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针对新组装的多臂机需要对其可靠性进行检验,设计了一套多臂机控制及性能检测系统。通过分析多臂机工作原理,将嵌入式微控制器、花样数据存储器、变频器及电机驱动电路、多臂机电磁铁驱动电路、电磁铁磁性检测电路、电磁铁电流检测电路、多臂机摆臂运动检测电路以及网络通信接口功能模块集成在嵌入式电子多臂机控制及性能检测系统中,可以对电子多臂机的整体性能进行检测,给出了嵌入式电子多臂机控制系统的系统架构、硬件电路的设计和实现方法,软件系统的设计和实现方法。工厂实际应用表明,该系统能够用于控制及检测电子多臂机性能是否满足使用要求。  相似文献   

什么是 PDA? PDA (personal digital assistant)作为个人效率工具,是纸制效率手册的电子替代品.早期的PDA只有日历、日程安排、通讯录、记事本等基本功能,现在的PDA已经具有更加丰富的软件,如类似于个人计算机的字处理软件、电子表格软件等;显示也由原来的单色变成了多色.过去的PDA主要通过与台式机同步来安装新的软件或获得软件升级,以及传送数据,现在新式的PDA大多都具备了无线通讯能力,用PDA发邮件也越来越方便了.  相似文献   

在分析PDA电子地图的研究现状和回顾当前旅游电子地图系统研究的基础上,提出了PDA旅游电子地图系统的总体设计方案.该方案对PDA旅游电子地图系统做了需求分析,重点研究了PDA旅游电子地图系统的功能设计、数据结构、数据获取和界面设计,对PDA旅游电子地图系统开发具有指导意义.  相似文献   

随着医院信息化建设的推进,传统的纸张型病历逐渐被电子病历所取代,那么在查房时医生如何随时调阅病人的病历数据呢?使用PDA掌上电脑是一种常用的办法,但是PDA存在着存储空间小,连接速度慢,容易交叉感染等弊病。因此,笔者设计了一种新型的医用移动触摸式查房专用机,移动运算,触摸操作,很好的解决了这一问题。  相似文献   

电子课本是伴随个人数字终端的发展及数字阅读的普及而出现的一种新的数字学习资源形式.作为一种用于学习的数字阅读产品,电子课本的设计需要超越数字阅读的需求从而为教学提供支持;作为一种泛在技术条件下的新的技术产品,电子课本的设计需要超越知识授受的需求从而应对教学方式变革的挑战.本文以研制电子课本国际标准的经验,在分析电子课本发展现状的基础上,从连接阅读与学习以及支持教学方式变革的角度,对电子课本的概念模型、信息模型进行了介绍,并通过一个电子课本的实例,介绍了如何利用电子课本实现教学方式变革.  相似文献   

针对PPSM PDA界面设计中存在的问题,提出了界面可视化设计方法,并为HGPPSM PDA开发了用户界面可视化设计软件HGPPSM-DESIGN。该软件可在PC屏幕上所见即所得地编辑PDA任务界面——窗口和控件,并能自动生成应用程序代码。本文详细介绍了该软件的关键技术和实现方法。  相似文献   

本文探讨了基于LBS的社会服务系统的关键技术,在PDA上设计实现了系统功能模块,给出了社会服务管理决策支持解决方案、嵌入式MapX Active X与S309 Picture BOX ActiveX集成等关键技术.  相似文献   

激光相位多普勒技术 (PDA)是目前公认有效的多参数粒子测量技术之一 ,但是PDA对粒子的非球形特性极为敏感 .本文分析了粒子的非球形特性对PDA的影响 ,明确了PDA信号参数与粒子非球形特性的关系 ,表明非球形粒子条件下的PDA信号相位差是理想粒子条件下PDA信号相位差的无偏估计 .提出了基于对象分类识别的非球形粒子的检测方法 ,利用模糊模式识别中的群体识别技术 ,计算对象特性与参照物特性的贴近度 ,根据择近原则判断对象的类别及数量 .实验表明 ,不规则粒子的统计分类及其识别具有实用价值  相似文献   

从当前网络发展的趋势出发,对当前PDA的软件和硬件的技术水平和应用前景,以及对B/S结构的基于W eb的office电子政务办公系统的应用和设计做了一个研究与探讨。同时,对以实现移动互联为目标的基于PDA的W eb-office系统作了设计。  相似文献   

