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《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):169-183
This essay addresses the need for organizational communication scholarship to come to terms with the contested nature of globalization through analyses of collective resistance. We argue that organizational communication has largely situated the study of resistance at the level of the individual, and characterized it as an element of micro-politics located within organizational boundaries. Thus, resistance has been considered in localized, interpersonal terms, without full appreciation of its political and ideological significance. This essay builds a case for reconsidering resistance in order to study “globalization from below” and highlights protest movements as exemplars of transformative resistance. Finally, the essay advances a study of organizational communication with expanded disciplinary engagement with respect to globalization.  相似文献   

Courses: This teaching unit is for intercultural communication but could be used for any course related to globalization, including public speaking, popular culture and communication, or environmental communication. Additionally, the teaching unit is well-suited for other disciplines, including geography, environmental studies, and global studies.

Objectives: Students trace the manufacturing origins of their belongings in order to analyze their connections with other countries through plotting them on a world map. Students research economic, cultural, and/or political globalization of one or two countries plotted on their map in order to consider how to practice ethical consumption.  相似文献   

Critical communication pedagogy (CCP) scholarship is a relatively new and important area of research that evaluates how language is used to both empower and marginalize. It faces challenges in terms of recognition and publication outlets. In this essay, I argue that scholars face obstacles when attempting to publish pedagogical work that is critical in nature. I make the case that a major reason that CCP scholarship is not as widely recognized is that it is largely not considered to be applied work. By sharing my experiences, I argue that scholars working in CCP can help to overcome these barriers to recognition and publication by developing an applied language and focus for CCP, demonstrating how CCP can be used to recognize and respond to hegemony in the classroom and in society.  相似文献   

This essay works to debunk the myth that the Central States region is a less-than-ideal location for intercultural communication scholarship. The essay also explores how co-cultural theorizing scholarship—a product of living/teaching/learning in the Midwest—reflects a significant contribution to intercultural communication scholarship.  相似文献   

This essay suggests that cultural studies, media studies and communications need to focus on the changes and challenges associated with this particular historical conjuncture, and re-assess the kinds of analysis that can most fruitfully contribute to this critical project. This requires rethinking some conventional assumptions about everyday life, media texts and communications technologies so that a more nuanced understanding of the imbrication between culture, labour and economy in the present moment may be developed.  相似文献   


Ethnocentrism affects perception and choices, and scholars, teachers, and students may not see or seek the “global” in our “global information revolution,” especially in such vast monolingual social spaces as the United States and the Anglophone world. Russia illuminates how unfortunate this state of affairs is because perceptions of Russia are so negative; whereas online information and open access there are so plentiful. Elibrary.ru offers free, full-text access to Russia’s periodical scholarship in all disciplines. Postnauka.ru is a lecture platform for Russian academics that rivals TED Talks in scale and production quality. Kul’tura is a federal television channel devoted entirely to education. Academic talk shows constitute part of the programming there and elsewhere. High-quality and reliable online tools such as these can enhance “Western” scholars’ and educators’ resource repertoires.  相似文献   

Collectively authored by the members of Prison Communication, Activism, Research, and Education (PCARE), an NCA-based group of scholars and activists, this essay argues that the prison–industrial complex has grown into a dire threat to the practices of US democracy. The essay “maps” the crises spawned by the prison–industrial complex and then offers a comprehensive action plan for pursuing new forms of scholarship, pedagogy, and activism. The essay therefore hopes to launch nothing less than a revolution in communication and cultural studies scholarship and a new wave of peace-and-justice activism.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):304-308
Courses Health Communication, Gender Communication, Communication and Food, Communication and Diversity, Ethnography, Critical/Cultural Studies, or Qualitative Methods

  • Explain, assess, and critique the social, cultural, and political discourses related to food.

  • Analyze how communication about food reflects and influences issues of inequality.

  • Examine and alter damaging racist, sexist, and classist stereotypes of low income people and SNAP recipients.

