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论述发展职业教育与发展国家经济之间的关系,例举韩国、新加坡、德国与澳大利亚重视职业教育对推动国家经济快速发展的经验,说明发展职业教育可以增加公民的个人经济收入;职业教育能够促使农民工、城市社会青年、学生及企业员工获取多种技术等级证书,培养整个社会人员的就业率,使个人为国民总产值的提高做出贡献;职业教育可以帮助农民工进城后掌握就业的一技之长,发财致富,有利于农村加快农村建设小康社会的步伐.  相似文献   

王思杰 《宜春学院学报》2012,(7):109-113,148
美国丰富完善的教育法建立起了强大而高效的教育体系,为美国的强盛奠定了基石。"二战"以后,美国联邦政府以更为积极的姿态介入教育的管理,一批成文的教育基本法律包括《国防教育法》、《初等与中等教育法》和《高等教育法》等相继出台实施。同时,诸多教育特别法补充与充实了美国教育体制。美国成熟的教育法可以为中国提供借鉴,包括教育立法的更加重视,多元教育体制的培养,教育公平在更大范围内的实现等。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of education of students with special needs in vocational education. The paper is based on a case study research conducted in 2001–2005 in Jyväskylä Municipal Federation of Vocational Education in Central Finland. The study consisted of two parts: firstly of the historical analysis of special educational stages, and secondly of the contemporary analysis of special educational challenges in the research target. The Developmental Work Research model was used in attempting to get a systemic view of different factors affecting a special educational entity. The study showed the importance of a holistic view. The special educational system in the research target seems to be strongly linked to the general structure of vocational education, its goals, learning principles, legislation and personnel structure. The development of vocational special education in Jyväskylä followed the strongly regulated national guidelines set for vocational special education until the end of the 1990s. At that time new legislation, structural reforms and the change from norm‐based towards an autonomous information‐based self‐government opened doors for new special educational implementation. From the perspective of teachers specialized in special educational needs (SEN‐teachers) a clear change can be seen from an autonomous, defined work towards a loss of an expertise position. However, the strong linkage between general and special education in vocational education offers possibilities for inclusive education. In order to face the new challenges, the work of SEN‐teachers has to be redefined to clearly broaden the perspective from teaching towards new expertise in each educational establishment.  相似文献   

李吉龙  高飞梁 《成人教育》2014,34(12):107-109
提供免费中职教育是我国发展现代职业教育的应有之义。我国免费中职教育存在定位偏差,针对性不强;惠及广泛,吸引力不足;实力薄弱,凝聚力不够等问题。世界范围内,美国和德国发展免费职业教育的历史经验值得借鉴,通过分析两国发展免费中职教育的各项措施得到的经验,以期解决我国发展免费中职教育的困境并结合国外经验和国内实际,探讨国内免费中职教育的优化措施。  相似文献   

张健 《职教通讯》2019,(11):59-63
2019年3月,江苏省十三届人大常委会颁布《江苏省职业教育校企合作促进条例》,并确定从5月1日起施行,从法律层面推动和保障职业教育校企合作办学,这是江苏职业教育创新发展和立法工作的一个新的里程碑,对新时代深化产教融合和职业教育高质量发展,更好地服务江苏经济高质量发展和现代化建设具有十分重要的现实意义和战略意义。这部条例在确立校企双主体、政策支持校企合作、实现校企双赢等诸多方面可圈可点,是一部内容明确且具有很强操作性的专门地方法规。  相似文献   

比利时、荷兰职业教育特点及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比利时、荷兰职业教育具有与德、美、日、俄、澳等国职业教育颇不相同的特点。本文以比利时弗拉芒区职业教育为例,介绍了比利时职业教育基本制度,同时对包括职业准备教育、中等职教、高等职教在内的荷兰职业教育基本制度进行了分析,并对比利时、荷兰两国职业教育的特点及给予我国职教发展的启示进行了探讨。  相似文献   

十七大报告对教育事业发展和改革进行了新的全面的部署,为高等教育事业的发展指明了前进的方向。高等职业教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,是提高全民综合素质与综合国力的可靠保证之一。因此贯彻十七大精神,办好高职教育尤其是发展新疆少数民族地区高职教育意义非凡,且任重道远。  相似文献   

国外职业教育发展经验及对我国的启示   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
德国、美国、澳大利亚等发达国家在发展职业教育方面积累了许多成功的经验,如拥有健全有力的法制保障、多层次的职业教育体制、权威性的管理机构、多样化的经费来源以及针对应用性人才培养的评估制度,且都对农村和农业职业技术教育给予了特别扶持.我国要充分、合理地借鉴上述做法,将职教纳入大教育体系中,在强化法制化管理、改革招生和培养模式、建立多层次的职教体系等方面,积极探索职教发展的有效途径.  相似文献   

