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足球运动损伤一直困扰着足球运动员的比赛和训练 ,影响了正常的比赛和训练 ,阻碍了运动水平的提高。因此 ,如何防治足球运动损伤是一项十分重要的研究课题。本文对全国 1 79名青少年足球运动员的 2 4 1例常见的损伤进行了调查统计与分析 ,力求探索足球运动损伤的原因 ,寻找预防措施 ,从而减少运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   

该文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法、实地考察法对周口师范学院体育学院足球运动损伤现状进行调查分析,研究结果表明:足球教师预防运动损伤仍然存在不足;学生运动损伤理论匮乏。根据研究结果提出以下建议:足球教师要提高对运动损伤的重视程度;做好准备活动;提高足球技术等。通过有效的处理与预防足球运动损伤,激发学生学习足球的热情,促进周口师范学院足球项目的进步与发展。  相似文献   

青少年足球运动员运动损伤的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
足球运动损伤一直困扰着足球运动员的比赛和训练,影响了正常的比赛和训练,阻碍了运动水平的提高。因此,如何防治足球运动损伤是一项十分重要的研究课题。本对全国179名青少年足球运动员的241例常见的损伤进行了调查统计与分析,力求探索足球运动损伤的原因,寻找预防措施,从而减少运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   

足球运动损伤的研究状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯俊杰 《体育科研》2006,27(3):72-75
综述了1982年至今国内学者有关足球运动员运动损伤的研究。从不同层次足球人群的运动损伤,足球运动损伤经常发生的部位,足球运动损伤与其他因素的关系,以及足球运动损伤的特点等方面入手。试图找出当前有关足球运动损伤研究的薄弱环节和不足之处,探讨足球运动损伤发生规律,推动有关的研究更为全面、精细。  相似文献   

秦飞 《中华武术》2021,(2):79-79,78
本文以足球运动损伤为研究对象,对小学足球教学过程中几种常见运动损伤进行了归纳,探寻运动损伤形成主要因素,并在此基础上,结合教学经验提出几点防护措施,以供参考。  相似文献   

郑袖 《体育世界》2013,(4):104-106
通过调查统计安徽省芜湖市中学足球教育教学训练中初学者参加足球运动情况,以及在足球运动中所受到运动损伤发生率进行调查,详细地分析了产生运动损伤的各个环节及内外因素,对各运动损伤情况进行分类归总、比较分析,对今后在中学足球教学与训练中提出了预防性措施和综合性治理。  相似文献   

通过对2008年中国室内5人制运动员在国家队集训期间发生的运动损伤进行分析,总结出5人制足球运动员运动损伤的常见类型、部位,归纳出5人制足球运动员发生运动损伤的多因素,提出对运动损伤的处理方法和预防损伤的的建议.  相似文献   

通过分析福州市青少年足球运动员功能动模式和伤病的相关性,为青少年足球运动员预防潜在的运动损伤提供参考。以福州市青少年足球运动员的运动损伤和功能性动作筛查的为研究对象。采用访谈法和测试法,对福州市青少年足球运动员进行功能性动作筛查和运动损伤统计。研究结果表明,福州青少年足球运动员膝关节50%、脚踝37.5%、髋关节25.0%;分析发现福州市青少年足球运动员有无运动损伤组的深蹲、上踏步跨栏架、旋转稳定性和FMS总分存在统计学意义上的显著差异。  相似文献   

张凤 《拳击与格斗》2020,(4):107-107
随着足球改革方案的提出,中国的足球产业在未来将呈现井喷式的发展。在加大中小学足球课程发展力度的同时也增加了大学对足球运动的重视度,学习足球的学生越来越多。由于学习足球过程中存在多种问题,极易产生运动损伤,现实生活中有许多突发的运动损伤频频发生,运动损伤对我们来说并不陌生,多数运动的人都有过或轻或重的运动损伤经历。淮北师范大学参与足球运动的学生极易出现的运动损伤主要包括扭伤、挫伤、擦伤、拉伤、撕裂、脱位、骨折、劳损等。  相似文献   

运用实验对比法,对体育专业足球教学与训练采用运动损伤干预的效果进行分析,认为运动损伤干预对体育专业足球教学与训练有着非常显著的作用和意义,能有效减少和避免学生运动伤害事故的发生,有利于足球教学与训练的正常进行。  相似文献   

