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语文老师从事的是美的事业。一方面她涵咏在诗文这个大染缸里,通体被美浸透,另一方面她又要将这种美经过加工、创造撒播到四方。美是她的符号、标牌、旗帜,因此她走在人群里,你能一眼就看出她来。  相似文献   

魏建胜 《师道》2007,(10):48-49
语文是美妙的!美在对生命力量的召唤,对人格魅力的感化;美在民族精神的凝聚与亲和;美在真实,美在最接近于生活,是生活美的一种浓缩。语文学习是美好的!美在她像温暖的阳光,在她的照耀下,我们茁壮成长;美在她像春天的雨露,滋润着我们的心田;美在她就是一架天梯,助我们走向成功,走向辉煌。  相似文献   

<正>著名数学家陈省身先生曾不止一次地提出:"数学是美的。"数学的美体现在方方面面,美在她是探求世间现象规律的出发点;美在她用几个字母符号就能表示若干信息的简单明了;美在她大胆假设和严格论证的伟大结合;美在她对一个问题论证时殊途同归的奇妙感受;美在数学家耗尽终生论证定理的锲而不舍;美在她在几乎所有学科中的广泛应用。而美的数学,在自古崇尚诗书传世的中国,竟也浸染着扑鼻的书香。中国悠久历史所积淀出来的  相似文献   

美是一种很奇妙的东西,她在不知不觉中来。又在不知不觉中去。我们无时无刻不在寻觅着她.呼唤着她。美是什么呢!车尔尼雪夫斯基说,美是生活,美是人们所理想的那种生活。美能给人以享受.美能给人以愉快,美能给人以力量,美能给人以生命。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》塑造了众多的美丽女性,其中林黛玉是曹雪芹全力塑造的典型人物。她的美是异样的,与众不同的。黛玉美在本质,美在气质,美在才情。在宝玉的心目中她是超凡脱俗的仙女,只有她才能成为宝玉的知己。  相似文献   

雷雨  张延 《课外阅读》2008,(7):38-38
黛玉很美,她的美,是门里的冷艳;宝钗很美,她的美,是门外的娇娜。——题记黛玉是玉,浑身通透,美却不外现,清冷的色调,藏在门里,自是与人冷落。宝钗是钗,珠光宝气,熠熠生辉,暗藏的尖锐,放在门外,恰好无人察觉。黛玉是个完美的女子,她的完美在于她的超脱。既是超脱,自是曲高和寡,只得藏在门里,孤芳自赏。  相似文献   

生活是怎样的?有人感觉生活是如此的有滋有味,是如此的幸福,而有人却会觉得生活是如此的不堪重负,如此的苦累,原因并不在于物质条件的优劣,而是在于他们的心灵感受。作者用很生活化的笔调给我们描述了三个具体的普通人的生活,阐述了他们的生活,他们生活中的美。卖菜的妇人美,美在她“俗艳但是十分干净”的衣服,美在“种类繁多,且价廉物美的小菜”,美在她“会细细地告诉我”,美在她“絮絮的话语”,还美在她“如深赏析美点秋的土地的笑容”。三轮车夫美,美在他的“提醒”,美在他的“等待”,美在他的“执意不肯”。邮递员美,美在他的“准时”,…  相似文献   

岁月之美 她笑了,笑得很美,那是老人特有的一种美,岁月在她脸上留下了深深浅浅的皱纹,浑浊的是眼,清澈的是心。  相似文献   

有一只蝴蝶,叫点点,她很美很美。飞的时候很美,停在花儿上的时候,也很美。看到她的人,都很喜欢她。 山山也很喜欢蝴蝶点点,他想带点点回家,在他家里飞来飞去,给他一个人看。他伸  相似文献   

夏的美,美在亭亭玉立;秋的美,美在清幽羞涩;冬的美,美在庄严厚重;春的美,美在她的“动”,美在给人一种振奋的力量。看一看水中的涟漪,瞧一瞧树木抽出的新芽,望一望旋舞飘飞的云朵……春用悠长的回音,穿过自然的亲切,让你触到她微微的气息……难道真的有语言能形容春之美吗?还是让我们等待她再次挥一挥衣袖,用一股温馨拥抱你我他……春之美$江苏省连云港市新海实验中学八年级@顾桓榆  相似文献   

