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新媒体强大的传播力和影响力使得需要对其社会责任进行拷问.本文以上游"重庆"与ZAKER"广州"为研究对象,通过内容分析法和指标评分检视两家地方客户端的媒介社会责任及其差异.二者在信息生产、社会监督、提供娱乐、协调关系四项上得分持平但偏低,对社会责任的履行均存在问题.本文从内容、问责制度和规范三个方面提出应对的建议.  相似文献   

赵凌晖 《现代视听》2012,(10):63-65
近些年,3G、移动互联网和微博客等新媒体传播技术的兴起,为我国新媒体发展注入了新的元素。作为政治民主建设的重要内容,公民社会一直是学者们研究的热点问题。其中大众传媒与公民社会关系也是研究的重要内容之一,新媒体在公民社会构建中发挥了重要作用,本文通过对新媒体与中国公民社会构建研究成果的梳理,以媒介融合为背景,在新媒体与传统媒体比较的基础上,结合哈贝马斯的公民社会理论,对如何认识新媒体在公民社会构建中的独特作用、制约因素以及对策建议进行了再思考。  相似文献   

吴世文 《现代传播》2014,(4):132-136
历史—社会转型期中国爆发的新媒体事件集中体现了当下的社会问题,研究者们使用不同的命名模式和研究框架来探讨之。本研究主张使用"新媒体事件"的理论命名,进而在"新媒体与社会""新媒体与行动者"的宏阔背景中考察中国场域中的新媒体事件,聚焦事件行动者的行为、事件关系、新媒体的角色作用及其与传统媒体的关系、事件的社会影响等议题,开展事件的扩散机制、影响机制与动力学机制研究,并连接起中国社会转型的实践与理论,致力于发展基于中国语境和新媒体特定使用情境的新媒体事件理论。  相似文献   

新媒体问题与管理——2011中国新媒体研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相德宝 《新闻界》2012,(2):41-46
2011新媒体研究主要集中在新媒体引发的社会问题;加强新媒体管理;新媒体与传统媒体变革;新媒体与新闻教育变革和新媒体产业动态研究五大领域.其中,新媒体引发的社会问题研究和加强对新媒体管理研究成为2011新媒体研究的两大突出主题.  相似文献   

新媒体的应用与社会运动机制的关联,是当代传播与社会研究的重要议题。本文尝试以新媒体场域为研究视角,并以近年来全球范围的大规模社会运动为出发点,探究新媒体场域的力量如何影响社会运动的动员结构。本研究讨论社会运动的参与者在新媒体场域的实践逻辑,以此来描绘新媒体与社会运动动员结构如何相互影响,希冀能够藉此解释新媒体时代社会运动的动员结构,并对社会运动动员结构可能出现的转变——如何从集体性行动转向连结性行动,做出理论贡献。  相似文献   

《现实的中介化建构》与《现实的社会建构》两个文本的“差异”与“重复”构成了我们理解数字现实,并且重新评估现象学社会学理论遗产的关键问题。本文将从库尔德利和赫普与伯格和卢克曼两代学者之间的对话出发,首先回到现象学社会学的理论脉络之中,以“知识”这一概念为核心,讨论伯格与卢克曼确立的“知识社会学”的核心命题。其次将生活世界带入数字时代背景,讨论数据如何作为一种知识的社会分配机制从而参与到现实的中介化建构过程中。进而,本文将讨论个体在数字时代的新型能动性。最后,本文还将批判性地检视现象学社会学的当代发展问题。  相似文献   

2010年中国微博客研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对2010年中国微博客研究的总体情况进行了回顾和分析,认为创新、变革与融合是这年中国微博客研究的重要主题。由于微博客是移动互联网时代一种典型的融合性新媒体形态,所以微博客研究成为这年中国新媒体传播研究领域的热点之一,为中国新媒体传播研究及其新媒体理论拓展提供了新的研究空间。  相似文献   

本文以湖南卫视热播的国内首档亲子真人秀节目《爸爸去哪儿》为研究个案,采用内容分析的方法,一方面探讨了国内电视媒介对于父职议题的媒介再现逻辑,即电视娱乐节目如何通过一种"民众化"的媒介再现策略对当下中国的父职问题进行媒介再现与建构;另一方面则将这种父职的媒介再现与当前中国社会的结构转型以及由这种转型所诱发的复杂的中国父职境况进行勾连,进一步批判性地检视了这种父职媒介再现所暗含的深层次结构问题。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]网络社区的出现推动了网络阅读行为的展开,以社会临场理论为基础,研究网络社区用户阅读行为的影响因素并构建概念模型,为进一步促进网络社区阅读环境建设,推动阅读行为的开展,提升阅读效果提供理论借鉴。[方法/过程]应用社会临场理论、满意度理论,通过问卷调研法,在对197名网络社区用户进行调研的基础上,运用结构方程法,通过SPSS 17.0与LSIREL 8.7,就网络社区社会临场感对用户阅读行为发挥作用的机制进行实证研究。[结果/结论]结构方程检验结果显示,网络社区社会临场感对用户阅读行为发挥正向作用,即网络社区用户社会临场感越强,阅读行为发生的可能性越高;用户满意度在社会临场感与用户阅读行为之间发挥了完全的中介效应。  相似文献   

媒体科技的不断发展使我们暴露在新媒体环境中的时间越来越多,而新媒体更是对大学生的生活产生了诸多影响,尤其是当下大家分外关注的社会信任问题。本文在分析当前新媒体环境与社会信任的基础上,结合大学生的实际情况进行论述,大学生目前社会信任危机比较突出的有三个方面:人际信任危机、组织信任危机、知识信任危机。要解决这一问题,还需各方联合针对大学生这一主体进行引导。  相似文献   

