the middle achievement group.  相似文献   

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