高校实施电子校务必然产生大量的电子文件,电子文件归档已成为高校档案管理的一项新技术工程,这项工程存在着亟待解决的问题,高校档案管理面临着新的挑战.文章就高校电子文件归档管理存在的归档意识、管理机制、人员素质三个问题提出了新的对策.  相似文献   

Despite a rise in the use of handheld computers in classrooms, meaningful learning with personal digital assistant (PDA) technology remains poorly studied. We report results from an evaluation of customized handheld data collection software, the BioKIDS Sequence, which was used during an 8-week biodiversity curriculum unit by 5th and 6th grade students in southeastern Michigan. We provide new information on design decisions and usability of our customized software; discuss learner use and preferences; and report rates of data accuracy. Most students were able to enter simple animal observations using an icon-driven, largely linear interface. The interface helped expand the types of data students were aware of, and allowed them to view and review their entries and flag them as uncertain, factors important in supporting accurate data collection. Other BioKIDS research indicates students were subsequently able to see simple patterns in their data to guide the formulation of future hypotheses, questions, or conclusions. The BioKIDS Sequence and PDA technology therefore represent a meaningful use of technology to support scientific reasoning.  相似文献   

根据工程实践,采用PDA作为水准测量记录手簿的硬件设备,开发了一种基于WindowsCE系统的水准测量记录手簿,实现水准测量记录的半自动化,克服手工记录效率低,易记录错误等缺点,满足了野外水准测量数据记录的需要。  相似文献   

The performances of predictive discriminant analysis (PDA) and logistic regression (LR) for the 2-group classification problem were compared. The authors used a fully crossed 3-factor experimental design (sample size, group proportions, and equal or unequal covariance matrices) and 2 data patterns. When the 2 groups had equal covariance matrices, PDA and LR performed comparably for the conditions of both equal and unequal group proportions. When the 2 groups had unequal covariance matrices (4:1, as implemented in this study) and very different group proportions, PDA and LR differed somewhat with regard to the classification error rates of the 2 groups, but the classification error rates of the 2 methods for the total sample remained comparable. Sample size played a relatively minor role in the classification accuracy of the 2 methods, except when LR was used under relatively small sample-size conditions.  相似文献   

为满足保险代理人随时随地进行保险展业和处理客户信息的需要,采用嵌入式掌上电脑技术开发PDA保险营销应用软件和PC桌面软件,文章详细介绍了系统的功能以及各关键技术的实现方法。该保险PDA能为保险代理人提供全面的保险展业支持和客户、保单管理通过PDA数据线与计算机连接完成险种更新和客户、保单的同步和PDA软件的升级。  相似文献   

In this paper, different perspectives on the role of the teacher in a classroom equipped with personal digital assistants (PDAs) are presented. We report on four classroom studies conducted in two countries, Norway and the USA. The overall aim is to understand the use of new tools in different contexts. The key question that we explore concerns the teachers’ pedagogical use of the new tool and why certain tools are adopted and others are not. In one case, the activities simulated the affordances and constraints of the tools used prior to the PDA. In the other case, the activities harnessed the affordances and constraints offered by the successor tool, the PDA. We raise the question as to why these tools were used in two different ways. We analyse our findings in terms of sociocultural theory and concepts of human–computer interaction. Finally, we summarize our results and discuss some educational implications.  相似文献   

Electronic communication is characteristically concerned with 'the message' (eM), those who send them (S), and those who receive and read them (R). This relationship could be simplified into the equation eM = S + R. When this simple equation is applied to electronic communication, several elements are added that make this straightforward act of sending and receiving a message more complex. These new elements are characteristics such as asynchronicity, unknown senders and readers, non-linear text and the absence of non-verbal cues. What is apparent is that the complexity of these messages lies in their impact outside the online environment. It is clear from the messages themselves that the information is being applied to real, authentic contexts and is not limited to the online environment. Conversational analysis frameworks must attempt to understand this complexity if the meaning of electronic messages is to be understood. This paper proposes a new conversational analysis framework, the electronic conversational analysis framework (eCAF), for use with electronic communication. The eCAF has been designed as a new methodological tool that incorporates the unique virtual/real worlds that individuals participate in and links these two locations to the phases of electronic discussions.  相似文献   

针对交通管理过程中对处理驾驶员违章工作的“金卡”化工程进行了需求分析,给出了可行的、先进的、以基于GPRS无线网络通讯技术PDA手机和非接触式射频IC卡为终端设备的移动交通执勤系统整体方案,并对系统的网络结构、系统流程和技术可行性做了详细的介绍.  相似文献   

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