Since making its presence felt in September 2011, the Occupy movement has drawn upon aesthetic-affective techniques and cooperative structures developed in socially engaged art practices from the mid-twentieth century onwards—such as Joseph Beuys' notion of “social sculpture”—as resources for producing new social compositions. These practices extend the concept of art into a social plastic form that reshapes and re-forms our subjectivities, the way we communicate, our social structures and by extension, the world we inhabit. At the same time, before the mass evictions of Occupy took place across North America, the movement placed a heavy emphasis on visibility and space. Its short-term strategies and successes were largely owed to the seizing of a particularly opportune moment in a highly visible space that provided a symbolic frame for “Occupy Wall Street as event.” This paper explores the possibility that the eviction of Occupy from its encampments was not the disaster bemoaned by many of its participants—or the failure celebrated by its detractors—but a renewed opportunity for social composition.  相似文献   


Social media is a powerful tool for building an online presence, but it asks a lot. While it affords plentiful opportunities for professional development and networking, building a professional brand in an online space is not without its drawbacks and risks. By working from a set of actionable principles and benchmarks, users can minimize frustrations and setbacks to build a useful professional presence, all while imbuing the web with the tenets of good information stewardship.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):492-516
Studies of online environments estimate that the majority of members in online forums do not contribute to ongoing discussions and only observe or “lurk” (e.g., Nonnecke & Preece, 2000). Despite the prevalence of this form of information acquisition, direct comparisons between the experiences of these “observers” (or “lurkers”) and active participants are lacking. The present research draws on previous research examining perceptual differences between participants and observers as well as social information processing theory (Walther, 1992) and reports on three studies examining such differences in computer-mediated communication (CMC). Study 1 examined the effects in the context of interpersonal interaction in synchronous CMC. Study 2 examined the effects in the context of group interaction in both synchronous and asynchronous CMC. Study 3 replicated and extended the results of the previous studies across two time periods. The overall results (a) support the presence of participant–observer differences in CMC, (b) show that the presence of anticipated future interaction moderates said differences, and (c) provide mixed evidence that participant and observer interpretations of relational messages converge over time.  相似文献   

开放源码软件在科学数字图书馆建设中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从开放源码软件(OSS)“自由地创造、修改、发布和传播软件”的理念和因特网合作开发模式入手,结合UNESCO、OCLC和DLF应用OSS的经验,探讨如何应用OSS建立开放的数字图书馆(DL);从经济性、易用性和可扩展性等方面比较OSS和商业软件;分析DSpace和SPT-CSDL成功应用OSS的经验;归纳OSS评估原则;讨论OSS知识产权和系统维护等问题。  相似文献   

Social robots are communicative partners that need interpersonal communication skills. Vocal fillers have been shown to act as cues during interpersonal communication. The purpose of this experiment was to test people’s perceptions of their social presence with social robots utilizing vocal fillers. Participants reported an increase in their perceptions of social presence during the condition in which the social robot spoke with vocal fillers.  相似文献   

Although there is an increasing amount of research on social support in cyberspace, little is known about how Internet technologies influence social support among people who share offline personal relationships. The current study examined how friends' instant messenger (IM) status might influence individuals' coping and support-seeking, and what mechanisms could account for those effects. Four hundred and ninety-four college students read and responded to a hypothetical scenario in which they logged onto IM after experiencing a stressful situation. Participants perceived higher levels of self-efficacy, greater stress decrease, and greater likelihood of seeking support from a friend when the friend was said to be online than offline. Perceived social presence mediated the influence of a friend's online status on participants' coping and likelihood of seeking support from the friend.  相似文献   

作为社会化搜索理念框架的一个重要组成部分,社会化问答系统(SQA)对Web 2.0用户的信息搜寻与知识获取方式产生了深远影响。在新一代互联网用户生成内容(UGC)环境下,虽然有关信息质量及其评价标准与维度的研究已取得一定程度的进展,但国内目前对SQA系统答案质量要素、SQA信息质量评价指标的研究仍缺乏足够的深度。本文以现有相关研究为基础,在社会化搜索的研究背景下,借助“百度知道”用户对答案质量感知的问卷,综合采用专家访谈、探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析方法,构建了一个基于SQA系统的社会化搜索答案质量评价模型SQA-IQ4Ⅲ,该模型包括内容质量、情境质量、来源质量和情感质量四个维度,共有18项关键性指标要素。研究结论将进一步扩展图书情报学和网络信息资源管理的研究领域,并对SQA用户获取高质量答案以及UGC产品/服务设计产生实际的帮助。图2。表9。参考文献40。  相似文献   

Individuals frequently engage in self-presentation via social media and can subsequently receive various simple communicative cues (paralinguistic digital affordances; PDAs) from which they may determine the success of their self-presentation, including Likes and Upvotes. Previous research has found these communicatively abstract one-click cues are interpreted idiosyncratically when received, but the quantity received matters to users in determining whether a post is “successful.” The present work probes explanatory mechanisms behind the use of PDA responses as a metric of self-presentational success, deriving hypotheses from social comparison theory, social penetration theory, and expectancy violations theory. Results from a survey (N = 255) reveal that social comparison and communicative reciprocity provide explanatory power regarding the threshold of Likes and Reactions to a Facebook post needed to consider a post successful.  相似文献   

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