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教学机智意味着教育者对学习者个体境遇的深切关注和敏感体验,代表着一种驱动教师全身心地投入教学、指向学习者的情感和力量。由教学机智的生成出发审视当前我国高师院校中教师职后教育中的教学状况,我们发现其中缺乏教学机智,并间接地导致了普通教育中教师教学机智的缺乏。作为优秀教学的表征。教师教育者自身的教学不仅应该充满教学机智,还应该帮助教师形成教学机智。  相似文献   

教学示范是教师教育者通过亲身示范以促进教师学习者教学能力提升的一种教师教育教学法。当前我国部分教师教育者缺乏对教学示范的系统认识与理性实践,导致教师学习者难以直观看见有效教学的实践样态及其背后的教育学逻辑,进而影响其教学能力的提升。本研究在系统梳理国内外相关理论与研究的基础上,结合研究者开展教师教育者培训的经验与反思,提出教师教育者教学示范的三大类型及其核心策略,即隐性指导类教学示范、显性指导类教学示范和合作探究类教学示范,分析了不同类型的教学示范对教师学习者的影响,并讨论了本研究对提升教师教育者教学示范效果、助推我国教师教育者队伍专业化、建构中国特色教师教育教学法理论的若干启示。  相似文献   

唐锋敏 《广西教育》2005,(3A):28-29
教学机智是指在课堂教学过程中,教师遇到事先难以预料的情况时,能够机敏地作出准确判断,并恰当地进行处理,而收到良好教学效果的能力。教学机智是教师应该具备的一种基本素质,正如俄国教育家乌申斯基所言:“不论教育者是怎样地研究了教育理论,如果他没有教学机智,他就不可能成为一个优秀的教育实践者。”  相似文献   

谷连华 《现代教育》2003,(12):61-61
“机智应变”也称教学机智。教学机智是指教师在教学过程中。面时各种教学事项的变化随机应变,灵活而巧妙地组织教学活动的能力。机智应变是政治课教师必须娴熟掌握的一门教学艺术。正如俄国教育学家乌申斯基所说:“无论教育者怎样研究教育学理论,如果他没有教育机智,他就不可能成为一个优秀的教育实践者。可见,机智应变对于政治课教师和教学意义非凡。  相似文献   

在我们的语文课堂教学中,经常会发生各种各样的突发事件,教师应该怎样机智地处理呢?有经验的教师往往因势利导,用幽默的语言、丰富的学识、宽广的胸襟来排除干扰,顺着学生的思路来生成,巧妙地把学生引回课堂,机智地完成教学任务,在意外中凸显教学机智,创造精彩课堂。一.教学机智的界定与特点所谓教学机智,是指教师在教学过程中为适应教学的需要,  相似文献   

谈“教学机智”的常态化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓教学机智是指教师在教学过程中面对新的意外情况,快速作出反应,果断决策,及时采取灵活而有效的教学措施的能力。正如乌申斯基所指出的那样:“所谓教育机智,缺乏它,教师无论怎么研究教育理论,永远也不会成为实际工作上的好教师。”教学机智成为教师智慧与灵感的代名词,是教师教学艺术的重要特征之一。  相似文献   

教学机智:教师的教育灵魂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学的模式化趋势使得教师的工具性越来越明显,我们应该对教学机智这种教育财富给予更多的关注。为了对教学机智有更深一层的了解,对教学机智的本质和特征的把握是不可跨越的一步。任何一位想要发展自身、获得教学机智的教师必须通过自身的体验和反思来取得进步。  相似文献   

林群 《河北教育》2002,(12):25-26
在教学过程中,往往会出现事先不曾预料的偶发事件,对此,教师要在很短的时间里,迅速作出判断,妥善处理,这就是教师的教学机智。灵活运用教学机智,通过教师要言不烦的点拨、准确无误的解惑,给学生茅塞顿开的启迪,这样,不仅能使课堂教学有序地进行下去,而且往往能掀起课堂教学的小高潮,成为一节课的“亮点”。俄国教育家乌申斯基在《人是教育的对象》中指出:“不论教育者怎样地研究了教育理论,如果他没有教学机智,他就不能成为一个优秀的教学实践者。”可见,教学机智在课堂教学调控中的重要作用。课堂教学中教师适时、适情、适…  相似文献   

所谓教学机智理论,就是教育者在一定的教学情境之中,以学生的感受作为出发点,并做出灵活、及时、敏捷等富有教育意义的行动。这些行动包括教师能随机应付课堂中出现的突发事件,并且良好地驾驭课堂,在引导和启示学生的过程中与学生建构起良好的师生关系。本文在教学实践经验基础上,探索教学机智在小学音乐课堂中的应用。一、做好充分的课前准备在音乐课堂中运用教学机智,教师必须拥有扎实的教学基础和丰富的经验积  相似文献   

教师教育要引导未来教师发现和解决实际问题,形成实践智慧.但在试讲和实习的过程中,师范生们普遍表现出教学机智不足.分析师范生缺乏教学机智的原因,梳理新课程改革背景下教学机智的新意蕴,探寻培养师范生教学机智的有效策略:唤醒其勇气和信心是前提,提高其对教学情境的敏感性是关键,大量课例观摩和亲身实践是保障.  相似文献   

