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This study analyzed the activity of expert table tennis players during a match, in reference to course of action theory (Theureau, 1992). Matches were videotaped, and the players' verbalizations as they viewed the tapes were collected a posteriori. The data was analyzed by (a) transcribing the players' actions and verbalizations, (b) decomposing their activity into elementary units of meaning, and (c) grouping the elementary units into larger sets. The results showed that the matches began with an inquiry into the specific features of the opponent's play. This was followed by reproducing the actions identified as effective during the inquiry. The results are discussed in relation to the role of training in expert performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine what visual information expert soccer players encode when they are asked to make a decision. We used a repetition-priming paradigm to test the hypothesis that experts encode a soccer pattern's structure independently of the players' physical characteristics (i.e., posture and morphology). The participants were given either realistic (digital photos) or abstract (three-dimensional schematic representations) soccer game patterns. The results showed that the experts benefited from priming effects regardless of how abstract the stimuli were. This suggests that an abstract representation of a realistic pattern (i.e., one that does not include visual information related to the players'physical characteristics) is sufficient to activate experts'specific knowledge during decision making. These results seem to show that expert soccer players encode and store abstract representations of visual patterns in memory.  相似文献   

网球发球技术的生物力学分析   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
采用高速立体摄像和现场调研等方法,对我国男,女网球选手的发球技术进行了分析,从生物力学角度对抛球,击球动作技术冯及动作节奏问题的本质做了探讨,认为抛球高度落差过大是造成球爆发用力动作不连贯的主要根源;提高发球重点是要发挥躯干力量,就采用螺旋式向上用力技术,上技心地球折有最后加速功能,但更重要的是控制用力方向和球的落点;新、旧发球技术在用力节奏上有着本质性区别,新的发球动作节奏更符合动作作目的和人体  相似文献   

影响冰球运动员控制比赛节奏因素的研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
现代冰球比赛的制胜特点表明,对抗双方对比赛节奏和球权的控制与反控制成为掌握场上主动权的关键。通过文献资料查询法、问卷和访问调查方法,对影响冰球运动员控制比赛节奏的因素进行分析和研究,结果表明:教练员与运动员对体能、技术和战术因素影响冰球运动员控制比赛节奏的认同率较高,对其他因素的认同率较低。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法和比较分析法,对第8届CUBA联赛集美大学男篮参加的7场比赛的攻防能力进行分析,结果显示,集美大学男篮有较强的进攻得分能力,内线进攻、快攻及拼抢篮板球能力优于比赛对手,队员的助攻能力较弱,主动失误次数较多,中距离的投篮命中率较低;整体防守效果较好,队员防守技术动作合理、规范,但防守的攻击性与破坏性相对不足,抢断球能力较弱。提出应加强队员身体对抗能力的训练,培养外线投手,提高支配球及转移球的能力。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、专家访谈法,了解足球训练过程中出现的早期专项化、急功近利思想、虚报年龄以大打小等现象产生的原因。通过将股票期权理论应用于足球运动员培养过程中,使培养单位放弃眼前微小利益,着眼于运动员的最终成才给培养单位带来的巨大利益上。从根本上解决足球运动员培养过程中产生的不良现象。分析现存的足球运动员培养方式,认为股票期权理论在足球运动员成长过程中的应用将会起到积极的作用。结果表明,运动员期权有利于克服短期行为;有利于提高培养单位的工作积极性;有利于增加社会对足球训练的投入,缓解国家投资不足的困难。  相似文献   

不同赛期优秀足球运动员血红蛋白、血清睾酮的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用跟踪实验法,对国内甲A足球队在联赛前、联赛中调整期和赛事密集期3个不同时期的Hb、T的跟踪测试.发现不同赛期的Hb、T呈相应的变化,提示Hb、T作为运动员机能状态监控的参考指标具有一定的实用价值;T和Hb有低度相关性;在赛事密集期,运动员的Hb值低于“有氧运动亚理想值”,提示可能有过度疲劳的现象及运动性贫血的趋势。  相似文献   

我国足球运动水平上不去与我们对足球运动员竞技能力系统认识上存在的偏差有着直接的关系,这种认识上的问题导致了我们的训练实践与比赛实际相脱离,使训练不能满足比赛的需要。以足球运动员竞技能力系统和构成这个系统的各要素为对象,采用逻辑分析法、文献研究法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等,对足球运动员竞技能力系统进行了构建,确立了其系统结构层次及要素。试图对我国运动训练理论体系进行充实和完善,为促进和推动我国足球运动训练水平的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

探讨教师因素对体育课中小学和初中学生身体活动水平影响的差异。以上海市284节体育课中小学和初中学生身体活动水平及其任课教师为调查对象,通过测量法、观察法和调查法等分析不同学段体育课中学生身体活动水平、教师教学行为现状及教师因素(包括性别、教龄和教学行为)与体育课中学生身体活动水平的关系。结果显示:小学和初中学生体育课中MVPA时间百分比均未达到50%的课堂时间标准,且两者间无显著差异;小学和初中体育课中教师在教学指导和课堂管理行为上的用时均为最高,小学教师的课堂管理行为和动作示范行为用时显著高于初中教师,而初中教师的教学指导行为和观察行为用时显著高于小学教师;小学和初中体育课中男教师执教班级的MVPA时间百分比均高于女教师,而教龄仅与小学生体育课MVPA时间百分比有显著负相关关系。教师的促进健康行为对小学和初中体育课MVPA时间百分比均有显著正向影响,而观察行为仅对初中生体育课中MVPA时间百分比有显著正向影响。研究表明:教师因素对小学和初中体育课学生身体活动水平影响存在较大差异,今后应针对不同学段学生采取有针对性的干预措施。  相似文献   

