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要想使学生掌握歌唱艺术,首先要培养学生具备自觉运用声音的能力,经过长时间科学地训练,不断地给予正确的指导和训练,方能掌握正确的歌唱方法,从而获得艺术歌唱的能力。  相似文献   

歌唱的正确呼吸是与人的生理本能呼吸运动有区别的,这是通过严格训练才能实现的歌唱中的一种技能。正确的歌唱呼吸是获得美好声音的基础和保障,以气带声,以声传情,声情并茂,气是歌唱的动力,方法则是实现的手段。  相似文献   

声乐教学中应加强歌唱技术与艺术表现的结合的改革,正确的歌唱技术技巧是产生美好声音的前提,艺术表现是歌唱技术的唯一宗旨和最高目的.当我们掌握了歌唱的方法和歌唱技巧,就具备了产生"正确声音"的基础,但"正确声音"并不等于"完美的声音"或"美好的声音".正确的声音是将所有歌唱技术技巧准确运用的结果,可是要产生真正动人的美好声音那就需要将歌唱的技术技巧与艺术的表现结合起来,并为艺术表现服务.  相似文献   

想象力在声乐教学和歌唱艺术中起着不可低估的作用。丰富的想象力是获得正确的歌唱方法和美好声音的前提,也是理解作品、表现作品不可缺少的心理条件。  相似文献   

杜亦林 《时代教育》2010,(5):114-114
音乐是听觉的艺术,歌唱更是听觉的艺术.声乐教学就是要时歌唱者的声音进行训练,标准就是凭借听觉判断正确的声音概念,是"音乐的耳朵",是教师凭借听觉协助学生凭借听觉在歌唱发声训练中不断"铸造"自己这种"特殊乐器"的过程,在声乐教学中有着不可替代的作用.  相似文献   

歌唱者要想使自己的歌唱声音保持圆润、通畅、音色优美,就必须首先协调好喉头的位置,有了正确的喉头位置,就会拥有所需要的美好的声音与歌唱共鸣。本文阐述的是正确的喉头位置在歌唱中的重要性,及如何做到正确的喉头位置,以及在歌唱中喉头位置与气息、声带间的紧密联系。  相似文献   

各民族的歌唱艺术都有着各自的民族风格。这种民族风格的体现首先依赖于具有民族风格的音乐作品,但并不等于有了民族风格的作品就自然而然地获得歌唱艺术的民族风格。要获得歌唱中的民族风格,歌唱者的再创造是极为重要的。应从歌唱的声音色彩、歌唱的语言处理、歌唱的音乐表现三个方面进行民族风格的再创造。  相似文献   

歌唱是一个十分复杂而又自然的肌肉运动过程。声音训练的科学性,发声方法的正确性以及歌唱心理的平和性,都与我们获得优美声音有着直接关系。我们应加强歌唱呼吸基本功训练,建立一个良好的歌唱呼吸基础;调整良好的声音共鸣;正确掌握歌唱语言;培养自我表现、抒发感情的歌唱能力。同时,我们还应当全面地了解、认识、学习和歌唱的知识,掌握歌唱的技能技巧和学习音乐理论知识,提高自己的音乐素养和审美情趣,更好地为歌唱服务。  相似文献   

本文通过对几种不正确声音的纠正,使读者扼要地了解在学习歌唱中所遇到的一些困难和问题及解决办法,使他们在歌唱 中树立正确的声音要领,从而达到完美的艺术效果。  相似文献   

声乐艺术是创造声音美的艺术。声音是由听觉器官来感知的,要想获得听觉美,必须要有音响美和声音美。要想让歌唱得美,歌唱者必须以美为再创作的视觉基本点,用美的视觉去表现作品,在表现过程中进行再创造。这样才能从而使人们获得一种美的声音形象。  相似文献   

This article explores the notion of sound judgement by citizens in environmentally attentive democracies. The argument is against indoctrination, and in favour of greater continuity and progression throughout all phases of education. A democratic education that is attentive to issues of environmental sustainability will need to draw on the evidence base of science. This is necessary but not sufficient. Learners need to be able to synthesise understanding from a range of disciplines, including those that address questions of value and judgement. Knowledge and understanding alone do not necessarily lead to a commitment to action for sustainability, and this can result in temptations to take short cuts that result in pupils making rhetorical commitments. The paper looks to the liberal educational philosophy of Paul Hirst as a basis for curriculum analysis and argues that the ability to synthesise an understanding of environmental and sustainable development issues from the irreducible forms of knowledge proposed by Hirst is an advanced skill that requires development over a protracted period.  相似文献   

