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在追溯词源,进行英英与美英部分词汇的差异性研究后发现,在英语学习中,在掌握一定的词汇背景基础上再借助一些发散记忆法辅助记忆,对于相关英语词汇的记忆及地道使用会有很大的帮助。在查阅相关文献资料,了解关于记忆的一些科学理论后,思考总结并提出了"1+N词汇记忆"理论,将其推荐运用于部分英语学习者后,收到的反应良好。  相似文献   

众所周知,英语作为一种语言是一种重要的交流工具,而想要学好英语就必须把词汇搞透。在初中英语教学中,教师教授一个单词时很少从词源的角度对单词进行解析,这导致学生在使用英语的时候由于不明白词汇背后的深意而无法进行深入对话和沟通。因此在初中英语词汇教学中应当重视运用词源教学,让学生了解词汇的文化内涵,从而加深对词汇的理解和掌握,促进英语综合能力和素质的提升。  相似文献   

当我们学习了一段时间英语,并且掌握了一些基本的词汇之后,如何在原有的基础上巩固并且扩大词汇量呢?笔者认为,适当地了解一些关于英语词源的知识,可以为今后通过构词法扩大单词量奠定基础。英语属于印欧语系里的日尔曼语支中的低地德语。公元五世纪,德国西北部的盎格鲁人、撤克逊人、朱特人征眼了不列颠岛上的土著凯尔特人。不列颠岛的入侵者使自己的语言变成了该岛的通用语言,现代英语便是从  相似文献   

对于英语的学习,掌握大量的词汇是关键。英语单词是学好英语的基础,然而英语的词汇量较大、形式多变。对于中学生来说,掌握词汇具有一定的难度,本文主要论述词源学的内涵,在认识到词源学对初中英语词汇教学重要性的基础上,提出了在英语教学中运用词源教学法的具体措施,主要从对英语老师的引导作用、词源教学与传统教学的相结合以及多方面配合教学的注重等方面来分析。  相似文献   

词汇习得是英语学习中的关键一环,本文分析了词汇习得的认知过程并提出通过词源知识促进词汇习得,并从词汇习得的深度和广度两个方面论证了词源对词汇习得积极影响。同时这一方法还将文化引入了词汇习得之中,使词汇习得增添了一些趣味。  相似文献   

词汇在英语教学和学习中扮演着极为重要的作用。然而,许多学生谈单词色变,这得归咎于诸多的原因,但不了解字根的词源是一个主要的方面。本文结合英语字根的词源来探讨对词汇教学的启示。  相似文献   

在我国,英语词源教学一直处于被忽视的地位,在大学英语课堂上,有的教师认为讲词源太深奥,怕学生听不懂,所以很少有教师能有意识地传授词源知识。目前,大多数老师对于词汇的讲解仍旧沿袭着传统的教学方法:列举英文单词的中文意思,然后举例。还有一部分教师甚至跳过单词部分的讲解直接进入课文部分的分析,将其作为课文的补充。长期如此,导致学生单词记忆方法单一,完全依靠死记硬背的方式,导致学生对英语的学习失去兴趣和信心。笔者认为,基于学生所学知识的局限性,对于一些有文化背景的词汇以及表达方式能有一个准确深入的理解,老师应进行协助讲解。通过教学实践表明,在课堂教学过程中运用词源辅助教学的方法,既可以提高学生学习兴趣、活跃课堂教学气氛,还更有益于学生深刻记忆,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

曹悦 《考试周刊》2007,(4):36-37
英语由印欧语系中日耳曼语支下普通的低地日耳曼语发展成为当今国际交流语言,除了与英国历史上的殖民扩张和现代美国作为科技强国的推动作用有关,另一方面也与英语本身的丰富多彩有很大关系。英语在发展过程中从多种语言中吸纳词汇,尤其在历史上的诺曼征服之后三百年间以对法语词汇的吸收为最。本文通过英语历史、拼写、词汇和习语几个方面来说明法语在英语使用中不可或缺的地位,希望引起英语专业学生和英语爱好者对英语中法语词汇的重视。  相似文献   

词源,顾名思义,是词的来源。即最初的意思或形式。在语言学习中,不一定要对词源进行深入的研究和分析,但是掌握一定的词源知识,多留意词的历史和来源,会对我们的词汇学习有很大的帮助。特别是英语,这种拼音文字。追溯一些词的词源,不但能使我们掌握正确的读音和拼写;而且还可以  相似文献   

扩大词汇量是大学生英语学习的主要任务之一,但是英语漫长复杂的发展史和它吸收的大量外来语给学习增加了障碍,而英语词源学有助于克服这些困难。从利用词源识记词汇、理解一词多义、掌握部分单词的发音,以及从词汇的词源角度进行文化教学等四个方面阐述了词源学在英语词汇教学中的应用,并提出要注意辨析流俗词源。  相似文献   

