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依靠源自学校内部的力量而进行的持久的学校革新,应该采取不同于以往的革新方式;促成教师基于角色转型和职业生活方式改变的专业力量的兴起,是决定学校变革成败的关键因素。教师领导这一新的角色被视为教师增权、促进变革和教师专业社群建设的必然选择。教师领导意味着教师要成为促进学生学业发展的领导者,要推动其他教师改进教育教学实践,促进学校内部领导群体的形成。教师领导的途径包括"参与"、"互动"和致力于生成"合作文化"。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,"授权赋能"和"团队领导"等理念深深影响着传统的领导典范。新的领导理念突破了传统科层体制的组织模式,并涌现了分散领导、参与式领导、默默领导等领导理论。伴随着世界各国"学校重整运动"的兴起,教师在改革中的重要性越来越受到重视,教师领导因而成为学校革新的重要议题。当今学校规模不断扩大,面临的不确定因素也越来越多,学校如要真正获得成功,无法完全仰赖校长,必须要有全体教师的参与和领导。学校领导者应顺势而为,通过提供必要的支持、营造有利于教师领导发展的学校文化、提高教师领导素养等有效措施,将教师领导的理念融入学校的整体管理之中。  相似文献   

学校课程领导与教师专业发展是课程有效实施的重要保障,因此如何提升学校课程领导,进而营造一个有利于教师专业发展的学校组织文化,促进教师的专业发展,最终达成高品质的课程实施是当前课程改革的重要议题。学校课程领导与组织文化与教师专业发展确实存在高度的相关性,但是现实的学校课程领导情况却并不令人乐观。  相似文献   

教师领导是引导教育改革、促进学校改进的有效路径.通过研究教师领导的发展及演变,探析教师领导的现状,发现和研究真正有利于促成教师领导实现的模式和组织,以探索能够鼓励和发挥教师领导的组织形式和策略路径.  相似文献   

调查的缘起与内容 为了准确洞察和把握目前学校领导的各项行为在教师眼中的真实形象,我们设计了题为"教师眼中的学校领导行为"的问卷调查.调查问卷的设计角度为从教师的视角来看待学校领导行为.内容主要涉及领导风格、人品作风、管理水平、信息沟通、激励成长、工作负荷、关心生活、才能发挥、公正公平等方面的问题.从教师职业生涯发展的角度看,处于不同时期的教师对于学校教育及管理活动的理解和感受有相当大的差异,所以,问卷特别强调了被调查者所处的教龄段.  相似文献   

学校领导对素质教育落实的成效至关重要。交易的学校领导使素质教育“作茧自缚”,主要表现在目标迷失、相应的课程缺乏、教学的应试化、评价价值取向偏移等。共享的学校领导使教师成为素质教育的发动者,体现在教师成为素质教育的领导者、责任者、落实者和评价者。从交易领导到共享领导的转型主要通过教师参与学校愿景、课程、教学、评价等方面的领导来实现,从而使素质教育在学校焕发新的生命力。  相似文献   

王艳 《文教资料》2012,(31):140-141
全国第八次的基础课程改革的推行,对于我国中小学中的学校课程领导给予了重点关注。在当前新课程实施的背景下,我国中小学的学校课程领导主要存在两方面的问题:校长的课程领导相对不足和教师的课程领导有待加强。作者对此提出了六个建议,即加强校长自身的课程领导,转变领导观念,放权给教师,重建学校为学习型组织,重塑学校文化,形成合作与分享的教学文化;注重发展学校中教师的课程领导,增强教师课程领导的技能,充分调动教师的积极性、主动性和创造性.为教师参与学校课程领导提供机会和条件,重视教师在学校课程发展中的重要作用:为教师赋权,使他们具备一定的决策和管理权力,并组建有效的教师团队,实施学校课程的团队领导;转变传统的封闭型学校文化,塑造以对话、支持、合作、共享为特点的开放型的学校专业文化;重视和开展以校为本的教师教研和培训活动并增强其实效性:整合和充分利用学校内部资源.积极争取获得学校外部资源和外在支持力量,建立学校与大学等科研机构的合作关系。  相似文献   

英美澳加教师领导研究进展述要   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师领导是促进教师发展、变革学校的重要策略.教师领导研究经历了教师作为领导者和教师就是领导者的不同阶段.研究者对教师领导的概念、功能、影响因素、实现机制、教师领导者的领导特质以及领导效能等的认识也在加深.  相似文献   

普通高中校长课程领导态度、领导能力和实际领导行为表现为"眼高手低";校长强于引领教师专业发展和推动课程实施与评价,但在构建愿景和课程目标以及提供支持性工作环境方面不足;校长课程领导面临的困难主要是自身因素和学校情境因素。校长应增强课程规划意识,提高课程评价能力和拓展资源提供支持性环境;教育行政部门应适度控制学校规模,有针对性地开展区域校长培养和为校长发展提供支持性环境。  相似文献   

近年来,许多学校都注重从文化的层面去研究学校改革与发展中的一系列重大问题,取得了不小的成效。因为关注学校文化建设,有助于引导学校领导与教师突破"术"的层面的徘徊,努力在教育思想、办学理念上有所提升;有助于引导学校领导与教师突破"个"  相似文献   

Research on school leadership suggests that both principal and teacher leadership are important for school improvement. However, few studies have studied the interaction of principal and teacher leadership as separate but linked systems in how they relate to student outcomes. In this study, we examine how leadership pathways are related in the context of high schools and compare findings to research in elementary schools. Using survey and administrative data from high schools in a large urban context, the paper explores direct and indirect pathways from leadership to student achievement growth. The results indicate that there are 2 pathways through which principal leadership is related to student learning in high schools. One pathway is mediated by teacher leadership, whereas the second pathway does not include teacher leadership. We find that similar to elementary schools, the learning climate is the only organizational factor that links principal and teacher leadership with student achievement.  相似文献   

