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左侧支撑是指标枪最后一个交叉步左脚内侧着地后,通过左脚,左腿到肩的连线做强有力的制动和支撑用力。左侧支撑的好坏直接影响到最后用力。所谓的最后用力是指运动员保持器械由助跑获得的速度不受损失,并再继续加速向投掷方向运动中不停顿,并且充分动员参与投掷工作的肌肉群预先拉紧,又快速地收缩产生爆发力  相似文献   

1、左腿支撑用力工作过程在滑步时,当左腿完成了向投掷方向的摆动,积极下落时,左脚尖略微向外转并带动髋部向左侧转动,尽快地使左脚下压着地,以取得双腿支撑。两脚的着地时间越接近越好,使滑步与最后用力动作衔接得更紧凑,随着左腿的积极下压形成良好的左侧支撑,为最后用力动作奠定了良好的基础。左侧应以脚掌内侧,落在投掷圈中心线的左侧,靠近抵趾板处,右脚跟、左脚尖几乎在一条直线上。  相似文献   

采用遥测肌电测试并结合影像解析,对我国优秀男子铅球运动员张竣旋转推铅球单支撑阶段的主要用力肌肉及其用力顺序、用力范围和主要用力肌肉之间的协调关系等问题进行了研究.研究结果表明,张竣单支撑阶段主要发力肌肉是左腿起支撑作用的肌肉(左腿股外侧肌和左腿腓肠肌)和维持身体姿势的肌肉(右侧背阔肌和右腿股二头肌);主要发力肌肉的用力顺序(左腿腓肠肌内侧→左腿股外侧肌→右腿股二头肌→右侧背阔肌中部)是按照由下往上、由左至右进行的;张竣单支撑阶段主要肌肉的用力范围(即肌肉横跨关节的角度变化值):肩髋夹角为26.3°~52.1°、左髋角为116.7°~168.7°、左腿膝关节角度为120.7°~156.3°、右膝角为79.2°~172.7°、右髋角为112.5°~143.5°;张竣在单支撑阶段右腿肌肉用力的协调性不好,主动肌(右腿股内侧肌)发力时,拮抗肌(右腿股二头肌)没有适时放松,影响了其肌肉做功的整体效果.  相似文献   

投掷标枪受伤,一般都在投掷臂肘关节处,膝关节受伤很少发生.女运动员陈某在一次运动会的标枪比赛中,左膝关节严重受伤,当即不能行动.后经医生诊断为内侧半月板碎裂,建议手术治疗.为了防止类似事故发生,我们了解了她的有关情况:她在比赛中穿的标枪投掷鞋,新钉较长.煤碴场地,最后用力时, 左腿用足内扣、使足内侧先着地制动,在右腿用力蹬地转体时,突然疼痛摔倒.通过对这次受伤事故的分析,问题出在左侧支撑技术上.膝关节内有内、外侧两个半月板,其上面与股骨内、外髁相接触,下面与胫骨内、外髁相接触,两个半月板都是外缘厚而中央薄,上面凹陷,以适  相似文献   

膝关节受伤以后,最早出现萎缩的肌肉是股四头肌内侧头。足球运动员膝关节伤病多,所以对其股四头肌肌粗值进行定量分析,具有实际意义。以体表形态数据建立数学模型,推导出股四头肌肌粗值,建立了统一的对比衡量标准。肌粗值的变化,首先是受髌骨上5cm 外缘腿围影响,其次是受髌中围的影响,相关程度分别为高度相关和低度相关,而肌粗值与髌骨上10cm 外缘腿围间变化呈不相关。  相似文献   

支撑阶段是撑竿跳高技术的重点部分,结合水平面、穴斗、横竿对运动员支撑部分进行生物力学分析,能更清楚地描述运动员的技术特征.对我国优秀女子撑竿跳高运动员比赛进行拍摄、数据分析、绘制图像,得出我国女子撑竿跳高部分运动员在支撑阶段身体重心和撑竿距离较远,运动员在推竿前身体重心过早离竿等技术特征.  相似文献   

(二)接球技术训练脚内侧接地滚球、反弹球、空中球技术学习中易犯的错误与纠正方法。首先明确其动作要领。脚内侧接地滚球动作要领:支撑脚正对来球,膝关节微屈稳固支撑身体重心,保证身体重心的平衡稳定。接球腿屈膝外转并前迎,接球脚以脚内侧部位触球,在球与脚接触的瞬间前,开始向后回撤缓冲来球力量,在后撤过程中将球接在自己的控制范围之内和下一个动作需要的位置上。脚内侧接反弹球动作要领:支撑脚在球的落点的侧前方(根据接球的方向不同,可以调整支撑脚的位置),膝关节屈曲稳定支撑身体重心,保证身体重心的平衡。上体稍向接球方向倾斜并稍前倾。接球脚提起,踝关节适当紧张(脚尖适当勾起),用脚内侧部位对准球的反弹路线。当球落地反弹刚离地面时,用接球脚的脚内侧触压球的外侧中上部,将球接在支撑脚的附近位置以便连接下一个动作。  相似文献   

