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由于高梁A_1型质核互作雄性不育性的遗传,至今没有肯定的结论。为此我们于1987年开展了这方面的研究。通过试验,我们认为高梁A_1型质核互作雄性不育系的基因型应是S(ms_1ms_1ms_2ms_2),其相应保持系的基因型应是(FCms_1ms_1ms_2ms_2),而恢复系的核内基因型就有(Ms_1Ms_1ms_2ms_2),(ms_1ms_1Ms_2Ms_2)和(Ms_1Ms_1Ms_2Ms_2)三种。当不育系和前两种恢复系杂交,其F_2可育:不育为3:1,而当不育系和后一种恢复系杂交,其F_2可育:不育应为15:1。从遗传、育种、品种资源的研究出发,我们需要将这三种恢复系加以区别。因此在文中又提出了建立恢复系基因型鉴别系的方案和大家讨论。  相似文献   

目的:弄清粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性的遗传规律,选育优良水稻品种.方法:3个杂交组合的亲本、杂种F1代和杂种F2代研究了待测粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性的遗传规律.结果:G2410亲籼并与籼稻的亲缘关系较远,是粳型亲籼系.粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性受多基因控制,在一个具体组合中,常受1-2个主基因和多个微效多基因控制,各主基因之间的遗传力大小常有不同,控制小穗育性的基因数比控制花粉育性的基因数更多.  相似文献   

辣椒雄性不育系1110A的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用种间杂交和聚合杂交方法获得不育源,再利用回交转育方法获得辣椒核质互作雄性不育系1110A。田间表现综合性状优良,在不同年份、不同高低温条件下不育性稳定;卡方检验表明不育性由一对隐性基因控制。丰富了辣椒三系育种材料,为辣椒杂种优势利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

采用植物花药染色体涂片方法和碘染色方法对BNS不育系、对应的转换系及与恢复系杂交F1的5个花粉发育时期(四分体期、单核早中期、单核晚期、二核期和花粉成熟期)的小孢子进行细胞学观察.结果表明:BNS不育系四分体正常,花粉能进行第一次核分裂,在二核期及以后出现核消融和空孢,成熟期的不育花粉主要为染败和园败型,转换系可育花粉达50%以上,但典型不育系花药内也有1%左右的可育花粉.这些结果说明BNS属孢子体不育的花粉败育型,不育基因并非绝对控制不育发生.观察结果为BNS败育机制研究提供了重要的败育现象和特征.  相似文献   

水稻光温敏核不育系是两系杂交水稻研究的基础,它的研究对水稻杂种优势的利用与揭示水稻发育过程中形态建成的光温调控机理都具有重要的意义。从水稻光温敏不育系的类型及其育性转换,以及近年来研究者对其调控机理和不育基因定位等方面研究现状进行了综述,并对目前研究中存在的问题和发展前景进行了分析和讨论,以期有助于育种工作者了解水稻光温敏核不育系研究的发展历程和最新研究动态。  相似文献   

生态核不育大麦9209雄性不育性的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用生态核不育大麦选系9209与可育大麦品系Bow325wi229/Mi2269杂交,以自然结实率、目测花药等指标分析了P、F1、F2、B1及F3代群体在武汉正常播种期(10月20日)条件下的育性表现.结果表明生态核不育大麦的雄性不育性由核内一对隐性主效基因控制,且受微效多基因的修饰.同时通过对F2代棱形与育性的关系的研究表明,二者间具有连锁遗传特性,交换值为20.7%.  相似文献   

色素万寿菊子一代(F1)种子是由一种雄性不育系做母本与一种自交系做父本经杂交育成。杂交所用父、母本是根据孟德尔的基因分离重组规律,由进口F1种子经自交、回交、分离、转育、提纯等过程而获得。  相似文献   

试验以水稻新质源核雄性不育系CIS_(28-10)和八个品种所配制的杂种F_1、F_2、F_3和回交B_1F_1为研究材料,通过田间观察鉴定和X~2测验,从杂种F_2、F_3和B_1F_1群体的育性分离动态这三个方面研究了CIS_(28-10)的遗传行为.本研究的结果表明,CIS_(28-10)的核雄性不育基因属于细胞核内单一位点上的隐性基因,其遗传行为比较简单,这为CIS_(28-10)的进一步转育和利用提供了方便.  相似文献   

玉米自交系的主要数量性状配合力效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验将Griffing方法4。研究了玉米自交系10个主要数量性状的配合力参数。结果表明:基因性效应在杂种后代的遗传中占有较大的遗传份量;在杂交种配制时应选择以亲的一般配合力都高,或者亲本之一的一般配合力较设期获得较高产量的杂交种;配合力总产应是产量育 决定性因素。  相似文献   

四、黄色圆粒豌豆和绿色皱粒豌豆的杂交试验和测交分析图解 (一)图型解读 复习该图解的重点放在对基因遗传情况的分析、显隐性性状判断、基因型推导和概率计算、遗传实验设计等方面。具体应掌握:  相似文献   

对三系法和二系法杂交育种进行了比较。结果表明,三系法是一种行之有效的传统育种方法,但它必须要三系(不育系,保持系,恢复系)配套,增加了育种的时间和资金;而二系法选用光敏核不育系的自交不育系做母本,用加显性标记基因的恢复系作父本,省去了繁殖保持系的工作,同时,这种不育系会因光照长度或温度高低(或两者兼有)而在可育与不育之间互相转换,而这些条件都可以人为控制,这既保证了杂种优势的利用,又节省了资金,是一种具有广阔前景的育种方法。  相似文献   

