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普通高中新课程改革与义务教育阶段新课程改革相比,观念、内容和方式更加全新和深入,理性地思考高中教师在新课程改革中的角色定位与专业发展是普通高中课改成败的关键。新型学习方式:自主学习、合作学习和研究性学习应与高中课改内容如选修课、学分制模块式教学等紧密联系,从而建立高中教师资料提供者、情境创设者、促进迁移者、引导者、支持者、激励者等角色定位;在高中教师专业结构中,从专业知识显性化、自我反思经常化、系统化和专业知识的学术渗透方面着手将建立起新型的高中教师专业发展观。  相似文献   

Primary education is essential for the economic development in any country. Most studies give more emphasis to the final output (such as literacy, enrolment etc.) rather than the delivery of the entire primary education system. In this paper, we study the school level data from an Indian district, collected under the official DISE statistics. We use several indicators to capture the multi-dimensional aspects of primary school education system in India. Our analysis reveals serious discrepancies in deprivation, social and policy indicators that infringes upon efficiency in a negative way.  相似文献   

我们需要什么样的现代学校制度   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
教育市场化不能成为建构现代学校制度的指导性原则,更不能将现代企业制度直接移植到现代学校制度中来。现代学校制度是一种"教育制度"而不是"经济制度",它所应关注的不是产权归属、产权明晰等经济学问题,而应是本真的教育问题,即学生的发展问题。现代学校制度包括核心制度和外围制度。建立现代学校制度要求转变政府的教育职能,落实学校的办学自主权。  相似文献   

One of the major innovations in the recent wave of education reform in Hong Kong is the target‐oriented curriculum. An interesting feature of this new curriculum initiative was its amoebic characteristics – changing shape and focus in its course of development. It was reshaped from an assessment system for accountability purposes to a centrally developed curriculum initiative for improving teaching and learning, and finally to a school‐based curriculum development. In this paper, this course of development and the reasons behind it will be described and analysed. The study suggests that the two‐tier educational policy and implementation system in Hong Kong is a major cause leading to such a phenomenon. If this system were not improved, the possibility of achieving real changes at the school and classroom level would be low.  相似文献   

In this article we review the evidence of the impact of lesson study on student learning, teacher development, teaching materials, curriculum, professional learning and system enhancement. We argue for lesson study to be treated holistically as a vehicle for development and improvement at classroom, school and system levels rather than as a curricular or pedagogical intervention. We illustrate the need for this approach to evaluating lesson study through a complex case exemplar which used Research Lesson Study (a form of lesson study popular in the UK and Europe) to develop learning, teaching, curriculum and local improvement capacity across schools initially involved in a two‐year mathematics curriculum development project that later evolved into three self‐sustaining, voluntary lesson study school hubs in London. We discuss resulting changes in culture, practice, belief, expectation and student learning. We argue as a result for greater policy level understanding of this expanded conception of lesson study as a vehicle in classroom, school and system transformation.  相似文献   

办学定位与特色专业体系建设是高职院校服务地方社会经济发展的一个重要体现,同时也是决定人才培养质量的关键与办学特色和水平的重要标志。文章从南京城市未来产业发展规划、现代服务业高速发展对各类职业岗位人才的需求、高职教育专业建设与发展的基本规律、学院发展形成的专业优势和依托南京市现代服务业的大中型骨干企业进行办学等五个方面系统地探讨了学院未来发展中的办学定位与特色专业群选择等重要问题,以期能在南京城市职业学院面向未来的专业发展格局和办学定位等重要方面供顶层设计和决策做参考。  相似文献   

通过症状自评量表(SCL-90)和自编的心理健康一般性调查问卷对天津市四所小学343名教师进行调查,发现小学教师的职业压力较大,心理健康状况不容忽视。小学教师在强迫、躯体化、抑郁和敌对等方面的问题较为突出,这与其工作的情境、教育对象的年龄特点,以及来自上级检查者、家长、学生、教师自身等多方面的压力作用有关。对此,应该从调整认知偏差、疏导不良情绪、健全应对机制等方面改善小学教师心理发展的内外部环境,提高心理健康水平。  相似文献   

近年来,学院制改革成为大学内部管理体制改革的首选,其根本目的是通过改革、重组、调适和完善大学内部组织结构,进一步强化大学的功能机制,促进学科发展、提高管理效率和办学效益。但从目前我国大学的学院制改革实践来看,总是或多或少地存在着随意性、效果不明显的问题,其原因之一就在于学院制改革规范性的缺失。从我国大学学院制改革规范性方面存在的问题入手,分析学院制改革规范性的必要性,对探讨学院制改革规范性的内容起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Although research on teacher collaboration has proliferated in the last few decades, scant attention has been paid to the development of teacher collaboration in school contexts. Informed by the perspective of complexity theory, this study investigates the complex process of teacher collaboration through qualitative interviews in an English teaching research group (TRG) in a secondary school in China. The findings reveal three distinct stages in the development of teacher collaboration, labeled as ‘breaking the ice’, ‘everything is out of control’ and ‘learning how to collaborate through collaboration’. The study shows that teacher collaboration is an adaptive, complex system that evolves through internal self-organization and interaction with external stakeholders and systems, such as school management and university researchers. The study provides useful insights into the ways of facilitating and sustaining teachers’ collaborative practices to enhance school effectiveness and improvement in specific educational contexts.  相似文献   

