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目的是对射箭运动员的视觉注视行为进行研究,揭示射箭运动员瞄准时的注视特征.研究对象为7名射箭专家和10名射箭新手运动员.采用运动中视觉注视的方法对被试进行测试和评价,结果表明不同水平射箭运动员射箭过程的视觉注视策略不同.与射箭新手相比,射箭专家展现了较长的静眼注视.射箭专家开始阶段的注视持续时间短于瞄准阶段的注视持续时间.静眼注视可以作为区分射箭专家与射箭新手的专项指标.  相似文献   

采用10名乒乓球专业运动员为被试,以乒乓球发球片段为运动情境,结合双眼视差成像原理的偏正光技术在实验室形成立体环境为素材,对专业运动员的视觉搜索特征进行实验研究,同时进行平面视觉和立体视觉条件下运动员视觉搜索特征的比较研究。结果表明:在不同视觉条件下,乒乓球运动员的视觉搜索特征和操作绩效存在差异。在立体视觉成像条件下乒乓球运动员接发球落点的判断反应快,且运动员的采用了注视次数少,视觉搜索频率快,注视分配和注视轨迹更倾向于集中的搜索模式。运动员在立体视觉条件下视觉信息加工效率更高。  相似文献   

田爱莲 《体育科学》2003,23(5):96-101
对我国优秀射箭运动员男、女各12人:一般射箭运动员男、女各12人进行研究。采用美国产cybex—770力量测试系统研究运动员的力量特征,证明射箭运动员的持弓臂外展肌PT(峰力矩)大于内收肌;慢速PT、总功大于快速的PT与总功,且优秀运动员比一般水平运动员表现的更明显,射箭运动员持弓臂的外展肌总功与内收肌总功高度相关。  相似文献   

运动情境中运动员的视觉搜索行为   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
运动员在运动情境中的视觉搜索反映了运动员的信息加工模式.很多研究结果表明,不同水平运动员在运动情境中的视觉搜索行为是不同的,眼动仪记录的眼动模式成为运动员视觉搜索行为研究中的客观指标.综述了运动情境中有关运动员眼动特点的研究,并对已有研究进行分析,指出眼动方法在研究运动员视觉信息加工中应注意的问题.  相似文献   

排球运动员接发球过程中视觉搜索特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以33名不同水平排球运动员为被试,将时间阻断范式、眼动记录技术相结合,探讨排球运动员接发球过程中的视觉搜索特征。结果表明:在接发球过程中,不同水平排球运动员的视觉搜索特征存在显著差异。优秀排球运动员可以根据运动情景中任务的变化迅速调整视觉搜索模式,在接发球的预期阶段采用了注视次数少、注视持续时间长、眼跳距离小、注视轨迹简单、集中的搜索模式;在动作操作阶段采用了注视次数多、注视持续时间短、眼跳距离大、注视轨迹分散成网状的搜索模式。优秀排球运动员对发球落点进行预判时,在反应时和准确性指标上存在明显的优势,但是,随着运动水平的提高,反应准确性不是优秀排球运动员预期能力的主要区分标准。提示:对于测试、评价运动员在运动情景中的信息加工处理能力不能根据单一运动情景的眼动特征进行,要综合运动情景中的不同任务的眼动指标和行为预判探讨运动员在运动过程中的视觉搜索特征。  相似文献   

本文综述了本体感觉在游泳运动中的应用研究成果,介绍了本体感觉的概念和评估方法,分析了本体感觉对游泳技术和表现的影响,以及本体感觉训练的效果和方法。研究结果:(1)本体感觉是一种重要的身体感知和调节能力,对于游泳运动员的技术水平和竞技表现具有重要影响。本体感觉可以影响游泳运动员的划水力量和效率、身体转动和协调、游泳方向和速度、身体平衡和稳定等技术要素,从而影响他们的游泳表现。(2)本体感觉训练是一种有效而又被低估的游泳运动训练方法,它可以帮助游泳运动员提高或恢复他们的本体感觉能力,从而改善或优化他们的游泳技术和表现,同时减少或避免他们受伤或发生其他并发症等有利效果。(3)本体感觉评估方法可以帮助游泳运动员了解或监测他们的本体感觉状态,从而指导或调整他们的游泳训练和康复方案,同时预测或评价他们的游泳技术和表现等有利效果。另外,本文还指出了目前研究中存在的一些问题和不足,以及未来研究的方向和建议。  相似文献   

模拟比赛情景训练对优秀散打运动员注意分配能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择20名优秀散打运动员为被试,以散打比赛情景片段和两种刺激信号为素材,对优秀散打运动员模拟比赛情景训练过程中注意分配值动态变化情况进行分析,探讨比赛情景模拟训练对优秀散打运动员训练的效果.结果表明,比赛情景模拟训练能有效提高优秀散打运动员的注意分配能力;优秀散打运动员注意分配技能提高的进程是符合运动技能形成的基本规律的;在散打专项情境中,教练员施以观众声音因素的干扰并不能影响高水平散打运动员的注意分配能力;运动员运动水平越高,注意分配能力也相应表现出较高水平,说明散打运动项目要求运动员具备较高水平的注意分配能力.  相似文献   

