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当今农村民族社区儿童上中学者显著增多。他们进入中学这一更富于文化多样性的场景,可能面临较复杂的心理适应问题。国内涵化视角的研究较为薄弱。西方跨文化心理学的涵化研究,关注文化接触中不同群体持续双向互动对个体适应的影响,其概念和方法值得有批判地借鉴。本文主要论述了农村民族学生涵化与心理适应研究的意义、设计的概念与理论框架以及应注意的技术问题。  相似文献   

涵化是跨文化研究中的重要课题之一。涵化理论主要研究移民思维、情感以及交流方式适应新文化的转型过程,近年来关于这一适应过程的描述和理解,出现了从单向线性到互动多维的转变和发展。翻译作为一项跨文化交际行为,直接见证了不同文化的相互接触、交流、融合乃至创新的过程。目前翻译研究将涵化等同于归化策略的观点,没有摆脱以单向线性的思维看待文化适应的陈旧模式。翻译研究者有必要吸收跨文化研究中新的洞见,推进对翻译中涵化现象的研究从方向到维度、从结果到过程、从现象描述到机理探讨的转变,从而对翻译中的文化接触与适应提供更为充分解释。  相似文献   

古罗马音乐“涵化”现象探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任何一种传统文化,都对人们现实的一切活动,政治的、经济的、文化艺术的发挥着影响,这种多种文化元素混合和合并的过程被称为涵化现象。文化涵化是不同文化间的交流融会,并在此基础上形成新的文化概念、新的文化形态的历史现象。文章从文化的涵化概念出发,以古罗马音乐文化传播为线索,分析了古罗马音乐文化的涵化现象及其形成的驱动因素,探讨了文化多样性形成的作用与机理,以及涵化与社会变革、文化传统的关联性。  相似文献   

教师的学科知识是目前教育研究中一个非常重要的领域.在数学方面,以往的探讨主要有两个方向:一类研究教师对数学概念的理解;另一类则研究教师埘数学法则的理解.然而,数学的概念与法则只是数学学科知识的一个方面,数学问题解决的实践知识是数学学科知识中更重要的一个方面.通过研究我们发现,在数学教师的学科知识中有几种不同类型的问题解决的实践知识:使用命题知识解决问题的实践经验、策略知识和问题图式.这些知识在问题解决中的作用至关重要,是教师学科知识的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

近二十多年,概念转变教学一直国内学者们研究的热点问题。其中,概念转变策略是概念转变教学过程中的重点问题。文章分析我国二十多年来概念转变研究文献,从显化阶段、转变阶段以及应用阶段三个方面对我国概念转变策略研究进行了梳理。  相似文献   

涵化作为一种复杂的社会文化现象,是移民在迁入地必然要经历的一个漫长而艰辛的变迁过程。笔者以永仁县莲池乡凹泥奔新村移民为例,通过移民内在、外在文化变迁的分析来探讨移民的涵化问题。研究发现,该地移民涵化正处在外在变迁向内在变迁过渡的阶段,外在变迁是内在变迁的基础条件,移民主要通过文化整合的方式来实现与当地居民的互动与融合。  相似文献   

国内对于学习分析技术的研究集中在学习分析技术相关概念的理论探讨、学习分析技术的应用研究以及学习分析系统框架的构建三个方面,虽然每个研究者对于学习分析技术概念的陈述有所不同,但对于其核心表达是一致的。在学习分析技术的要素和过程方面,研究者主要是对Siemens.G关于其要素和过程分析结果的重组;在其应用研究方面,国内已有文献对于学习分析技术的研究主要集中于理论概念的概述,实践应用的设计与创新相对比较缺失;在发展前景和挑战方面,研究者普遍认为学习分析技术在教育领域有很大的应用价值,并强调扩大数据收集范围以及数据安全是未来重要的挑战。  相似文献   