观察分析了自选水稻两用不育系208s的育性表现和配组优势,结果表明:208s具有低的不育起点温度,高的异交结实性,优良的稻米外观品质;208s与优质亲本配组的两系杂交稻,优势强,稻米外观品质优,可作为两系优质杂交稻选育的优质适用型亲本.  相似文献   

对光温敏核不育水稻的育性进行调控的研究将为两系法杂交稻组合的选育和光温敏核不育材料的利用提供有价值的参考资料。光温敏核不育水稻在夏季条件下的育性稳定性和在秋季条件下的自交繁殖产量在很大程度上决定着其实用价值。试验结果表明,利用有性调节剂可以充分地利用那些在夏季长日照条件下雄性不育性相当稳定,不会发生育性波动,不具有潜在危险的光温敏核不育材料;割茬再生对某些在秋季条件下难以自交繁殖的光温敏核不育系的自交结实有明显的促进作用,由此可望提高其繁殖产公,降低种子生产成本;低浓度杀雄剂的作用效应能消除夏季异常低温对光温敏核不育水稻的育性诱导效应,由此可以保持其雄性不育的稳定性。  相似文献   

Utilization of a two-line breeding system via photoperiod-thermo sensitive male sterility has a great potential for hybrid production in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). 337S is a novel wheat male sterile line sensitive to both short daylength/low temperature and long daylength/high temperature. Five F2 populations derived from the crosses between 337S and five common wheat varieties were developed for genetic analysis. All F1’s were highly fertile while segregation occurred in the F2 populations with a ratio of 3 fertile:1 sterile under short daylength/low temperature. It is shown that male sterility in 337S was controlled by a single recessive gene, temporarily designated as wptms3. Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) coupled with simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers was applied to map the sterile gene using one mapping population. The wptms3 gene was mapped to chromosome arm 1BS and flanked by Xgwm413 and Xgwm182 at a genetic distance of 3.2 and 23.5 cM, respectively. The accuracy and efficiency of marker-assisted selection were evaluated and proved essential for identifying homozygous recessive male sterile genotypes of the wptms3 gene in F2 generation.  相似文献   

短光敏核不育水稻种质研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
水稻短光敏不育材料是与农垦58S等光温敏核不育水稻的光温敏育性反应特性相反的光温敏核不育水稻新类型,具有短光低温诱导不育、长光高温诱导可育的育性特性,对水稻短光敏核不育品系宜DSl的育性表现、农艺性状、利用前景进行了研究和讨论。  相似文献   

目前,油菜中与细胞质雄性不育相关基因的研究,主要表现在对细胞质雄性不育基因.核质互作雄性不育基因和育性恢复基因等的遗传性状观察、分子标记、基因定位、基因表达和生产应用等方面,本文从这些方面进行综述,并提出了展望。  相似文献   

采用A直接授粉、A自然授粉、B自然授粉、B徒手去雄授粉方法分别给辣椒授粉 ,结果表明 ,采用A直接授粉的辣椒总座果数最高 ,座果以集中在第 3- 5节为佳 ;优化分析表明 ,采用A直接授粉总座果数为 2 2个时 ,最佳平均座果分布为第一节位座果 0 .43- 0 6 9个 ,第二节位座果 0 .81- 1.19个 ,第三节位座果 2 .83 - 3.37个 ,第四节位座果 5 .80 - 6 .34个 ,第五节位座果 6 .5 5 - 7.15个 ,第六节位座果 4.2 2 - 4.6 0个  相似文献   

The laying quail is a worldwide breed which exhibits high economic value. In our current study, the vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor-1 (VIPR-1) was selected as the candidate gene for identifying traits of egg production. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection was performed in 443 individual quails, including 196 quails from the H line, 202 quails from the L line, and 45 wild quails. The SNPs were genotyped using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Two mutations (G373T, A313G) were detected in all the tested quail populations. The associated analysis showed that the SNP genotypes of the VIPR-1 gene were significantly linked with the egg weight of G373T and A313G in 398 quails. The quails with the genotype GG always exhibited the largest egg weight for the two mutations in the H and L lines. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis indicated that G373T and A313G loci showed the weakest LD. Seven main diplotypes from the four main reconstructed haplotypes were observed, indicating a significant association of diplotypes with egg weight. Quails with the h1h2 (GGGT) diplotype always exhibited the smallest egg weight and largest egg number at 20 weeks of age. The overall results suggest that the alterations in quails may be linked with potential major loci or genes affecting reproductive traits.  相似文献   

A study was performed in which attacks by four different types of “resident” rat (males housed with fertile females, males housed with sterile females, paired males, and isolated males) on six different types of intruder (isolated males, grouped males, castrated males, isolated females, grouped females, and ovariectomized females) were investigated. The objective was to study features of resident and intruder rats that would allow the designing of an aggression test that used a minimum of animals and produced a rapid behavioral response. In some combinations of residents and intruders, attack was generated within a 10-min test period. Isolated resident males attacked as much as males housed with females; however, paired rats showed only low incidences of attack. The fertility of the female partner did not influence the male’s aggressiveness. Most male attacks were directed towards like-sexed intruders. Only isolated males differentiated between the different treatment types of male intruder, attacking group-housed and castrated rats less intensely than isolates. Of the females, only those that were fertile produced significant amounts of attack behavior and almost exclusively attacked female intruders. Group-housed intruder females received more attacks than isolates. The results suggest optimal conditions for generating two models of attack behavior in the laboratory rat.  相似文献   

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