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This article divides into two roughly equal parts, both of which aim to address the act rather than the art of drawing. The second part focuses on a theoretical discussion of drawing. The first bears on a number of themes including the role of drawing in colonial history, drawing and data collection, and drawing and memory. It begins by describing an episode that unfolded as an encounter between two worlds, and two ages—an episode whose meaning and effects are still controversial today.  相似文献   

李树民 《生物学教学》2010,35(11):40-42
本文从Windows自带“画图”工具的调出、设置、常用工具简介、图表的保存、修改、导入、导出等方面,说明生物学图表绘制的方法。  相似文献   

在"互联网+"背景下,随着翻转课堂的出现,线上教学与线下教学的混合教学模式受到关注。针对我校目前沿用情景式、一体化、体验式教学模式,深入分析各种教学模式应用范畴,探讨互联网和不同教学模式相辅相成内在机理、提出混合式教学模式的教学思路;结合机械识图与绘制课程特点,以碎片化知识点为切入建立微课资源库来实现翻转课堂;在凸显"互联网+"理念的基础上,结合西部地区自身条件创建新型的教学模式,促进高校课程的教学水平和教学质量。  相似文献   

作为现代工业生产中的主要技术文件,工程图样是工程技术界交流技术思想,进行思想表达的重要工具,一直被誉为工程技术界的重要语言。只要是从事工程技术的专业人员,都要掌握这门技术语言。然而,制图的抽象性却使得众多学生望而却步。如何使学生愿学、乐学这门课程,是每位教师必须面对的重要课题。  相似文献   

Does using a learner-generated drawing strategy (i.e., drawing pictures during reading) foster students' engagement in generative learning during reading? In two experiments, 8th-grade students (Exp. 1: N = 48; Exp. 2: N = 164) read a scientific text explaining the biological process of influenza and then took two learning outcome tests. In Experiment 1, students who were asked to draw pictures during reading (learner-generated drawing group), scored higher than students who only read (control group) on a multiple-choice comprehension test (d = 0.85) and on a drawing test (d = 1.15). In Experiment 2, students in the learner-generated drawing group scored significantly higher than the control group on both a multiple-choice comprehension test (d = 0.52) and on a drawing test (d = 1.89), but students who received author-generated pictures in addition to drawing or author-generated pictures only did not. Additionally, the drawing-accuracy scores during reading correlated with comprehension test scores (r = .623, r = .470) and drawing scores (r = .620, r = .615) in each experiment, respectively. These results provide further evidence for the generative drawing effect and the prognostic drawing effect, thereby confirming the benefits of the learner-generated drawing strategy.  相似文献   

本文就图面质量所含的内容及要求,阐述了图面质量不仅是图纸美观,而且关系列产品的生产周期和制造成本.虽然计算机图学的发展使绘图技术提高到了一个新阶段,但其程序的编制需要有扎实的图学基础理论.论证了图面质量的重要性,提出了提高图面质量的具体方法.  相似文献   

增强制图能力 培养应用人才——高职制图教学改革刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对新形势对培养应用型人才的客观要求,本文对高职制图教学如何与培养目标相适应,体现高职特色,提高学生的思维能力和学习兴趣等问题进行了探讨,并就教学手段与方法提出了作者的改革设想,仅供商榷。  相似文献   

机械制图课程是机械专业、近机类专业的技术基础课程,随着时代的发展,教师、学生以及教学条件、教学环境都发生了巨大变化,如何在变化中创新教学方法,使学生更好地掌握这门课的知识与技能成为摆在各位教师面前的一个新的课题。  相似文献   

针对崩落采矿法放矿实验中存在的问题,将真实物理模拟实验与虚拟数值仿真实验相整合,优化了实验方案,设计了实验工艺流程和装置。采用平面物理模拟实验、立体物理模拟实验、三维数值仿真实验等方法,对不同步距条件下的端部放矿中矿岩流动机理和贫化损失变化规律进行了实验研究。  相似文献   

Clock drawing in developmental dyslexia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although developmental dyslexia is often defined as a language-based reading impairment not attributable to low intelligence or educational or socioeconomic limitations, the behavioral manifestations of dyslexia are not restricted to the realm of language. Functional brain imaging studies have shed light on physiological differences associated with poor reading both inside and outside the classical language areas of the brain. Concurrently, clinically useful tests that elicit these nonlinguistic deficits are few. Specifically, the integrity of the dorsal visual pathway, which predominantly projects to the parietal cortex, remains underinvestigated, lacking easily administered tests. Here we present the Clock Drawing Test (CDT), used to test the visuoconstructive ability of children with and without dyslexia and garden-variety poor readers. Compared to typically reading children, many children with dyslexia and some garden-variety poor readers showed significant left neglect, as measured by the distribution of figures drawn on the left clock face. In the poor readers with dyslexia, we observed spatial construction deficits like those of patients with acquired right-hemisphere lesions. The results suggest that in some children with dyslexia, right-hemisphere dysfunction may compound the phonological processing deficits attributed to the left hemisphere. The CDT provides an easy opportunity to assess skills known to be associated with right-hemisphere parietal function. This test can be easily administered to children for both clinical and research purposes.  相似文献   

教师对儿童绘画状态及其作品给予鼓励肯定,并采用形式多样的教学方式、方法对其引导、培养,才能激活儿童的绘画兴趣,发展儿童的创造潜能,使他们在绘画艺术的海洋中展现自我,放飞梦想。  相似文献   

介绍了计算机绘图即“甩图板”的重要性.实现“甩图板”必须正确处理计算机绘图与机械制图的关系;计算机绘图课与人才培养、人才需求的关系;采用国内软件与国外软件相结合进行计算机绘图.  相似文献   

读图能力是制图教学中的三大能力之一.指出读图能力的培养,必须注重把知识的传授和技能的训练过程有机的结合起来。  相似文献   

完善我国民事撤诉制度探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王青  斯晓健 《零陵学院学报》2004,25(1):70-72,79
我国的民事撤诉制度,原是与我国职权主义诉讼体制相适应的一项民事诉讼制度。随着社会主义市场经济的全面构筑,其不合理性日益显露,在当事人申请撤诉的时间、撤诉权的对等、申请撤诉的国家干预、撤诉后又反悔以及撤诉裁定等内容中均存在不少问题。为加强撤诉制度应有功能的有效发挥,须完善我国的民事撤诉制度。  相似文献   

文章就当前中国计算机图形图像软件的应用进行论述,对他们的发展方向、利弊也进行了评述和分析.  相似文献   

在《分析力学》的立体图示中使用斜二等轴測图(简称斜二測),可使立体图示更加准确、完善,教材更完美。  相似文献   

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