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大众传播信息合理使用原则分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principle of the rational use of the copyright of mass communication is an importamt legal system to protect the right of the social public and individuals to use information. However, this system is facing severe challenges both in technology and in benefit. This paper attempts to analyzes the problems in the principle of rational use, such as the principle of judgement, abuse restriction and the principle of rational use under the network communication conditions.  相似文献   

On 27 October 2001, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress reviewed and passed the Amendment to the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China. In Article 10 of the amended Copyright Law as of 2001 has been incorporated a new subject matter under the copyright protection: the right of communication through information network, that is, the right to make a work available to the public by wire or by wireless means, so that people may have access to the work from a place and at a time individually chosen by them. This is the first time to have put the right of communication through information network in place in the law in China. But, the legislators did not make any specific provisions concerning this right in the Copyright Law.  相似文献   

I. Background The intellectual property-related legislation has been substantially in place in China. Compared with the national laws that are not clearly discussed in theory and from which no basic, sectorial laws are made, the laws in the field of intellectual property right is more sophistic, and the legislation in this regard in China is more developed than that in most developing countries. All the successive Directors General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation of the United Nations say that "China has set a good example for the developing countries in intellectual property legislation". By the end of 2001, when China acceded to the WTO, its intellectual property legislation had reached the standard of protection under the Agreement on the Trade- related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (the TRIPS Agreement) of the WTO. This is beyond any doubt, or China would not have been accepted by the WTO. Some laws even exceed the WTO re-  相似文献   

赵霞  钱莹 《科学中国人》2014,(7S):62-62
The sexual harassment to women often happen in the China society, but the ways of civil relieving for women who have been harassed are few. Besides the factor of ancient culture, lack deep researching and comprehensive legal system safeguards about women right, sluggish justice's feedback against sexual harassment are mental elements for this difficult position.  相似文献   

How "the rights and interests in the intellectual property rights of the scientists and technicians should be protected and the entity achieving the service-related technological results should remunerate, under law, those achieving the service-related technological results and those making outstanding contribution to the transfer of the technological results" are important issues encountered in China in its efforts to improve its innovation capacity and build up a new nation. The current legal system in connection with the ownership of the right in, reward for, and remuneration to, service-related technological results in China are embodied in a variety of laws and administrative regulations, such as the Law on Progress of Science and Technology promulgated in 1993, the Law on Transfer of Science and Technology Achievements promulgated in 1996, the Patent Law amended in 2000, and the Contract Law promulgated in 1999. Following is an exploration of the main issues relating to the current legal system of service-related technological results in China, and recommendations made to improve it.  相似文献   

On 13 December 2006,the Shanghai Higher People's Court rendered its final ruling in a case of dispute arising from infringement of copyright in computer software,holding that the plaintiff specially designed an output document for- mat for bundling its own developed application for use in the product it has made,and this act had gone beyond the scope of technological protection measures provided for in the Copyright Law,and that defendant's act of circumvent- ing the output data document format of said software was not an infringement.This is the first case of using technologi- cal protective measure for product bundle in China ever since the amended Copyright Law entered into force in 2001.The ruling is of far-reaching significance in guiding the courts to hear similar cases and for the orderly development of the related industry in China.  相似文献   

云计算技术驱动下构建数字图书馆虚拟化环境的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Considering the similar objectives of the cloud computing technology and virtual digital library,this paper takes the cloud computing technology as the basic support for constructing the virtual digital library,and discusses the virtualization of digital library in the cloud computing environment.The paper also studies the integrating and sharing mechanism of virtualized resources in digital library in the cloud computing environment,and furthermore constructs a virtualized environment for digital library driven by the cloud computing technology.Thus,the paper makes an exploration of the organization pattern of virtual digital library in the cloud computing era.  相似文献   

Lawsuit Updates     
Digital library's use of another party's work of compilation established infringing copyright Civil Rulings Nos.Haiminchuzi 3352/2007 and 3353/2007 The plaintiffs,the Ethnology and Sociology Institution of the China Academy of Social Sciences and the China Arche- ological Society jointly enjoyed the copyright in the work of compilation entitled Chinese Ethnic Community Research Yearbook.The defendant,the Beijing Jinbaoxingtu Corpora- tion(Jinbao)collected,in its digital library,almost all the  相似文献   

Within the framework of the patent system in China, the patents for invention, utility mode and design are under the examination of different types: the patents for invention are examined as to substance, and those for utility model and design as to formality only, which renders the patent right for utility model and design relatively less certain and vulnerable to challenge. For example, in the infringement lawsuit involving a patent for utility model or design, the defendant often files a request with the Patent Reexamination Board (PRB) of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) for invalidation of the patent in respect of which the plaintiff, the patentee, has instituted the proceedings in the court. In case like this, the court will suspend the legal procedure under Article 136 of the Several Provisions on Issues Relating to Application of Law to Trial of Cases of Patent Disputes formulated by the Supreme People's Court.  相似文献   

The Constitution is of supreme legal force. It is a common sense knowledge that any law and administrative regulations contrary to it are not valid legally. To be frank, however, it is an arduous and gradual process to build up a nation under the rule of law. Some typical events or cases often play a tremendous role in laying the foundation of the rule of law in the law-making process in various nations. As a case in point, Marbury v. Madison, a precedent of judicial review, in the 19th century, has contributed greatly to the promotion of the rule of law in the U.S.. In 2003, three Ph.D. scholars wrote to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress because of the "Sun Zhigang Event", which resulted in the abolishment of the Measures for Housing and Sending Back Tramps/Vagrants and Beggars in Urban Areas. This event will be kept in the history of the governance under the rule of law in China. For this writer, exploration in the issue relating to the validity of duration of patent referred to in the State Intellectual Property Office's (SIPO) Gazette No.80 (hereinafter referred to as Gazette No. 80) involves an issue within the Patent Law, and, as well, of great significance to the entire legal system. These writers hope to clarify the issue of duration of the patent right by exploring the validity of Gazette No. 80. They also hope to promote the amplification of the mechanism for review of unconsttutional actions in China.  相似文献   