健康人格是个体对客观现实的正确的、稳定的态度和行为方式。建构健康人格不仅是新世纪大学生自身发展的需要和肩负的历史使命,也是当代高校教育的一项重要课题。健康人格建构的机制是:掌握健康人格知识是建构人格的理论指导;学会对自我人格特征的反观是建构健康人格的认知前提;引发内在需要是建构健康人格的动力;坚持落实行动是建构健康人格的关键。  相似文献   

语气词“啊”发音时往往受前字读音的影响而产生音变,但通过调查,发现在朗读或说话时,音变的正确率很低。提高语气词“啊”变读的正确率可采取以下几个措施:中小学的语文教学中就应该有所提示;将“啊”的音变结果用相应的文字书写出来;逐步渗透音变知识;加强口语教学,提高普通话水平。  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature that explores the role of judgement in professional practice. It discusses how workplace decisions, work activities and reflection on these activities may contribute to the development of wise judgements, or ‘wisdom’, and how workplaces can leverage these activities for induction and transition to work programmes. This review of the literature is prompted by survey results inviting engineering graduates and professionals to identify the capabilities they believe are most significant to success in the engineering workplace. The requirement for sound professional judgement resonates in participant responses. The paper summarises views of expertise, the relationship between experience and the development of professional judgement and the broader contribution of expansive and participatory learning environments to developing professional judgement. It concludes that the organisation of work and job design can facilitate the articulation of new engineers to professional practice, and that organisational learning programmes can leverage workplace activities to foster wise judgement in graduate engineers.  相似文献   

自律:新闻职业道德建设的根本途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强职业道德建设,可从他律和自律两方面着手,在一定条件下他律可产生立竿见影的效果,然而其局限性也是显而易见的,道德规范的他律性只有转换为道德主体的自律,才有道德意义可言。由于新闻职业的特殊性,加强自律应是其职业道德建设的根本途径。加强自律既要在内心中建立正确的道德法庭,并具有正确的判断能力等。而强道德教育,理论修养等是加强自律的必要条件,与此同时还要澄清一些认识上的误区。  相似文献   

Peer assessment exercises yield varied reliability and validity. To maximise reliability and validity, the literature recommends adopting various design principles including the use of explicit assessment criteria. Counter to this literature, we report a peer assessment exercise in which criteria were deliberately avoided yet acceptable reliability and validity were achieved. Based on this finding, we make two arguments. First, the comparative judgement approach adopted can be applied successfully in different contexts, including higher education and secondary school. Second, the success was due to this approach; an alternative technique based on absolute judgement yielded poor reliability and validity. We conclude that sound outcomes are achievable without assessment criteria, but success depends on how the peer assessment activity is designed.  相似文献   

Sound symbolism is the notion that the relation between word sounds and word meaning is not arbitrary for all words, but rather there is a subset of words in the world’s languages for which sounds and their symbols have some degree of correspondence. This research investigates sound symbolism as a possible means of gaining semantic knowledge of unknown words within written context. Two studies assessed adults’ expressive knowledge of word meanings for sound symbolic and non-sound symbolic obsolete words. These words were presented in varying types of contextual surroundings: no context, varied context, unhelpful context, and helpful context. In each study, participants were able to generate more correct definitions for sound symbolic words compared to non-sound symbolic words. It is concluded that sound symbolism is a word property which influences the learning of unknown words.  相似文献   

高校生育教育是指通过对大学生传授生育健康的相关知识,使其获得健康生育的技能,树立正确性道德观,达到优生优育的一门课程。高校生育教育的研究内容是使大学生了解自己的身体、掌握科学生育知识、形成正确性道德、树立婚恋和家庭责任感、了解防止性侵犯的方法、了解孕期保健知识、掌握适当育儿知识。其在教育目标与内容、受众和开出方式等方面,均与性健康教育有显著不同。生育教育对于提高大学生的生育健康知识水平、改善健康生育技能,提高全民族的素质具有重要作用。  相似文献   

探讨和阐述了体育运动中的美育,即审美教育或美感教育。体育运动中美育的中心任务就是通过审美实践,美的创造及美感体会,树立正确的审美观念、健康情趣,它是提高人的素质的一种方式;通过教师的审美教育,创新教学,表率作用,结合讲解示范,构建宽松和谐的教学环境来实施体育教学中的美育,提高学生的审美能力,培养高尚情操。  相似文献   

儒家教育思想及其现代启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儒家教育以德智兼修、德才兼备为核心 ,以知识、技艺、道德和审美情趣的综合培养为基本价值取向 ,旨在培养具有多种能力的通才。从教育内容、教育目的和教育方法三个方面分析了儒家教育思想的内涵 ,以求把握其中蕴含的整体综合观和直观模糊性 ,试图以此纠正现代教育机制中泛科学主义盛行带来的人文缺失现象  相似文献   

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