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按照我国发布的《特殊教育提升计划》的要求,每个残疾孩子都能接受合适的教育。 根据这项计划,2016年前,全国视力、听力、智力残疾儿童少年义务教育入学率达到90%以上;在义务教育阶段,重点解决8万名未入学适龄残疾儿童少年就学问题;支持普通幼儿园创造条件接收残疾儿童,普通高中和中等职业学校要积极招收残疾学生;义务教育阶段特殊教育学校生均预算内公用经费标准在2016年前达到6000元,  相似文献   

我国有0-14岁残疾儿童少年800万人,其中学龄残疾儿童少年600万人。 1990年我国已有盲、聋、弱智儿童特殊教育学校746所,在普通学校附设的弱智儿童教育班1054个,在校生72000人。这样,我国学龄残疾儿童在普通学校和特殊教育学校学习的已有50%以上。尽管如此,我国学龄残疾儿童少年教育仍是实施义务教育的一个突出的薄弱环节。根据规划,到2000年要力争使全国多数盲、聋和弱智学龄儿童能够入学。 1989年5月,国务院办公厅转发了  相似文献   

本研究以《中国教育统计年鉴》相关数据为基础,结合相关特殊教育政策与文献,考查了1986年至2011年间我国大陆地区残疾儿童的教育安置形式,分析了安置形式的变化特点.同时指出:我国残疾儿童随班就读政策的出台是国情所需,残疾儿童随班就读实践的发展受国际回归主流及全纳教育思想影响,随班就读在保障残疾儿童义务教育方面逐步起到了主体作用.从中国未来的发展来看,要进一步解决残疾儿童少年的入学问题,特殊教育学校与普通学校随班就读这两种安置形式虽然各有利弊,但还将在一定时期内齐头并进.  相似文献   

残疾儿童的教育已成为我国普及九年制义务教育的薄弱环节。据《中国残疾人》1989年第2期载文称:我国600多万残疾学龄儿童中只有5.2万人入学,盲、聋和弱智儿童的入学率尚不足6%。由此可见,要改变残疾儿童教育的这种严重滞后状况,对他们的教育安置问题是一项急待我们去研究的课题。本文试图通过对聋童“一体化”教育安置的讨论,以期对加快残疾儿童入学这个总课题起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展与进步,社会上残疾儿童的教育问题深刻引起了社会的广泛关注.我国残疾儿童学前受教育的机会率远远低于普通儿童,为残疾儿童提供教育的特殊教育机构也严重匮乏,远不能满足残疾儿童的入学需求.本文主要从关注残疾儿童的重要性和残疾儿童受教育的意义的角度来评述.  相似文献   

黔桂贫困地区听力残疾儿童普校就读情况调查报告中央教育科学研究所纳新残疾儿童的教育已成为我国普及九年制义务教育中的薄弱环节。听力残疾儿童在残疾儿童中占有相当的比例,约占22.5%。因此,听力残疾儿童能否入学直接影响到九年义务教育的普及。尽管国内外有关方...  相似文献   

刘金萍 《辽宁教育》2023,(20):49-51
为了保障残疾儿童的教育权,促进教育公平,实现特殊教育“零拒绝”,凤城市特殊教育学校对辖区内各种原因未入学的残疾儿童开展送教上门工作,努力探索送教上门的实践经验。  相似文献   

为促进我国残疾儿童教育过程公平,针对我国残疾儿童教育现状,作者建议通过提高残疾儿童随班就读质量;加强特殊教育学校的建设和管理,增强特殊学校的办学特色;健全残疾儿童教育管理体制,建立残疾儿童教育的社会支持保障体系;加大特殊教育师资培养和培训力度,提高特殊教育师资质量等具体措施,建立健全适合残疾儿童身心发展的教育质量保障体系。  相似文献   

一、影响农村残疾儿童少年入学率的原因 经济欠发达地区残疾儿童少年入学率和巩固率不高的原因是多方面的,一是观念的影响。一些农村家长急功近利,片面地认为残疾儿童少年读书没有出路,不愿送适龄残疾儿童少年入学,极个别家长甚至把自己的孩子关在家中不让出门。二是办学条件的影响。特殊教育学校应该具有对盲、聋、智障三类残疾儿童少年进行教育的功能,  相似文献   

开展残疾儿童少年随班就读,让他们就近在普通学校入学,是发展和普及残疾儿童少年义务教育的一个主要办学形式,是构建适合我国国情的特殊教育体系的主体内容。  相似文献   

体育教学策略的实质就是体育教师对体育教学活动进行整体调控的预先谋划过程.教学对象不同,决定了体育教学策略的不同,特殊教育学校的学生在身心发展方面有一定的缺陷和残疾,他们的身体和心理有别于正常儿童少年.为了残疾学生的有效学习,特殊教育学校体育教学策略应符合残疾学生的特点.  相似文献   