射箭技术评价指标的综合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方法:运用Qualisisy红外光点测试系统、Footscan足底压力测试系统、Noraxon肌电遥测系统等对国家队射箭队运动员进行测试,对运动员的射箭动作技术进行分析。结论:1)姿态角、肌肉用力激活程度、举弓阶段主要用力肌肉激活顺序、举弓、开弓时间等的一致性可作为射箭技术评价指标;2)各动作阶段所用时间的长短不能作为技术评价指标,但开举弓时间比与中国国家队射箭成绩正相关;3)基础平衡的足底压力中心指标可作为身体素质、选材及成绩预测的参考依据;4)射箭运动员实射时身体在前、后方向上的稳定性较差,主要与腹背肌力量的不均衡及没有专业运动鞋有关;5)运动学及肌电学都表明,中国射箭训练对举弓、开弓阶段的重视不够,背部肌肉用力特征不明显,撒放技术合理性不高。建议:1)快节奏只是个别运动员的特点,不能因为团体比赛时限缩短而过多强调快节奏。2)采用振动法或不稳定支撑面的力量训练方法进行力量训练。因为这两种训练方法不仅可增加肌肉力量,而且可使神经肌肉的协调性、本体感受器得到训练,从而增强对射箭动作的感觉能力;3)为射箭运动员定制或选择有防滑块鞋底、前后上翘程度符合运动员脚型特点的射箭专用鞋。  相似文献   

运动员注意优先效应的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
通过考察分心刺激数量、目标-线索一致性和目标特征来探讨运动员视觉选择性注意中的优先效应,力图对运动员的信息加工能力从注意认知的角度提供新视角。实验采用3×2×2被试内设计。结果表明:有效线索提示和新异目标具有注意优先权,有效线索-新异目标>无效线索-新异目标>有效线索-非新异目标>无效线索-非新异目标;运动员具有较好的视觉选择注意加工能力,能充分利用现有的诸多信息进行合理有效的整合加工和决策,调整自己注意的范围和焦点。  相似文献   

通过对比不同水平篮球运动员的视觉搜索模式,揭示高水平篮球运动员的认知加工策略及眼动特征,有助于更好的解释高水平运动员的运动表现.实验采用Dikablis Pro头戴式眼动仪,以"专家-新手"为研究范式,10名二级篮球运动员、10名普通大学生作为被试,让被试观看实验材料同时记录专家组与新手组的运动决策和眼动特征.实验结果...  相似文献   

This study used a backward-masking paradigm to examine individual differences in rate of visual information processing among university basketball, ice hockey and Canadian football players. Displays containing four letters were presented for stimulus durations ranging from 25 to 300 ms. Following stimulus offset, a masking stimulus was presented for 200 ms. The subjects were instructed to write down as many letters as possible from the briefly presented stimulus display on a specially prepared response grid. The results indicated consistent individual differences in rate of visual information processing. More importantly, it was found that rate of visual information processing as indexed by the backward-masking technique, has promising validity for predicting general performance excellence in university ice hockey and basketball players. Individual differences in rate of visual information processing were interpreted as reflecting the operation of attentional factors.  相似文献   

观察高原低压缺氧环境对游泳运动员的感知觉、记忆和注意等作业绩效的影响,旨在探讨高原低氧环境因素对人的认知信息加工和精神性操作能力的影响。结果发现,在高原训练的第2 d,运动员的视觉选择反应时明显慢于高原训练前的基础值。在高原训练初期,简单反应时、记忆力和注意稳定性没有显著性的变化。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to review current literature on visual attentional processes in the area of sport expertise. Based on recent findings in neuroscience, attention can be divided into four distinct sub-processes, all of which differ across individuals to varying extents: orienting attention, selective attention, divided attention, and sustained attention. These four sub-processes serve as a heuristic tool to categorize the presented studies. Then, a critical assessment of the merits and limitations of the discussed studies is provided. Following that, conceptual and methodological issues in the field of attention and sport will be discussed. Finally, new potential directions for further research in the field of attention processes and expertise will be presented with a link to other research topics (e.g., motivation, creativity) and disciplines (e.g., developmental psychology). The overall aim is to show that human movement science can use important insights from other branches of the discipline (e.g., social psychology) in order to test and optimize sports training programs. At the same time, though, it is hoped that the use of ecological and complex settings will, in future, enable further development of theoretical models from other disciplines, like general, or developmental psychology.  相似文献   

