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王金进 《文教资料》2010,(11):85-86
中国古代的手工业技术具有显著的封闭性特征。中国古代手工业技术的创造主体是一些富有经验的、心灵手巧的工匠,而这些工匠存在自身的弱点与缺陷,这本身就限制了手工业技术的传播;我国历史上工匠技术具有非常严格的传承制度.工匠技术只传于家族内是比较普遍的现象.这无疑限制了手工业技术的传播与发展:唐宋以来行会的出现与发展,为手工业技术的传播又添一道枷锁.以上三个方面共同构成了手工业技术封闭性的原因。  相似文献   

周代私营手工业类型略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西周时期私营手工业主要有独立小手工业、家庭手工业、大私营手工业三种类型。独立手工业在西周时的数量恐怕有限,只是极少数从农业生产中分离出来而从事的小规模的经营,春秋战国以后,才有了一定的发展;家庭手工业主要以家庭副业的形式反映出来;大型私营手工业在春秋战国时得到了较充分的发展,主要集中在冶铸、煮盐、开采丹砂等方面,对这些大型手工业,专制国家往往采取抽税的办法进行管理。  相似文献   

官府手工业源于殷代;春秋时期,它在整个社会的手工业生产中已占有较大的比重;到了西汉,虽然商品经济发展,民间私营手工业兴起,但官府手工业并未因此而衰弱。统治者仍然可以运用政权的力量,大量集结人力、物力发展官府手工业,以满足他们的种种特殊需要。 本文仅就西汉官府手工业的管理部门、规模、场址、劳动者等,谈谈个人的认识。  相似文献   

徐亚文 《新高考》2008,(2):26-28
一、考点梳理 (一)中国古代的手工业的经营形态 1.商周时期:手工业由官府所垄断,形成官营手工业一统天下的局面。  相似文献   

中国的封建官府通过完备的官营手工业组织对手工业实行全面而直接的管理和控制,英法则由于城市与封建庄园竞争、王室权力衰微等原因,未能使官府手工业处于主导地位。英法王室主要通过颁布法规和专利权来使对手工业的管理权。中国和英法不同规模和地位的官府手工业,直接影响着社会转型时期本国手工业向近代手工工场发展的步伐。  相似文献   

传统手工业因其吸收劳动力量大、服务面广的特点,在解决就业问题方面发挥着重要作用。然而,长期以来政府经济管理部门缺乏对手工业应有的重视,劳动就业部门轻视手工业对就业的拉动作用,教育部门也忽视对手工业职业人才的培养。鉴于此,政府部门应大力扶持和促进手工业的发展,把手工业职业教育作为发展面向农村职业教育的重点,职业学校应将手工业领域作为学校创业教育的重点,并贴近市场积极开设手工业专业。  相似文献   

1.古代中国手工业三种经营形态 古代中国手工业主要有三种经营形态:官营手工业、民营手工业、家庭手工业.三种经营形态的区别主要表现在:①管理方式方面,官营手工业由政府直接经营,进行集中的大作坊生产;民营手工业由民间私人经营;家庭手工业则是农户的副业.②产品流向方面,官营手工业产品主要供官府、贵族享用,不在市场流通;民营手工业主要生产民间消费品,产品主要面向市场进行流通;家庭手工业产品主要用来交纳赋税和家庭消费,只有剩余的一小部分会作为商品在市场上销售.  相似文献   

秦虽是以农业经济为主体的王朝,但受周边环境影响及从社会实际需要出发,其手工业也获得了长足发展。秦为保证手工业产品的数量和质量,在官府手工业中采取了一套行之有效的管理办法。对手工业生产者从技术水平、劳动定额到禀给制度,都作了明确规定。同时,对手工业产品实行标准化生产,严格检查制度,并把盛行于战国时期的“物勒工名”制度法律化。  相似文献   

唐代官府手工业所包含的内容相当丰富,管理体制也比较完善。由于学术界对这一方面的研究还比较薄弱,其研究成果与其所处的历史地位远不相称。本文就唐代官府手工业的类型作了较科学的划分,进而初步探讨了其以多重管理为特征的管理体制。  相似文献   

