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《教育科学研究》为综合性教育学术刊物:主要面向广大一线教师、校长,教育研究人员和教育行政管理人员;发表最新的教育理论研究、教育政策评析、教育热点专论、教育问题调查、教育改革实验和比较教育研究等文章;稿件以反映教育现实和实践问题为主,强调理论联系实际,坚持小问题深挖掘,低重心高质量。一、栏目设置1.专题《专题研究、专稿、特别关注):以一组文章(专题研究、特别关注)或一篇文章(专稿)立体、全面、深刻地反映当前某个教育理论与实践问题的研究成果;2.理论探索:探讨当前教育理论和实践中的重要问题,突出前瞻性和创新性;3.决策参考:教育发展和教育政策等方面的研究成果;4.热点与冰点:建设性地评论教育理论与实践中的热点、冰点问题;5.管理与评价:宏观教育管理、区域教育管理、学校管理;学校综合评价、师生教学评价;6.调查与实验:教育教学调查与实验的研究成果;7.课程与教学:课程实施中的理念、原则和策略等;教学的原则、方法、模式和策略等;  相似文献   

正《教育科学研究》为综合性教育学术刊物;主要面向广大一线教师、校长,教育研究人员和教育行政管理人员;发表最新的教育理论研究、教育政策评析、教育热点专论、教育问题调查、教育改革实验和比较教育研究等文章;稿件以反映教育现实和实践问题为主,强调理论联系实际,坚持小问题深挖掘,低重心高质量。一、栏目设置1.专题(专题研究、专稿、特别关注):以一组文章(专题研究、特别关注)或一篇文章(专稿)立体、全面、深刻地反映当前某个教育理论与实践问题的研究成果;2.理论探索:探讨当前教育理论和实践中的重要问题,突出前瞻性和创新性;3.决策参考:教育发展和教育政策等方面的研究成果;4.热点与冰点:建设性地评论教育理论与实践中的热点、冰点问题;5.管理与评价:宏观教育管理、区域教育管理、学校管理;学校综合评价、师生教学评价;  相似文献   

正《教育科学研究》为综合性教育学术刊物;主要面向广大一线教师、校长,教育研究人员和教育行政管理人员;发表最新的教育理论研究、教育政策评析、教育热点专论、教育问题调查、教育改革实验和比较教育研究等文章;稿件以反映教育现实和实践问题为主,强调理论联系实际,坚持小问题深挖掘,低重心高质量。一、栏目设置1.专题(专题研究、专稿、特别关注):以一组文章(专题研究、特别关注)或一篇文章(专稿)立体、全面、深刻地反映当前某个教育理论与实践问题的研究成果;2.理论探索:探讨当前教育理论和实践中的重要问题,突出前瞻性和创新性;3.决策参考:教育发展和教育政策等方面的研究成果;4.热点与冰点:建设性地评论教育理论与实践中的热点、冰点问题;5.管理与评价:宏观教育管理、区域教育管理、学校管理;学校综合评价、师生教学评价;6.调查与实验:教育教学调查与实验的研究成果;  相似文献   

正《教育科学研究》为综合性教育学术刊物;主要面向广大一线教师、校长,教育研究人员和教育行政管理人员;发表最新的教育理论研究、教育政策评析、教育热点专论、教育问题调查、教育改革实验和比较教育研究等文章;稿件以反映教育现实和实践问题为主,强调理论联系实际,坚持小问题深挖掘,低重心高质量。一、栏目设置1.专题(专题研究、专稿、特别关注):以一组文章(专题研究、特别关注)或一篇文章(专稿)立体、全面、深刻地反映当前某个教育理论与实践问题的研究成果;  相似文献   

正《教育科学研究》为综合性教育学术刊物;主要面向广大一线教师、校长,教育研究人员和教育行政管理人员;发表最新的教育理论研究、教育政策评析、教育热点专论、教育问题调查、教育改革实验和比较教育研究等文章;稿件以反映教育现实和实践问题为主,强调理论联系实际,坚持小问题深挖掘,低重心高质量。一、栏目设置1.专题(专题研究、专稿、特别关注):以一组文章(专题研究、特别关注)或一篇文章(专稿)立体、全面、深刻地反映当前某个教育理论与实践问题的研究成果;2.理论探索:探讨当前教育理论和实践中的重要问题,突出前瞻性和创新性;3.决策参考:教育发展和教育政策等方面的研究成果;4.热点与冰点:建设性地评论教育理论与实践中的热点、冰点问题;  相似文献   

正《教育科学研究》为综合性教育学术刊物;主要面向广大一线教师、校长,教育研究人员和教育行政管理人员;发表最新的教育理论研究、教育政策评析、教育热点专论、教育问题调查、教育改革实验和比较教育研究等文章;稿件以反映教育现实和实践问题为主,强调理论联系实际,坚持小问题深挖掘,低重心高质量。一、栏目设置1.专题(专题研究、专稿、特别关注):以一组文章(专题研究、特别关注)或一篇文章(专稿)立体、全面、深刻地反映当前某个教育理论与实践问题的研究成果;2.理论探索:探讨当前教育理论和实践中的重要问题,突出前瞻性和创新性;  相似文献   