从高职英语课堂话语中的情景建构入手,对师生的话语交流实况进行调查研究。基于高职教育的培养目标要求,教师在高职英语课堂教学中结合高职学生的社会需求等特点,按“实用为度,管用为主”的指导思想在日常教学中不断地创设接近真实的职业情景,引导学生进行英语技能的训练。运用统计方法,对以国家精品课程教学视频材料为基础建立的高职英语课堂会话语料库进行分析,主要关注情景创设话语中呈现的名词与动词的使用情况,发现高职英语课堂情景话语与普通高校英语课堂的话语呈现出不同的特征,采用“实用为主,管用为度”的教学原则,在一定程度上体现了ESP教学思想和高职教育所倡导的实用性与应用性相结合,对高职英语课堂教学改革有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

“加强职业教育,培养大国工匠”是党的十九大报告为中职教育发展提供的一个鲜明指向。因此,中职学校必须严抓教师队伍建设,以在提升自身竞争力、实现自身品质化发展的同时也提升自身的人才培养质量,更好地为国家教育事业目标的实现提供助力。文章首先从提供学习资源、促进知识经验分享以及推动教师反思等三个方面介绍了名师工作室之于中职教师专业成长而言所具有的几点积极意义,接着又从观察与分析、理论与实践、分享与反思以及整合与创新等四个方面为名师工作室引领下的中职教师专业成长提供了具备可行性的策略。  相似文献   

美国社区学院被称为20世纪美国高等教育的伟大创新。社区学院融大学教育、成人教育、职业教育和社区教育于一体,对美国的社会经济发展做出了巨大贡献。从某种角度上说,美国的社区学院与我国的地方高职院校同属一个类型。在我国各地高职教育与社区教育蓬勃发展的今天,借鉴美国社区学院的办学经验,开拓高职教育新的办学模式和空间,将有助于我国高职教育的健康快速发展。  相似文献   

Student learning outcomes assessment has been increasingly used in U.S. higher education institutions over the last 10 years, partly fueled by the recommendation from the Spellings Commission that institutions need to demonstrate more direct evidence of student learning. To respond to the Commission's call, various accountability initiatives have been launched, profoundly reshaping how assessment has been viewed, implemented, and used in higher education. This article reviews the conceptual and methodological challenges of the assessment agenda for one of the landmark accountability initiatives, the Voluntary System of Accountability, and also documents the notable shift from a strong focus on accountability to an increasing emphasis on internal improvement. This article then discusses the most recent developments in assessment approaches and tools, and proposes a four‐element, one‐enabler assessment cycle for institutions to maximally benefit from their assessment efforts.  相似文献   

党的十九大以来,职业教育就呈现出教育优先、就业优先的发展趋势,完善职业教育教学体系,深化“产教融合,校企合作”,成为职业教育发展的必经之路。文章通过探索新时代背景下职业教育校企“双元”协同育人模式,深化校企合作,促使企业真正成为育人主体,最终达到“知识—技能”“工作—成果”一体化育人模式。  相似文献   

早期的基督教大学并未特别重视职业教育。从1920年代开始,基督教大学逐渐调整办学方向,开始更多地重视职业教育。基督教大学的职业课程较为重视教学内容的先进性、实用性及活动性,并重视开展实践教学。基督教大学的职业教育,为中国社会培养了各类实用人才,同时也推动了中国职业教育的发展。  相似文献   


In the following article, the author attempts to provide a skeleton overview of the movement for pre‐vocational education, stressing that present concern regarding such issues as the purpose of education and the extent to which a utilitarian approach is acceptable, school‐to‐work transition, and emphasis on particular work‐related skills have, in fact, formed a recurring debate dating back at least a century. Anxiety regarding Britain's hegemony over Europe, particularly Germany, has always featured in the debate, as has the issue of education versus training. Key educational legislation provides four key stages in the development of the debate, culminating in close examination of the implications of the Education Reform Act of 1988 for the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI).  相似文献   

十八大报告指出,必须从源头上扭转生态环境恶化趋势,为人民创造良好生产生活环境。生态伦理是挽救生态危机的思想基础,生态伦理教育是新时期高职院校德育工作的新课题,也是实现生态文明社会的必要途径。高职院校应根据不断发展变化的社会形势和高职生的认知特点,把生态伦理教育融入到大学生们的学习、生活当中,创新高职院校生态伦理教育新方式。  相似文献   

美国社区学院被称为20世纪美国高等教育的伟大创新。社区学院融大学教育、成人教育、职业教育和社区教育于一体,对美国的社会经济发展做出了巨大贡献。从某种角度上说,美国的社区学院与我国的地方高职院校同属一个类型。在我国各地高职教育与社区教育蓬勃发展的今天,借鉴美国社区学院的办学经验,开拓高职教育新的办学模式和空间,将有助于我国高职教育的健康快速发展。  相似文献   

The U.S. Congress mandated due process hearings in special education disputes to ensure parental involvement in educational decision making and to promote individual justice. The present study explored two kinds of justice, defined as objective and subjective fairness, and examined parent and school officials' subjective experience of the fairness of their hearings. Findings indicate that hearings are not achieving subjective fairness. Neither school officials nor parents felt positively about the experience. Supplements to hearings, such as mediation and negotiation, should be studied to see if they are more effective vehicles for achieving congressional intent and for avoiding costly and emotionally draining hearings.  相似文献   

Although community college educators believe their programs benefit their students through cognitive development, until now no good evidence was available. The fourth follow‐up of the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 allows the controlled assessment of the value of two‐year institutions. The results indicate that while whites benefit cognitively from two‐year post‐secondary programs, blacks do not.