<正>有医学专家称:"说得恐怖些,我们的膝关节只有15年左右的好时光",其余的时间里,都会因为不同的原因而出现不同类型的疼痛。青少年时期会出现膝关节生长发育疼痛。15岁~30岁:是膝关节最完美的时期,机能处于最佳状态。30岁~40岁:膝关节髌骨软骨产生了早期轻度磨损,会出现一次脆弱期,出现短期的膝关节酸痛。40岁~50岁:膝关节内侧容易出现酸痛,那是因为在膝关节中,半月板的作用是缓冲震动、保持稳定,有神经分布,人体的60%体重都是由膝关节内侧支撑,因此内侧半月板的退变发生也比较早,能感受到酸痛。50岁以上:膝关节会感觉到明显疼痛,这是因为髌骨软骨的"使用寿命"已到,软甘  相似文献   

研究目的从运动员选材角度探讨跳深实验中支撑时间与下肢形态等因素相关关系.研究对象:为上海市一、二线短跑和中长跑共84名运动员,其中男子短跑运动员34名,女子短跑运动员19名,男子中长跑运动员21名,女子中长跑10名.方法:所有研究对象均进行身高、体重、下肢形态、反应时、跳深实验测试,然后分组研究支撑时间与以上等因素相关关系.结果:男子比踝围指数小的组支撑时间快于比踝围指数大的组趋势;男子比跟腱指数大的组支撑时间都快于比跟腱指数小的组趋势;男子训练时间长的组支撑时间快于训练时间短的组;性别分组,男子支撑时间快于女子支撑时间趋势;男子反应时快组的支撑时间快于反应时慢组趋势;以上各项影响因素,女子结果与男子不尽一致.结论:下肢形态、性别、训练年限及反应时对跳深实验过程中的支撑时间都有一定的影响,但可能由于优秀样本量的较少原因,一些结果只出现一致性趋势,未出现显著性意义,男女结果也不尽一致,后续可以增加优秀运动员样本量进一步证实.  相似文献   

通过改进了的高速摄像及录像解析法,并结合"时间标准化"的方法、数理统计法,系统揭示了不同水平短跑运动员支撑过程中支撑腿与摆动腿下肢各关节的角运动之差异,以及优秀运动员的运动学特点.  相似文献   

论述了国内外轮滑工具原始发明与现代轮滑与轮滑装备工程技术的融合发展的状况,着重对速度轮滑装备的轮滑鞋、服装、训练器械等内涵关键技术要素进行了分析,认为轮滑鞋的轴承、滑轮内轮辐、滑轮外缘橡胶、滑轮架、服装、训练器械是通过本身的技术性能特征来实现技术的目标。提出轮滑装备器材的先进技术为比赛竞争者创造了优势条件;轮滑装备器材的发展创新既促进轮滑运动水平的提高,也创造了商品产业多元化发展的产业链;装备技术的使用者和产业者与跨学科技术融合,成为社会效益与经济效益的共赢者。  相似文献   

Dynamic forces and range of motion (ROM) were measured during on-ice skating using a standard hockey skate and a modified skate (MS) with an altered tendon guard and eyelet configuration. The objective of this study was to determine if these modifications resulted in biomechanical and performance changes during on-ice skating skills. The right skate of each type was instrumented with a calibrated strain gauge force transducer system to measure medial?Clateral and vertical forces during ice skating. In addition, a goniometer was placed about the ankle and rear foot to measure ROM during skating. Ten subjects executed three skills: forward skating, crossovers inside foot and crossovers outside foot. The MS demonstrated significant gains of 5°?C9° in dorsi-plantarflexion ROM (p?<?0.05). Total peak force occurred later during plantarflexion, suggesting a more prolonged and effective force generation with the MS during a given skating stride. A 14?C20?% increase (p?>?0.05) in mean work and power output was noted with the MS, although no improved times were observed during the skating skills. Potentially, some players may need a period of familiarization to take advantage of the design alterations of the MS.  相似文献   

文章运用访谈法、文献资料法等研究方法,从膝关节的解剖学和生物力学特征的角度论证了“摆”、“扣”在太极拳教学中的地位和作用,并指出:太极拳练习中不能正确地运用“摆”、“扣”是造成膝关节损伤的最主要致因,正确地掌握和运用“摆”、“扣”技术是预防和避免膝关节损伤的关键.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to: (1) adapt the "double-push" technique from inline skating to cross-country skiing; (2) compare this new skiing technique with the conventional skate skiing cross-country technique; and (3) test the hypothesis that the double-push technique improves skiing speed in a short sprint. 13 elite skiers performed maximum-speed sprints over 100 m using the double-push skate skiing technique and using the conventional "V2" skate skiing technique. Pole and plantar forces, knee angle, cycle characteristics, and electromyography of nine lower body muscles were analysed. We found that the double-push technique could be successfully transferred to cross-country skiing, and that this new technique is faster than the conventional skate skiing technique. The double-push technique was 2.9 +/- 2.2% faster (P < 0.001), which corresponds to a time advantage of 0.41 +/- 0.31 s over 100 m. The double-push technique had a longer cycle length and a lower cycle rate, and it was characterized by higher muscle activity, higher knee extension amplitudes and velocities, and higher peak foot forces, especially in the first phase of the push-off. Also, the foot was more loaded laterally in the double-push technique than in the conventional skate skiing technique.  相似文献   