对海口市举重运动员运动损伤的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过运用文献资料法,实践法对海口举重运动员肩袖,手腕,腰膝等部位损伤的性质及损伤的原因进行分析,找出其受伤的规律,针对30名运动员在训练中所产生的运动损伤做了统计和调查,提高分析总结原因是:由于举重运动训练经常出现翻铃,提铃,支撑等动作,所以,运动员在做极限运动时就容易出现损伤.发生运动损伤的主要原因,一方面是运动员缺乏一些必要的运动损伤的知识,另一方面就是运动员的生理、心理状态差,训练计划不合理.针对这些些问题做了调查和研究并提出的对策.  相似文献   

This article reports a highly elite orienteer's cognitive activity over the course of two international competitions. We characterize the orienteer's concerns in relation to the problems raised during the competitions. The participant wore a head-mounted video camera throughout the competitions to enable the capture of an events record from the participant's perspective. During a post-performance self-confrontation interview, the participant was played the video and asked to describe his activity in relation to the events observed. The interview data were then used to identify the orienteer's concerns at each instant during the races. These "local" concerns were then compared and subsequently classified to characterize the typical concerns of the participant. Results showed three typical concerns: (a) find the controls faster than the opponents; (b) optimize running pace throughout the race; and (c) reflect on actions undertaken during performance. Results suggest the performer used a range of knowledge-driven strategies that enhanced the efficiency of task performance, and flexibly switched between strategies and decision-options in the face of presented changes in the task status. He also engaged in various reflective processes concurrent with performance that augmented the use of these strategies. In conclusion, this study provides insight into the cognitive processes underlying expert performance in sports characterized by decision-making under complexity, uncertainty, and time pressure.  相似文献   

篮球运动员专项体能特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等,对篮球专项体能从身体形态、身体机能、身体素质、心理4个方面进行分析,结合问卷调查,确定篮球运动的体能特点.促进篮球体能训练的科学化、系统化.从而实现篮球竞技水平的提高.  相似文献   

分析了足球运动员顶撞裁判员行为产生的原因,并指出控制和预防这种行为的各种方法。从运动员的认知、裁判员的引导和管理部门的责任这3个方面提出了建议和对策,来控制和预防足球运动员顶撞裁判员事件的发生。  相似文献   


This article reports a highly elite orienteer's cognitive activity over the course of two international competitions. We characterize the orienteer's concerns in relation to the problems raised during the competitions. The participant wore a head-mounted video camera throughout the competitions to enable the capture of an events record from the participant's perspective. During a post-performance self-confrontation interview, the participant was played the video and asked to describe his activity in relation to the events observed. The interview data were then used to identify the orienteer's concerns at each instant during the races. These “local” concerns were then compared and subsequently classified to characterize the typical concerns of the participant. Results showed three typical concerns: (a) find the controls faster than the opponents; (b) optimize running pace throughout the race; and (c) reflect on actions undertaken during performance. Results suggest the performer used a range of knowledge-driven strategies that enhanced the efficiency of task performance, and flexibly switched between strategies and decision-options in the face of presented changes in the task status. He also engaged in various reflective processes concurrent with performance that augmented the use of these strategies. In conclusion, this study provides insight into the cognitive processes underlying expert performance in sports characterized by decision-making under complexity, uncertainty, and time pressure.  相似文献   

以120名CUBA运动员为研究对象,以成就动机测量表AMS为工具,分析了CUBA运动员的成就动机水平。研究结果表明:(1)CUBA运动员追求成功的动机均高于避免失败的动机;(2)CUBA男运动员成就动机水平显著高于CUBA女运动员;(3)CUBA低年级运动员成就动机水平显著高于CUBA高年级运动员。  相似文献   

男子跆拳道运动员横踢技术动作生物力学特征分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用4台数码摄像机对10名山东省男子跆拳道运动员横踢动作进行同步拍摄,并用德国SIMI motion 录像解析系统对测试结果进行三维图像解析,旨在揭示男子跆拳道运动员横踢技术特点,以及髋、膝、踝等各个关节、角度运动学特征.结果显示:1)男子运动员在横踢动作中,提膝转髋、踢击、收腿三个阶段所占时间比例分别为35%、20%、45%.2)在横踢过程中运动员Z轴重心位移起伏较大,数值升高变化特征明显,可有效提高踢击效果.3)在横踢动作中,未发现跆拳道运动员的左支撑脚内旋达180°.4)跆拳道运动员左支撑腿位置并非是固定不变的,而是根据踢击目标的需要,不断调节支撑脚的滑动位置.  相似文献   

篮球运动员竞赛心理特征及赛前心理训练研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合多年带队训练、比赛的实践经验,分析了篮球运动员的心理特征。并针对心理特征提出了赛前心理调整和训练的具体方法。教练员在篮球训练和竞赛中应注重探索不同类型运动员的心理变化规律,研究有效的心理训练方法;应强化赛前训练,帮助运动员确立积极的技术心理定向。  相似文献   

CUBA男子篮球运动员身体素质测试方法与测试指标研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用特尔菲法和数理统计法对所设计的CUBA男篮球运动员的身体素质测试方法进行筛选并用于试验。主要结果显示:CUBA男篮运动员外线队员在灵敏、腰腹力量、速度耐力和一般耐力方面的素质高于内线队员,但其它身体素质之间没有显著性差异,后卫队员的综合素质能力要高于中锋队员。身体素质成套测试与教练员的定性评定结果具有较高的一致性,能够较为全面反映出运动员身体素质的真实水平。  相似文献   

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