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孙静  赵恒永 《中国科技信息》2007,(11):138-139,141
文章介绍了搜索引擎网页快照系统的实现以及在安全性能方面的研究。当前的多数搜索引擎网站提供的网页快照,能够使用户更加快速和方便地访问较早时期的网页,但它们并没有对其中的网页安全进行判断。文章中的网页快照系统在实现网页快照的同时,通过建立网页脚本语言学习解释器,运用机器学习技术、词法分析技术等对网页上可能存在的不安全代码进行判断和去除,从而保证提供给用户的是尽量安全的网页快照。  相似文献   

陈铭  李晨  庄洪盾 《现代情报》2014,34(12):159-167
在社会化网络环境不断深化的背景下,网站用户逐渐开始利用微博、微信、来往等社会化网络工具获取网站信息;社会化网络环境下的用户体验成为影响网站成功的重要因素之一。本文在文献分析和深度访谈的基础上,以生活网站用户为研究对象,将其体验过程分为用户吸引、用户参与、用户分享三个阶段,提取生活网站用户体验影响因子以及构建生活网站用户体验的测评模型。运用专家访谈与问卷调查对测评指标进行分析,构建相关结构方程。使用SPSS19.0对数据样本进行预处理,利用AMOS7.0统计分析软件工具对相关因子进行检验及模型修正,为生活网站品牌深入用户内心,提升网站自身价值提供理论依据与指导。  相似文献   

当今的商业网站市场竞争日趋激烈,随着受众的价值取向越来越多样化,网站被迫必须采取新的市场竞争策略和产品策略.此时,品牌作为实现服务差异化的手段,被给予了越来越多的关注.在现代社会中,在当今这个讲究“品牌效应”的世界里,很多企业都把品牌价值建设作为企业发展的重心,作为商业网站也应该如此,一个真正打得响亮的品牌才能够长久地留住顾客.本文以“搜狐焦点网·威海站”为例,对商业网站建立品牌栏目的理念、要素、策略以及推广方式等几个方面进行了探讨,商业网站要想留住网民、做出能够获得网民青睐的网站,必须得提供优质的服务,做出独具匠心的栏目.总之,在当下竞争日益激烈的市场条件下,要想生存,商业网站必须打造真正属于自己的品牌栏目.  相似文献   

程慧平  彭琦 《现代情报》2018,38(8):90-94
[目的/意义]个人云存储网站影响力的有效评价对用户选择云存储服务有着重要的参考作用,为个人云存储服务提供商改善网站设计质量提供方向。[方法/过程]通过整合WebQual 4.0模型和中国顾客满意度测评指标体系,并结合个人云存储功能特征,构建了个人云存储网站影响力评价指标体系,运用层次分析法计算各层级指标权重。选取典型个人云存储网站(百度网盘、腾讯微云、天翼网盘、115网盘)进行实证分析。[结果/结论]研究结果显示,对个人云存储网站影响力作用较大的指标主要包括:存储容量、有用性、高效分享、用户规模。百度网盘网站影响力最大,115网盘网站最小。未来个人云存储网站服务提供商应更加关注网站存储容量、有用性、高效分享及用户规模方面的提升。  相似文献   

Competition for consumers to visit company websites has intensified in recent years. An important indicator of website popularity (and consequent survival) is the extent to which the website can draw consumer visits vis-à-vis other websites. A majority of the current understanding on consumer visits is limited to a single website, and leaves little knowledge on the performance of one website compared with others. In tracking the Internet usage behavior of 200 individuals in Mainland China for 30 consecutive days, we applied Zipf's law to identify the divergence points separating popular websites from non-popular ones. Two measurements were used, namely, visit traffic (number) and visit engagement (time spent). We observed that 94.87% of the entire visit traffic is devoted to 15.08% of all visited websites, whereas 84.63% of engagements are on the top 6.16% visited websites. These findings suggest that few websites accounted for the bulk of online traffic and time. Further, we segmented the dataset based on two key proxy variables of user demographics, which are gender and occupation. The findings on visit traffic remained salient after considering user segments, but the findings on website engagement varied across different user segments. Our further analysis, which categorized the visited websites by their main service, revealed the type of Internet users attracted to popular websites.  相似文献   

旷芸 《现代情报》2013,33(5):126-130
本文以旅游网站网络日志作为研究对象,以流量统计软件作为数据采集工具,应用回归分析及相关分析模型研究影响网站流量的影响因素。研究结果得出了人均浏览次数、独立IP数和独立访客数3个指标对流量的不同影响程度。相关分析结果表明独立访客数与人均访问页面数显负相关关系。应用本文的研究结果将有助于改进网站性能,优化网站结构。  相似文献   

