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阐述了工程硕士研究生教育的属性,从三个方面论述了工程硕士研究生教育与工程师职业资格认证相对接的必要性,提出了工程硕士教育与工程师职业资格认证相对接的建议。  相似文献   

从理论探索与实践经验两个方面论证了从区域层面将工程硕士教育与职业资格认证相衔接,不仅有必要而且切实可行,由此最终形成集政府、高校、行业协会、企业为一体的有机合作培养体系,以回归工程硕士教育初衷,保障工程硕士培养质量,促进我国工程硕士教育与国际接轨,实现工程硕士教育可持续发展。  相似文献   

介绍了工程硕士教育与职业资格认证对接的四个案例.结合四个案例,阐述了进一步推进我国工程硕士教育与职业资格认证对接的几点启示.  相似文献   

工程硕士专业学位研究生教育必须与相应的工程领域职业资格相衔接,而这种衔接困难重重、步履维艰。高层次工程技术人才的工程师职业资格认证是解决工程硕士研究生教育与职业资格相衔接的根本保证。结合我国目前的实际情况,应当构建政府支持与引导下的由培养单位的专家与企业行业的专家共同组成的职业资格认证管理体系。  相似文献   

国际上关于高等工程教育的职业资格认证已积累了许多可资借鉴的经验,在我国,由于工程硕士与职业资格相联系尚处于起步阶段,加上政策观念的缺失,行业参与程度不够及教育自身的职业特色不足,工程硕士教育与职业资格依旧相互独立.对此,应在制定相关政策的前提下,完善工程硕士专业学位标准并加大行业的指导力度,更重要的是在教育中不断提升工程硕士自身的职业能力和职业竞争力,从而促进工程硕士与职业资格二者之间的有效衔接.  相似文献   

以“三个面向”为指导 提升工程硕士教育质量   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
认为在新形势下,要提升工程硕士教育质量,应该以邓小平同志提出的"三个面向"为指导,瞄准现代化、拓宽视野、放眼未来,树立为企业服务的思想,同时努力建立职业资格认证体系,通过国际化、校企合作、跨学科发展,与时俱进、不断创新,有效促进工程硕士教育与现代化经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

树立科学的质量观和发展观全面推进工程硕士教育发展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
阐述了工程硕士教育的诞生与发展是理论研究与教育实践的产物,是时代的要求。提出要树立全面的质量观,从用人单位、学生、学校三方面正确评价工程硕士教育质量;同时要树立科学发展观,从不同类型的人才需求出发,从培养模式、职业资格认证、学位标准建设等方面入手,全面推进工程硕士教育。  相似文献   

从职业胜任力的角度,选择中国科技大学、东华大学、华南理工大学作为典型案例,对其物流工程硕士职业资格认证实施过程进行研究,发现高校对专业学位研究生的培养以提高职业胜任力为目标,职业资格认证对其职业胜任力进行考核,从而实现了工程硕士的培养和职业资格认证的衔接。  相似文献   

通过对国内工程硕士教育专业认证的发展状况、组织制度、实施成效等方面的调查研究,结合西方国家硕士层次工程教育开展专业认证的经验,从认证组织、认证标准、认证程序、认证报告制度等方面对我国当前工程硕士教育专业认证存在的问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

阐述了工程硕士研究生培养与高级设备监理师资格对接的基本情况,以案例形式就工程硕士与高级设备监理师对接中的探索和实践进行了详细的剖析,并形成专业学位研究生培养与相应职业资格对接的一些启示。  相似文献   

专业学位硕士研究生校企合作培养案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,专业学位硕士招生规模不断扩大,但对其培养还缺乏经验。为了对专业学位硕士特别是工程硕士培养进行探索,通过对专业学位硕士校企合作培养案例的效果满意度调查,分析和总结了合作培养出现问题的原因及取得良好培养效果的必要因素:企业研发方向与学生培养方向一致,导师进入企业指导,有合作科研项目支持。  相似文献   

Background Data commentary, in-text comments on the visual presentation of data, is acknowledged as a central aspect of academic writing in many engineering disciplines. At the same time, it is a feature that has been shown to be challenging for students. One of the genres in which data commentary plays a significant role in many engineering disciplines is the master’s thesis. Comparatively little research has been done on the process of master thesis supervision, and combining the study of data commentary and master’s thesis supervision is therefore particularly interesting.

Purpose This study explores the challenges of data commentary writing through interviews with master’s students and thesis supervisors of chemical engineering.

Sample and method Master’s students at a Swedish university were invited to participate in a workshop about the writing of data commentary. Nine master’s students and five supervisors were interviewed about what is difficult and important about writing data commentaries in their discipline as well as about decisions made in data commentaries written by the students. The interviews were divided into a semi-structured and a discourse-based part.

Results Our results indicate that data commentary comes with a variety of challenges. Among the most difficult and important aspects are selection of content and clarity. The study also indicates a close connection between data commentary and disciplinary learning in chemical engineering, suggesting that highlighting data commentary in the teaching of master’s thesis writing will be time well spent.

