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师生课堂互动行为类型理论比较研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
班级课堂里存在着多种多样的师生互动行为,国内外学者从多个角度,运用多门学科的理论和方法对其进行了分类研究。国外学者艾雪黎运用社会学理论和方法,把师生课堂互动行为分为三种类型:教师中心式、学生中心式和知识中心式,利比特与怀特则从师生关系角度,将其划分为教师命令式、师生协商式和师生互不干涉式。我国学者吴康宁等人把实证研究与理论研究相结合,从教育社会学的角度,把师生课堂互动行为划分为两组类型:第一组有师个互动、师班互动和师组互动,第二组有控制服从型、控制反制型和相互磋商型。王家瑾运用系统工程分析方法,构建了师生课堂互动行为类型模型:正向互动型和反向互动型。  相似文献   

在历史课堂教学中,教师要注意加强师生之间的互动。新课程标准同样也要求教师改变过去呆板的、死记硬背的"一言堂"式的教学模式,要以学生为中心展开教学,加强和学生之间的合作,与学生一起探讨教学中的内容,将学生的学习积极性调动起来,深化师生之间的互动,让学生都能够学有所成。本文主要探讨如何互动,让历史课充满活力。  相似文献   

文章通过对于高校信息化环境下,专家型教师和新手型教师的课堂教学决策行为进行对比分析研究,指出不同类型教师决策行为的具体差异,并总结出较为有效的教学行为原则,如信息化环境下教师主导作用的发挥、强调师生的交流和互动、及时进行反馈、建构主义理论指导高校教学等。  相似文献   

课堂情境定义反应了教师和学生对自我、他人以及课堂生活的理解,主要有控制一服从型、控制一反抗型和相互磋商型.课堂师生互动是在一定的课堂情境定义中形成的,在不同类型的课堂情境定义下.师生互动具有不同特点.  相似文献   

国内外的学者从不同视角对师生互动行为的类型进行了划分,对认识师生课堂互动的本质和规律、提高互动有效性具有借鉴作用。英语课堂教学实践证明,公共英语课堂适合尽量采用“师组互动”。“师组互动”便于实施能照顾知识基础、学习能力和英语水平参差不齐的公共英语学习者的复式教学,有利于对教材进行“二次开发”,提高教学效率,而且能让师生都体验到课堂的快乐。  相似文献   

课堂教学行为是影响课堂教学效果的重要因素,已有的课堂教学行为采集存在劳动密集、分类模糊和编码复杂等不足.人工智能技术为课堂教学行为大数据伴随式采集、自动化智能标注提供了新的契机.本研究以西北地区某市三所学校的1201个常规课堂教学视频为研究样本,利用人工智能引擎自动标注课堂教学行为,并采用相关性分析、主成分分析、非参数差异性检验等方法,对课堂教学行为类型、规律及差异性进行分析.研究发现:1)课堂教学各类行为的出现频率不等且相差较大,其中,读写、讲授、巡视行为占比较大,生生互动、师生互动占比较小;2)多数课堂教学行为之间具有关联性,其中,应答与生生互动之间的相关性最高,巡视、读写与其他行为存在负相关;3)教师行为和学生行为并非完全属于不同的成分;4)不同特征教师的课堂教学行为之间存在差异;5)不同类型课堂的教学行为之间存在差异.研究结论可为人工智能时代挖掘课堂教学行为规律、改进课堂教学及开展教研活动提供参考.  相似文献   

课堂情境定义反映了教师和学生对自我、对对方以及对课堂生活的解释,主要有控制—服从型、控制—反抗型和相互磋商型。课堂师生互动是在一定的课堂情境定义中形成的,在不同类型的课堂情境定义下,师生互动具有不同特点。因此,要促进师生互动的良性运行,在进行课堂情境定义时必须采取一定的策略。  相似文献   