2002-2003年陕西国力足球队运动损伤情况的分析与研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用文献资料调研、运动员伤病跟踪调查、数理统计等方法,对陕西国力足球队2002- 2003赛季运动损伤情况进行研究,结果表明:在两个赛季内,共有17名运动员发生了128例不 同部位的损伤,占被观察人数的65.3%,78.7%的损伤发生在下肢。通过对足球运动员损伤机制 的研究,旨在提出足球运动致损因素,寻找措施,减少运动员在比赛与训练中的损伤发生。  相似文献   

Background:Soccer injuries constitute an important public health problem and cause a high economic burden.Nevertheless,comprehensive data regarding injury costs in nonprofessional soccer are missing.The aim of this study was to determine which groups of nonprofessional soccer athletes,injury types,and injury situations caused high injury costs.Methods:A cross-sectional,retrospective telephone survey was carried out with a random sample of persons who had sustained a soccer injury between July 2013 and June 2014 and who had reported this accident to the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund(Suva).One year after the corresponding accident,every injury was linked to its costs and to the answers obtained in the interview about injury setting,injury characteristics,and injury causes.Finally,the costs of 702 injuries were analyzed.Results:The average cost of an injury in nonprofessional soccer amounted to€4030(bias-corrected and accelerated 95%confidence interval(BCa 95%CI):3427-4719).Persons aged 30 years and older experienced 35%of soccer injuries but accounted for 49%of all costs.A total of58%of all costs were the result of injuries that occurred during amateur games.In particular,game injuries sustained by players in separate leagues for players aged 30+/40+years led to high average costs of€8190(BCa 95%CI:5036-11,645).Knee injuries accounted for 25%of all injuries and were responsible for 53%of all costs.Although contact and foul play did not lead to above-average costs,twisting or turning situations were highly cost relevant,leading to an average sum of€7710(BCa 95%CI:5376-10,466)per injury.Conclusion:Nonprofessional soccer players aged 30 years and older and particularly players in 30+/40+leagues had above-average injury costs.Furthermore,the prevention of knee injuries,noncontact and nonfoul play injuries,and injuries caused by twisting and turning should be of highest priority in decreasing health care costs.  相似文献   

文章通过对32名足球运动员,106名足球爱好者运动损伤的调查分析,发现疲劳性胫骨骨膜炎的发病率很高,特别是足球运动员该病的发病率更高。发病的部位以胫骨中段和下段较多,特别是中、下1/3交界处发病率更高。文章就此还对胫骨的形态结构、生理机能进行分析与研究,得出疲劳性胫骨骨膜炎的发病部位在中、下1/3交界处发生最多主要是由胫骨的解剖生理学的特点所决定的,因而应据此做出防治原则和措施。  相似文献   

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common in soccer. Understanding ACL loading mechanisms and risk factors for ACL injury is critical for designing effective prevention programs. The purpose of this review is to summarize the relevant literature on ACL loading mechanisms, ACL injury risk factors, and current ACL injury prevention programs for soccer players. Literature has shown that tibial anterior translation due to shear force at the proximal end of tibia is the primary ACL loading mechanism. No evidence has been found showing that knee valgus moment is the primary ACL loading mechanism. ACL loading mechanisms are largely ignored in previous studies on risk factors for ACL injury. Identified risk factors have little connections to ACL loading mechanisms. The results of studies on ACL injury prevention programs for soccer players are inconsistent. Current ACL injury prevention programs for soccer players are clinically ineffective due to low compliance. Future studies are urgently needed to identify risk factors for ACL injury in soccer that are connected to ACL loading mechanisms and have cause-and-effect relationships with injury rate, and to develop new prevention programs to improve compliance.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine soccer, sovereignty and the state of exception. The paper is a pedagogical tool for undergraduate students in order for them to learn about sovereignty and the ‘state of exception’ through soccer, the world’s most popular sport. I begin by examining differing conceptions of sovereignty and the state of exception. I then highlight the fate of soccer under various states of exception. I focus on Pinochet’s Chile, but also provide examples from the Argentinean military junta, Nazi Germany and El-Sisi’s Egypt. I then reflect about soccer, sovereignty, and the state of exception in relation to Fédération Internationale de Football Association. I offer concluding remarks about soccer and states of exception. I argue that states of exception are in theory opportunities for change because they expose the naked aggression of states, but in practice they represent a danger for soccer players, fans and democracy.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、实地调查、数理统计等研究方法,对福建省高校足球联赛的开展状况、联赛的资金状况、市场开发现状进行分析和探讨。发现福建省高校足球联赛市场开发程度较低,联赛发展资金严重不足。建议联赛发展所需资金应该通过市场进行开发,向社会要资金,从而形成多渠道、多形式的经费筹集体制。  相似文献   

