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本文运用"生长教学法"教学思维,进行<邓小平理论概论>课教学改革和建设.提出了邓小平理论"进头脑"的教学目标,在课堂教学模式方面,实行了三段式教学,着力解决了邓小平理论"三进"工作中最关键的一环--进头脑工作.创设了"生成考核法",巩固和增强学生学习邓小平理论的学习效果.  相似文献   

要正确区别"工作动力"和"发展动力"隆尧县莲子镇校区 苏献忠 校长要明确教师专业发展"工作动力"和"发展动力"的区别. 就个人发展来讲,动力问题是一个人所共知的问题.这重,我有一个观点,就是:要明确"工作动力"和"发展动力"的区别. "工作动力"的方向直接指向工作结果,有很强的现实目的.所以,在工作过程中,他们总想走捷径,省略了许多环节;他们的工作总是那样的简单和生硬,总是在重复着昨天的故事.而"发展动力"的方向指向的是幸福工作,力求让自己的工作过程充满诗意、充满感动、充满乐趣.优秀教师们总是在教育生活中创造一个又一个具有诗情画意的教育情境,不断丰富学生的精神生活;总是在师生的交往中叙写一个又一个具有人间真情的感人故事,形成一种暖意融融的教育氛围;总是在学习、思考、研究中享受一个又一个具有传奇色彩的柳暗花明之乐,让自己身怀"化腐朽为神奇"之功.  相似文献   

一、话题背景 现在学校中或多或少存在着这种现象:老教师难免会认为职称有了,其他资本有了,船到桥头了,车到站了,可以刀枪入库、马放南山了;而青年教师则难免会出现攀比心理、享受实用心理,工作上不思进取.再加上教师工作具有"软指标"的特点,被称为"良心"工作.意思很明确,教师的工作大部分靠教师的责任感、职业道德.  相似文献   

○迅速定位,摆正位置 初来乍到,人地双生,业务不熟.作为大学生村官,我要如何不偏不倚地坚守住自己的岗位,坚定不移地始终坚持"为人民服务"的宗旨,积极投身新农村建设中?在走访中了解村民的生产、生活状况;在交谈中了解村情、民意;在接触中了解需求、困难;在实地考察中了解优势、劣势;在协助村"两委"开展工作中学习解决问题的方式、方法;在学习中寻找理论依据;在思考中寻求创新、创造的方向.房前屋后是我的工作根据地,田间地头是我的工作任务.通过一年的努力、积累与沉淀,让我逐渐对这项工作产生浓厚兴趣,树立远大理想,并对承担这份工作充满信心.  相似文献   

在唐山市实施"科教兴市"战略的进程中,人才具有极其重要的作用;时代的发展对唐山市人才引进开发工作提出了新要求.认真思考、科学处理"七大关系"是体现人才价值、进一步做好人才引进开发工作的关键.  相似文献   

探讨了建立公共服务型政府如何树立新的政府工作思想与实现工作方法的创新.树立新的政府工作思想包括:坚持科学发展观为指导,树立"以人为本"重要思想,实现政府工作基本观念创新;坚持"全面"、"协调"发展,塑造新时期政府工作的基本特点;重视发展的可持续性,为政府工作注入新的内涵.实现政府工作方法,"以面带点"和"以点促面"的新政府工作特点.  相似文献   

在农村远程教育工作中,"光盘教学策略"有着特殊含义.详细阐述了光盘教学策略与教学设计、教学方法的区别与联系;结合小学教学实际,从多方面分析了"光盘教学策略"在备课过程中应注意的若干问题.  相似文献   

周涛 《文教资料》2009,(20):120-121
本文作者阐述了自试办首届中法联合培养本科生以来,作为班主任,应该通过坚持"科学"原则,推动工作协调发展;通过坚持"交叉"原则.实现工作整体推进;坚持"动静"原则,体现人人全面培养;坚持"党性"原则,促进个人特质提高.具体的途径是:开展情感教育,促使学习进步;促进科技,打造能力素质;促进党建工作,提高学生思想素质;学生干部换岗,发挥每位学生潜能.  相似文献   

中国书籍装帧行业快速发展的同时,也存在着的"过度设计"问题.文章阐述了书籍装帧中"过度设计"的概念、危害和体现;继而分析了导致书籍装帧中"过度设计"成因--设计师主观表现,并也提出了建设性意见:设计师做好与书内容的沟通工作;树立服务于读者和人性化设计的思想;设计师逐步提高自身的艺术品味和修养.倡导一种"朴素的中和之美",并将这一传统文化思想贯穿入书籍装帧设计中,即顺物自然,反对过多的雕凿和修饰.  相似文献   

高校共青团工作在整个共青团工作中居于基础性战略位置,对全团事业发展影响深远.高校共青团工作布局的适时调整,是巩固高校共青团工作在全团工作中基础性战略位置的有效途径.郧阳师范高等专科学校团委经过多年探索,创新性的形成了"理论武装"、"团建创新"、"素质拓展"、"青年激励"、"服务建功"五大工作布局,取得了一定的经验.  相似文献   

浅谈示范性院校建设中的外籍教师管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近十年来,高等职业院校对外合作交流事业取得了巨大的发展。为适应创示范性院校新形势的要求,外事工作也要投入到创示范性教改实践中去。这项工作应从改善外籍教师管理入手,严把入口关,制定科学的管理制度,有效地开展与外籍教师交流、沟通,实行人性化管理;建立外籍教师教学质量的评估体系,有序地开展教学质量评估;吸取他们先进的教学理念和教学方法,为我所用;建立科学有效的激励机制,提高管理水平,从而在提高外籍教师聘用管理效益方面起到示范作用。  相似文献   

