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弦乐四重奏由两把小提琴、一把中提琴和一把大提琴组成,是室内乐中最为理想的合作演奏形式。弦乐四重奏是对演奏者的音乐素养和演奏技术的考验,小提琴是深受喜爱的重要乐器,它在弦乐四重奏中承担了重要角色,只有更好地了解小提琴的特性,才能使之更好地与其他声部的乐器进行合作。  相似文献   

弦乐四重奏是音乐表演的重要组成部分,主要分为高胡,中胡,二胡,民族低音四种,弦乐四重奏在演奏过程中,每个声部的演奏都需要由一个专业的演奏人员来担任,重视对学生的个体训练是演奏培训的重要内容。本文结合民族弦乐四重奏的基础内容进行训练和分析,实现了对民族弦乐四重奏的基础训练进行整理,为弦乐四重奏的训练提供理论性的依据。  相似文献   

弦乐四重奏是室内乐的一种重要形式,越来越多的音乐爱好者和初学弦乐没多久的学生希望参与弦乐四重奏的排练和演奏,但基于没有娴熟的专业演奏技巧和专业的老师引导,使得排练的过程没有针对性,演奏出的音乐不那么悦耳。本文结合作者自身指导学生排练的实践,尝试性总结弦乐四重奏在平时排练过程中的几种方法,希冀可以使排练变得事半功倍。  相似文献   

作为室内乐中比较普遍、比较理想的组合,弦乐四重奏在日常生活中随处可见,比较受到社会群体所欢迎。在演奏弦乐四重奏时,弦乐组和声的基础依然以四部和声为主,同时可以充分对弦乐器组的乐器进行利用,丰富演奏技法,以此增强乐曲的表现力和感染力。通过对弦乐四重奏及其演奏浅谈的详细分析,以此学习及掌握弦乐四重奏演奏方式和技巧。  相似文献   

在我国室内乐发展蒸蒸日上的大环境中,不同音乐艺术风格的弦乐四重奏作品如雨后春笋般显现出来。查阅文献发现,针对我国弦乐四重奏的研究呈现出离散的特点,因而意欲对中国弦乐四重奏在百年发展历程中的个性特点进行梳理,归纳整合先人之成果,以利于后人继续发扬光大。  相似文献   

弦乐四重奏是室内乐中最理想、最融洽、最经典的组合,虽然在这种组合中找不到交响乐般庞大的气势,看不到歌剧中宏大的场面,但这种体裁的音乐以精致抒情为本,营造出人与人之间亲切交谈式的音乐氛围。本文以弦乐四重奏为例,追寻古典室内乐的历史发展轨迹。  相似文献   

本阐述的是练习弦乐四重奏的一般问题,主要对弦乐四重奏应具备的素质、重奏中集体与个体的关系、各声部的特点以及音准问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

《第八弦乐四重奏》是肖斯塔科维奇最有代表性的弦乐四重奏作品之一。本文以第一乐章为研究对象,主要通过对乐曲第一乐章的曲式结构、和声、主题动机等方面的分析,力图了解他的创作特点。  相似文献   

杜琳 《文教资料》2014,(21):76-78
谈起贝多芬的弦乐四重奏,世人无不称赞他中、晚期作品具有非凡的创作力,而对于贝多芬早期创作的弦乐四重奏(Op.18)并没有给予过多关注,大抵是因为贝多芬早期创作的弦乐四重奏过于"古典",没有突破古典主义的规则。然而,作曲家晚期成熟的创作手法总是源于早期探索性的创作,因此,文章从规则内的创新这一视角探析作曲家在古典规则之内进行了哪些突破与创新,恰恰是这些创新性萌芽的产生,才使得贝多芬成为横跨古典与浪漫主义的音乐大师。  相似文献   

对弦乐四重奏作品"秘密生活"整个同期录音过程进行叙述,通过使用多种立体声拾音制式对弦乐四重奏作品进行录制,分析不同制式间音响效果的差异。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,稀有剧种"延津二夹弦"要走出困境,应对市场的挑战,就必须开发与培养二夹弦戏曲艺术的演出市场,依照市场经济的运作机制,实现自我发展。文章论述了二夹弦戏曲文化旅游资源开发的必要性、延津二夹弦作为戏曲文化旅游资源开发利用的优势、对延津二夹弦文化旅游资源开发的建议等方面内容,探讨了延津二夹弦和旅游业联姻以求生存与发展的诸多问题,以期为延津二夹弦戏曲艺术在文化市场中的生存与发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