Éric Binet 《Prospects》1999,29(3):444-454
Conclusion Her brief experience of paediatrics and her subsequent discovery of psychoanalysis gave Fran?oise Dolto access to a therapeutic practice enabling her to apply ethical principles that were in conformity with her view of the human person. This path led her to develop a prophylaxis, put to the test in various institutional projects, with a ‘socializing’ or ‘educational’ value. Psychoanalysis thus not only enabled her to bring the light of ethics stemming from it to bear on the therapeutic process, but also stimulated her in her educational and spiritual activity. It was, no doubt, that feature of her thinking that prompted Dolto, in her relations with others, always to use speech for the benefit of the person by calling or recalling each person to his or her archaic desire. This is perhaps the origin of what prompted in her readers and listeners that jubilant enthusiasm so decried thereafter. There is a paradox here between the rejection of any claim to set standards and any imitation, and the power to attract an extensive readership or audience that ‘imitated’ and ‘set standards’, and, above all, was not steeped in the ethical convictions that she alone knew to be essential to any application of her ‘advice’. The very inner distinctiveness of her therapeutic, educational and spiritual action no doubt explains the absence, as Dolto saw it, of pupils to whom she might have taught the essence of her practice, since her subjectivity—the sense of her genius, her faith—is not something that can be taught. Original language: French éric Binet (France) Clinical psychologist in the public child welfare department of the département of Hauts-de-Seine, Paris, and mother and child welfare service for the City of Paris. He is also an instructor at the National Childhood and Family Institute, Centre d'Innovation et de Recherche dans le Champ Social, Paris. He is at present working for a doctorate in the educational sciences at the Université Lyon II, under Professor Guy Avanzini, and completing a thesis on the educational thinking of Fran?oise Dolto. I wish to thank Colette Parcheminier, who is in charge of the association ‘Archives et documentation Fran?oise Dolto’ [Fran?oise Dolto: records and documents], for her invaluable assistance in this work.  相似文献   

李清照是我国宋代杰出的女作家,词在她一生的创作中所占比重最大,其反映的思想内容主要有:描写大自然的美景,抒发对大自然无限的热爱之情;歌颂美好的爱情,抒发离愁别绪;表现对理想的不懈追求;怀恋故国家园,抒发家国之恨和故国之思。李清照通过抒写个人的欢乐、理想、痛苦和悲哀,概括地反映了她所走过的人生道路,也从一个特定的角度反映了当时的阶级矛盾和民族斗争,具有一定的思想意义和认识价值。  相似文献   

Professor Lesley Parker’s career has moved from teaching and advising graduate students at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia to leadership roles and advocacy positions in state and national governments and in international organizations. Throughout her distinguished career, she has been committed to social justice, particularly in gender equity. Indeed, that commitment infuses her professional contributions as teacher, advisor, administrator, and policy maker. In this Key Contribution, many of her colleagues describe their admiration for her as well as provide information that helps the reader place her work in a national and an international perspective. She has received many of Australia’s highest honors, and she continues to contribute to her university, her state, and her nation. Her contributions form a lasting legacy in social justice, particularly in gender equity and in educational leadership.  相似文献   

Drawing on a Chicana feminist epistemology, the author, a Latina immigrant, presents how she used her cultural intuition to engage in a two-year ethnography with Latino immigrant families. She argues that for her engaging in ethnography with her “own community” is an endeavor that calls to the fore her homegrown epistemologies and her positioning as a Latina immigrant. The themes of doing ethnography en familia, using collective remembering and sense-making, and developing a libratory pedagogy point to an ethnography that strays from traditional, presumed “objective” data sources. Further, she argues that in these contexts of ethnography she was able to reclaim and integrate her various knowledges and identities toward a potential process of liberation.  相似文献   