1.Hypotactic vs. Paratactic形合与意合 The English language belongs to the Indo-European family with its words spelt in the alphabet of 26 letter, while the Chinese language belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family in which many Chinese characters developed out of hieroglyphs, pictures or symbols. Clearly, English and Chinese is quite different language in syntactic formation. English is a language of hypotactic structure, whereas Chinese is one of paratactic structure. For example:  相似文献   

We used an immediate recall paradigm to study the effects of list organization and semantic and grammatical features of printed stimuli on working memory capacity in deaf students with differing English language abilities. Thirty lists of five organizational types (random words, semantically related words, semantically paired words, scrambled sentences, and grammatical sentences) were presented to two groups of deaf students who differed in their proficiency in the English language. The students were required to recall the lists in writing. The results indicate that, overall, the students with higher levels of English language proficiency recalled significantly more than those with lower levels. Additionally, semantic and syntactic organization of the lists had different effects on the two groups of students. Semantic pairing aided the low-level group significantly more than the high-level group, whereas the syntactic organization of the grammatical sentences aided the high-level group significantly more. Implications for assessing language ability in deaf students are discussed.  相似文献   

系统功能语法有三大纯理功能:概念功能、人际功能、语篇功能.从概念功能角度来看,关系过程、言语过程和物质过程出现频率很高,名词词组和技术词也体现了概念意义.从人际功能角度来看,语气较单一,多为陈述语气,包括情态词在内的模糊语出现不多,但很重要.主位结构和衔接系统体现了语篇意义,使摘要前后连贯,语义完整.  相似文献   

Divide and separate are semantically similar,however,in English teaching and learning,it is not easy to explain how they are used and learners of English often confuse them.Based on the Corpus of Contemporary American English(COCA),this essay compares the use of these two words by analyzing the collocations with prepositions,cardinal numbers and nouns.  相似文献   

预设触发语是句子中与预设义有语义联系的词语,通过触发语的词义,我们可以作常识性推理或者回溯推理,推导出句子的预设义。英、汉语中均有词汇作为预设触发语项,本文对英、汉语中词汇预设触发语的不同类型进行详尽描写,对比研究其异同,找出其语义特征,并能够依据这套特殊规则推理出它所引发的预设义。  相似文献   

Lexicology is a branch of linguistics concerned with the study of the vocabulary of a given language. This paper begins with the question: What are the two approaches to the study of English lexicology? Then talk about the position and character of the English language in the Indo-European family. After this,the paper would on the way to explain the sources of the English vocabulary and different characters of different periods of English vocabulary.  相似文献   

为了解汉语习得者在拼音文字和表意文字认知上的差异,促进对外汉语的汉字教学。用墨西哥汉语习得者三语被试对图画与西、英、中等五种不同书写形式进行语义相同和不同的匹配识别实验。发现:西、英、中等五种书写形式与图画的语义相同匹配时,"西语词—英语词""英语词—拼音"以及"拼音—汉语标注拼音"识别加工的正确反映时和错误率差异不显著。西、英、中等五种书写形式与图画的语义不相同匹配时,(1)在识别加工的正确反映时上,"汉语词—拼音""汉语词—汉语词标注拼音"的识别加工的正确反映时差异不显著。(2)在识别加工的错误率上,"汉语词—拼音""汉语词—汉语词标注拼音""西语词—英语词"和"拼音—汉语词标注拼音"的识别加工的错误率差异不显著。墨西哥汉语习得者对表音文字和表意文字的识别加工总体上遵循的原则是:(1)熟悉度原则;(2)从音到义原则;(3)在语义不同匹配识别中,汉字的识别还遵循着由形或由音到义的原则。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between orthographic depth and reliance upon context for oral reading in English and Hebrew. Research on context effects in English has indicated that the decoding ability of adequate readers is only minimally affected by context. The effect of context may be greater in Hebrew because of its deeper orthography – context may help readers phonologically and semantically disambiguate words whose letters do not provide enough information for grapheme‐to‐phoneme conversion. It is hypothesised that bilingual English‐Hebrew participants would rely more upon context for oral reading of Hebrew than English and that in Hebrew, reading words which are more phonologically ambiguous (high degree of freedom words) would be more affected by context than reading of words which are less phonologically ambiguous (low degree of freedom words). Results support both hypotheses. The findings are consistent with the Orthographic Depth Hypothesis.  相似文献   

<正>It is well-known that language is the carrier of culture,which is always changing with the development of society.English and Chinese are quite different that the former is in Indo-European language family while the latter belongs to Sino-Tibetan language family.However,why we make comparative study of these two languages?That is because we would like to seek something in common to advance the communication of English countries and  相似文献   

试论英语对日语的影响--析源自英语的外来语   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从外国语和本国语中外来语的关系入手,探讨了英语对日语在语音、语汇与语义等方面的影响,其结果是在日语中形成了独特的与原有词汇并存的同义词、同一英语词汇变成不同外来语含义以及和制英语等多种情形,并通过回顾英语借入日语的不同历史阶段的特点,从语义学阐明英语(外来语原语)与日语(本国语)之间存在着继承性和变异性,说明掌握英日语间这种嬗变规则对学好第二外语(日语)的现实意义。  相似文献   

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