网站分类体系的用户体验实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在分析网站分类体系相关理论和对电子商务网站、搜索引擎网站、数字图书馆这三类网站考察的基础上,组织3组用户体验实验,观测用户对现有网站分类体系使用的表现,根据得到的实验结果进行分析,由此为网络分类未来发展研究提供基本数据。  相似文献   

张敏 《现代情报》2007,27(5):130-132
本文从高校图书馆网站用户的角度出发,首先分析了高校图书馆网站的特点,阐述了高校图书馆网站可用性的内涵,然后,介绍国外高校图书馆网站可用性的评估方法,提出了适合我国高校图书馆网站可用性的评估方法。  相似文献   

Government website evaluations do not always reflect the websites’ aims. Often, only aspects such as content and quality are considered, whereas the primary goal of these websites is to deliver public value. In this paper we introduce the public value perspective for website evaluation. A meta-analysis of website evaluation literature is presented, the findings being that there is no uniform or comprehensive set of website evaluation metrics and that the public value perspective is largely neglected in the website evaluation literature. Next, we describe how we integrated web evaluation and public value literature in order to develop a set of criteria used for evaluating the websites of sixteen Turkish local governments. The websites performed relatively well on traditional indicators, but less well on public values measures. In particular, we found that the websites are good at supporting requests, categorization and usability, but not satisfactory at providing platforms for citizen engagement, responsiveness and dialog. Finally, we argue that the public value perspective should be incorporated in the evaluations of websites and other public efforts.  相似文献   

李祖培 《大众科技》2012,(8):44-47,10
文章分析广西农业信息网信息发布概况,以中文互联网数据统计分析第三方服务提供商CNZZ开发的数据采集统计平台为依托,随机选择了2012年5月广西农业信息网的用户访问搜索的关键字、应用的搜索工具、使用的访问终端、网络服务接入商、访问来源、访问深度、访问时段、访问来路等九个统计指标进行调查,分析了广西农业信息网用户访问行为的特征,得出以下几个结论:一是广西农业信息网用户以百度、搜狗、谷歌、腾讯为等主渠道进行信息的定位搜索;二是广西农业信息网终端用户手机用户约占1.95%,电脑用户占98%以上,农村地区移动互联网应用处于起步阶段;三是用户通过电信、电信通、网通、移动等运营商提供网络通讯服务的用户累计占到98%以上;四是广西本地网民是关注广西农业信息网的主体,占到接近60%;六是网民对于广西农业信息网的关注多为简单获取信息进行浅层访问;七是网站日流量呈现出明显的工作日流量大节假日流量小的趋势,访问以工作时间为主.提出了优化政府信息网站的7个方面的建议.  相似文献   

网站信息构建决定因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘记  沈祥兴 《情报科学》2007,25(2):267-270,283
信息构建对于信息资源规划与组织、网站经营等都起着十分重要的作用。但是经过大量的考察分析,许多网站并没有充分有效的利用好这一理论和工具,使得积极的用户体验少,消极的用户体验多。因此,为全面客观分析造成这一现象的原因,在正确理解信息构建的内涵的基础上,本文创建了网站信息构建决定因素的分析框架。然后利用这一框架,结合我国网站信息构建应用现状,对我国网站信息构建存在的主要障碍进行分析,相应的提出一些建议。  相似文献   

基于用户视角的我国众包网站质量评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众包网站在众包实施过程中发挥着关键的中坚作用,基于用户的视角对我国众包网站的质量进行综合评价具有现实意义。以WebQual 4.0模型为基础构建众包网站的质量评价指标体系,并利用网络层次分析法确定各评价指标的权重值,最后依据该质量评价指标体系,通过真实的用户对我国代表性的三家众包网站(猪八戒网、威客中国网、小鱼儿网)的质量进行全面的评价分析。从评价结果中总结出提升我国众包网站质量的启示,也验证了本研究构建的众包网站质量评价指标体系的适用性和可操作性。  相似文献   

The Internet has changed the way in which organizations communicate with their publics, and museums are not an exception. The consolidation of Web 2.0 has not only given museums access to a powerful new tool for disseminating information, but has involved significant changes in the relationship between institutions and their publics, facilitating and enhancing the interaction between them. The overall objective of this paper is to analyze the degree of interactivity implemented in the websites of major international art museums, in order to assess if museums are evolving towards more dialogic systems with relation to their publics. The results indicate that museums still have a low level of interactivity on their websites, both in the tools used to present information and the resources available for interaction with virtual visitors. But it has also observed that museums are progressively implementing interactive and dialogic sources, suggesting a clear trend towards new ways of managing these platforms in order to establish more participatory and collaborative communication systems with virtual users.  相似文献   

