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Responsibility for meeting the costs of higher education in England has moved inexorably away from the government toward the family with the introduction of tuition fee and maintenance loans. Although an important public policy issue, there is limited research on how the policy impinges on the private sphere of the family. This paper focuses on financial support given by parents, including difficulties and constraints along with their perspectives of and responses to student loan debt, and students’ views of their financial independence. In-depth interviews with 28 parent–student dyads revealed different patterns of support. Some parents, contrary to policy assumptions, felt responsibility for their children’s student loan debt and acted to avoid, minimise or cushion the debt. There was evidence of financial stress for less affluent families. However, students with no parental support and high levels of government funding felt financially independent. The findings suggest that more affluent families were able to protect their children from student loan debt in different ways, whilst those with lower incomes were not able to do so, apparently creating a new form of inequality.  相似文献   

拓展高校融资途径 化解高校资金难题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校沉重的债务负担已经影响到了高校教学工作的正常进行,资金短缺严重影响着我国教育事业的健康发展。随着我国金融市场的逐步发展,越来越多的融资渠道可供高校选择,融资租赁、售后回租、BOT模式等都是解决公共投资不足的有效方式。在银行贷款之外积极拓展新的融资途径是解决高校资金难题的有效途径。本文探讨银行贷款之外的其他融资途径,为高校解决资金难题提出建议。  相似文献   

助学贷款制度与贫困生资助体系研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
高校贫困生不断增加的状况,要求进一步完善助学贷款制度和贫困生资助体系。国家助学贷款作为助学的主渠道,具有自身特点,但在制度上仍存在缺陷,必须完善相关制度设计,使其更符合我国国情。同时,要构建政府、高校、银行、社会资助贫困生的立体体系,发挥助学贷款和高校资助体系的良好效用。  相似文献   

我国普通高校债务问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经估算,我国普通高校债务的规模是4580亿元。高校债务形成的原因在初期和后期有所不同,高校扩招是高校基本建设规模扩张和大规模债务形成的最初的推动因素。扩招造成的高校财务自主权的过度扩大与财务制度的变化、高校领导的政绩竞争以及腐败,则对高校的债务形成有着长期的影响。建议对高校和政府实行高校债务偿还目标责任制,今后5年内,政府每年至少增加640亿元的专项拨款用于高校还债。重新要求高校严格执行"量入为出、收支平衡"的财务制度,严格限制高校举债的权利。  相似文献   

This paper examines the institutional determinants of federal loan status for a recent cohort of college students. We first set out how institutions influence loan accumulations and repayment rates, with particular focus on for-profit colleges. We then test a set of hypotheses about loan status and repayment using national data on loans, defaults, and repayments merged with college-level data. For all measures of loan status there are significant raw gaps between for-profit colleges and public and not-for-profit colleges. After controlling for student characteristics, measures of college quality, and college practices, large gaps in loan balance per student remain: students in for-profit colleges, especially the 2-year colleges, borrow approximately four times as much as they would have at a 2-year public college. For a student attending the ‘average’ college, their repayment rate is predicted to be 5 [9] percentage points lower if that college is for-profit compared to public [non-profit]. Repayment rates are also lower for colleges with higher proportions of minority students and with lower graduation rates; contrary to some claims, single-program institutions appear to have higher repayment rates.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,家庭经济困难的大学生已成为高校的一个特殊群体,尽管各高校都建立了奖、助、贷、减、免等多元化资助政策体系,但忽略了对他们的心理调适。通过分析经济困难学生心理问题的表现及成因,提出解决对策:要将高校思想政治教育与心理健康教育相结合;要建立经济困难学生心理辅导的长效机制;要依托载体来建设和谐的校园文化;要让大学生学会自我调适,保持自身心理健康。  相似文献   

In recent years, concerns regarding runaway college tuition and student loan debt have risen to the forefront of the public consciousness, undermining confidence in the value of a college degree. Ironically, the very issue that is now causing such alarm—high tuition—has been a signature feature of the financial model intentionally employed by the vast majority of smaller private colleges and universities in the United States, including members of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). In the “high-price–high-aid” model, postsecondary institutions mark up their “sticker price” (meaning the publicized cost of attending per year) and then offset the tuition hike with sizable discounts that take the form of institutional grants marketed as scholarships. This article examines the institutional benefits and unintended consequences of tuition discounting, giving special attention to effects within the evangelical Christian segment of the private sector of American higher education. The article concludes by offering a set of principles for reforming tuition pricing and financial aid practices at Christian colleges and universities.  相似文献   

美国大学对学生发展理论的研究有着近百年的历史。美国学生发展理论包括个体与环境、社会心理、认知和价值观和整合型理论四个基本类型。这些理论分别从社会学、心理学、生态学等角度来解释学生成长和发展规律,理论研究的重点逐步从着眼于学生发展的某一特定方面转移到学生的总体发展上。近二三十年来,由于学生群体的不断变化,美国对女性学生、同性恋学生以及其他弱势群体学生的研究逐步增加。学生发展理论深刻影响了美国的学生管理实践,为学生宿舍管理、学务咨询、心理咨询等重要的学生事务管理领域提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款制度是现行资助经济困难学生政策体系的重大举措,为家庭贫困的大学生继续求学带来了新的希望和机遇。只要在实施助学贷款的整个过程中,正确履行职责和义务,这一支持教育的重大举措一定能发挥应有的功能和作用。  相似文献   