《教育科学研究》为综合性教育学术刊物;主要面向广大一线教师、校长,教育研究人员和教育行政管理人员;发表最新的教育理论研究、教育政策评析、教育热点专论、教育问题调查、教育改革实验和比较教育研究等文章;稿件以反映教育现实和实践问题为主,强调理论联系实际,坚持小问题深挖掘,低重心高质量。一、栏目设置1.专题(专题研究、专稿、特别关注):以一组文章(专题研究、特别关注)或一篇文章(专稿)立体、全面、深刻地反映当前某个教育理论与实践问题的研究成果;2.理论探索:探讨当前教育理论和实践中的重要问题,突出前瞻性和创新性;  相似文献   

《教育科学研究)为综合性教育学术刊物;主要面向广大一线教师、校长,教育研究人员及教育行政管理人员;发表最新的教育理论研究、教育政策评析、教育热点专论、教育问题调查、教育改革实验和国外教育动向等文章;稿件以反映教育现实和实践问题为主,强调理论联系实际,小问题深挖掘,低重心高质量。一、栏目设置1.专题研究:以一组文章立体、全面地反映当前某个教育理论与实践问题的研究成果;2.理论探索:探讨当前教育理论和实践中的重要问题,突出前瞻性和创新性;3.决策参考:教育发展和教育政策等方面的研究成果;4.热点与冰点:建设性地评论教育理论与实践中的热点、冰点问题;  相似文献   

全国中文核心期刊中国北方优秀期刊北京市优秀期刊《教育科学研究》为综合性教育学术刊物;主要面向广大一线教师、校长,教育研究人员和教育行政管理人员;发表最新的教育理论研究、教育政策评析、教育热点专论、教育问题调查、教育改革实验和比较教育研究等文章;稿件以反映教育现实和实践问题为主,强调理论联系实际,坚持小问题深挖掘,低重心高质量。一、栏目设置1.专题(专题研究、专稿、特别关注):以一组文章(专题研究、特别关注)或一篇文章(专稿)立体、全面、深刻地反映当前某个教育理论与实践问题的研究成果;  相似文献   

以人为本,是科学发展观的核心,同时也应该是高校马克思主义理论教育的核心。胡锦涛总书记提出过"如何更有效地用马克思主义理论武装大学生头脑,引导大学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观"问题。目前高校思想政治教育有效性不足的情况,要求以人为本必须是所有高校教师进行思想政治教育的出发点和目的地,关注学生的需求,解决实际问题,增强高校马克思主义理论教育的有效性,从而实现大学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

传统的教育基本理论研究有两条道路:一条是从上至下看的路,另一条是从下向上看的路。第一条道路在与教育实践的相互作用中发生了合理性困境,第二条道路在与教育实践的相互作用中发生了合法性困境。合理性危机需要一种合理化策略,合法性危机需要一种合法化策略。而建构中层理论既是合理化策略的一个组成部分,也是合法化策略的一个组成部分。在合理化和合法化的过程中,建构中层理论可能会成为教育基本理论研究的第三条道路。  相似文献   

How educational goals are conceptualized as a construct has implications for developing and evaluating educational programs and activities. The author used EQS 3.0 to test the factorial validity of 4 models of conceptualization of educational goals by conducting confirmatory factor analysis on empirical data collected from 1,134 education faculty members. The 4-factor model espoused by Goodlad fit the data best, and the participants wanted academic, vocational, personal, and social goals to be in relative harmony. Implications for educational theory, practice, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Parental anxiety in children’s education is closely related to children’s developmental and educational outcomes. The current study reported the development and validation of a self-report instrument to evaluate the Sources of Parental Anxiety in Children’s Education (SPACEs). Qualitative analyses suggested that the construct of parental anxiety in children’s education was multidimensional, representing learning performance anxiety, educational environment anxiety, educational input anxiety, and educational outcome anxiety as four primary sources. The results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported this four-factor structure comprising 17 items to capture this multidimensional construct. The scale also demonstrated adequate internal consistencies, convergent validity, discriminant validity, criterion-related validity, and test-retest reliability. A series of multi-group tests across age, locality, and children’s grades provided evidence of measurement invariance. Overall, the SPACE scale appear to be a reliable and valid tool to measure educational anxiety in parents in the Chinese context.  相似文献   

异域教育理论需要中国化是由教育理论自身的特性所决定的.而异域教育理论中国化的目的则在于解决中国教育实践的问题,建构中国特色的教育理论。因此,在学习、借鉴异域教育理论时,就需要确立一种中国立场,拥有一种主体意识,就需要教育研究从知识陈述转换为实践探求。  相似文献   

Background:?Validity theory has evolved significantly over the past 30 years in response to the increased use of assessments across scientific, social and educational settings. The overarching trajectory of this evolution reflects a shift from a purely quantitative, positivistic approach to a conception of validity reliant on the interpretation of multiple evidence sources integrated into validity arguments. Moreover, within contemporary validity, interpretation has been emphasised as a central process; however, despite this emphasis, there have been few explicit articulations of specific interpretive methodologies applicable to the practice of validation.

