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合伙企业在经历创立、快速成长期后往往会进入一段内耗严重、合作关系面临破裂的危机阶段,能否超越这一阶段是企业持续成长的关键。在内部控制缺乏的情形下,信任下降与信任结构的变化是导致创业者合作关系破裂的直接原因,而创业过程中企业家人力资本的消长与心理所有权的产生,以及由此导致的对人力资本剩余索取权和经营控制权的扩张性诉求及机会主义行为,则为这时期信任与合作关系的变化提供了深层解释。  相似文献   

产学研合作中的成功知识转移是提高我国企业自主创新能力的关键途径,以正式契约和信任为代表的合作治理机制是影响校企知识转移的重要因素。本文在已有研究基础上,构建了两种契约维度(契约协调和契约控制)、信任与两类知识转移(显性知识转移和隐性知识转移)关系的理论框架,并运用多案例研究方法对其探讨,从中归纳出相关的理论命题。研究结果表明,产学研合作中信任对隐性知识转移的正向影响大于对显性知识转移的正向影响;契约协调仅与显性知识转移存在正向关系,与隐性知识转移没有直接关联,而契约控制对显性知识和隐性知识转移均产生负面影响;企业的学习意愿和吸收能力对两种契约维度、信任与两类知识转移的关系具有调节效应;契约协调和信任的共同使用会增加校企知识转移,而契约控制和信任的共同使用会减少校企知识转移。这些结论为现有研究的矛盾观点提供了合理的解释。  相似文献   

引入组织控制变量,对企业发展不同时期情境下知识创造与技术创新的关系进行探讨,分析知识创造对技术创新的主效应及组织控制在其中的调节效应,采用因子分析、相关分析和最优尺度回归方法对来自950家科技型中小企业的有效数据进行实证检验,结果表明:在初创期和成长期中知识创造对技术创新具有明显的促进作用,并且契约控制在其中发挥着显著的调节效应,成长期中信任控制的正向调节效应明显,初创期中信任控制的正向调节效应不明显。  相似文献   

本文从多维度、非线性视角分析了企业规模与我国中小企业成长性的关系,以及企业生存状态对这种关系的影响.基于我国433家中小上市公司的经验数据表明:第一,我国中小上市公司的资产规模与绩效之间存在显著的U型关系,而与成长潜力存在倒U关系;第二,销售规模与企业成长潜力之间呈显著的倒U关系,而员工规模对我国中小上市公司成长性的作用形式则是线性的.第三,企业规模各因子效能的发挥受到我国中小上市公司生存质量和成长阶段的制约.上述研究结论为我国中小上市公司规模的扩张提供了最优的路径选择,也证明了良好的外部生存环境对于转轨时期企业成长的重要意义.  相似文献   

科研团队管理的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种主要从事科学研究的组织,科研团队在管理中存在着各种问题,如团队目标与个人利益的不一致问题;由于信息不对称而导致的委托人一代理人问题;道德风险问题,等等.尝试用经济学的角度分析科研团队管理中的若干关系,据此提出一些有利于科研团队成长与发展的建议.  相似文献   

运用社会交换理论提出一个概念性框架,将人力资源管理实践划分为社会交换均衡型和经济交换均衡型人力资源管理实践两种模式,探讨不同模式的人力资源管理实践对组织信任的影响.实施社会交换均衡性人力资源管理实践活动会增强员工的组织信任水平,而实施经济交换均衡型人力资源管理实践会导致较低的组织信任.在此基础上引入领导行为作为调节变量,发现交易型领导行为和变革型领导行为会对这两种人力资源管理实践模式和组织信任的关系产生调节效应.  相似文献   

产业的不断演进,并伴随着网络化的飞速发展,企业间组织被认为是一种新型的、具有战略价值的组织形式,是不同于市场和企业组织的网络治理形式,同时它也被视为一种赢得竞争优势的重要资源。面对急剧变化的环境、激烈的市场竞争和多变的顾客要求,传统的企业组织面临着巨大的挑战,而企业间组织则是解决组织与环境关系问题的有效战略之一。分析了企业组织间的信任机制,以及在信任的基础上,企业组织之间得以交流、学习、合作,最终达到企业组织效率提升。  相似文献   

以知识共享为中介,构建了信任氛围与组织创新之间关系的理论模型,并以广东珠三角地区122家IT企业为对象进行实证检验。结果表明:信任氛围可以直接或者间接通过知识共享促进组织创新,知识共享在其中起到了部分中介作用;不同维度知识共享的中介作用存在差异,非正式知识共享在信任氛围影响整体组织创新的过程中起到了部分中介作用,而正式知识共享仅在信任氛围促进技术创新的过程中起到了部分中介作用。  相似文献   