In 1947, the President's Commission on Higher Education (1947, p. 9) concluded that, “The first goal in education for democracy is the full, rounded and continuing development of the person. ... To liberate and perfect the intrinsic powers of every citizen is the central purpose of democracy, and its furtherance of individual self‐realization is its greatest glory.” From these principles the specific goals of higher education are derived (Bowen, 1977). The formal academic program and extra‐curricular life of an academic community are intended to help students develop in three respects: cognitive learning, affective development, and practical competence (Bowen, 1977). It is assumed that as these goals are realized so are the powers of the individual.

Whenever there are goals to be reached in any endeavor, it is natural to ask whether they are in fact being realized. Bowen (1977) compares education to an industry that is responsible for disclosing both its costs and outcomes. Assessing the outcomes of higher education is necessarily a complex task; nevertheless attempts have been made to pull together information from a variety of studies and draw conclusions from them (e.g., Feldman and Newcomb, 1969; Bowen, 1977; Pace, 1979). In general the effects of college attendance have been found to be positive. Attending college raises the level of knowledge and cognitive

powers of students, increases psycholgocial well‐being, understanding, tolerance and self‐reliance, and helps students develop skills and traits that make them more adaptable to a variety of social and work situations (Bowen, 1977).

Comprehensive evaluations of higher education have been limited to four‐year colleges. For example, Kar‐weit and McPartland (1981) studied the cognitive gains produced by postsecondary schooling, and found that college attendance enhanced vocabulary skills, but only maintained mathematic skills. In contrast, little has been done to evaluate outcomes of community college attendance, although educators within community college systems stress the importance of accountability in establishing the much maligned credibility of community colleges (Roueche and La Forge, 1974; Miller, 1979).

The absence of research on community colleges is in part due to the variety of functions that community colleges have assumed. Community colleges were originally intended to open the doors of education to all high school graduates, especially the economically disadvantaged (Monroe, 1972). Emphasis was placed on providing two years of additional general education beyond high school, and on low‐cost preparation for students who wished to transfer to four‐year colleges in the third year. In 1947 the President's Com‐mision on Higher Education (1947) suggested that the emphasis of two‐year colleges should be shifted to preparation for semiprofessional white collar and vocational occupations. This preparation was not to be at the expense of general education, but in addition to it, for those who desired to learn specific occupational skills. As the popularity of community colleges grew, it also became apparent that many economically disadvantaged students were also academically disadvantaged, and community colleges found themselves in the business of providing remedial courses for many students who were not ready to enter regular academic programs.

Although research indicates that community colleges in general place greater emphasis on occupational education than when originally conceived, they remain, at least in philosophy, committed to providing an education that contributes to the intellectual development of their students, whether they are in academic or vocational programs (Monroe, 1972; Cross, 1974). This commitment is in recognition of the fact that cognitive skills such as verbal ability and basic mathematics competence, and affective development in the areas of self‐awareness and interpersonal relations, are necessary to practical competence in most work and social situations.

Community college curricula, in general, reflect a commitment to intellectual and affective development. The general education requirement in community colleges varies greatly, but usually consists of a specified number of elective courses to be chosen from the humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, and the social sciences (Monroe, 1972). Remedial programs are primarily for academic deficiencies in reading, language, and mathematics (Monroe, 1972).

Although community college programs seem designed to further cognitive and affective development, critics (Scigliano, 1976; Hudson and Smith, 1976) question the ability of community colleges to provide a good general education. Nevertheless, there is little evidence on this point one way or the other. Existing studies are lacking in several ways. For example, Rou‐eche and Kirk (1973) and Lavin et al.(1979) determined the success of programs for academically and economically disadvantaged students in community college programs by looking at grade point averages and completion rates; however, neither of these measures establish gains in cognitive or affective development. Rossmann et al.(1975) measured cognitive development by gain scores on reading and mathematics tests, but they were unable to compare gains against a control group of noncollege attenders.  相似文献   

Although there is a tendency to develop policy plans on adult education at a European level, there are still large differences between the various EU countries. These national policy contexts depend on historical, cultural, economic and political factors and can have a profound impact on the way adult education is shaped and developed within a country. Two examples of such policies are presented to clarify this point. In the Netherlands, there is a strong emphasis on the vocational side of adult education. This is for a large part the result of the introduction of the Law on Adult and Vocational Education ( Wet Educatie en Beroepsonderwijs ) in 1996. The non vocational branch of the sector was rather marginalised by this new law. In Belgium, there has been a great effort to support, develop and streamline non vocational adult education. The special Flemish government decree ( Decreet betreffende het sociaal-cultureel volwassenenwerk ) of 2003 was very important in that regard. This decree regulates all aspects of non vocational education or socio-cultural work, including funding and quality assurance. Although the Flemish decree could be seen as a good practice of upgrading non-formal adult education through legislation, it could also be considered a typical Flemish case, rooted in the traditions of adult education in Flanders.  相似文献   

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