赛珍珠拥有多重身份:她是父母不幸婚姻的见证者,是不幸婚姻的受害者,是智障儿童的母亲,是通晓中西文化却不被任何一方所接受的文化边缘人。这种多重身份无不例外的将赛珍珠置于一个令人尴尬的边缘人状态。作为一个边缘人,她关心同样处在社会边缘地位的人们———女人、儿童和包括中国、日本等在内的处于弱势地位的亚洲国家的人们。女性文学作品的创作,寄予了她对女性的同情与期望;儿童文学的创作,表明她对儿童的关心与厚爱;东西文化交流题材的写作,折射出她对中西文化平等对话的渴望。一切为了边缘人,为了边缘人的一切,是赛珍珠文学创作动因的真实写照。  相似文献   

沈祖蕖创作,以词作造诣最高,诗次之,新诗又次之。她有三个现象耐人寻味:1.她自称“一生低首小山(小晏)词”,其词体创作实践却与这一关学理想不符。她的婉约词,走周邦彦、南宋格律词派及清代常州词派的路线,其令词也更近温韦、南唐,而不是小山。究其原因,乃在于“时序”,“非作者所能自主也”(汪东)。2.沈祖莱词篇篇可读,集中等闲之作,置诸“他人集中仍是佳词”(汪东),而求其代表作,反不易得。在当代词的选本中,倘若没有量的保证,比较吃亏。3.在沈祖菜称不上大家的古近体诗及新诗领域,她反能以少少许胜人多多许,占尽风滴.  相似文献   

Recent research in English education has emphasised dialogically organised instruction to promote learning talk; yet little is known about teachers’ perceptions of their efforts to teach dialogically. This study draws on video-cued interviews to examine how secondary preservice English teacher Emma experiences trying to teach dialogically and the conflicting demands it elicits for her. Findings indicate that she must navigate competing discourses including the curriculum, the ideas of her mentor teacher, her beliefs about dialogic teaching and her university schooling. Emma’s accounts revealed that satisfying these at once was not achievable, and that her endeavour to become a dialogic teacher was rife with conflict.  相似文献   

情感上的缺憾对张爱玲的创作影响重大。张爱玲童年时代失爱于家庭,青年时代失落于爱情,又和家庭一起失落于时代,所有这些体验,参与了她日后对于新的人生经验和行为方式的构建。张爱玲对爱的缺失的永久性的心理意向,决定了她精神上的悲观气质,并由此生成了对人性自私本性的悲观认识,构成了她思想性格内涵极为重要的方面,对其作品产生了题材上强烈的倾向性引导,无不标示出一种以孤独和荒凉情绪为特征的悲剧蕴含。张爱玲是以自己的心灵世界经营和表现着对现代生命的体验。  相似文献   

The present analysis explores Dolores Huerta's use of a shifting transcendent persona to balance the sense of mystery surrounding her accomplishments with a performance of normalcy and audience identification. We find, first, that Huerta leveraged her borderland experiences and ideology as rhetorical resources that functioned to facilitate the amalgamation of personae exemplifying her advocacy, and, second, that her shifting transcendent persona's balance of mystery and identification hinged as much upon the manner in which she positioned audience members to perceive themselves as it did upon the manner in which she positioned them to perceive her own exceptional normalcy.  相似文献   

Nelly and her children live in Queensland, Australia. When it came time for her second youngest son to start school, Nelly was not prepared for the difficulty that she had enrolling him at the school of her choice. In spite of her son's disability, Nelly thought that it was natural that he would go to his local school with his sister. It is not surprising that she expected this, given the legal and policy endorsement of inclusive education that exists in the Queensland education system. What unfolded in Nelly's life as she pursued this enrolment is the subject of this article. This is the story of a mother who believed in and hoped for inclusive schooling for her son but who found herself caught in a series of events and experiences which ultimately led to the decision to transfer him into a special school. This is also the story of how, disillusioned and regretful, she went on to undo that decision. Told primarily in Nelly's own words, this narrative provides a deep insight into one mother's efforts to exercise her parental authority, the difficulties she encountered in trying to do so, and the consequences for her son.  相似文献   

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