从信息技术战略策应和高校利益相关人的全新视角出发,揭示高校网站的战略作用并对高校网站用户进行了重要性分级。在此基础上,论述高校网站首页在信息内容、信息体系结构元素的性能和信息呈现3个方面的展示原则,并以北京5所市属高校的网站首页为例进行深入分析。探讨提高高校网站首页质量的有效思路。  相似文献   

[目的]社会化媒体与社交网络的迅猛发展,驱动银行开始在其网站中嵌入各种社会化工具,为用户提供社会化服务。在这种环境下,影响用户使用网上银行的因素较传统互联网环境相比可能会发生变化。因此本研究聚焦于社会化媒体环境,探究该环境下影响用户使用网上银行意愿的影响因素。[方法]通过情景式问卷收集用户数据,采用相关性分析、多元回归分析、方差分析等方法进行数据分析。[结果/结论]在社会化媒体环境下,信息支持不仅可以直接正向影响用户对网上银行的使用意愿,还可以通过网站设计对用户使用意愿产生间接影响;情感支持可以通过正向影响网站设计而对用户使用网上银行的意愿产生间接影响;感知有用性、感知易用性、网站设计均可以直接正向影响用户的使用意愿,而感知风险则对用户的使用意愿具有直接的负向影响。此外,主观规范虽不能直接影响用户使用网上银行的意愿,但可以通过感知有用性对其产生间接地影响。  相似文献   

The design of a quality website, as part of e-business strategy, has become a key element for success in the online market. This article analyzes the main factors that must be taken into account when designing a commercial website, concentrating on the Aceros de Hispania company and its business model. We have studied the features which determine website quality: accessibility, speed, navigability, content, and we have calculated the Web Assessment Index (WAI) proposed by Miranda and Bañegil [Miranda, F. J., & Bañegil, T. M. (2004). Quantitative evaluation of commercial websites: An empirical study of Spanish firms. International Journal of Information Management, 24(4), 313–328]. The results obtained provide several lessons which should be borne in mind when designing a commercial e-strategy. Firstly, it can be observed that Internet popularity and search engine positioning facilitate entry to practically inaccessible markets. Secondly, the navigability makes users feel comfortable and secure when browsing it, which increases the probability of a transaction being completed. Finally, the information provided on the website must be accurate, informative, updated and relevant to customers’ requirements. Like Aceros de Hispania, any company, thanks to the Internet, will be able to overcome the barriers which would impede its successful worldwide development in the offline market.  相似文献   

方丽 《人天科学研究》2011,(11):135-137
在分析Wikispaces的功能和特点基础上,提出在Wikispaces平台上构建专题学习网站的思路。在进一步分析Wikispaces和优质专题学习网站的特点的基础上,阐述了基于Wikispaces的专题学习网站的功能模型。最后,以"电子板报的制作"的设计为实例,论述了在Wikispaces平台上设计一个优质的专题学习网站的过程。  相似文献   

文章对以往信息测评的方法进行总结和归类,提出利用认知任务分析方法来对网站进行测评的观点,分析网站测评方法和测评的模型,以及运用认知任务分析的思想对用户在进行信息交互时的特点进行分析,最后提出改进网站信息交互的若干建议。  相似文献   

夏南强  李倩 《情报科学》2007,25(3):332-339
本文对社会科学学术网站作了界定和基本的归类,探讨了社会科学学术网站与社会科学学术活动的关系。并从信息内容的综合程度、网站所属机构的不同、用户的特点、网站设置的不同目的等四个角度分析了各种社会科学学术网站的特点,建立了相关模型以供参考。并在系统分析的基础上,对社会科学学术网站的发展趋势作了初步的分析,指出了社会科学学术网站建设中存在的问题。  相似文献   

Online social networking has received increasing attention as a new phenomenon among online users. As Internet users utilize online social networking websites as a useful communication tool to maintain their social networks, this study explorers online social networking websites users’ knowledge sharing in particular. This study investigated the factors which influence knowledge contribution behaviors of social networking website users by sharing through user created contents with one another. By employing a socio-technical approach, this study discussed the roles of social system factors such as ethical culture, social tie, and a sense of belonging in online social network. Additionally, this study examined technical systems factors such as structural assurance of service providers and structural assurance of the Internet. The survey method was utilized in order to empirically test the research model. The research findings and contributions are discussed as well.  相似文献   

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