日益复杂的组织结构和需要团队协作的工作关系,要求组织具有较高的人际信任.组织中人际信任主要包括员工与同事、直接主管和高管的信任以及主管对员工的信任.在人际信任的前因变量中,完备的契约与高品质的LMX会降低其不确定性,促进员工与管理者之间的信任,而组织政治行为会降低组织中的人际信任.良好的组织公民行为能够促进组织中人际信任的发展.在后果变量中,已形成的人际信任会影响组织的工作绩效和工作满意度等.  相似文献   

张峰  杨建君 《科研管理》2017,38(8):44-50
目前公司治理研究大多研究关注正式的控制和监督机制的作用,缺乏对信任这一非正式因素作用的关注。大股东与经理人间的信任关系相比正式的制度安排,更具灵活性,因为在管家理论视角下,它有利于促进双方长期导向的代理关系,有利于激发经理人发挥主观能动性去创新。然而,很少有研究探讨代理关系中信任机制如何影响经理人创新特征的形成。因此,本文从信任的情感和认知两个维度解释大股东与经理人之间的信任对后者创新动力和能力的影响过程与机理。通过对174个企业样本的实证分析,发现:两种信任方式对经理人的创新能力都有正向促进作用,但两者的作用方式存在差异;创新动力部分中介情感信任和创新能力两者间的关系。文章最后讨论了这些结论的理论和实践价值,并给出了未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

服务企业顾客信任及其驱动因素探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾客信任是企业成功开展关系营销的关键。在深入分析顾客信任内涵的基础上,探讨了影响顾客信任的直接因素和间接因素,并提出了在当前信任消费经济背景下的服务企业开展信任营销的具体对策,旨在为服务企业提供具有指导意义的借鉴。  相似文献   

【目的】 从系统论视角出发,分析学术出版过程中出现的信任危机,提出应对危机的策略,从理论和技术上提高同行评审工作质量,提升同行评审的信任度。【方法】 以文献调查和案例分析为主要方法,综述已有的关于同行评审现状和问题研究以及信任危机的相关理论,结合案例,从社会、经济、文化等不同角度剖析同行评审体系存在信任危机的原因,最后针对同行评审体系的问题和各方面原因,结合目前国内外的创新尝试,提出应对策略。【结果】 社会转型时期,同行评审主体之间缺乏完全信任,传媒影响加剧了同行评审参与主体之间的信任危机,同行评审客观性与审稿人主观性之间矛盾不可调和使同行评审信任危机无法消除。【结论】 通过设立同行评审内部的监督机制、重视传媒影响、完善网络同行评审系统平台,巩固同行评审信任,促进学术出版的长远发展。  相似文献   

Information systems research emphasizes that blockchain requires trust in the technology itself. However, we lack knowledge on the applicability of established trust cues to blockchain technology. Thus, this paper’s objective is to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of several established IS trust formation factors on end user trust. We do so by conducting a between-groups experiment. While we can validate the applicability of previous IS trust research for blockchain technology to some extent, we find that trust signals emphasizing the technology’s underlying trust-building characteristics are most effective. Hence, we highlight the need for contextualization of trust research on blockchain technology. We provide both researchers and practitioners with insights for building trustworthy blockchain applications that enable trust-less interactions not only in theory but in practice.  相似文献   

In recent decades, more information has become increasingly available on the Web. Every user can actively participate in the generation and exchange of information. Investigating the quality of user-generated content (UGC) has therefore become a necessity and an ever-increasing challenge. In collaborative environments where users collect, share and build a knowledge base, trust is an important factor. If, for example, we as users trust UGC on the Web, this influences our interaction with this content. The aim of our research is to propose a model for the evaluation of trust in UGC. Based on the available research results, we define a model for measuring trust in collaborative environments. Our approach is based on three dimensions: stability, credibility and quality. These three concerns are combined to create a trusted translator. We use a real-world data set of the social annotation platform Genius to calculate the value of our trust in an annotation. Based on this case study, we show which insights can be gained by calculating the trust in such an environment. When information has specific qualities, our approach will enable the user to better determine which information offers the highest level of trust.  相似文献   

Trust can be understood as a precondition for a well-functioning society or as a way to handle complexities of living in a risk society, but also as a fundamental aspect of human morality. Interactions on the Internet pose some new challenges to issues of trust, especially connected to disembodiedness. Mistrust may be an important obstacle to Internet use, which is problematic as the Internet becomes a significant arena for political, social and commercial activities necessary for full participation in a liberal democracy. The Categorical Imperative lifts up trust as a fundamental component of human ethical virtues – first of all, because deception and coercion, the antitheses of trust, cannot be universalized. Mistrust is, according to Kant, a natural component of human nature, as we are social beings dependent on recognition by others but also prone to deceiving others. Only in true friendships can this tendency be overcome and give room for unconditional trust. Still we can argue that Kant must hold that trustworthy behaviour as well as trust in others is obligatory, as expressions of respect for humanity. The Kantian approach integrates political and ethical aspects of trust, showing that protecting the external activities of citizens is required in order to act morally. This means that security measures, combined with specific regulations are important preconditions for building online trust, providing an environment enabling people to act morally and for trust-based relationships.  相似文献   