罗杰斯的师生观倡导"以学生为中心",教师是促进者,对教师与学生角色进行了与传统不同的重新定位。我国当前师幼互动行为上存在忽视幼儿心理感受、重视一致性原则以及重"活跃积极",轻"沉默安静"、强调教师权威等诸多问题。基于罗杰斯师生观视角,为当前的师幼互动行为提供指导和启示,重新定位师幼关系,理解宽容幼儿、注重情感交流、正确处理公平和差异,以及重视师幼平等对话,从而促进当前师幼互动行为的积极转化。  相似文献   

课堂情境定义反映了教师和学生对自我、对对方以及对课堂生活的解释,主要有控制-服从型、控制-反抗型和相互磋商型.课堂师生互动是在一定的课堂情境定义中形成的,在不同类型的课堂情境定义下,师生互动具有不同特点.因此,要促进师生互动的良性运行,在进行课堂情境定义时必须采取一定的策略.  相似文献   

成就本位的教师文化指的是教师对学生进行评价所依据的判断标准以学生成就为中心,并在此基础上所形成的教师特有的思考方式、情感方式和行为方式。教师成就本位文化表现在座位编排和师生互动等方面。学校组织价值取向的影响和教师自身价值附丽的需要是教师成就本位文化的主要成因。教师成就本位文化对师生关系将产生不良影响,主要表现在:教师成就本位文化导致差异性师生关系;诱发师生工具性交往,产生功利性师生关系;致使学生厌学、厌师,导致师生关系疏远。  相似文献   

根据我国高校师生关系的历史变迁,首先是阐释讲究师道尊严、教学相长的中国传统师生关系;然后分析了近代新式教育,学校体制的官僚化,解构了师道尊严的教师地位,师生关系发生畸变;最后从20世纪50年代和60年代初的师生情谊"亲如家人"到文革10年师生关系紧张以至教师斯文扫地的演变、以及80年代迎来高校师生关系的美好时光、再到90年代以来师生关系又一次嬗变分析了新中国高校师生关系的变迁。并从变化了的制度和社会关系方面阐释其根源。最终,结合信息时代和知识经济时代的发展要求、中国社会的发展要求以及高等教育的现代功能和承载的历史使命等对我国未来高校师生关系的发展趋势进行预测。  相似文献   

Student cooperativeness underlies high quality teacher-student relationships, and has been positively associated with students' school engagement. Fostering cooperative rather than oppositional student behavior might be especially helpful for protecting at-risk students against academic failure. To understand how exactly students' cooperativeness can be fostered, we investigated the interpersonal behaviors of secondary school teachers and at-risk students during dyadic interactions (N = 82 dyads) in the context of positive teacher-student relationships. Using Continuous Assessment of Interpersonal Dynamics, moment-to-moment teacher and student behavior was captured in terms of interpersonal agency (dominance vs. submissiveness) and communion (opposition vs. cooperation). Time-series analyses were used to analyze interpersonal behavior within individuals, within dyads, and between dyads. Cooperative student behavior was most likely if teachers acted friendly and cooperatively and if teachers ‘loosened up’ their agency and the structure they imposed on the interaction repeatedly, which may give students more freedom to express themselves and to cooperate.  相似文献   

体育教师在道德品质、学识修养、教师期望、师生关系、民主作风等方面对学生有着潜移默化的影响作用,只有充分发挥体育教师的主导作用,才能使体育隐蔽课程在体育教育改革和学生成长中发挥其特有的功效。  相似文献   

正当的教育权力由教师权力和学生权力两部分组成,批评权属于教师正当的教育权力。教育部赋批评权予班主任反映了教师不敢批评学生的现状,这是现代教育中师生关系追求绝对平等的后果,同时也有其现实根源。师生间应绝对平等的理念并非不正自明,我们也不能因现实教育中错误批评的存在而否定批评本身。师生之间自然地存在差异,老师对学生的引导及批评是好的教育必不可少的部分。我们应建立一种新型的富有教育性的师生关系,承认老师合理批评存在的必需,以消除目前道德教育可能的危险。  相似文献   