改革开放以后,我国民办教育获得了很大的发展。近年来,我国各级民办教育规模迅速增长。但是,目前民办学校的发展也面临着一些问题和矛盾,这些矛盾主要有公私立学校生源矛盾、学校效益与发展之间的矛盾、校本管理与社会体制的矛盾等。这些矛盾成为制约民办学校发展的瓶颈。  相似文献   

教育成本是高职院校发展的决定因素之一。影响高职院校办学成本的主要因素有制度性因素、区域经济发展水平、办学模式、高职院校自身的管理体制等。  相似文献   

天津职业教育在快速发展中也面临一定的问题,如办学体制不灵活、投资体制单一等。在教育的准公共产品理论指导下,天津职业教育体制改革尝试了民办公助、股份制办学、集团办学等实践,取得了一定成绩,但仍需解放思想、政策扶持、明晰产权、创立品牌等,以促进天津职业教育的和谐发展。  相似文献   

普通高中如何加快建设与发展?笔者认为,一方面需要政策的支持与扶持,另一方面也需要普通高中加强自身建设,在办学定位、内部管理、塑造品牌等方面全面加强建设与管理。本文从我校办学实际出发,开展了对普通高中的实践研究。  相似文献   

More than 6,000 charter schools exist in the United States, and of these 120 are Montessori charter schools. When studying charter school practices, researchers often examine issues such as performance accountability measures and effectiveness of charter school curricula. In doing so, the outcomes often overlook the challenges for teachers as they attempt to blend the demands of being a charter school with performance accountability and charter school philosophies, such as the Montessori philosophy. In this longitudinal case study, I examined the ways in which teachers in a charter Montessori school used professional development to help balance the demands for standardized testing performance and Montessori goals. The findings illustrate that significant challenges exist for teachers blending multiple educational goals but that professional development can aid teachers in filling in gaps in their existing curricula. This study encourages (1) researchers to question the ways in teachers can be supported through professional development to meet accountability measures and (2) stakeholders to consider how accountability measures focused solely on student performance can have detrimental effects on charter school curricula implementation and teacher retention.  相似文献   

日本综合学科高中是20世纪90年代诞生的新型高中,主要以普职课程融通和科目选修制为特点,将升学为主的普通教育和就业为主的职业教育融合在一所学校体系内。综合学科高中发展至今已形成了较为完备的制度体系,主要体现在三级教育管理体制、办学规模、课程设置、学分制课程管理方式、校外学分认定及毕业生双向出路等方面。但综合学科高中也面临发展中的深层困境,如政府后期财政投入不足、高中序列化问题加剧、课程优势削弱、教师队伍建设不充分以及"重升学、轻就业"倾向凸显等。日本综合学科高中在多样化、个性化教育改革中独有的优势逐渐消失,重新构建综合学科作为第三学科的主体性和独特性是其进一步发展的关键。  相似文献   

全球视域下教育考试及其功能述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实施素质教育的最显性的障碍是现行教育考试制度。在全球教育改革视域中,它承担着引导学校素质教育、选拔高素质人才和促进社会持续发展的多重功效。按教育考试的目的、范围、强度、作用、影响和应用领域的不同,可将教育考试分为三种类型,不同类型的考试有其功能属性的差异。校内教育考试具有督导、发展、导向等教育属性功能;评鉴教育考试具有鉴定、评价、管理等行政属性功能;大规模教育考试具有调节、控制、文化、经济等社会属性功能。但是,教育考试负向性功能客观存在,发挥考试功能要注意趋利避害。  相似文献   

基于中国教育追踪调查基线数据,研究通过构建多层线性模型,分析我国初中生家庭劳动现状,探究家庭劳动与初中生能力发展的关系。研究发现:12.1%的初中生不参与家庭劳动,且不同特征的初中生家庭劳动时间存在显著差异;1小时以内的家庭劳动有助于提高初中生学业成绩和认知能力;家庭劳动对初中生开放性、外倾性和宜人性等非认知能力有显著正向影响,有利于促进学生非认知能力的发展。因此,家长要重视劳动教育,在家庭教育中有机融入劳动教育,并且需遵循学生身心发展规律,开展合适的家庭劳动。同时,各方要积极构建以家庭为主体,以学校为引导,以社区为支持的内外交织、多元协同的家庭劳动教育体系。  相似文献   

学校行政化管理模式严重地阻碍教育事业的改革与发展,而校长任命制是产生学校行政化管理模式的重要原因。推行校长职级制不仅是党和政府对学校管理体制改革的要求,也是校长成长的自身诉求。推行校长职级制有利于促进校长专业化发展,有利于提高校长的办学治校能力,为校长成长为教育家奠定了基础。  相似文献   

高等职业教育在数量和规模上的扩张凸显出师资队伍的薄弱,为此各高职院校加大了人才引进力度,但同时也出现了人才标准界定不科学,制度不健全,引进后用人不当,重引进而忽视校内人才培养等问题。为此,高职院校必须建立完善的人才引进制度,在培养校内教师的基础上,科学规划,积极引进与学校发展、专业建设相适应的人才。  相似文献   

Recent reforms of high school education in Korea have focused on transforming the uniform and standardized system into a deregulated and diversified system that has an emphasis on school choice and competition. Situating the high school diversification policy in the context of the recent controversy of the neoliberal educational reform, this study argues that school diversification in Korea is deeply impaired and unfulfilled, such as in situations in which the school differentiation and elite high school credentials struggle are reinforced by the peculiar nature of the Korean educational market, namely the hakbul-based society and the development of private educational markets. It suggests that special attention should be drawn to integrate the reform efforts for high school diversification into the ways in which the policy is being configured and delivered within the pursuit of educational equality and social justice.  相似文献   

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