对数字作品著作权保护的思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The emergence of digital works has brought new problems to the existing intellectual property system.As the traditional copyright law system lags behind the rapid development of network economy,the copyright systems in many countries are being improved,so are the relevant international pacts.This paper mainly discusses the digitalization right of traditional works,the copyright and copyright ownership of digital works,the copyright processing in the development of digital works and the countermeasures for the copyright protection in the network environment.  相似文献   

计算机软件是人类思想智慧的产物,符合著作权对科学作品加以保护的法律界定。当计算机软件借助硬件介质运行,并深入地参与了传播运动之后,版权产业的地位凸显。数字时代背景下,新一轮针对数字技术和计算机技术展开的垄断,知识产权与工业产权的相互融合,似乎给版权产业划出了可以无限延伸的边界。巨大的经济利益被置放在了法律的合法保护之下;高附加值的版权产业与劳动密集型的加工产业形成了巨大分野,世界格局由此悄然重构。本文对该命题的观察和讨论,判定版权产业的变异蕴藏着西方国家悠长的战略深意。  相似文献   

数字音乐版权管理涵盖确权、用权、维权三大环节,分别面临版权归属难以确定、版权许可与版税支付壁垒、技术保护与法律保护皆不完美的问题,而区块链具有多方协同、不可篡改、可溯源、可验证、去中心化等特点,其应用可化解数字音乐版权管理的困境;此外,在确权、用权、维权三大环节也分别面临版权虚假主张的验证、实际收益未增加、区块链存证的证据性质未定等新问题。基于对区块链在数字音乐版权管理中应用的场景与挑战分析,提出中国应采取监管沙盒方式进行试验性规制的建议。  相似文献   

郑金婷 《现代情报》2009,29(3):78-80
随着数字技术的发展,在数字图书馆的建设中却面临着某些服务可能会与著作权利相冲突。通过在立法上提出对数字图书馆合理使用的范围和立法模式进行调整;完善著作权集体管理制度;法律在规定对技术措施提供保护时,就还应当根据法的公平正义的精神规定技术措施的例外,以体现著作权法的衡平精神。  相似文献   

数字图书馆版权保护技术及其规避行为的法律对策   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
版权保护是数字图书馆建设中面临的关键性问题之一。本文结合中国大陆新著作权法对数字化信息资源的版权保护条款,简要回顾了当前中国大陆数字图书馆建设在版权保护问题上的缺陷,强调应进一步加强版权保护的技术性措施;详细论述了用以保护数字化信息资源版权的主流技术,包括防拷贝技术、访问控制、内容保护、流媒体格式、数字水印以及DRM技术,对DRM技术在数字图书馆中的应用前景进行了展望;并对数字资源版权保护中可能出现的技术规避行为,提出采用先进技术、追究法律责任、改进商业模式等若干应对措施。  相似文献   

论我国《著作权法》中的法定许可制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔波 《情报科学》2005,23(1):55-60
法定许可是指根据版权法的直接规定,以特定的方式使用已经发表的版权作品,可以不经版权人许可,但是必须按法律规定向版权人支付报酬的,并尊重和保护版权人相关权益的法律制度,其实质是将版权中的某些权利从一种绝对权降格成为一种获得合理使用费的权利。  相似文献   

王英 《现代情报》2009,29(6):10-11,14
面对数字技术在图书馆的广泛使用给版权带来的巨大影响,而传统版权制度的创新尚无法对私人利益和公共利益于图书馆领域开展有效协调时,不如寻求包含"权利相互性"与"权利立法平等性"等先进立法理念的版权补偿金制度的支持,以促进版权人、图书馆及社会利益的共同实现,这项制度必将成为图书馆使用数字版权的重要法律模式之一。  相似文献   

杨红岗  苏楠  吴银雪  杨林 《情报杂志》2012,31(8):114-118,102
通过文献计量分析方法对中国学术期刊网络出版总库1996年至2011年的数字化作品版权保护论文进行研究,分析了论文的年代分布、期刊分布、学科分布、基金分布、高影响力论文等,利用文献可视化工具画图探讨了我国数字化作品版权保护的研究热点,并得出该领域的研究前沿.  相似文献   

卞长云 《情报杂志》2012,31(2):168-173
从数字参考咨询服务的产生、发展和与之相关联的版权问题入手,在理论部分重点探讨了数字参考咨询基于三种服务模式的版权问题。着重从技术角度提出数字参考咨询服务中侵犯著作权的解决方案。实践部分用生动的案例探讨分析了信息服务部门在提供咨询的过程中涉及的版权问题及对我们的启示。最后,对数字参考咨询服务中涉及的版权立法进行了展望。  相似文献   

《信息网络传播权保护条例》第七条在适用中存在着图书馆享有的合理使用权与权利人享有的著作权相冲突的问题。解决这个问题除了要从立法上完善相关的法律法规之外,图书馆还要建立健全著作权管理制度,认真遵守法定的著作权使用规范,并对部分馆藏著作权的管理引入合同机制。  相似文献   

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