In two experiments, we developed a new methodology for studying complex stimulus control by spatial sequences of letters generated by artificial grammars. An artificial grammar is a system of rules that defines which letter sequences or strings are “grammatical.” In Experiment 1, pigeons learned to respond differently to strings conforming to a grammar versus strings that were nongrammatical distortions. Several different criteria all suggested that performance was controlled both by some short chunks of strings shared between reinforced training strings and novel transfer strings and by more complex sequential regularities. In Experiment 2, pigeons quickly and accurately learned to respond differently to strings conforming to one or the other of two different artificial grammars. As in Experiment 1, performance was controlled both by some short chunks and by more complex sequential regularities. The results are interpreted in terms of family resemblance and pose new goals for theories of complex stimulus control.  相似文献   

An avian analogue to humanartificial orsynthetic grammar learning (Reber, 1967) was developed. Pigeons viewed horizontal strings of three to eight colored letters. These strings either conformed to Reber’s artificial grammar or violated it in one or two locations. Pigeons categorized the letter strings asgrammatical (left keypeck) ornongrammatical (right keypeck). Overall accuracy of categorization was above chance to both familiar training strings and to novel transfer strings, thereby satisfying a conventional criterion for learning anabstract concept. The results support amultiple mechanisms point of view according to which pigeons, like humans, learn both abstract concepts and specific strings, or specific parts of strings, in artificial grammar learning tasks.  相似文献   

Clustering-based selective neural network ensemble   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION Neural network ensemble is becoming a hot spot in machine learning and data mining recently. Many researchers have shown that simply combining the output of many neural networks can generate more accurate predictions than that of any of the individual networks. Most previous work either focused on how to combine the output of multiple trained networks or how to directly design a good set of neural networks. Theoretical and empirical work showed that a good ensemble is one wh…  相似文献   

Particularly in primary school, good performance on copy tasks is an important working technique. With respect to writing skills, copying is a very basic process on which more complex writing abilities are based. We studied the copying ability of second and fourth graders across four types of symbols which vary with respect to their semantic and phonological characteristics: arbitrary graphical objects, unpronounceable consonant strings, numerals and meaningful text. Results show, in terms of average copying speed, significant effects of both factors: fourth graders performed generally faster than second graders, and for both class levels, the number of copied characters per time decreased from meaningful text to graphical objects, all pair-wise contrasts between symbol types being statistically significant. Moreover, a significant interaction shows that fourth graders improved more when copying symbols that form pronounceable chunks, namely meaningful text and numerical strings. This indicates an increasing role of phonological (and probably also semantic) processes involved in copying across primary school.  相似文献   

Researchers generally assume that logographs such as numerals form a homogeneous set. This paper presents a study whose results challenge that assumption. Using a visual search task, it is shown that native Chinese speakers, who can read and speak English, process strings of Chinese numerals differently from the way they process strings of Western numerals. The different pattern of results found with these two sets of numerals also contrasts with the pattern typically found when native English speakers process Western numerals. An explanation of this result is proposed based on the notion that visual search functions can be the outcome of the combined effect of different basic search procedures.  相似文献   

提出一种新的利用三粒子纠缠态在一方与两方之间形成共享秘密位串的方案.该方案在建立秘密位串的过程中和产生秘密位串之后,多次对窃听者进行了检测,结果表明,方案能很好地保证信道的安全性及产生的秘密位串的可用性.  相似文献   

以求解典型题目为基础 ,建立相对平衡状态与相对平衡相当质量概念 ,得到一个简便求解滑轮系统动力学问题的方法 .  相似文献   

In Java, System.out.printf and String.format consume a specialised kind of string commonly known as a format string. In our study of first-year students at the Ateneo de Manila University, we discovered that format strings present a substantial challenge for novice programmers. Focusing on their first laboratory we found that 8% of all the compilation errors and 100% of the exceptional, run-time behaviour they encountered were due to the improper construction of format strings. Format strings are a language unto themselves embedded within Java, and they are difficult for novice programmers to master when learning to program. In this article, we present exemplars of students' problematic interactions with the Java compiler and run-time environment when dealing with format strings, discuss these interactions, and recommend possible instructional interventions based on our observations.  相似文献   

通过将多个光动量变换到三能级原子系综,提出了基于双光子达到海森堡极限超辐射高精度的位移测量方案.利用2N个相干脉冲可制备双激发狄拉克态的叠加态,每个狄拉克态由包含4N个分立光动量的超辐射态构成.结果表明,两态间的相位差与原子系综整体位移有关,其测量精度可高达1/8N.同时,利用拉姆齐干涉仪,简单说明了在晶体中本方案实现的可行性.  相似文献   

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