关于足球运动起源之新论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
足球运动的起源一直有两大基本说法:古代的足球(足球游戏)起源于中国;现代足球运动则起源于英国。国际足联2004年正式确定:足球起源于中国,中国古代的蹴鞠就是世界上最早的足球运动。本文从足球运动两大诞生地中国与英国,在关于足球起源的诸条件、要素异同性方面的综合比较分析与研究,试图对“足球运动起源于中国”这一定论提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Understanding the surface hardness of soccer fields is essential to evaluate the risk of injury and also its influence on the playing behavior of soccer players. In this context, newly developed hybrid turf systems have to be tested for their surface hardness with regard to the increased risk of injury on hard sports surfaces. The hardness of a soccer field can be quantitatively measured using an apparatus with a cylindrical weight that is dropped from a defined height. Since this procedure was first used for road construction, there are few studies investigating its use on sports grounds. This has led to inconsistencies in methodology and the absence of evaluation guidelines for classifying the hardness of soccer fields. This paper considers how turf systems (natural turf and hybrid turf) differ in their hardness and how this method can be used for different soccer turf systems. Natural turf systems, stitched turf systems, hybrid turf-bearing layer systems and woven mat systems were investigated. The assessment results from a comparative representation of hardness values of different soccer fields. By comparison, natural turf systems were found to be the softest, while woven mat systems were the hardest. Furthermore, the parameters that might affect the hardness were investigated. The influence of the measured soil parameters decreases with an increasing number of measurements per measuring point. Turf system-specific correlations make it possible to reduce the amount of measurement effort.  相似文献   

Regulations now state that professional academies in the United Kingdom are required to substantially increase the volume of soccer training. This study assessed the current injury occurrence, providing an update to reports published prior to the introduction of the Elite Player Performance Plan (EPPP). 608 soccer players aged 11–18 years from six professional soccer clubs were prospectively monitored, recording injuries during the 2014–2015 season. An injury rate of 1.32 injuries per player/season was indicated with a mean time loss of 21.9 days per injury. The greatest time loss per injury was in the U14s-U15s, and the highest rate of severe injuries in the U15s. Strains and sprains were the most common injury type, with the knee and ankle the most frequently injured anatomical sites. Seasonal variation indicated two peaks in injury incidence, occurring in September and January. In comparison to a published audit prior to the inception of the EPPP, this study indicates that academy soccer players are three-times more likely to experience an injury. Given that time loss and injury severity also increased during periods that typically follow rapid growth, these players should be considered an important group for training load monitoring and injury prevention strategies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyse context, causes, and characteristics of injuries in non-professional soccer. Therefore, a retrospective telephone survey was carried out with persons who were injured while playing soccer and who reported this accident to the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (Suva). Based on these data, an analysis of 708 soccer injuries was performed. The findings show that 30.1% of the injuries occurred during informal soccer play, and 75.4% of the injured persons were soccer club members. 53.0% of all injuries were caused by contact and 29.5% by foul play. Foul play was not associated with injury severity. With respect to injury severity, twisting/turning and being tackled by an opponent were identified as the most influental injury causes. Moreover, the risk of being severely injured was particularly high players of the 30+/40+ amateur leagues. In conclusion, the findings highlight that 30+/40+ league players are a major target group for the prevention of severe soccer injuries. Soccer clubs may constitute an appropriate multiplier for implementing prevention strategies such as fair play education, healthy play behaviours, and prevention programmes. Finally, a better understanding of injury situations leading to severe injuries is needed to improve injury prevention.  相似文献   

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