Purpose:?To link contemporary theoretical foundations in validity to practical methods and structures to help guide the collection and analysis of interpretive validity evidence. By building upon existing validity theory, this paper aims to provide greater clarity on the practice of validation and contribute toward the larger developing framework for the validation of educational assessments.

Source of evidence:?An interdisciplinary, integrative review of over 60 research articles and sources related to the theory and practice of educational validation and interpretive inquiry approaches. Sources include literature from the fields of educational assessment and more broadly social scientific research.

Main argument:?As assessments in education increasingly aim to measure complex constructs that are value-laden and socially dependant, validity theory must keep pace and evolve in ways that address the inherent complexities associated with contemporary educational assessment. Through this paper, I assert that a greater understanding of interpretive methodologies represents one of the most promising areas for development of validation theory and practice. Specifically, I argue that dialectic, hermeneutic and transgressive forms of inquiry can be integrated within current argument-based structures for the collection, analysis and representation of validity evidence in several useful ways.

Conclusions:?Interpretive inquiry processes, namely dialectic, hermeneutic and transgressive forms of interpretation, serve to expand validation practice to include diverse evidences for the generation of multiple-perspective validity arguments. The paper concludes with specific implications for future research and practice within the field of interpretive validity theory.  相似文献   

This article searches for an autonomous discipline of education, one that is a self-governing discipline and exercises the right to organize its own activities and to make independent decisions. In undertaking this quest, it asks: how may education be organized to safeguard its autonomy so as to be able to generate strong and unique educational knowledge and theory? To address this question, Herner Saeverot argues for a conceptual structure comprising three interrelated perspectives: education as translation (ETN), education as task (ETK), and education as truth (ETH). These three perspectives are part of the overarching term “the science of education” (SE). While ETN translates knowledge from noneducational disciplines into educationally relevant knowledge, ETK produces distinct educational knowledge or theory directly from educational practice (EP). Through these processes, education can function as an autonomous and a self-governing discipline. However, more research is needed to identify what would be required for education to become a strong autonomous discipline. The reason for this is that ETK ultimately produces educational theory in a weak sense, that is, it yields knowledge structures that are too loose or poorly articulated to be designed as strong theory. Thus, ETH examines ETK to produce educational theory in a strong sense, in other words, knowledge that has undergone thorough scientific verification and theoretical substantiation. By way of this organization, educational theory is developed through (1) ETK as a firsthand experience in which practice-based knowledge and theory is derived directly from EP, and (2) ETH as a second-order observation of EP in which theory-based knowledge is derived indirectly from EP and directly from practice-based theory (ETK).  相似文献   

本研究依据我国师范专业认证标准,基于循证评估的理念,借鉴国内外相关研究,运用德尔菲法、问卷调查法、层次分析法,构建了较为科学严谨的教育实习评价标准。评价标准内容涵盖师德与理念、保教知识与能力、育人能力、自我发展能力4个一级维度,以及态度行为、师德规范、专业理念、教育情怀、生活活动、游戏活动、教育活动、激励评价、班级管理、综合育人、交流合作、反思发展12个二级维度,共计38个题项。经检验,教育实习评价标准信效度较高、权重分配合理,可用于教育实习效果评价。  相似文献   

Following the calls for increased research on the educational experiences of Chicana/o community college students, and the development of culturally applicable measures for communities of color, this study examined the utility and the applicability of the Cultural Congruity Scale (CCS) and University Environment Scale (UES) for use with Chicana/o community college students. Applying a psychosociocultural framework, the reliability, construct, and criterion-related validity of the scales for use with a sample of 110 Chicana/o community college students was examined. Results demonstrated adequate reliability and construct validity, with indication of applicability of these scales for the study’s sample. Overall, the study challenges normative practices in educational research that students—despite their race/ethnicity, backgrounds, and histories—face similar educational experiences. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

教育理论的解释力直接影响着其科学性与有效性。教育研究要构建和完善那种类似于理念型的概念体系、分析框架和模型化结构,这样才能使教育理论具有较强的解释力。“理念型”概念的理论建构对新型师生关系的理解有极重要的意义,实现解释力的途径是“连续统一体”。  相似文献   

Dual coding theory and education   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Dual coding theory (DCT) explains human behavior and experience in terms of dynamic associative processes that operate on a rich network of modality-specific verbal and nonverbal (or imagery) representations. We first describe the underlying premises of the theory and then show how the basic DCT mechanisms can be used to model diverse educational phenomena. The research demonstrates that concreteness, imagery, and verbal associative processes play major roles in various educational domains: the representation and comprehension of knowledge, learning and memory of school material, effective instruction, individual differences, achievement motivation and test anxiety, and the learning of motor skills. DCT also has important implications for the science and practice of educational psychology — specifically, for educational research and teacher education. We show not only that DCT provides a unified explanation for diverse topics in education, but also that its mechanistic framework accommodates theories cast in terms of strategies and other high-level psychological processes. Although much additional research needs to be done, the concrete models that DCT offers for the behavior and experience of students, teachers, and educational psychologists further our understanding of educational phenomena and strengthen related pedagogical practices.  相似文献   

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