Conclusions In order to make the teaching and learning of data commentary effective in the context investigated, we propose that important measures are: the development of a shared metalanguage among students and supervisors, a genre approach, and collaboration between engineering and communication faculty.  相似文献   

环保设备是环境工程专业的一门重要的专业课,它建立在水污染控制工程、大气污染控制工程、噪声控制工程等课程知识的基础上,培养环境工程专业学生掌握环保设备的原理和设计、选型的基本理论和方法。在教学中发现,学生对本课程中的一些细节问题掌握不够扎实,在环保设备设计原理及应用方面,掌握的知识薄弱。所以,建议改革教学形式,达到更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

工程硕士教学过程中存在的问题及其解决办法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校企合作在工程硕士培养中起着非常重要的作用。本文结合校企合作培养工程硕士的实际,针对课程学习、遴选导师、学位论文等不同阶段存在的一些问题,提出了相应的改进建议,可供高校培养工程硕士部门参考。  相似文献   

本文将我国工程硕士学位标准与发达国家相应标准进行对比,分析了国内外工程硕士学位标准在知识、能力及素质方面要求的共性与差异;阐述了发达国家工程硕士学位标准的典型特征及先进经验——以培养工程师为目标、以应用实践为主线、以发展能力及素质为中心、以职业目标为导向。在理论研究的基础上,就如何合理地借鉴国外工程硕士学位标准的先进经验来完善我国现有的工程硕士学位标准,以M大学为个案,通过抽样问卷调查的方式,考察了工程硕士教育相关群体(工程硕士生、导师、管理人员及就业单位)对现有学位标准中的知识结构、能力及素质要求的看法、要求和期望,分析了工程硕士学位标准的现状和存在的问题。基于国际化视野下的理论分析及国内工程硕士教育的现实调研结果,对我国工程硕士学位标准的构建及完善提出了对策性的建议。  相似文献   

This article explores whether features associated with effective professional communities among K-12 teachers are relevant and sufficient for improving the practice of supervisors in teacher education programs. Interview and observational data from nineteen supervisors in one teacher education program illuminate what supervisors want in order to improve their professional practices and how their needs could be met through ongoing collaboration. The article proposes five features of professional communities that can help supervisors improve their work: norms promoting collaboration; trust and familiarity; activities deprivatizing practices; access to logistical information and shared expectations about the role of supervisors; and time for collaboration.  相似文献   

本文分析了当前博士研究生,尤其是硕博连读型博士生中的一些现实问题及科研状况,对硕博连读生在课题和学术研究中的突出问题与挑战进行了总结和思考.通过作者作为一个工科硕博连读生多年的切身体会,探讨了自我培养在完善硕博连读博士生培养中的重要作用,并且结合论文选题、写作、横向课题、科研、学术报告、交流及团队协作等培养环节中的体会和心得进行了总结.  相似文献   

School–university research networks aim at closer integration of research and practice by means of teacher research. Such practice-oriented research can benefit both schools and universities. This paper reports on a multiple-case study of five participants in a school–university research network in a Dutch master’s program. The research question was: In what way is knowledge based on practice-oriented research by master’s students developed, shared, and used in school–university research networks in which education is primarily offered within a university setting? Twenty interviews were conducted, on the basis of logs, over a period of 10 months. Results show that (1) for master’s students, the most significant motive for developing, sharing or using knowledge was that the content knowledge about their research topic could be useful to school practice and colleagues; (2) research supervisors reported more than master’s students about the procedural knowledge that they had developed and shared. This knowledge focused on the collaborative process of supporting research and knowledge processes in school and university; (3) activities of knowledge sharing and use appeared to depend to a significant extent on individual purposes and leadership initiatives of master’s students and their supervisors; and (4) in the school–university research network, master’s students and research supervisors continued—to a limited extent—knowledge processes based on master’s students research after their graduation. Outcomes indicate that use of existing network structures in master’s programs is complex, but could be a promising avenue for creating successful school–university research networks.  相似文献   

工程硕士《军事装备学》课程研讨式教学模式初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
如何在教学过程中提高工程硕士的理论水平和实践能力是一个需要不断探讨的问题。该文基于工程硕士《军事装备学》课程的教学特点和规律,分析了采用研讨式教学的必要性,提出了以"两种形式、三个阶段"为主要特征的教学组织与实施,归纳了其中需要注意的事项,并对其特色及成效进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

Supervision of graduate students is a core activity in higher education. Previous research on graduate supervision focuses on individual and relational aspects of the supervisory relationship rather than collective, pedagogical and methodological aspects of the supervision process. In presenting a collective model we have developed for academic supervision of Danish master students, we seek to fill these gaps. The underlying pedagogical rationale for the model is that students’ participation and learning are interconnected. The model provides possibilities for incorporating a progressive and systematic interaction between master students in their individual writing processes. In the article, we investigate the potentials and challenges of the model and draw on analyses of six individual interviews with master students and one focus group interview with five supervisors. Our findings show that students learn core academic competencies in collective academic supervision (CAS), such as the ability to assess theoretical and practical problems in their practice and present them to peers. The analysis reveals that interaction between divergent projects and voices in CAS can be highly productive in academic learning. However, the model also challenges both students and supervisors because both parties are used to a one-to-one supervisory relationship and not prepared for different modes of participation and learning. According to both supervisors and students, the majority of supervisors need better training in the facilitation of collective supervision processes.  相似文献   

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