课本第 3 1页 :“西周的手工业 ,种类多 ,分工细 ,号称‘百工’ ,包括青铜制造、制陶、纺织业等。”“百工”并非“包括青铜制造、制陶、纺织业等”各类手工业行业 ,而是指从事各类手工业生产的人。《中国通史》 :“百工是掌握手工业技术 ,管理工奴的低级百姓” (百姓是贵族的通称 )。《辞海》解释“百工”是“西周时工奴的总称”。西周的手工业 ,属王室及各受封贵族及其宗族所公有 ,并进行统一的规模经营。从业者统称“百工”。就是说 ,百工既指从事各类专项手工业生产的工奴 ,也包括主持专项手工业生产、为统治者掌管工奴的首领人物。这些…  相似文献   


This paper reports on research into the learning aspects of adopting integrated parasite management practices for sheep (IPM-s) applying a workplace learning framework. An analysis of four primary data sources was conducted; a postal survey of Australian wool producers, a Delphi process with IPM-s researchers, focus groups and interviews with wool producers.

Researchers had a high expectation of conceptual and high level procedural knowledge for IPM-s, while wool producers had a tendency to rely on low- and high-level procedural knowledge for parasite management. Researchers also showed concern for disposition as it related to parasite management. Practices identified as potentially problematic for extension, included worm egg count testing (according to best practice), supplementary feed (specifically for worm management), selecting estimated breeding value-tested rams, weighing and monitoring body condition scores, and keeping written paddock histories.

This research provides significant empirical insights into the knowledge differences between researchers and producers that can affect how research is developed and communicated for the IPM-s project to facilitate behaviour change. The identification of some IPM practices as problematic for producers will also allow targeted extension for these practices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The recent economic and political climate, which has reshaped all sectors of education in the last few years, has brought dramatic changes to the management and finance of further education (FE). FE institutions have become 'incorporated' as autonomous and self-regulating organisations. The central concern of this article is the effect that the interpretation of incorporation has had on gender relations within these organisations. Many colleges have taken the opportunity to 'restructure', redefining the management hierarchy to consist of new posts to do with finance, selling and premises. The association of these tasks with aspects of masculinity has meant that incorporation has both utilised gender and had gendered consequences. Masculinity is perceived as an integral quality in the achievement of efficient management, a fact which has favoured the promotion of men and the marginalisation of women. How women have responded to these changes is explored in this article.  相似文献   

管理学门类的诞生:知识划界与学科体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以科学社会学中关于划界活动的研究为理论工具,勾勒出管理学在门类成立前的发展脉络,以期对管理学门类的形成过程做一番历史梳理。本文发现,系统论深刻影响了中国管理学的形成和发展,在系统论的影响下,"管理科学与工程"得以发展壮大,成为管理学门类独立的重要推动力量;另一方面,系统无处不在的思想观念以及系统论对信息的重视和强调,与国家将"公共管理"、"农林经济管理"和"图书馆、情报和档案管理"纳入管理学门类相切合。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):232-252

Environmental management systems implemented in schools are regarded by many as a mechanism for the integration of environmental matters in all the operational functions of the school. The links, however, between environmental management and curriculum practice have not been adequately addressed in the literature. This article reports on the results of a project aimed at integrating pedagogical aspects in environmental management systems in 60 primary Kanyimba, Richter and Raath The integration of pedagogical aspects schools in four provinces of the Republic of South Africa over a period of two years. A baseline survey and post-baseline surveys assessed the integration of pedagogical aspects in environmental management systems. The data were evaluated with the aid of Cohen's effects sizes. The results show that primary schools in this case study had succeeded in developing environmental management structures as part of the overall school management system. The pedagogical aspects, however, were not successfully synchronised with the environmental management systems. The study identified an unrealised potential to link environmental management systems to curriculum practice and suggests opening a two-way conversation between environmental management systems and actual delivery of instructional content. It is suggested that existing learning connections that are present in neighbourhoods, such as outdoor classrooms, be harnessed to assist in the development of values and attitudes of teachers and learners.  相似文献   


In this article, the practicability of introduction of computer multimedia as an educational tool was compared with the traditional approach for training sugarcane growers in ratoon management practices in three villages of Tamil Nadu state, India using pre-test, post-test control group experimental design.