Covert orienting was measured in 50 college athletes and 51 nonathletes of both genders. Visual environments of the sports were both static (swimming, track) and dynamic (soccer, volleyball). Participants made speeded responses in a task measuring vigilance, alerting, automatic orienting, voluntary orienting, modulation of automatic orienting, and modulation of inhibition of return. Gender differences werefound in the overall response times of nonathletes and in the alerting measures for all participants. However, all participants were similar in their automatic orienting. Sport-specific effects were seen in voluntary orienting and in the modulation of automatic orienting. These gender and sports-related findings are interpreted in light of the experience athletes have in the dynamic control of spatial attention.  相似文献   

Training and contextual interference effects on memory and transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experimental intervention program to train subjects on coincidence anticipation and prediction skills was administered to novice females. An attempt was undertaken to study the effects of this sports training and training on laboratory tasks. According to Battig's predictions on the structure of practice sessions, both random and blocked contexts were presented. These acquisition contexts were viewed as orienting tasks that preceded sports training. The effects of high-contextual interference and sports training on acquisition, retention, and transfer were investigated. Practice conditions in the intervention were selected because of processing demands similar to random acquisition. Other research has shown that acquisition in random is influenced by sport-skill expertise and further indicates that processing of events occurring outside the laboratory influences performance of laboratory tasks. Observed results supported prior theoretical predictions and empirical findings on contextual interference. Predicted hypotheses were supported, and the effects of sports training were most profound during retention and transfer if the acquisition context for the trained subjects was random. Supported by prior research, activities performed outside the laboratory influenced performance on laboratory tasks. These results shift more emphasis on the learner as an active processor of information, which relates to Lee's (1988) views on transfer-appropriate processing.  相似文献   


An experimental intervention program to train subjects on coincidence anticipation and prediction skills was administered to novice females. An attempt was undertaken to study the effects of this sports training and training on laboratory tasks. According to Battig' s predictions on the structure of practice sessions, both random and blocked contexts were presented. These acquisition contexts were viewed as orienting tasks that preceded sports training. The effects of high-contextual interference and sports training on acquisition, retention, and transfer were investigated. Practice conditions in the intervention were selected because of processing demands similar to random acquisition. Other research has shown that acquisition in random is influenced by sport-skill expertise and further indicates that processing of events occurring outside the laboratory influences performance of laboratory tasks. Observed results supported prior theoretical predictions and empirical findings on contextual interference. Predicted hypotheses were supported, and the effects of sports training were most profound during retention and transfer if the acquisition context for the trained subjects was random. Supported by prior research, activities performed outside the laboratory influenced performance on laboratory tasks. These results shift more emphasis on the learner as an active processor of information, which relates to Lee's (1988) views on transfer-appropriate processing.  相似文献   

探讨记忆痕迹在专家运动员注意竞争优势中的作用及其脑机制。采用注意竞争范式,根据36名实验被试(专家组和新手组各18名)在注意运动场景(专长相关与非专长相关)和负性情绪面孔的重叠图片时的脑电信号,分析运动专长的注意竞争优势及其神经机制。研究结果表明,运动专家对其专长相关信息存在着显著的注意优势再次得到了验证;运动专家对其专长相关信息的注意优势是由于记忆痕迹被激活,促进了对专长相关信息的注意资源分配;运动专长的记忆痕迹激活体现在theta节律的活动特点及大脑楔前叶。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the role of selective attention in rhythmic response of children. A motor rhythmic response of grade 2 (N = 30) and grade 4 (N = 29) boys was examined with respect to the sensory modality of a secondary stimulus input. It is thought that the information processing capacity of children, as manifested in the processes of selective attention, may be a factor in the developmental changes in motor skill learning and performance. Using a rhythmic analysis system, subjects in each grade level performed ten blocks of five trials in one of three groups: control, audio interference, and visual interference. Output from a dual-channel recorder was scored to give time and space errors (AE and CE). Performance variation (VE) was calculated from the error scores. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed significantly better performance by the grade 4 subjects. The treatment conditions did not significantly impair performance as measured by CE error scores. The audio input resulted in significantly less consistent temporal performance (VE).  相似文献   


The present study sought to determine whether individuals could be trained to attenuate the visual dominance effect by selecting a proprioceptive stimulus for attention. Using a reaction time (RT) task, subjects received either: (a) visual (V), (b) proprioceptive (P), or (c) combined V and P (VP) stimuli during the first four days. Each subject was then tested under all three stimuli conditions. Results showed that reaction time to the P cue was always faster than that to V or combined VP stimuli. The order in which subjects were tested under each stimulus modality significantly affected the results such that those subjects who received initial exposure to the V stimulus produced the slowest premotor time scores but the fastest motor time scores. These results suggest that the nature of the stimulus which initiates the volitional task can affect both the central processing requirements to initiate the response, and the qualitative manner in which the motor command is executed.  相似文献   

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