该文用巴赫金的复调理论对冰心的《寄小读者》做了新的艺术审视,发现这部写给儿童的散文作品的思想内容,并不像人们以往认为的那样单纯、明晰,该作品中有不同的情感世界发出的声音,是复调的,或日对话的。在这部作品中,冰心尝试从儿童的视角、儿童的价值观来表现复杂生活。  相似文献   

This paper arises from my work as a teacher of courses in feminist educational theory in a New Zealand university. Students usually encounter educational theories as disembodied abstractions scattered in fragments in various, often seemingly unrelated, courses. In a crowded curriculum there is little space for them to create their own educational theories or to reflect on the processes of educational theorising. In this paper I speak with two voices as a means of modelling - for students and teachers of feminist courses - a process of doing educational theory. It is written in two columns. In the left-hand column I speak with an academic voice. I begin by reviewing some theoretical writings of post-modernist theorists who have drawn attention to the ways our educational and social theories are generated by our circumstances - biographical, historical, cultural, generational, and geographical. I then argue that post-modernists have seldom practised what they preach - their abstract, and often inaccessible, writings remain severed from the lived realities at their base. In the right-hand column I speak with a more personal voice. I introduce some everyday experiences which are usually rendered invisible in academic writing in order to demonstrate how a few moments of 'lived reality' can be generative of feminist educational theory. The paper also contains ideas about how its unorthodox form can be used to trigger multiple and idiosyncratic readings and as a trigger for students' writing.  相似文献   

文章考察了小学三年级科学课堂中的知识建构活动,通过多种数据的收集与处理,了解学生知识创新学习的路径与效果。研究结果发现:小学三年级学生在知识创新学习中,其知识量的扩展远远超出课程标准及教材的"限制",研究问题的深度在不断地加强,学生之间观点的交互程度也在不断提高;通过知识建构的学习,超越了个体知识,形成了社区公共知识。同时也说明了知识创新学习的关键是要坚持以观点的提出及其不断深化和发展的路径。  相似文献   

先秦关于“言”、“意”看法有四种。有极端的“情欲信 ,辞欲巧”的信仰型语言观和“得意忘言”解构性言语观 ;有孔子的“辞达而已矣”的中庸性语言观和《易传》中的“书不尽言 ,言不尽意” ,因而“立象尽意”的重构性语言观。后两者对古典诗歌美学产生了重要影响。其中“立象尽意”的表达策略消解了诗歌艺术中的主客观对立的关系 ,使中国诗歌美学与中国“天人合一”的哲学精神融为一体  相似文献   

In June 1990 I was asked by the Principal of the College of St. Mark and St. John to set up an Academic Quality Support Unit. Extensive discussion about important policy issues at the preliminary stage saved time and enabled the Unit to start work efficiently and immediately. First I describe some of the policy issues. Next I describe the Unit's aims and comment on them. Finally I describe the Unit's operation and comment on some operational difficulties.  相似文献   

汉语介词“和”与英语介词“with”的功能有相似之处,即二者均可引进交互者、比较者、言谈者和所对者,都可作状语.但二者的功能又有不同之处,即“和”在引进事件的参与者时,用法相对复杂,称为“交互介词”;“with”的主要功能表示伴随,并由此衍生出其他功能,称为“伴随介词”.  相似文献   

I am an artist and an art educator. For me these two words are synonymous. I do not believe you are an artist unless you have a concept to share. On the other hand, you are not an art educator unless you are a functioning artist and constantly have the challenges of the artist before you. Frequently, I tell the art teachers with whom I work that if they are not going to be functioning artists, they will never be good art teachers. An art educator is someone who is gifted, has skills and capabilities and is willing to hand them over to the rest of the world. He is twice blessed.  相似文献   

提高课堂效率其实是一个系统工程,是一个综合工程,需要我们全身心的投入,全方位的关注。如果我们每一个老师都能怀揣责任心,加强危机感,认认真真工作,踏踏实实教学,在与学生沟通的基础上严格要求学生,同时能始终做一个思想者、研究者,那就一定能永远立于不败之地!  相似文献   


Much recent work in the study of popular culture has emphasized the extent to which it is not only a site of signifying practices, myths, meanings and identifications, but also an arena of intensities, of affective flows and corporeal state-changes. From this perspective, many areas of popular culture (from calisthenics to social dance to video gaming) can be seen as sites at which rich and complex—if sometimes dangerous—processes of embodied learning/teaching take place. By comparison, the world of formal education can seem hopelessly clumsy in its inattention to such issues. From a personal perspective, I can attest that nothing surprises my students more than when I try to get them to think about the ergonomics of studying, or advise them that getting some exercise and cutting down on sugar will probably improve their work as much as further studying will, or when I advise graduate students that their mood and physical state will make as much difference to the quality of their lectures as will their level of formal preparation; and yet experience has convinced me of the accuracy of these assertions. I would aver that I have learned more about successful lecturing—in particular about the improvisational skill of ‘reading’ a room, and adjusting an affective–informational flow accordingly—from DJing in dance clubs than from any formal training in pedagogy that I have received. What conclusions could be drawn from these observations, and how do they relate to existing strands of pedagogic theory? These are the questions which this article will ultimately seek to address.  相似文献   

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