Pedagogical tact concerns a teacher's ability to adequately handle complex classroom situations that require immediate action. As such, pedagogical tact can be viewed as an enactment of teachers’ intuition. While most teachers, teacher educators, educational leaders and scholars readily recognise the importance of pedagogical tact (and by extension, intuition), few pre-service or in-service programmes devote explicit attention to developing this important teacher quality. This study set out to understand why. Specifically, data were collected to investigate how educators perceive intuition, and its role in teacher pedagogical tact. Ten focus group discussions were held with school board members, teacher educators, school principals, in-service teachers and pre-service teachers. Participants recognised two types of intuition commonly described in the literature (local and nonlocal), and affirmed the importance of intuition for teacher pedagogical tact. These educators also noted that teachers are rarely if ever encouraged to make conscious use of their intuition, let alone develop it. There was consensus that teachers differ in how well they are able to tune into their intuition. Though the scale of the study is small, the findings suggest that more attention should be given to developing teacher intuition and pedagogical tact than is currently the case.  相似文献   

教学智慧:内涵、特点与类型   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
教学智慧是教师面临复杂教学情境时所表现的一种敏感、迅速、准确的判断与行动的能力。教学智慧具有情境性、复杂性、实践性等特点。教学智慧的类型根据其复杂程度可分为经验类教学智慧和创造类教学智慧。教师教学智慧的养成与教师对教学艺术性内涵的理解、实践缄默知识的积累、教学研究能力的提高等关系十分密切。  相似文献   

教学机智背后存在教师个体的教学哲学。教师个体教学哲学的价值体系当中存在着"聚焦-非聚焦"的向度"内部-外部"的向度,其中又包括了四种不同作用的价值观类型。个体教学哲学遵循着实践的逻辑与教学机智发生关联,体现在教师知识的实践获取,教学情境的实践融合,师生关系的实践生长三个方面。个体教学哲学与教学机智之间的相互生成是在教师的元认知过程,也是在矛盾中发展的过程,还需要厘清两者之间必要的区分。  相似文献   

邢小杰 《海外英语》2014,(16):80+82
In non-native English speaking countries, the big problem to English learners is that it is difficult for them to understand what the English speaker is talking about because many English learners have trouble in listening. Though they are English learners, they still have difficulty in listening to the foreigners from English speaking countries and other nonnative English speakers. Therefore, listening teaching becomes the vital task of both English teachers and English learners. English educators are expected to search an efficient way to help English learners improve their listening. Modern teaching equipments, such as film and video and other teaching facilities play an indispensable role in English listening teaching.  相似文献   

For many years I have engaged future mathematics teachers in activities that focus on emotional dimensions of their learning. Even those teachers who were able to reconstruct themselves as learners of mathematics had difficulties with changing their practice. Through a series of autobiographical stories, I examine my own experiences as a teacher and a learner. These stories—one from a computer class, one from a workshop for elementary teachers, one from college, and one from eighth grade—serve as data from which I draw themes that capture the tensions that I experience as I teach. Sharing these tensions with mathematics teachers has had an impact on the way the teachers talk about their teaching and promises to change how they teach. The paper is written to encourage teacher educators to adopt the practice of sharing teaching and learning stories with their students.  相似文献   

教学是师生之间因"伟大事物"而产生的相遇,是教师与学生在学习共同体中的实践交往,教师在其中获得自我身份的认同。教学的实践交往属性呼唤教师对学生的敏感,从而发展教学的机智。教学实践的紧迫性需要反思的距离,以从理论上提升教学实践智慧,并承担起教学的责任。  相似文献   

刘胡英 《海外英语》2011,(10):55-56
This paper is a report on an introduction to the teaching model of college English course based on WebQuest, in which learners learn English in a process of using the World Wide Web to solve a problem. It’s one of the latest uses of technology gaining popular status in education. It is characterized as a computer-based, student-centered inquiry learning activity. The WebQuest has become prominent in many educational areas and has received considerable attention from teachers and educators. That web-based self-access learning should be integrated into college English courses is strongly advocated by the Ministry of Education in China and a new teaching model of college English course based on WebQuest will become a good complement for the traditional English teaching models.  相似文献   

The work of critical teacher education centers on making sure future teachers learn to be critically-oriented practitioners. In this article, I assert that this sort of learning must first begin with the critical teacher educators themselves, and that much of the most fruitful learning manifests itself in the teacher educator’s compulsions. Drawing on a key finding from a phenomenological study that focused on cultivating pedagogical tact in teaching, I suggest that the ways in which I compulsively strategized at times limited what I could accomplish as a critically-oriented teacher educator; that each of us as teacher educators have compulsions that limit just as much as they make possible; and that our examinations of these compulsions are important for our students’ growth as critically-oriented practitioners.  相似文献   

人类无限膨胀的"自我"意识覆盖了其整个活动领域,在教育活动中,存在着一定程度的践踏师生和谐关系、侵犯学习者主体性的"过度教育",它是人类操控自然欲望在教育领域的"移情"式体现。"过度教育"主要表现为教育者教授行为的过度、理论知识强调的过度、学习动机外化的过度以及成人化观念的过度。"过度教育"容易导致学习者纯粹性认知片面发展,主体完整性丧失;内在主体性抽空,社会工具性畸形;独立品格萎缩,依赖品格形成;本源兴趣销蚀,质疑精神钝化。实现"过度教育"的回归,教育者就要关注学习者作为人的独特的生命体存在,关注学习者在实践生活中的亲身体验,以适度的教促成学的自然效果,生成学习者自我的主体感,达成学习者的自然需求、能力与意义,使教育真正成就人的自然性与本真性存在。  相似文献   

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