本文利用"中国大学生就读经验"问卷调查数据,采用多层线性模型的方法探讨了学校因素和学生因素对大学生发展的影响路径,得出三个结论:(1)大学生的通识能力、科技能力、实践能力和社会性发展以及大学学习总成就存在着显著的群体差异(如性别、专业和父母学历等)。(2)如果不考虑学校环境变量,大学生在校期间在图书馆、课堂学习、生师互动、同伴交往等方面的学习参与对他们的发展基本上具有正向的显著影响,而且它们是影响大学生学习成就与发展的主要因素。(3)学校环境对大学生发展的影响并非无足轻重,它一般通过学生个体层面的变量对学生发展产生积极的或负向的影响。从这些结论得出三点启示:(1)高校的教育行为和教育资源应更多地投放到那些能够促进学生在校期间的学习参与有关的活动、课程、项目和办学条件上。(2)高校在设计校园学习环境时,应该了解不同导向的环境通过大学生学习参与对其发展可能会产生的积极影响或消极影响。(3)从大学生变化与发展的角度考量高校人才培养质量,主要是要研究"学校培养"对"人才质量"的影响。尤其需要尽量排除大学生发展可能受到来自学校之外的因素的影响,探究学校教育对学生发展的"纯影响"。  相似文献   

Can relevant information influence student borrowing? In a field experiment with a large community college, we send emails about federal student loans to students who have received financial aid offers but have not made a borrowing decision. A treatment reminding students that they need not borrow the maximum amount of available loan aid has no effect. Treatments referencing amounts borrowed by recent graduates shift students from borrowing the maximum amount to not borrowing. Consistent with the hypothesis that students experience cognitive overload when presented with multiple loan amounts, the response is largest among low-performing students and arises from inaction.  相似文献   

母校承诺是指大学生对母校的心理认同和情感依恋,培养大学生对母校的积极情感,是大学生情感教育的重要构成部分。研究结果表明:大学生母校承诺的心理结构包含认知承诺、感情承诺和责任承诺三个部分,高校教育服务质量通过母校支持感的部分中介作用对大学生母校承诺发挥积极影响。因此,高校应从认知、情感和责任三维角度来加强对学生母校情感的综合培养,通过提高高校教育服务质量和学生的母校支持感进而增强其母校承诺。  相似文献   

中共中央十七届六中全会做出了关于深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣的战略部署,高校思想道德建设对社会主义文化大发展大繁荣也具有重要意义。为此高校思想道德建设应有所为,其着力点应在:坚持马克思主义基本理论教育的方法,改进教育手段;建构与完善大学生心理健康调节机制;引导大学生树立正确的价值观;开展大学生的社会化教育。  相似文献   

高校贫困生现状调查及解困对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贫困大学生已成为高校校园内特殊的弱势群体,应引起政府和社会的高度关注。政府层面要加大教育投入,树立依法解困理念;高校层面应推广学籍改革制度,建立健全贫困大学生的心理扶贫工作制度;社会层面要积极宣传,多方筹资,鼓励民间社团、企业家慷慨解囊,捐资助学;贫困生个人层面应树立自强自立的意识,靠自己的努力走出困境。  相似文献   

学生欠费问题在各高校普遍存在,不同程度地影响和制约着高校的发展。文章分析了高校学生欠费的原因,主要包括财政投入不足,国家助学贷款工作开展缓慢,家庭经济困难学生增多等等,并根据高校欠费的具体成因提出了加大政府投入、加强学生思想政治教育、费用收缴情况与院系利益挂钩、推行弹性学分制、高度重视催欠工作、对催欠工作常抓不懈等对策。  相似文献   

学生贷款减免政策是学生贷款方案重要组成部分,这项政策通过减轻学生的债务负担促进高等教育入学,还能解决国家的劳动力需求紧缺问题。在借鉴国外学生贷款减免经验基础上,调查分析了我国国家助学贷款借款者对减免的认同和喜好程度,最后从借款学生的入学、读书和就业不同时期,提出完善我国国家助学贷款减免的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

独立学院脱离举办高校向民办高校转变的同时,也带来了从招生到债务的全面危机,而能否正确认识并全面控制民办高校的债务危机等关系到社会的稳定和高校的健康发展。近年来独立学院及完全独立后的民办高校的实践显示,民办高校已出现了生源危机、教学质量危机和债务危机。因此,要对民办高校实行国家审计、信息公开、收支预算、贷款担保等措施,只有这样才可以有效地防止民办高校资金挪用、资金抽逃、负债过重,从而有效地防止和控制民办高校可能发生的各种危机。  相似文献   

The utilization of loans by community college students is a contentious issue. In this article we broadly examine issues related to borrowing by community college students, giving attention to how loans can help, as well as hinder, borrowers at these institutions. Despite increased rhetoric about the perceived student loan crisis, caution is warranted before jettisoning student loans as a tool for access and completion at community colleges. Instead, we suggest that a more nuanced approach, aimed at helping students understand and manage their loans, is in the best interest of students and the college. Our recommendations are intended to help community colleges increase the number of borrowers who earn a credential and reduce the number who default.  相似文献   

高校大学生拖欠学费问题探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前高校大学生欠费已严重困扰着高校教育事业的发展。高校收费标准的增长超出了许多家庭的经济承受能力,高校自身收费管理体制的不完善、国家助学贷款制度的不健全以及大学生诚信观念的缺失等都是导致大学生欠费现象严重的重要因素。高校应站在学校发展和人才培养的高度,既要抓制度建设和财务管理,又要重视学生诚信品质的塑造,同时进一步完善“奖、贷、减、补、勤”多元化的资助体系,以保证高等教育事业的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

高校收费上学制度对蒙古族贫困生择校、入学产生了一定的压力。而内蒙古地区高校助学贷款起步晚、成效迟、覆盖面小。国家应设立对少数民族贫困大学生的专项助学基金,加大资助力度;同时要简化申贷手续,不断完善助学贷款的运行机制,做好相关单位间的协调工作。  相似文献   

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