刘锋 《冰雪运动》2014,(6):93-96
冰刀结构、冰刀研磨、运动服装等非运动员主体条件的技术创新不仅丰富了速度滑冰训练理论的完善,对速度滑冰技术的改进亦起到决定性作用。短道速滑运动员使用槽刃冰刀可以增大运动员弯道滑行时法线方向冰刀与冰面之间的斜面的支撑力,可以让运动员把身体向圆心方向倾斜的程度加大、产生更大的向心力,以更快的速度滑过弯道。在4轴联动数控磨床基础上设计一台专门加工短道速滑冰刀槽刃的自动磨刀机,技术关键是将冰刀刀片与砂轮轴布置在同一水平面上、使用单斜边砂轮,这样才可以为短道速滑冰刀磨出槽刃。短道速滑冰刀槽刃数控自动磨刀机还包括工件夹具、电源、数控装置、辅助装置等其他功能组件。  相似文献   

运用三维DLT摄像法,对国内两名优秀速滑运动员直道滑行技术进行运动学分析。研究结果表明:运动员自由滑行时间和单支撑时间偏长,降低了蹬冰频率;大腿带动小腿蹬冰动作不明显,在单支撑蹬冰阶段加大髋关节的蹬伸幅度,有利于发挥肌肉力量,提高蹬冰效果;在整个蹬冰过程中髋、膝关节起主要作用,单支撑蹬冰阶段膝关节伸展幅度过小,将造成消极蹬冰,影响肌力发挥;自由滑阶段较大的膝角导致压膝幅度增大,压膝幅度越大,压膝时间越长,对蹬冰效果造成的负面影响越大。  相似文献   

Little biomechanical research has been conducted recently on hockey skating despite the sport's worldwide appeal. One reason for this lack of biomechanical knowledge stems from the difficulty of collecting data. The lack of accuracy, the disputable realism of treadmills, and the large field of view required are some of the technical challenges that have to be overcome. The main objective of the current study was to improve our knowledge of the joint kinematics during the skating stroke. A second objective was to improve the data collection system we developed and the third was to establish if a kinematic progression exists in the hockey skating stroke similar to that in speed skating. Relative motions at the knee and ankle joints were computed using a joint coordinate system approach. The differences at the knee joints in push-offs indicated that the skating skill was progressively changing with each push-off. The relative stability of the ankle angles can be attributed to the design of the skate boots, which have recently become very rigid. Further research on ice hockey skating is warranted and should include more skaters and investigate the effect various starting strategies and variations in equipment have on skaters' performance.  相似文献   

The forward skating start is a fundamental skill for male and female ice hockey players. However, performance differences by athlete’s sex cannot be fully explained by physiological variables; hence, other factors such as skating technique warrant examination. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the body movement kinematics of ice hockey skating starts between elite male and female ice hockey participants. Male (n = 9) and female (n = 10) elite ice hockey players performed five forward skating start accelerations. An 18-camera motion capture system placed on the arena ice surface captured full-body kinematics during the first seven skating start steps within 15 meters. Males’ maximum skating speeds were greater than females. Skating technique sex differences were noted: in particular, females presented ~10° lower hip abduction throughout skating stance as well as ~10° greater knee extension at initial ice stance contact, conspicuously followed by a brief cessation in knee extension at the moment of ice contact, not evident in male skaters. Further study is warranted to explain why these skating technique differences exist in relation to factors such as differences in training, equipment, performance level, and anthropometrics.  相似文献   

Little biomechanical research has been conducted recently on hockey skating despite the sport's worldwide appeal. One reason for this lack of biomechanical knowledge stems from the difficulty of collecting data. The lack of accuracy, the disputable realism of treadmills, and the large field of view required are some of the technical challenges that have to be overcome. The main objective of the current study was to improve our knowledge of the joint kinematics during the skating stroke. A second objective was to improve the data collection system we developed and the third was to establish if a kinematic progression exists in the hockey skating stroke similar to that in speed skating. Relative motions at the knee and ankle joints were computed using a joint coordinate system approach. The differences at the knee joints in push-offs indicated that the skating skill was progressively changing with each push-off. The relative stability of the ankle angles can be attributed to the design of the skate boots, which have recently become very rigid. Further research on ice hockey skating is warranted and should include more skaters and investigate the effect various starting strategies and variations in equipment have on skaters' performance.  相似文献   

踢球是决定比赛胜负的主要技术手段之一.其中,脚背内侧踢球、正脚背踢球、脚内侧踢球及脚背外侧踢球是4种最基本的踢球方法.4种踢球方法踢球腿的摆动具有相似性,运动生物力学手段对其进行研究比较发现,脚背内踢球摆动腿的大腿前摆角最大,脚内侧踢球小腿前摆角最小,脚触球时,正脚背踢球与脚背外侧踢球的小腿角速度最快,脚内侧最慢.摆动腿的摆动存在鞭打动作,但不仅仅局限于鞭打动作.  相似文献   

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