This research explored the relationship of principal leadership and teacher professional learning in China and Thailand. The authors tested a conceptual model in which teacher trust and agency were proposed as mediators of the effects of the principal’s learning-centered leadership on teacher professional learning. Common survey measures had been used to collect data from 1259 teachers in 38 schools in mainland China and 1071 teachers in 60 schools in Thailand. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, multi-group structural equation modelling, and bootstrapping were employed to compare the proposed leadership and teacher learning processes in Chinese and Thai schools. The results confirmed a similar model of strong, statistically significant, ‘mediated effects’ of principal leadership on the professional learning of teachers in the two societies. These findings contribute to our understanding of leadership effects across societies and offer insight into how policymakers and practitioners can support school leadership, teacher development, and educational change.  相似文献   

The Metal Trades     
Universities and schools are struggling with the critical issues surrounding teacher quality, student learning, and the gap between research and practice. This study employed a collective case-study design to explore the impact of leadership teams and school-university partnerships on teacher leadership, professional development, and overall participant dispositions of three grant-funded projects connected by their approach to implementing school reform. Analysis of interviews, focus groups, observations, and project documents yielded three primary themes: transformation of teacher roles, improved meaningful professional development, and increased collective efficacy. Discussion of the findings addresses implications regarding teacher leadership, professional development, and school-university partnerships, especially as they impact teaching and learning.  相似文献   

校长领导力是如何影响学生成绩的?为什么说一个好校长就是一所好学校?对于这些问题,国外关于校长领导力与学生成绩关系的大量实证研究已经初步形成了五个具有影响力和说服力的理论模型:校长领导力三元理论模型、学校氛围中介效应模型、校长领导行为涟漪效应模型、以学习为中心的校长领导力模型和成功校长领导模型,可以很好地解释校长领导力影响学生成绩的方式与关系,对于校长如何提高学校办学质量以及如何提高学生成绩具有实践的指导价值。其中学校发展的政策背景、校长的专业培训、学生的家庭背景、利益相关者的需要等都会对校长领导力产生影响,而校长领导力与这些变量的相互作用又会对学校条件、教室条件以及教师质量产生影响,进而影响学生成绩。  相似文献   

This article explores the social and professional dynamics “when teachers face teachers” seeking to impact colleagues’ instructional practices to improve student learning. Specifically, it examines a group of 40 teachers leading staff development sessions at their schools in an effort to bring more literacy strategies into the pedagogies of disciplinary teachers. Drawing from the research on distributed leadership and teacher leadership, the study looks at how three factors impact teacher leaders: (1) the actions of the principal; (2) relationships among teachers; and (3) teachers’ own beliefs about leadership.

Using primarily qualitative methods, supplemented by pre‐and‐post quantitative survey data, the study found: strong administrative and collegial support for teacher leadership, the use of savvy and emotionally attuned leadership techniques by teachers, and overall impactful sessions. However, not all school environments were conducive to teacher leadership. The article concludes with suggestions for better utilizing teacher leaders for the local enhancement of education reforms.  相似文献   

以素质教育为核心的教育改革对学校管理带来了冲击与挑战。它要求教师转变传统的教学观,学习新的知识和教学方法。校长是学校管理的关键人物,其领导实践对于帮助教师发展具有重要作用。本研究采用质性研究方法,尝试揭示两位校长在真实情境中帮助教师发展的领导实践全貌与过程。研究发现,促进教师发展的校长领导力主要具有以下三方面的特征:(1)以提升教师专业知识与技能的工具取向为主;(2)以转变教师认知、情感与态度的文化取向为辅;(3)在规范教师教学行为与激发教师改革动机之间寻求平衡。  相似文献   

In China, the university-school partnership (USP) is a community of continuous professional development (PD) for teachers, involving teacher educators who visit schools. This study explores teachers’ personal factors, school working conditions, and principal leadership in order to explain differences in teachers’ learning when they have participated in the training program. Using a one-group pretest-posttest design, 375 teachers from 12 primary schools in Shanghai participated. Their learning performances are measured by changes in their teaching quality as evaluated by their students. Results of regression analyses show that teachers generally receive higher scores on teaching quality after the program than before. Three factors are significantly and negatively related to the changes in quality: teachers’ educational level, the extent to which teachers feel emotional pressure in their profession, and the support from their school principal. Implications for school leaders and policymakers are discussed.  相似文献   

学校改进是促进教育变革,提升教育质量的重要手段之一。当前,我国正处在教育改革的重要时期,普遍开展的学校改进活动中,如何正确认识和理解校长领导力转型和教师专业转型的关系,并采取何种策略促进校长领导力转型和教师专业转型是一个具有现实意义的重要问题。分布式领导思想对于我们更好地认识这一问题提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

This study addressed the research question: How do Vietnamese principals lead the professional learning of teachers? The research was comprised of a multiple-site case study of leadership and teacher learning in four Vietnamese schools. Qualitative data analysis aimed at identifying modal practices adopted by these Vietnamese principals to lead teacher learning in their schools. The research identified four key leadership practices: moral purpose, collaboration, learning support, and motivational strategies. The findings support assertions for a broad set of globally-relevant school leadership practices as well as the need to adapt these to the cultural context of specific schools.  相似文献   

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