  • Practice composing scholarship informed by communication theories and personal health behavior.


Qualitative communication research approaches vary from grounded theory and participant-observation to Q-sort, content analysis, and ethnographic inquiry—to name but a few. What often rests outside the qualitative rubric is the hermeneutic tradition of interpretive scholarship. This essay unites interpretive inquiry and qualitative research in summary fashion by outlining a macro understanding of qualitative communication inquiry, an interpretive approach to communication scholarship within a philosophical tradition entitled philosophical hermeneutics, and finally a public roadmap of how to understand and engage interpretive inquiry as a form of qualitative research in communication. This essay advocates interpretive inquiry as an additional contributor to the ongoing tradition of qualitative research in communication.  相似文献   

自上个世纪末以来,"全球化"作为支配全球的话语被提升到"无处不在"的高度,世界范围内经济、政治、文化的互动已成不争的事实。我国各具特色的少数民族文化如何避免被这场全球化的大浪潮所淹没,即保持自己的优良传统,又能在与外来文化的交往和碰撞中实现时代性创新,是每个民族要面对并深思的问题。文章以文化自觉为视角,分析了少数民族文化在全球化和现代化浪潮中的边缘化现象,并以知识贫困作为文化自觉的内源性动力成因,剖析以传承文明、唤醒民众文化自觉意识为使命的少数民族地区图书馆的多元文化服务路径。  相似文献   

Despite their popularity and significance, there is a paucity of communication scholarship on boycotts and buycotts. This absence may be due to an erroneous assumption that such tactics are merely economic, as well as to a hesitancy to critique consumption. This essay focuses on three contemporary US-based exemplars that address global ecological crises: the Rainforest Action Network boycott of Mitsubishi; the Farm Labor Organizing Committee boycott of Mt. Olive Pickle Company; and the Carrotmob buycott of a liquor store. The circuit of culture framework and a radically contextual approach provide a more nuanced analysis of consumer-based advocacy campaigns.  相似文献   

Based on a year's worth of fieldwork in Singapore, this article is a case study of the much-publicized ‘bookstore war on Orchard Road’ that pitted Borders' American ‘loosey-goosey’ model of bookselling against Kinokuniya's ‘serious’ Japanese model. It examines the distinctive role that country-of-origin effects play in the cultural practices and perceptions of these two global sponsors of literacy, which have in recent decades rivaled traditional sponsors of literacy such as libraries in guiding individuals on ‘what, when and how’ to read. An analysis of the Orchard Road bookstore war captures some of the competing ideologies of textual practices circulating in Singapore as cosmopolitan print consumers and their professional counterparts express their acceptance and/or rejection of particular bookselling practices. For the professionals, good bookselling involves the promotion of local print cultures. In contrast, the cosmopolitan consumers seldom mentioned this criterion. In fact, many of them were drawn to the ‘globality’ of transnational booksellers. While print professionals clearly favored Kinokuniya's globalization localization practices over Borders, a clear-cut preference did not emerge among cosmopolitan consumers. This study suggests that country-of-origin effects likely informed the way in which print professionals and cosmopolitan consumers perceived Borders and Kinokuniya and the globalization localization strategies of these global sponsors of literacy.  相似文献   


This paper examines the history of Mexican muralism within the governmental development of a national cultural infrastructure after the Revolution of 1910. Treating mural art as a technical apparatus of popular communication, the paper argues for a more complex understanding of cultural communication through analysis of the institutional apparatuses of heritage as discursive sites of popular citizenship. In addition, this paper theorizes and historicizes Mexican state formation through the insights of Michel Foucault's essay on \ldblquote Governmentality\rdblquote for the purpose of providing a more nuanced theory of the relationship between culture, power, and the people  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):254-272