A CD-ROM was developed as a multimedia resource to support the training process using Macromedia Flash as the authorware. Three modes of message delivery—traditional lecture alone, lecture followed by multimedia and multimedia alone were analyzed for their effectiveness in terms of knowledge gain, learning index and extent of adoption. The group which was exposed to lecture followed by multimedia had better knowledge gain and learning index. Farmers perceived that the use of different multimedia building blocks made it an interesting and educative tool. The message, when given through lecture alone was perceived as boring and monotonous with limited attention span. The extent of adoption of ratoon management practices was almost on par; however the group which had received instructions through lecture followed by computer multimedia had a better adoption rate. Such a comparative analysis is an opportunity for a better understanding of the role that multimedia could play in technology transfer to farmers.  相似文献   

Classroom management research is an important topic as teachers cannot effectively educate students in unstructured environments. With that said, few psychometrically sound measures are available to measure behavior and instructional management. Using 1520 Portuguese teachers, we evaluated the Behavior and Instructional Management Scale's (BIMS) psychometric properties using Bayesian estimation and found that the original 12-item scale provided reasonable evidence of factorial validity and internal consistency reliability; however, a slightly revised model may be more promising. The BIMS subscales also had strong concurrent validity evidence based on the associations with perceived student engagement, perceived instructional strategies, and perceived classroom management.  相似文献   

民国前中期山西的林业活动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民国前中期,“绿化山西”作为山西实业建设的一项重要内容,山西督军阎锡山曾给予大力支持。在林业生产活动中,积极动员境内全体人民植物造林,建立健全督察考核制度,强化管理。其中创行责任制和承包制度,确定单位和个人的林权,稳定境内林业经济,其方式和具体做法对我们今天的林业工作仍有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"红黄蓝"绩效管理模式立足于"打好基础,促进发展,追求卓越"的办学理念,其主要特征为:崇尚民主,以人为本;关注个体,团队协作;注重过程,动态评价;依据绩效,持续改进。这种注重绩效改进的管理模式,对学校发展起到了良好的促进作用,产生了很大的生命力。本文从它的提出背景、内涵、特征、操作流程和实践价值等五个方面,对这种管理模...  相似文献   

中国农村基础教育推行“以县为主”的管理体制是农村税费改革的题中之义。我国农村基础教育过去实行的“基础教育由地方负责,分级管理”的体制,无论是理论基础还是实践操作都存在一定的偏差。从公共物品理论层面探讨“以县为主”管理体制的理论基础,对农村基础教育的顺利发展有一定的作用。  相似文献   

Elementary school teachers often implement classroom behavioral management systems to address student misbehavior. Common problems targeted by these systems are the inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive behaviors characteristic of attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This study examined teachers' attributions for why children display ADHD behaviors, and how such attributions affect their experiences with children in the context of interventions to manage these behaviors. Participants were 32 preservice teachers undertaking a practicum in a summer program for 137 children (Grades 1–3), some of whom had ADHD. Teachers were trained to implement classroom‐wide behavioral management. Teachers' attributions for children's ADHD behaviors were assessed using a vignette measure, before teachers had met their students or begun training on intervention techniques. When controlling for attributions regarding oppositional behavior, teachers' initial attributions for ADHD behaviors as less internal/controllable predicted children reporting more positive relationships with that teacher during the summer program. Teachers' initial attributions for ADHD behaviors as less stable predicted teachers' greater satisfaction with the intervention techniques during the summer program and their greater attunement to children's social networks. Cognitions about the causes of children's ADHD behaviors held by preservice teachers may relate to their subsequent experiences with children in the context of implementing classroom behavioral management.  相似文献   

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