“黄佤”族群长期与傣族、汉族杂居,经过长期的文化涵化,“黄佤”在语言、风俗习惯、民间信仰等方面形成了自己独特的不同于其它佤族支系的文化。但“黄佤”文化涵化过程中,民族认同与其传统文化决定着涵化的方向.涵化只改变了“黄佤”文化的表象,未改变其对佤族的认同。涵化作用下“黄佤”族群形成。  相似文献   

“黄佤”族群长期与傣族、汉族杂居,经过长期的文化涵化,“黄佤”在语言、风俗习惯、民间信仰等方面形成了自己独特的不同于其它佤族支系的文化。但“黄佤”文化涵化过程中,民族认同与其传统文化决定着涵化的方向.涵化只改变了“黄佤”文化的表象,未改变其对佤族的认同。涵化作用下“黄佤”族群形成。  相似文献   

修辞策略的风格是修辞学研究的一个新课题,对深化修辞策略研究、提升修辞策略艺术水准以及进行高品位鉴赏具有重要意义.文章着重探讨、论述修辞策略风格的概念、审美价值、分类主要标准和形成条件等四个主要问题.  相似文献   

近十几年来,对中国移民群体文化适应的研究在数量上呈现出明显增长的趋势。已有的与中国移民文化适应有关的研究涉及到与亲子关系和教养方式、身份认同与满意感、身心健康水平、价值观念等因素与文化适应的关系,也对文化适应与这些因素相互作用的心理机制进行了探讨。今后的研究应进一步从中国文化历史和价值观的大背景下分析中国移民文化适应的特点,将这一研究主题推向深入。  相似文献   

This study explored the interplay between a multidimensional model of acculturation and professional identity development among eight foreign-born doctoral students in U.S. counselor education. Themes generated through an interpretive phenomenological analysis revealed that the participants, while trying to adapt to the Euro-American cultural context of their counselor programs, experienced a sense of conflict, loss, and grief, resulting in what they called a “chameleonic” professional identity. Findings illustrated that for international counseling students, professional identity development is an arduous and complex process deeply intertwined with their acculturation experiences. Implications for counselor programs and future research are further discussed.  相似文献   

在多元文化教育背景下,少数民族大学生文化适应问题引起了学术界的关注,积累了不少有理论及实践价值的学术文献。通过对已有文献的整理和归类,发现目前相关研究主要集中在少数民族大学生文化适应状况调查、影响因素及教育引导对策等方面,并对少数民族大学生文化适应的研究趋势进行了展望,最后指出了今后相关研究的重点方向,希望以此为少数民族大学生文化适应研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between acculturation level and vocational identity among 112 graduate and undergraduate Taiwanese international students attending two midwestern universities. The results revealed that Taiwanese international students who were older and who had a shorter length of U.S. residency were more likely to identify themselves as Asian. The results also indicated that Taiwanese international students who were older and who had a lower acculturation level had higher vocational identity.  相似文献   

Background: The achievement gap between immigrant and non-immigrant students that has been identified in most OECD countries and the considerable educational dropout rate among students from ethnic minority backgrounds in some countries have become serious challenges for national educational systems. The educational underachievement of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds is embedded in the process of their acculturation. In the tradition of cross-cultural psychology, acculturation describes individual or ethno-cultural group changes in behaviour and attitudes in the situation of intercultural contact. Such cultural changes are central to the experience of ethnic minority students including newly arriving immigrants, children of immigrants and members of marginalised ethnic and racial groups. Acculturation has been described as a stressful process, and acculturation orientations adopted by young people from ethnic minority backgrounds have been shown to have an impact on their adjustment.

Purpose: The school context has been recognised to be the crucial context for acculturation of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds. The academic achievement of these students is thus embedded in the acculturation process, which involves cultural identity development, psychological adjustment and behavioural adjustment. The study is aimed at analysing and systematising the findings of empirical research on acculturation in the school context with a focus on the academic achievement of young people from minority backgrounds.