While open innovation provides a new paradigm to sustain a firm’s competitive advantage, opening up to external knowledge also entails substantial risks of appropriation and opportunism. Building on this “open paradox” framework, this study investigates whether societal trust—a key aspect of informal cultural norms—serves as an effective mechanism in improving relational governance among partners, thereby leading to better collaborative outcomes. Using a novel panel data on co-owned patents across 29 countries, we show that firms in high trust countries are able to produce a higher level of joint output (i.e., co-owned patents). This effect is more pronounced when perceived opportunism is higher (i.e., firms in high-tech industries, or in countries with less disclosure transparency), and when formal contracts are less enforceable (i.e., in countries with relatively weak legal systems). We further show that open innovation is the channel through which societal trust promotes innovative efficiency. Overall, our study establishes societal trust as a key factor in influencing the efficiency of open innovation.  相似文献   

A program for the simulation of rational social normative trust, predictive `trust,' and predictive reliance between agents will be introduced. It offers a tool for social scientists or a trust component for multi-agent simulations/multi-agent systems, which need to include trust between agents to guide the decisions about the course of action. It is based on an analysis of rational social normative trust (RSNTR) (revised version of M. Tuomela 2002), which is presented and briefly argued. For collective agents, belief conditions for collective agency should be added. For the various forms of trust agents must have (at least) subjectively rational reasons to believe that the conditions of the trust account are fulfilled. A list of such reasons (of varied weights), e.g., given by empirical research, can manually be built into a parameter file or be generated by a calling program in a fixed format. From this list of reasons the program randomly generates a belief base for the agents of the artificial society. Reasons can be chained together so that one set of reasons satisfies several belief conditions. The program checks if the conditions are fulfilled for the artificial agents' social normative trust/predictive `trust'/`predictive reliance' in another agent that he will perform an action X. Each outcome is logged to a result file. In conclusion we discuss various aspects of the application of a trust component of the suggested kind in empirical research, social simulation, and multi-agent systems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper I use philosophical accounts on the relationship between trust and knowledge in science to apprehend this relationship on the Web. I argue that trust and knowledge are fundamentally entangled in our epistemic practices. Yet despite this fundamental entanglement, we do not trust blindly. Instead we make use of knowledge to rationally place or withdraw trust. We use knowledge about the sources of epistemic content as well as general background knowledge to assess epistemic claims. Hence, although we may have a default to trust, we remain and should remain epistemically vigilant; we look out and need to look out for signs of insincerity and dishonesty in our attempts to know. A fundamental requirement for such vigilance is transparency: in order to critically assess epistemic agents, content and processes, we need to be able to access and address them. On the Web, this request for transparency becomes particularly pressing if (a) trust is placed in unknown human epistemic agents and (b) if it is placed in non-human agents, such as algorithms. I give examples of the entanglement between knowledge and trust on the Web and draw conclusions about the forms of transparency needed in such systems to support epistemically vigilant behaviour, which empowers users to become responsible and accountable knowers.  相似文献   

The online merchant of an e-marketplace consists of an intermediary, providing the market infrastructure, and the community of sellers conducting business within that infrastructure. Typically, consumers willingly buy from unknown sellers within an e-marketplace, despite the apparent risk, since they trust the institutional mechanisms furnished by the relatively well-known intermediary. Consumers’ trust in one component of the e-marketplace merchant may not only affect their trust in the other, but also influence the way consumers make online purchases. This paper explores the impact of trust on consumer behavior in e-marketplaces. An empirical study has been conducted to accomplish our research objectives, using a questionnaire survey of 222 active e-marketplace shoppers in Korea. The results reveal that consumer trust in an intermediary has a strong influence upon both attitudinal loyalty and purchase intentions, although consumer trust in the community of sellers has no significant effect on the two constructs representing consumer behavior. In addition, it was found that trust is transferred from an intermediary to the community of sellers, implying that the trustworthiness of the intermediary plays a critical role in determining the extent to which consumers trust and accept the sellers in the e-marketplace. This paper offers some implications from the findings of the research.  相似文献   

现在,很多人都意识到科学与技术发展的巨大步伐,也意识到与之相伴而生的由于环境破坏与人口过量所造成的危险。时代的飞速变化,整个世界日益增加的复杂性,以及人类所面临的可见的威胁,按照苏黎士社会哲学家Hermann Luebbe的看法,关键在于建立一种信任——对于一些  相似文献   

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