Teachers’ self-efficacy and value represent two central components of their motivation. However, there is a scarcity of knowledge regarding the relevance of value for teaching quality and student outcomes, as well as the extent to which interrelations depend on contextual resources and demands. Engaging students in their learning is an essential aspect of teachers’ work which should promote warm and positive relationships between them and their students. Not only teachers’ self-efficacy for student engagement, but also the value they attach to being able to engage students, should be important for teacher-student relationship quality. Using longitudinal structural equation models, we analyzed relations between self-efficacy and value for student engagement, reported teacher-student relationships, and the potential moderating roles of perceived excessive work demands and the resource of school belonging. Data from 395 Australian teachers in primary and secondary schools encompassed 3 timepoints from the end of teacher education, during teachers’ early career (average 3 years teaching), and midcareer (average 10 years teaching). Informed by social cognitive, expectancy-value and job demands-resources theories, key findings revealed that teachers’ reported relationships with their students at midcareer were predicted only at low levels of perceived excessive demands, by early career self-efficacy and early career value in interaction with self-efficacy. At midcareer, value associated with teacher-reported relationships with students only at low levels of excessive demands, and school belonging. Conversely, perceived teacher-student relationship in early career predicted teachers’ value for student engagement at midcareer. Implications for theory, teacher education and teachers’ professional practice are discussed.  相似文献   


In the learning environment, teacher–student interaction plays a major role in influencing the cognitive and affective development of students. Teacher–student interaction is also an important parameter of educational quality. Teachers’ and students’ preferences of teacher interpersonal behavior are linked to their individual characteristics and styles. The author examined students’ and teachers’ thinking styles and their preferences for teacher–student interpersonal behaviors. A total of 325 students and 146 teachers from 2 secondary schools were involved in this study. The results show that there were divergences between students’ and teachers’ thinking styles and their preferences of teacher interpersonal behavior. Convergences between students and teachers were also found, as both had preferences for cooperative teacher interpersonal behavior.  相似文献   

The ‘theory-practice divide’ in teacher education can be viewed not simply as an acceptance of a body of knowledge but instead an acceptance of the teacher educator’s authority to determine what is relevant educational theory. This research aimed to explore student teachers’ views of ‘educational theory’ and how it was discursively positioned relative to their practice in an attempt to examine whether their acceptance or rejection of it was also related to accepting the authority of the teacher educator. Using one-to-one interviews with 23 student teachers and employing a discourse analysis, four categories of students emerged. The paper describes these four categories and discusses the implications of these findings for initial teacher education and our understanding of the ‘theory-practice’ gap.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify tensions in teacher–student interaction in a high school biology laboratory. Using micro‐analytic analysis of classroom talk, the interaction between the students and a teacher working in the biology laboratory session on Reproduction in Plants is studied. The two tensions highlighted here are tension with textbooks as authority and tension with the teacher as authority. Tension with textbooks as authority originates from an over‐reliance on generalizations expressed in textbooks resulting in the inability of learners to appreciate alternatives and exceptions. Tension with the teacher as authority stems from the task design and varying levels of control that a teacher has over the learner and the learning process. The genesis of the two forms of tensions in the laboratory is different and they are tackled differently by the participants to yield different outcomes. While science educators have conducted intensive research over the past two decades on the effects of school science laboratory work on students’ learning of science, more can be done in the specific area of teacher–student interaction. This paper offers some insights into the interaction between a teacher and her students in a laboratory as they learn biology. An increased understanding of the impact of the tensions in a science laboratory might help to bring about realization of the true spirit and intent of school science laboratory experiences.  相似文献   

中学历史教学中师生关系的现状和课程改革的发展决定了构建新型师生关系的必要。作为中学历史教师,积极投身改革,在实践中建立新型师生关系成为必需。  相似文献   

师生互动关系的质量是影响教学效果的重要因素。文章以共鸣理论为分析视角,对大学课堂教学进行了基于关系维度的逻辑审视。首先介绍了共鸣的概念及特征;其次指出了课堂教学异化的原因在于共鸣关系的缺席;最后在以上分析基础上认为,由教师、学生和教学材料组成有效的“共鸣三角”,可以使课堂成为师生有效互动的“港湾”。总之,强调共鸣关系的建构,从而提升师生互动关系的质量,这是有效提升大学课堂教学效果的一种积极思路。  相似文献   

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