Design and methods: For this study, 29 peer-reviewed articles from a total of 348 articles that matched the search criteria in the database of the Education Resources Information Centre were selected according to inclusion criteria. The selected articles addressed academic achievement of young people from minority backgrounds in relation to at least one of the issues of acculturation such as cultural identity, psychological adjustment and behavioural adjustment. The articles were analysed by applying the method of qualitative content analysis, using MAXQDA software. The findings presented in the selected articles were analysed and integrated according to a deductively developed and inductively enriched category system.

Conclusions: Overall, the results of our analysis offer insight into issues of acculturation in relation to academic achievement. Moreover, our findings reveal the complexity of the relationship between cultural transition and school adjustment for young people. As shown in our review, although a bi-cultural orientation was predominantly positively related to school adjustment of minority students, some studies also identified assimilative attitudes as advantageous for students’ academic achievement as well as for their psychological and behavioural adjustment. Moreover, our study has also shown that young people’s acculturative attitudes may have a different impact on their school adjustment relative to acculturative behaviours.  相似文献   

马树芳  林森兰 《海外英语》2011,(8):94-95,105
It is known that the IELTS test has not been a good predictor of English capability in academic settings. More information is required. Are students not motivated to keep improving their English; what obstacles do they face? The English language issues facing international students from China at one University are explored through a survey and focus groups. It is observed that a lack of motivation is not the key factor. Rather one core problem is the very difficult demands of acculturation within a short time frame which would enable confidence for the students to continue to engage with other English speaking students. When faced with such immediate and hard to achieve acculturation, many retreat to their language groups. In the academic context, support for the transition to discipline based academic genres is double difficult as the time frame for second language learners is longer, but performance requirements are more immediate. Many first language students also have difficulties in this area, but have the easier language path to mastery. The study draws usefully on a comparison made with students studying English in China.  相似文献   

文化适应问题研究:西方的理论与模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着全球化进程在20世纪下半期的深化与扩展以及人们跨国及跨地区流动的增加,文化适应问题得到了西方研究者广泛的关注和研究。至今人们已提出了多个不同的文化适应理论和模型,其中影响比较深远的有:Berry的"跨文化适应模型",它区分了文化适应的四种不同类型;Ward的"文化适应过程模型",它描述了文化适应的过程及社会心理层面上的影响因素;还有Danckwortt的"对陌生文化的适应理论",它全面总结并分析了文化适应的特点、领域、过程和阶段。批判地借鉴和发展这三个理论与模型对于推进我国对留学生和少数民族学生的文化适应问题的研究以及本土化文化适应理论的构建,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Many Iraqi refugee students in the United States suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as acculturation stresses. These stresses often create challenges for their integration into U.S. schools. The project explored risk factors such as the length of educational gaps in transit, PTSD, and separation and marginalization acculturation, as well as protective factors such as resilience, self-esteem, and integration and assimilation. We conducted bivariate correlations and multiple regression to examine the relationship between factors and predicting school adjustment using variables among 100 Iraqi refugee high school students in the Detroit area. The results showed that the educational gaps (negatively), and assimilation and resilience (positively), are the strongest predictors for school adjustment. PTSD incurred by Iraqis as a result of events experienced before and during their migration from Iraq are related to their self-esteem and separation acculturation, while educational gaps are related to their marginalization as well as to their integration.  相似文献   

藏族大学生的民族认同及其影响因素研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
藏族大学生的民族认同主要包括主流化认同、积极的民族认同以及消极的民族认同等三方面;藏族大学生民族认同的不同方面其影响因素互有差异,但总体而言,汉族朋友的数量、学习汉语的时间、父母的民族身份以及汉族的接受性等影响藏族大学生的民族认同;除了消极的民族认同与整合的化适应策略之间不存在相关外,民族认同的其他维度与化适应的其他维度之间都存在显的相关。  相似文献   

文化适应研究已经成为跨文化心理学研究的一个重要组成部分。首先阐述了文化适应这一概念产生的背景和定义,并且分析了文化适应理论研究的两个主要模型,最后就文化适应在多元文化社会中的体现做了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

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