This research examined the relation of school-level changes in the reading performance of students in general and in special education to school environmental variables associated with effective schools reforms in 56 Southern California schools. Applying a joint production model of outcomes, we predicted that school-level general and special education performance change related inversely to one another and differentially to effective environ- mental characteristics. Results showed inverse relations between changes in general and special education students' performance in sample schools. Inconsistent and differential relations between environmental characteristics associated with effective schools and the performance changes of the two groups of students were also evidenced. The implications of these findings for the educational opportunities of students with mild disabilities in the context of contemporary general and special education reforms are discussed.  相似文献   

School library provision for students with disabilities was evaluated in a four year study completed in 1999. The study focussed on the relationship between library and special education staff, and the effect this had on access to library services and the acquisition of information literacy by students with disabilities. Empirical data reflecting the current level of service provision in two Australian states was collected in a survey. This data was complemented by observations and interviews with special education and library staff and students in 15 case study schools. The research showed that as the number of students with disabilities enrolled in mainstream schools was increasing, school librarians had to be aware of the needs of these students, in order to provide them with adequate library services. Although examples of good practice were found, there is need for improvement in service delivery for these students. Much of this could be achieved by enhanced communication and cooperation between school librarians and special education teachers.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an analysis of trends in the placement of students with intellectual, physical, sensory, or behavioural disabilities in New South Wales for the period 1986 to 1994. Although there was a general trend of movement of students from special schools to support classes, there were some major differences across disability groups. The results are discussed in relation to current special education policy in New South Wales and the philosophy of including students with a disability in regular schools and classes.  相似文献   

The differences between genders in 14 different categories of disability, of samples of children and students found eligible for special education, are presented. In kindergarten and upper secondary schools, 65 per cent of the children or students deemed eligible for special education were boys. In elementary through junior high school the figures were about 70 per cent. In the kindergarten sample the difference in prevalence remained the same as the overall difference within each category of disability. In the samples from elementary, junior high and upper secondary schools a relatively higher prevalence than the overall difference between the genders was found with regard to problems of vision, hearing, language and intellectual disabilities among girls. A similar higher prevalence than expected was found among boys with regard to problems with reading and writing, psychosocial problems and attention deficit disorders. The conclusion is that the higher incidence of boys in special education during the pre-school years must be attributed to genetic or biological differences between the sexes. Further, in addition to these differences, the higher incidence of boys in special education during the school years is caused by an interaction between genetic or biological factors and a pedagogy that does not match the educational needs of male students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine parental perceptions about Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of typical education and special education students in Greece. The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) was administered to the parents of 251 children from typical schools, 46 students attending integration classes (IC) within a typical school and 97 students attending special education (segregated) schools. A two-way analysis of covariance indicated that, compared to their typically developing peers, children attending special education schools and IC were reported by their parents to have lower PedsQL scores. Compared to children attending special education schools, children attending IC showed no differences in all PedsQL domains but the emotional domain score (p < .05). Based on parents’ responses, further improvements in special education settings and environments in the Greek educational system might be necessary to improve the HRQOL of students with disabilities.  相似文献   

Collaboration between general education teachers and special education teachers is often mentioned in the literature as a means of accomplishing the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education. The purpose of this study was to describe, using both qualitative and quantitative data, the communication and collaboration practices in four high schools with demonstrated success at including students with disabilities in general education and achieving exemplary outcomes for all students. Schoolwide approaches and classroom-level factors associated with collaboration characterize the themes that emerged as important to the success of these high schools. A discussion of these results and implications for practice are presented.  相似文献   

Referrals for special education determine who receives special education services. The most common referring agents are regular education teachers. Today, there is a large discrepancy between the number of females to males found in learning disabilities programs. However, studies have found the number of female and male students with learning disabilities in schools is more proportional than enrollment in special education suggests. The position of this paper is that gender bias among referring agents is a major factor in the unequal distribution of males and females in learning disabilities programs.  相似文献   

This article reports on a multi-method study of the ways in which special and mainstream schools support the educational needs of children with disabilities in Fiji. The aims of the study were: (1) to identify capacity and functions of special schools to support inclusive mainstream schools for children with disabilities; and (2) to explore the capacity of mainstream disability-inclusive schools in meeting the needs of children with disabilities. Results from the special education survey indicated that type of disability, geographic location and controlling authority were associated with transition to mainstream education. Findings from the action research study suggest that supportive school leadership and positive attitudes towards disability and inclusion contribute to greater mobilisation of supporting resources. However, limitations in facilities and resources currently pose barriers which prevent inclusion for all students with disabilities. Together, these findings indicate that special and inclusive mainstream schools jointly support disability-inclusive education in Fiji.  相似文献   

It is of great importance to maximize access to general education for all students with disabilities. This article focuses on how leaders create inclusive schools for all students—inclusive school reform. Inclusive school reform can result in all students with disabilities being placed into general education settings (including students with significant disabilities, students with mild disabilities, students with emotional disabilities, students with autismall students) and providing inclusive services to meet their needs while eliminating pullout or self-contained special education programs. In this article, we outline a 7-part process, as well as a set of tools for schools to use to create authentically inclusive schools.  相似文献   

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