A general question that communication theories seek to answer is what kinds of resources and knowledge must be drawn upon for communication to take place. This essay proposes that the question may usefully be pursued through investigation of personal address. It elucidates ten address terms in Colombian Spanish derived from the central term madre, “mother.” From the data, a functional model of personal address is generated which incorporates both universal resources for communication (the ubiquitous phenomenon of personal address, universal semantic principles that reflect basic human experiences, and metaphorical usage) and cultural resources (a particular set of address terms, a range of intention and interpretation that may be realized, and a system of cultural premises that organizes and makes sensible the terms and actions that constitute the system). Extensions of the study to other forms of personal address and other kinds of communication behavior are suggested.  相似文献   

This essay begins to excavate the theoretical basis of Raymond Williams’ largely unacknowledged spatial perspective on culture and communication, locating an important source in the work of the Bakhtin Circle. It then applies these insights to a Californian migrant labor camp and its newspaper, which was produced during the late 1930s and early 1940s. The essay seeks to demonstrate how attention to cultural forms of community as embodied and active in newspapers help produce new kinds of spatial experience and identities. It concludes by considering Williams, Bakhtin, and their contributions to understanding the role of these spatial practices in modern, capitalist societies.  相似文献   

This article tracks the uneasy coexistence of journalism and cultural studies, arguing that the tensions between the two fields have worked to mutual disadvantage. The article suggests that rethinking the ways in which journalism and its inquiry might be made a more integral part of cultural studies could constitute a litmus test of sorts for cultural studies. Figuring out how to embrace journalism's god‐terms of facts, truth, and reality alongside its own regard for subjectivity and construction could help move cultural studies into further degrees of maturation as a field.  相似文献   

This study examines the process of media globalization at the level of meaning generation (by television news texts) and interpretation (by audiences) based on the analysis of news‐texts and focus groups from four countries. It is suggested that the narrative of television news is discursive: it provides a specific vision of cultural “others”. At the audience level there is the emergence of a global culture of critical media consumption. This reflexive mode is born of a familiarity with the narrative conventions of the genre and the institutional imperatives of the media industries.  相似文献   

媒介文化全球化与当代意识形态的涵化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从“涵化理论”角度分析了全球化进程中的媒介与民众意识形态关系。文章从媒介文化的传播形式、经济和技术背景分析了产生涵化功能的物质前提条件。同时借助拉康精神分析理论与阿尔都塞的“主体召唤”理论系统分析了媒介影响意识形态生成与认同的机理。作者认为 ,文化他者侵入是以“球土化”的形式进行的 ,受众日益加深的对媒介长时间的依赖是文化“他者”对本土民众意识形态涵化的关键  相似文献   

Communication is a process and should be explained as such. Process theories differ from traditional variance theories in that they focus on explaining how a process unfolds over time as a series of events, such as a sequence of stages or a dialectic. Process explanations are couched in terms of formal and final causality in addition to the efficient causality that is essential to variance-based explanations. As a result, the criteria governing generalization in process research differ from those that apply to variance research. This essay contrasts variance and process theories and research approaches and discusses generalization in process research, along with implications for communication scholarship.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(72):97-111

A critical but overlooked aspect of reference service is thinking about paradigms and metaphors. These are subconscious imageries that define how we think about our work-and how our clients think about us. Limitations of the current paradigms affecting reference services are: (1) social-class assumptions about the nature of the library and its clientele; (2) classification systems based on obsolete ideas that subject categories are mutually exclusive; (3) the fortress metaphor implied in physical organization; and (4) failure to capture statistical data that measure contemporary aspects of user service.

New ways of thinking about reference service with new paradigms and metaphors are suggested. Critical elements in a new paradigm are: (1) envisioning the library as portal, both for on-line and in-library service; (2) accepting the fact that knowledge is an open system, not conducive to our closed-system classification systems; (3) breaching our metaphorical fortress to provide more personal reference service; and (4) updating our statistical measures to match quantitative measures with actual quality of service.  相似文献   

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